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46 XI. — For Sundays throughout the Year. XI. — For Sundays throughout the Year. (Orbis factor) eee f Y-+i-e * (x) x1v-xvi. €. K e- 1é- i-son. 777. Christe ie wot — e, ft e a eer ae e- 1. i-son, #77. Ky-ri- e e- lé- i-son. 77. Ky- & + © Con iy ri-e *e lé- i-son. Another Chant (X ad libitum), p. 85. 2% . -e, T 2 gt =,-*— eS =f Lé-ri- a in excélsis Dé- 0, Et in térra pax ho- see qe mi-ni-bus bénae voluntad- tis. Laud4mus te. Bened{- cimus os ay 7 i Gra-ti-as agi- a STR Ado-rémus te. Glo-ri-ficamus te. te oe ee mus ti-bi propter magnam gld-ri-am ti- am. Démi-ne a — 7 re Dé- us, Rex caeléstis, Dé-us Pater omni-potens. Démi-ne ee Fi +— er t re ee ee, F¢- li unigéni-te, Jé-su Chri-ste, Démi-ne Dé- us, XL. — For Sundays throughout the Year. = me 47 L + S at = os — —t—:. Agnus Dé- i, Fi- li- us Patris. Qui tdllis pecca-ta mtin-di, + = a af a i ma mi-se-ré-re né-bis. Qui tdllis peccd4-ta mun-di, siiscipe de- - Et a8 mS preca-ti-6nem ndéstram, Qui sé-des ad déx-te-ram Patris, ee tat ote a mi-se-ré-re nd-bis, Quéni- am tu sé-lus sanctus, Tu sé-lus a a—a— a — 5 Déminus. Tu sdé-lus Altissimus, Jé-su Christe. Cum Sdn- + oe ae 7 cto Spi-ri-tu in glé-ri-a Dé- i Pa- tris. A-men. : | me 2 Eee . = S Anctus, * San-ctus, Sanctus Déminus Dé- us 2 fa « we oe I fr a Sa-ba-oth. Plé-ni sunt caé-li et tér- ra glo-ri- a - +. —— a ee = tu- a. Hosanna in ex- célsis, Benedictus qui vé-nit : =o =a in né-mine Démi-ni. Hosanna in ex- célsis, 48 KUL. — For feasts of the III class. 1. iE ms fH A 3, = = My ez 7 - gnus Dé-i, *qui tdllis pecca- ta mindi : mi-se- XIV. & & so = ay . ory, a = a z ré-re nobis. Agnus Dé-i, * qui tdél-lis peccd-ta mun- & a — —s =tEy Bey = Ae di: mi-se-ré-re ndbis. Agnus Dé-i, * qui tdllis pec-ca- ta & ec {— a ms 5, mundi: déna ndbis pacem. 4. = {he I 2 : Bey et - te, mis- sa est. Dé-o — gra- ti- as, B SDS ho Enedicamus D6- mino, NEAR peat 2 LRR XII. — For feasts of the Ill class. 1. (Pater cuncta) 4 xi. c. 8. a “Nee fir fee Ai 7 acy T kh Yri-e * e-lé i-son. 27. Christe elé-i- t ae xt, = fs_*t = a —* a son, 777. Ky-ri- e e-lé- i-son. 7. Ky-ri- e “+ f : —* = e-lé- i-son,

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