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Prefix Meaning Examples

a- also an- not, without amoral, asexuality

a- to, towards aside, ashore, ahead, aboard

in the process of, in a a-hunting, aglow

particular state

a- anew

ab- also abs- away, from abnormal

anthrop(o)- Relating to human beings anthropology

agr(o)- Relating to farming agriculture

Anglo- English or British Anglo-Irish relations, anglophile

aer(o)- air aeronautics, aeroplane, aerodynamics

aut(o)- self automate, autonomy, autobiography

ante- before, preceding antecedent, ante-room

anti- also ant- opposing, against, the anti-aircraft, antibiotic


be- all over, all around beset

completely bewitch, bemused

having, covered with bejewelled

affect with (added to nouns) befog

cause to be (added to becalmed


bi- two bilingual, bisexuality, bicycle

bi(o)- life biology, biotechnology

bathy- deep bathysphere

bronch(o)- relating to breathing bronchitis

bibli(o)- relating to books bibliophile, bibliography

com- also co-, col-, con-, with, jointly, completely combat, co-driver, collocate

cardi(o)- heart cardiogram

cent-, centi- hundred, hundredth centenary, centimeter

circum- around circumnavigate, circumference

cry(o)- frost, icy cold cryoelectronics, cryogenics

crypt(o)- hidden cryptogram

chron(o) time chronology, chronometer

contra-, contro- against, opposite contraceptive, controversy

counter- opposition, opposite direction counter-attack, counteract

de- down, away descend, despair

completely denude

removal, reversal de-ice, decamp

dem(o)- people, nation demography, democracy

derm(o)-, derm(a)- skin dermatology, dermatitis

dynam- power, force dynamite, dynamic

dia- also di- through, across diagonal

dis- also di- negation, removal, expulsion, disadvantage, disappear, dislike


eu- good eugenics

eco- living ecotourism, ecosystem

en- also em- put into or on engulf

bring into the condition of enlighten, embitter, enlarge

intensification enrage

ex- also e-, ef- out exit

upward exalt

completely exasperate
previous ex-wife

extra- outside, beyond extraordinary, extra-thin, extra-special

fore- before, in advance foretell, foreseen

forth- going to happen forthcoming

hemi- half hemisphere

hex- six hexagonal

hyper- beyond, more than, more than hypermarket, hyperactive


hypo- under hypodermic, hypothermia

in- also il-, im-, in-, ir- not, without infertile, inappropriate, impossible, irregular,
irrelevant, immoral, illegal.

also il-, im- in, into, towards, inside influence, influx

in- extremely inflammable, invaluable

infra- below infrastructure

inter- between, among interact, interchange

intra- inside, within intramural, intravenous

kilo- thousand kilogram, kilowatt

mal- bad, badly malpractice, malnutrition

maxi- very, large, most maxi-dress

mega- million, very large megaphone, megabyte

meta- beyond, after metaphysics

micro- one millionth, very small microorganism, microgram, microphone

mini- small miniskirt

multi- many multinational, multilingual

mono- one, single monologue, monotony.

mis- wrong, bad miscarriage, misunderstand

mid- in the middle of mid-term, mid-autumn

non- absence, negation non-smoker, non-alcoholic

oct(o)- eight octagon, octopod

ob- also oc-, of-, op- blocking, against, concealing obstruct, offend, oppose

out- surpassing, exceeding outrun, outsell

external, away from outside, outskirts, outdoor

over- excessively, completely overconfident, overburdened, overjoyed,

overdose, overestimate

upper, outer, over, above overcoat, overcast

pent(a)- five pentagon

peri- round, about perimeter

post- after in time or order postmodernism,

pre- before in time, place, order or premature, prelude, precondition


pro- favouring, in support of pro-African, pro-life, pro-choice

acting for proconsul

motion forwards or away propulsion

before in time, place or order prologue

rect- proper, straight rectangular, rectify

re- again repaint, redo

semi- half, partly semicircle, semi-conscious, semi-detached

sub- also suc-, suf-, sug-, at a lower position submarine, subsoil

sup-, sur-, sus-
lower in rank sub-lieutenant

nearly, approximately sub-tropical

super- extremely, more than supersonic, superman

syn- also sym- in union, acting together synchronize, symmetry

tel(e)-, tel(o)- far, over a long distance telecommunications, television, telephone

tri- three triangle, tripod

trans- across, beyond transnational, transatlantic

into a different state translate

ultra- beyond ultraviolet, ultrasonic


un- not unacceptable, unreal, unhappy, unmanned

reversal or cancellation of unplug, unmask

action or state

uni- one, single unisex, uniform, unilateral

ur- first, original urtext

under- beneath, below underarm, undercarriage

lower in rank undersecretary

not enough underdeveloped

Suffixes in English
Noun Suffixes
Suffix Meaning Example
responsibility, ability,
-ability, -ibility sth is possible (adjnoun)
-acy state or quality privacy
-al act or process of (verb noun) refusal, arrival
state or quality of
-ance, -ence maintenance, eminence
(verb noun)
-dom place or state of being freedom, kingdom
trainer, protector,
-er, -or, -eer, -ee one who does the activity, receives the action interviewee, interviewer,
examinee, examiner
Communism, capitalism,
-ism doctrine, belief
Buddism, Marxism.
one who does an activity, a type of work, plays a particular Chemist, novelist, journalist,
-ist musical instrument, supports a particular set of ideas or guitarist, pianist, idealist,
beliefs Marxist
-ity, -ty quality of creativity, formality
-ment condition of argument, agreement
heaviness, sadness,
-ness state of being
happiness, weakness
a situation between people or organization, a skill or ability fellowship, friendship,
to do something well. craftsmanship, musicianship
-let a small kind of a particular thing booklet
-ology the science or study of something Biology, psychology
state of being jealousy, sympathy,
(adj  noun, verb noun) discovery
-sion, -tion state of being concession, transition
childhood, motherhood,
-hood relations (especially among members in families)
brotherhood, neighborhood
Verb Suffixes
-ate become eradicate
lighten, darken, soften,
-en become or make sth become (adj verb)
terrify, purify, simplify,
-ify, -fy give sth a particular state of being
-ize, -ise Become or make sth become Civilize, modernize, legalize
Adjective Suffixes
edible, presentable,
-able, -ible capable of being
forgettable, usable
-al relating to sth Regional, traditional,
-esque reminiscent of picturesque
fanciful, useful, helpful,
-ful notable for (verb adj)
hopeful, forgetful
-ic, -ical pertaining to musical, sympathetic
-ious, -ous characterized by nutritious, nervous
+ relating to a country, its language, or its people
British, childish, boyish,
+ like or typical of
-ish smallish, reddish, sixish,
+ quite or slightly
fortyish, tallish
+ about, approximately
-ive having the nature of creative, cooperative
-less without endless, homeless, harmless
-ous having a particular quality dangerous, envious, spacious
tiresome, awesome,
-some inclined to
dirty, windy, cloudy, rainy,
-y characterized by, having a particular quality
Adverb Suffixes
-er, -r making the comparative form of adverbs later, sooner, bigger
-est, -st making the superlative form of adverbs latest, biggest
-ly in a manner of, happening regularly carefully, daily
-wise In the manner of, with regard to timewise
homeward, backward(s),
-ward(s) in a direction
I. Use the negative prefixes and the adjectives given to complete the sentences
possible - honest - sociable – patient - legal - responsible - pleasant - polite
1. My aunt's children are so __________________.They never say please and thank you.
2. Tim's really__________________. He never tells the truth.
3. I wish I wasn't so __________________, but I really don't like going out or talking to new people.
4. Don't be so __________________. I'll be ready in 5 minutes.
5. Liz can be really __________________sometimes . She seems like upsetting people.
6. This maths problem is __________________. I can't to it.
7. I wouldn't ask Jack to look after my little brother. He's too __________________.
8. In Britain, it's __________________ to drive under the age of 17.
II. Match the words in the B column to the general meaning in A
_____ again or back 5 1) unpopular, unkind, unhappy, unlucky
_____ before 4 2) biweekly, bimonthly, biannual
_____ badly or wrong 10 3) delete, deforestation, decentralize, decongest
_____ Remove or take away 3 4) preview, predict, prehistoric, prefix, preparation
_____ Not (opposite of something) 1 5) reply, repeat, resend, restart, reboot, remember
_____ far 6 6) television, telephone, telescope, telecommunication
_____ twice 2 7) octopus, octave, octogenarian, October
_____ One, whole, same 8 8) uniform, unify,
_____ eight 7 9) subway, submarine, subtract, subdue, subordinates
_____ Under or low 9 10) mistake, misunderstand, misbehave, misread, miscalculate
_____ Many or more than two 11 11) multiple, multiply, multicolored, multilingual
III. Use the bank of prefixes to complete each word. There may be more than one answer for some words.
de- ex- in- non- pro- un-
dis- im- mis- pre- re- uni-

____ honest ____ well ____ behave

____ agree ____ kind ____ trust

____ tidy ____ obey ____ please

___ possible ____ appear ____ connect

____ pair ____ allow ____ friendly

____ wind ____ serve ____ chief

____ duce ____ pert ____ corn

____ hale ____ proper ____ ject

____ certain ____ lead ____ pel

____ fect ____ vise ____ fess

IV. Fill in the sentences with the correct prefix: in, dis, mis, co, re, over, un, ir, by, inter.
1. Clark failed his maths exam after having studying quite hard, so he was really …………… appointed.DIS
2. Peter is the most …………friendly person I’ve ever met.UN
3. I’m afraid we’ve ………………estimated the candidate’s qualities.UNDER
4. Mark speaks British and Spanish fluently; he is ………… lingual since his mother is from London and his father
is from Madrid.BY
5. The research can’t be carried out without everybody’s …………operation.CO
6. Carl is an expert in ……………national law.INTER
7. The athlete was ……………qualified for …………fair play.DIS/UN
8. The inhabitants are …………building the houses knocked down by the typhoon.RE
8. Patrick failed his geography exam in June, so he will …………sit in September.RE
9. The conditions the boss offered me were …………acceptable, that’s why I didn’t ………new my
10. Everybody was wearing …………formal clothes except for Sarah that was wearing an elegant evening
11. Paul is …………confident, which makes him act rather …………responsibly.UN/IR
12. Do you usually have lunch with your …………-workers?CO
13. I explained Tom what was happening, but he definitely ……………understood my point of view.MIS
14. Sam went to bed so late yesterday that he ……………slept and didn’t get to work in time this morning.OVER
15. The two ministers are participating in a …………lateral conference.BI
16. You shouldn’t drink this water unless it’s been ……………infected before.DIS
17. This is the most …………comfortable sofa I’ve ever sit on.UN
18. The village is to celebrate the ………centenary of its foundation.BI
19. I can’t understand Pam’s letter; her handwriting is definitely ……………legible.IL
20. Students prefer …………-educational schools, but the Minister of Education think boys and girls should go to
different schools. CO
21. In the 19th century most people couldn’t read or write; they were ………literate.IL
22. Patrick used to be rather rude and ………polite as a child, but now he’s a kind teenager.IM
23. You can find lots of ………prints in some novels theses days. in
24. Some parts of this region haven’t got many people. They’re ………populated.un
25. I can’t believe what you say. In fact, I think this is the most ………believable story you’ve ever told.UN
26. Sorry, but what you propose is ……… possible.IM
27. My parents were completely ………satisfied with my school results.DIS
28. It can’t cost that much! Haven’t you ………charged me?over
V. From the word at the end of each sentence form a noun (by adding a suffix) that fits suitably in the blank
1. During the war, there was a great ……………………… of sugar, coffee and other goods. (Short).age
2. My uncle’s got a very interesting ……………………. He’s a television announcer. (Occupy).ation
3. I sometimes wonder whether the world would not have been a better place without the ……………… of
television. (invent)ion
4. Elizabeth Taylor won an Oscar for her …………………….. in “Who’s afraid of Virginia Wolf?” (perform)ance
5. He’s so nice. It’s a …………………….. working for him. (please)ant
6. What………………….. do you need to become a doctor? (qualify)ications
7. I don’t know what’s the matter with Tommy lately. His …………………….. seems to be getting worse and
worse. (behave)vior
8. There was a lot of ……………………….. this morning as work began on the new supermarket.(active)ities
9. The sudden ………………………….. of one of the employees confirmed the police’s suspicions that it had
been an inside job.dis (appear)ance
VI. Complete the sentences using a negative form of the word in brackets
1. I'm sorry I __________________her message completely. I simply didn't pay attention
2. We__________________ as soon as we got to the hotel, then we went for a walk un(PACK)ed
3. She was here a minute ago but then she __________________. I don't know where she went . dis(APPEAR)ed
4. We usually have similar opinions but I totally __________________with him on this subject dis(AGREE)
5. My homework was so bad that I had to __________________it re(WRITE)
6. Her alarm clock didn't go off and she __________________ (SLEEP)overslept
7. It's__________________ to bring those things with you on a plane il(LEGAL)
8. She finally managed to __________________the door and we were able to go in un(LOCK)
9. I _________________the movie but everyone else enjoyed it dis(LIKE)
10. I don't think I will pass the exam but I can __________________it in September (TAKE)retake
11. He wrapped my present so well that it took me five minutes to__________________ it un(WRAP)
12. I was so tried that I fell asleep without getting __________________. un(DRESS)
13. My spell checker corrects a mistake whenever I __________________a word mis(SPELL)
14. That bill can't be right. I think he __________________me over(CHARGE)
15. This handwriting is impossible to read. It's __________________ il(LEGIBLE) : k the doc dc
16. I thought it was very__________________ of him to treat her in such a brutal way im(POLITE)
17. He has been __________________for over two years now and there is no sign of him getting any work
18. She can never wait for five minutes. She's so __________________. im(PATIENT)
19. The store closed down but it will __________________next month re(OPEN)
20. You can get a bad stomach from __________________. (EAT).overeating
--------------------THE END---------------------

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