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Invitation for Employers to hire their new employees through Bright Future Programme

Announced by: Cordaid Afghanistan

Date of Announcement: 25 November 2020
Closing Date: 20 December 2020


Demand Driven Trainings
for the University Graduate Job Seekers

About Bright Future Afghanistan:

A Bright Future of Afghanistan Programme, (funded through Addressing Root Causes Fund-ARC), an
initiative Funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is a five-year economic development and
employment programme dedicated to stimulating entrepreneurship, the creation of new businesses
and the provision of economic opportunity for the Afghan Youth.

From 2017 until 2021, The Bright Future programme will focus on improving local economic prospects
for urban youth in Kabul, by providing them with job readiness and skills training, enabling young
Afghan entrepreneurs to setup and grow their business. In addition, Bright Future Afghanistan strives
to improve Afghanistan’s business development eco-system and strengthen the rule of law.

In Afghanistan, each Bright Future initiative is implemented by a consortium of four Afghan non-profit
organizations: Cordaid, The Bayat Foundation, Crosswise Works, and the Hamida Barmaki
Organization for the Rule of Law.

Bright Future Afghanistan completes its mission via the implementation of five Pathways:

I) Employment
II) Business Incubation (start-up support)
III) Business Acceleration
IV) Strengthening Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
V) Rule of Law.

The consortium partners are responsible for implementing each Pathway.

Call For Applications: Pathway I, Employment:

Bright Future invites the organizations working in Kabul to hire and access skilled, trained and young
university graduates.
Bright Future’s employment services onboards skilled, talented and bright youth having university
educated in various educational backgrounds. Bright Future invests in training of the young jobseekers
to receive their first formal jobs. Organizations working in Kabul that are keen to hire skilled and trained
employees are invited to work with Bright Future.

Bright Future is also mandated to further train and enhance the demanded skills of the jobseekers to
best fit the organizations and the capacities. All such trainings provided by Bright Future for the
employees and the employers (companies interested to hire) are free of costs.

Current Companies Hiring Through Bright Future

Bright Future is open to work with any organization operational in Kabul city. The organizations are
required to have legal status and active business license. Not for profit organizations including
international organizations registered at the Afghan Ministry of Economy are also encouraged to join
Bright Future. Currently, the following organizations are hiring through Bright Future’s pool of talented,
skilled, trained and bright young jobseekers.

- Cordaid Afghanistan
- Ramaki Company
- Dunya International Group & Niloo Company
- Minimum Market
- Hamida Barmaki Organization for Rule of Law (HBORL, Bright Future partner)
- Bayat Foundation and their sister companies including AWCC, ATN, Ariana FM, My Money
Mobile Money, Bayat Clinic
- Tesla Technology Company
- Looker production company
- Omidi-e-Qizil Production Company
- Kabul Win Istanbul
- Kundagal Printing Company
- Crown Plastic Pipes Production Company
- Land Star Company
- Magic Center

The organizations have hired fresh university graduates trained and skilled from Bright Future
programme. Currently, over 200 Bright young men and women are ready to receive their first formal
job contract.

Eligible Companies:

Organizations, private companies, NGOs, INGOs, government entities, banks, GSM companies, health
providers etc. having proper legal status (having active valid business/operations license from the
government of Afghanistan) are considered to be eligible and are warmly invited.
Submission Guideline:

Companies and Organizations that are capable and willing to join the initiative of Bright Future are
invited to reach out to Bright Future department Cordaid Afghanistan office via the below email
address and phone number.

or call 0093799208225

This invitation will close on 20 December 2020

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