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It's Plane to See

A Dungeon for a Party of 4th-Level Adventurers

It's Plane to See

eep in the wildlands outside of Waterdeep, Gr
along the crested hills that border the dread Spiral Staircases. A high stone spiral staircase used layer
swamps, sits a collapsed tower where a wizard to wrap around the walls of the tower between difficu
once experimented with deep and powerful each floor. Much of the staircase has eroded and De
magicks. Killed by his own creations, the wizard now it leaves chest-high jagged bumps along the squas
has left only a decaying, sideways wreckage of ground, walls, and roof, surrounding adventurers armo
his glory where his secrets lay unprotected in a like the baleen of a great whale.
tome of unimaginable power. Yet no one dares enter, for the Cha
creatures he conjured forth are alien and unknowable to our The b
realm. type o
Terrible Sounds. Each room has an unusual waits
Important Monsters soundscape of bubbling water, churning earth,
erupting flames, or thundering wind, often with no Ro
Basilisk (MM pg. 24) warning or reason behind them, and almost always into a
Cockatrice (MM pg. 42) relating in no way to what transpires in the room. build
Galeb Duhr (MM pg. 139) The feeling of elemental magic permeates. addit
Gargoyle (MM pg. 140) will r
Mephits (MM pgs. 215-217) incur
Revenant (MM pg. 259) armo
Tower Exterior
Party Goals Iglenor's tower is cyllindrical and made of solid grey stone. It
looks practically impenetrable, the product of a paranoid
Obtain the Tome of Planar Conjuration. wizard unafraid of excess or expense. There are no windows,
and despite having collapsed, most of the walls are still intact.
Iglenor's Tower Bits of the stone tower seem to glow with ethereal energy.
Blue, orange, green, and white lights sometimes make the
This dungeon crawl takes place in the ruins of an old wizard's thick stone radiate thickly. There is clearly something still
tower after it was knocked sideways. inside, unable to escape.
There are four main "floors" to the dungeon, each of which The tower has fallen upon the side of a grassy gnoll. It is
is a sideways room in the tower. The players can enter mostly sideways, but the top floors are slanted upwards, and
through the "ground" floor, which is the only one with an thus there will be a slight incline on the inside of the tower as
obvious entrance, moving through the dungeon forward one moves from the ground floor to the penthouse.
rather than upward. The only reliable way inside is through the bottom of the
ground floor, which has crumbled into boulders. One could
easily dig through the rubble and penetrate the tower from
General Dungeon Features below.
The tower has a sixty-foot diameter. It looms above the
party like a hellish maw spewing rock from its gullet.
Each "floor" in Iglenor's Tower shares the following Ground Floor
similar features.
Set Dressing
The ground floor's most notable trait is its utter destruction.
Most of the pillars and supports have crumbled, leaving
enormous ten-foot-tall boulders lying in a heap at the lowest
Slanted Floors. Since the tower was circular, the point of the cyllinder. The tube-like structure of the sideways
curved walls are now the floor upon which tower means gravity clumps them all together, thus blocking
adventurers must walk. The curved ground and the way forward.
uneven stone makes it difficult terrain throughout. Signs. The stone walls, upon which adventurers walk, are
covered with signs detailing rules and regulations for
Iglenor's apprentices, servants, and hired guards. Most of
them are written in draconic and are paranoid, banal, or both
Eternal Glow. From the ceiling of the tower once (such as, "Do Not Read My Books"). There is also one sign
hung beautiful chandeliers that glowed with that reads, "Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, and Despair."
orange, blue, green, and white candles. The Taxidermy. Lining the walls alongside the banal signs are
candles, enchanted with an eternal flame, continue stuffed memorabilia of slain monsters, such as a xorn's
to shine, lighting the way forth to the next room. tentacles, a medusa's head with the eyes plucked, and a
particularly large plaque with seven snake heads together.
These were clearly meant to intimidate visitors.
Fortune Favours the Boulders. After its initial attack, the Blue Partition. The aquarium is the easiest challenge to
Galeb Duhr will use its Animate Boulders ability. The conquer, as it was intended for creatures to open up the hatch L
boulders are not intelligent enough to loop around the tube in the top of the aquarium and hold their breath for five h
and pull off the same move as the Galeb Duhr. minutes. Fortunately, the top of the aquarium is now on the T
It Doesn't Matter What Your Name Is. The Galeb Duhr side, and all the water spills out if it's opened. The water is p
can be communicated with by a character that speaks Terran summoned through magic, and thus replenishes itself, but a p
or by a character under the effects of Tongues or other spells. creature can easily keep their head above water. m
If it doesn't like the party, it will continue its assault. If it likes
the party, it may reveal that it is under direction from a wizard
named Brickshan, and it has guarded this tower for eleven
months, killing looters and others who wish to take the Tome Hooks

of Planar Conjuration for personal gain. Gr

the ot
Experimental Testing Floor soil to
Set Dressing The party can be led to the tower through a variety super
This floor was used to conduct magical experiments upon the of hooks or questlines. Included are some Claus
creatures that Iglenor conjured. Four glass partitions, imbued suggestions. Or
with magic, have somehow remained despite the collapse of this p
the tower. Each of these glass partitions is frosted with one of baked
the following colours: blue, green, orange, and white. armo
Locked Room. It's easy to climb to the next floor, but the find a
doorway is blocked by a four-key lock that reeks of
Lust for Adventure. Legends of the tome have Wh
conjuration magic. The key glows with the signature blue,
spread far and wide, and many adventurers have bluste
green, orange, and white lights of the tower.
tried and failed to obtain it. Few make it past the partit
Mephit Corpses. All around the room, and within the
first room, gibbering only about rock monsters if
they survive at all. These tales spread like wildfire
partitions themselves, are the corpses of mephits, tiny flying through taverns and other local hangouts.
all. Th
goblin-like elementals. They all look like they have been Stren
frozen solid, turned to stone, or simply bludgeoned to a pulp. spend
There are also scorch marks where some of the mephit has m
bodies have burst. The corpses explode if touched; roll 1d6 to to ho
choose what kind of mephit it was. Lust for Knowledge. The Tome of Planar Conjuration throw
Flooded. The "tube" structure of this room means that contains deep mystic secrets that could increase a Un
water has collected in a pool at the bottom, about three feet wizard's power exponentially. A wizard in the partit
deep. There are additional mephit corpses floating in it.
group, a sage or scholar, or a wizard quest-giver shut,
could all have obtained hints of its existence in
Blue Partition. The blue partition is an aquarium, but no their travels.
fish swim within. Miniature castles and marble skulls,
decorations, have fallen against the glass.
Green Partition. The green partition is an terrarium.
Fresh soil spills out of an opening in this partition. Cacti and
other plants that need little water have grown. Lust for Exploration. With most of the world having
Orange Partition. The orange partition resembles an been mapped, the outer planes represent a chance
oven. Beads of magical light dotted around the glass give off to pioneer realms unknown. Talk of rock monsters
an intense heat, and the glass is hot to the touch. and sharp-edged flying elemental goblins reeks of
the elemental planes and provides a rare
White Partition. The white partition is a wind tunnel. A opportunity to learn the secrets of planar travel.
pair of disembodied wings flaps furiously, sending a huge
gust of wind from the top of the wind tunnel to the bottom.
The locked door requires four keys, but each of them are Lust for Revenge. An old mentor or family member
protected by a lock with a timer on it. As expected, one of the of your character used to work in the tower as an
four keys is in each of the four partitions, each corresponding apprentice, a guard, or a servant, and they were
with a colour on the lock. In order to get a key, one must killed when the tower collapsed eleven months
withstand the challenges of the partition for ten minutes ago. Now, after you have gained power and
without a break, at which point the timer will go off and the become an adventurer, it's time to find out why.
key will be released.
Guest Chambers Iglenor's Study Se
his an
Set Dressing Set Dressing maki
The guest chambers of the tower were once quite lavish, Iglenor's study is the penthouse room of the tower, and all of powe
though lacking in privacy. Unfortunately, they are now torn to the features of the dungeon like the elemental soundscape
shreds by various battles. and the eternal multi-coloured glow are accentuated here.
Soft Landing. Sheets, mattresses, and pillowcases lay in a The ground is steep, as this part of the tower is nestled on the
clump in the lowest point of the tube, creating a soft, pillowy side of a hill.
layer that gently catches anything that lands upon it. The A Wizard's Lair. The study is filled with inert magical
beds themselves are bolted to wooden slats on the walls that objects that no longer work, scribbled notes and diagrams of
were once accessible by way of spiral staircase. A few have failed spells, and arcane runes dotting every wall and surface.
collapsed, but most are still bolted sideways. Failed Expeditions. Like the previous floor, this room is
Statues of Adventurers. Caught by the layer of blankets dotted with the statues of dead adventurers, turned to stone.
are the crumbling statues of scared adventurers, either a There are other statues here, too, including terrible
morbid project by Iglenor or a mark of something much more monsters, young dragons, demonic winged creatures, and
terrifying to behold. Among the adventurers one can find carvings of living flames.
knights, scholars, priests, and thieves alike ... as well as a Personal Library. There are 1d4 ancient books lying
large six-legged lizard with piercing stone eyes. scattered about, untouched for a year. Each of these books
Bookshelves. Iglenor was obsessed with books. He has contains at least one random Conjuration spell that can be
tomes of the history of the planes, of ancient forbidden copied down by a wizard.
magicks, and of great heroes who launched expeditions into The Tome of Planar Conjuration. Sitting on a pedestal,
forgotten realms. All of these books are scattered randomly supported and set upright to account for the tilt of the tower,
about this room after being shooken up in the collapse. If you is the Tome of Planar Conjuration, a book whose colour
so choose, 10% of these books contain a random conjuration changes depending on the angle you look at it, incribed with
spell that can be copied into spellbooks. glowing symbols of fire, earth, water, and air.
Stone Mephits. Like in the previous room, there are dead Anti-Magic Field. The entire study is covered in an anti-
mephits everywhere. These ones have been turned to stone. magic field, as per the spell. It is obvious as this is the case, as
They have an armor class of 10 and 5 hit points, and they any caster can feel the magic sucked out of them upon entry.
explode when they are destroyed like the others. They are Only by killing the caster of the spell can it be dispelled. The
also in much greater number than the other room. caster is a revenant.
Strange Noises. In addition to the regular strange noises Revenant. One of Iglenor's apprentices, Brickshan, died
of the tower, one can hear the squawk of chickens and the when the tower collapsed. Fueled by horror and injustice, his
hissing of snakes. soul was returned to his dead body as a revenant, retaining
much of his magical power and living only for a single
Challenge purpose: to stop the Tome of Planar Conjuration from
To get to the next room, the party must wade through the destroying the world, a purpose that keeps him alive even
layer of blankets, pushing past statues of other adventurers under the effects of the anti-magic field he has summoned
who have done the exact same thing. around the tome to keep its powers at bay.
Cockatrices. Underneath the pillows are two cockatrices,
deadly chickens with a bite that turns a man to stone. They Challenge
first try to escape when bothered, squawking and flapping When the party approaches Brickshan, they are accosted by
manically, before turning and ripping at the intruders with two gargoyles, the demonic winged creatures among the rest
their beaks. Underneath the pillows can be found a nest of of the statues. The gargoyles don't make any attempt to
unhatched cockatrice eggs. ambush the party, instead relishing the opportunity to
Basilisk. A basilisk, a six-legged salamander with the torment their helpless prey.
powers of a Medusa, lounges curled up on the underside of Stone Skin. The gargoyles have resistance to non-magical
one of the beds bolted to the walls. It drops down to the damage, making them considerably more deadly while
players when the cockatrices are alerted, landing safely fighting within an anti-magic field. They seem to enjoy in the
behind the party and letting out a hiss as a warning. revenant's torturous and boring existence, making no attempt
Romancing the Stone. The creatures are very deadly, but to hurt or kill him, instead laughing maniacally at his
they can be dealt with by a clever party without risking being misfortune even while fighting different threats entirely.
turned to stone. The cockatrices only have interest in Rock Your World. Since the revenant is the one holding up
protecting their eggs, and will not pursue enemies that leave the anti-magic field, killing him is the best way to overcome
them alone. The basilisk, as well, will only activate its gaze if the effects so the party can fight the gargoyles without one
it feels threatened or if it feels its friends the cockatrices are hand tied behind their back. Brickshan has 12 AC, dressed
in danger. only in his robes, 34 (4d8 + 16) hit points, and his revenant
Dumb as a Rock. The basilisk will use its gaze on itself if traits. He doesn't make use of his attacks or other actions,
it sees its reflection in a mirrored surface. It sees other concentrating wholeheartedly on maintaining his anti-magic
basilisks as rivals (hence the dead, stone basilisk nestled in field indefinitely.
the blankets). It also is not smart enough to communicate
with the party in any language, and thus it will simply monitor
the party's body language for threatening stances or actions.
Brickshan attempts his best to communicate his predicament Time Frequency Monster The h
to the party before they kill him: if the anti-magic field goes 0 Every 10 One mud, smoke, steam, dust, ice, or the h
down, the book will summon more and more elementals until days minutes magma mephit (roll 1d6) To
the world is swarming with water, earth, air, and fire. It may eleme
take one hundred years, but the day will come when 7
Every hour One magmin (20%) cockatrice
(70%), or fire snake (10%)
civilisation falls. If they kill him, they must either destroy the You
book (something he cannot abide, as it contains knowledge 60 Every 1d4 One gargoyle (50%), basilisk (25%), aroun
that will otherwise be lost forever) or find a way to re-cast the days hours or water weird (25%) defen
anti-magic field the next day. After one day, his soul will 5 Every 12 One random air, fire, earth, or water
reform, but if it isn't cast then the whole process will be lost years hours elemental (roll 1d4)
and he will have to destroy the book. 10 At dawn One salamander (40%), xorn (40%),
years each day or galeb duhr (20%) For c
The Tome of Planar Conjuration they f
A misplaced vowel ripped the control of the book away from
100 At dawn
years each Sunday
One dao, djinni, efreeti, or marid

(roll 1d4)
be sp
the wizard Iglenor, and on its own accord it exploded with
elemental magic, bringing down the tower and killing
everyone inside. Its untamed magic leaks from every page, Alternative Pathways
constantly summoning elementals and other dangerous The party may make surprising moves or approach the
effects if left unchecked. Yet within its pages are wondrous dungeon in a unique way. These suggestions may help
secrets that the world would be lesser without. prepare you for otherwise unforeseen circumstances.
Spells The party has a reputation for refusing to
The Tome of Planar Conjuration contains the following solve puzzles.
spells, which can be copied down only by a wizard of Instead of the puzzles, you can line up the party against a
sufficient power to wield them. Spells which are noted to only gauntlet of each of the four elementals.
affect elemental planes can also transport people to any
elemental plane from the material plane, and vice versa. The party burrows through the side of the
Cantrips: create bonfire, produce flame tower rather than go through the rooms.
First Level Spells: fog cloud, ice knife Reward them for their unorthodox solution by sending them
Second Level Spells: dust devil, flaming sphere straight to the room they've burrowed into. They may find it
Third Level Spells: create food and water (water only), sleet to be rather anticlimactic, but that was the choice they made.
storm, tidal wave Keep in mind the anti-magic field protects against magic.
Fourth Level Spells: conjure minor elemental, watery The entire party is spellcasters and cannot
Fifth Level Spells: conjure elemental possibly defeat the gargoyles.
Sixth Level Spells: planar ally (elemental only) Since you know your party ahead of time, it's recommended
Seventh Level Spells: plane shift (elemental planes only) to reduce the difficulty of this fight if you can ahead of time.
Eighth Level Spells: incendiary cloud, tsunami One gargoyle should put up plenty of a challenge. Optionally,
Ninth Level Spells: gate (elemental planes only), storm of you can replace the gargoyles with specters or shadows
vengeance reflavoured as air elementals.
Wild Summons The party runs away from the gargoyles.
The tome summons elementals on its own accord if left Make the gargoyles wait for them in the anti-magic field,
alone, summoning stronger and stronger beings the longer it taunting them. It should be possible to goad the gargoyles
is allowed to wreak havoc. As time passes, it unlocks further into coming out to fight where magic can be used against
and further abilities to summon monsters without losing the them, but it should be very difficult to achieve.
ability to summon weaker monsters as well.
Summons from the Tome Difficulty Adjustments
The lowest recommended level for this adventure is 3rd, and
the lowest recommended party size is 3.
To reduce the difficulty, you can remove the Galeb Duhr's
animate boulders ability, and you can reduce the save DC of
the basilisk and cockatrice's abilities. You can also include a
few scrolls of lesser restoration lying around that Iglenor kept
around to protect himself from his own summons.
It is also highly recommended to use only one gargoyle if
you think your party will have trouble against a purely
physical enemy.

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