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Ministry of Higher Education

Egyptian Academy for Engineering & Advanced Technology

Affiliated to the Ministry of Military Production

Electrical Engineering Department Course Name: Antennas Engineering

Electrical engineering Course Code: ECO 344
Fall Semester 2019-2020 Exam Period: 120 min
Final-term Exam Total Marks: 40
Instructor Name: Dr: Moataz Elsherbini No. of Pages: 2

Question #1 Mark: 15 ILO’s: a2

An antenna has the following radiation intensity function; U(,Φ)  cosn()cosm(Φ)

WSr-1, the radiation intensity exists only in the regions; 0    /2 and 0  Φ  2.
The main lobe of the pattern should have half-power beam-widths of 10 and 120
in ( plane) and (Φ plane) respectively.
I. Find the directions of maxima and minima [4 marks]
II. Find n and m [4 marks]
III. Determine the exact directivity (in dB) for this antenna [3 marks]
IV. Determine the approximate directivity (in dB) for this antenna [2 marks]
V. State if any of the below field patterns (Fig. 1) would represent the
antenna radiation pattern [2 marks]

Question # 2 Mark: 10 ILO’s: b2

(a) Derive the directivity for 3 elements Binomial Array with spacing λ/2. [5 marks]
(b) Draw the current distribution along a symmetrical dipole made of infinity thin
wire in the following cases: L=λ/50, L=0.5 λ, L= λ, L=1.5 λ, L=2 λ.[5 marks]

Examiner Name Dr: Moataz Elsherbini

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Ministry of Higher Education
Egyptian Academy for Engineering & Advanced Technology
Affiliated to the Ministry of Military Production

Question # 3 Mark: 15 ILO’s: a3

(a) Two circular dish antennas, spaced 1Km, each one has 1 m diameter and
they used to send/receive data between them at frequency of 10GHz. If the
transmitting dish has efficiency of 55%, while the other has 70%, calculate
the power of receiving dish if the power of transmitter is 1W. [5 marks]

(b) Construct an antenna array using 2-isotropic elements to produce the

cardioid radiation pattern shown in figure (2). [5 marks]

Figure (2)

(c) Design an ordinary end-fire uniform array so that its directivity is 20 dB

(above isotropic). The spacing between the elements is λ /4, and its length
is much greater than the spacing (L>>d). Determine: [5 marks]
(i) number of elements
(ii) overall length of the array (in wavelengths)
(iii) approximate half-power beamwidth (in degrees)
(iv) Progressive phase excitation between the elements (in degrees).

Examiner Name Dr: Moataz Elsherbini

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