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The Role of Gravitational Force as a Driver for

Waterfall Power Plants

Mrs. Heni Puspitasari

Group 6
Ahmad Fadhel Assudays (11210970000061)
Ananda Alip Janwar (11210970000037)
Safana Qurotul Ayuni (11210970000033)
Sheviana Sekar Isweni (11210970000047)
Umar Abdul Alim (11210970000035)

Department of Physics
Faculty of Science and Technology State Islamic University
Jakarta, Indonesia.

This journal discusses hydroelectric power plants implemented in waterfalls to generate
electrical power. However, this hydroelectric power plant is not intended for large electricity
needs, but at least a few light bulbs can be lit as electricity savings. In this case, electricity is
generated using water that falls from a waterfall which will affect the rotation of the turbine,
the faster the turbine rotates, the greater the electrical power generated, which can be used for
future use.

The more energy, the more human progress will be. So that humans must always
make various innovations to get new and renewable energy sources. Gravity is a force that we
feel the most on a daily basis. Thanks to the discovery of gravity, there have been many
innovations created by humans, such as the field of transportation and development. Gravity
can also be used as an energy source, but in its utilization, it must be through an intermediary
medium. Here we will use water as an intermediary medium for energy or also known as
water energy. Our idea is about producing power for domestic usage equipment, and is to
make hydropower plants to produce power with the help of waterfall. The hydraulic energy
produced by the natural waterfall is not yet utilized. By using this hydraulic energy of
waterfall, it is possible to produce power that can meet demands. With this idea we will be
able to produce an amount of units to meet lower level demands.
We used the descriptive analysis technique in this study. Descriptive is a form of
research method that serves to present a complete picture of social settings or for exploration
and clarification, which is formed by describing a phenomenon of events that occur in human
life. We use this method of analysis to convey the results of the research which are realized
not in the form of numbers but in the form of reports and descriptive descriptions.

The principle or working method of what we are researching is to use the falling
water in the waterfall as a source to generate electrical energy. By converting the potential
energy of a waterfall at a certain height into kinetic energy in a turbine which will later run an
electric generator that moves depending on the speed of falling from the waterfall.

As soon as the water flows from the top of the waterfall, it flows downwards due to
the attraction of gravity. This high pressure falls on the blades of the Pelton turbine and thus
produces mechanical motion. The turbine is directly coupled to the two generators on either
side of the prime mover. The mechanical energy of the turbine is then converted into
electrical energy by a generator. The turbine is placed at the bottom of the waterfall to get
maximum mechanical energy. Here we illustrate how it works:

When the waterfall is at its highest altitude or the top, the water will have maximum potential
energy, so its mechanical energy will be equal to its potential energy.

𝐸𝑀 = 𝐸𝑃 = 𝑚𝑔ℎ
where :
𝑚 = water mass
𝑔 = gravitation
ℎ = waterfall height

The mass of water can also be defined as the product of the density of water and its volume.
So the potential energy will be:
𝐸𝑃 = ρ𝑉𝑔ℎ
Power is energy divided by time, so the power for electricity in a waterfall generator is
potential energy divided by the time the waterfall falls.
𝐸𝑃 ρ𝑉𝑔ℎ
𝑃= 𝑡
= 𝑡
The volume for time is the discharge from the waterfall, so the final formula will be

𝑃 = ρ𝑄𝑔ℎ
where :
ρ = density of water = 1000 kg/𝑚
𝑄 = water discharge
𝑔 = gravitation
ℎ = waterfall height

In the following, we conducted two experiments to see if the water level and water discharge
can affect the electrical power generated ?
I. A waterfall as high as 40 m with a discharge of 50 𝑚 /𝑠 is used to make a turbine that
drives an electric generator. The electric power generated by the generator can be
calculated as follows. (g = 10 m/𝑠 )
→ 𝑃 = ρ𝑄𝑔ℎ
3 3 2
= (1.000 kg/𝑚 )(50 𝑚 /𝑠)(10 m/𝑠 )(40 m)
= 20.000.000 W
= 20 MW
II. A waterfall as high as 20 m with a discharge of 30 𝑚 /𝑠 is used to make a turbine that
drives an electric generator. The electric power generated by the generator can be
calculated as follows. (g = 10 m/𝑠 )
→ 𝑃 = ρ𝑄𝑔ℎ
3 3 2
= (1.000 kg/𝑚 )(30 𝑚 /𝑠)(10 m/𝑠 )(20 m)
= 6.000.000 W
= 6 MW
Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that waterfalls can generate electricity
through potential energy and we can calculate the electrical voltage through the calculation of
electrical power. The height of the waterfall and the flow of the waterfall when it is still at its
peak affect the electrical power generated by the generator. The higher the height of a
waterfall, the higher the potential energy and the higher the waterfall discharge, the higher the
kinetic energy of the water when the water hits the turbine. This is because gravity
accelerates the falling water causing the speed of the water to increase and turning the

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