Abstract - More Practice

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Abstract - More Practice

Let's retry the abstract example in our CreditCard hierarchy. On every transaction, you get reward points &
cashback based on the transaction. In a TravelCreditCard, you get 10 dollars cashback for every 1000
dollars whereas in a RewardsCreditCard you get 100 reward points for every 1000 dollars.

1. Create a class CreditCard, RewardsCreditCard & TravelCreditCard based on the specification given
2. Have a method redeemGifts() in all three Card classes
3. Mark the method as abstract in CreditCard and inturn mark the class abstract as well 
4. As mentioned above implement the logic in the other two classes.

Create an abstract class CreditCard with 3 private attributes

Datatype Attribute
String accountNumber
Double transactionAmount
String holderName

Include the following method in the class CreditCard

Method Name Function
redeemGifts() Abstract method

Create a class TravelCreditCard which extends the class CreditCard and implements the method called


Create a class RewardsCreditCard which extends the class CreditCard and implements the method

called redeemGifts() .

Use Appropriate Getters Setters for the above classes.

Create a driver class named Main which creates an instance of the above-mentioned classes. Cash backs
and reward points must be calculated separately for all the base classes. If Cashbacks and reward points
are not more than 1000, display the account holder name and account number

Input and Output format:

Refer to sample Input and Output for formatting specifications. 

Note: All text in bold corresponds to input and the rest corresponds to output.

Sample Input and Output 1:

Enter the Card Type

1.Travel Credit Card
2.Reward Credit Card
Enter the Holder Name
Enter the Account Number
Enter the tranaction amount
Amount Paid Successfully !!!
Holder Name :Madhu
Account Number :45612FG
Your have won 50.0 dollars cashbacks

Sample Input and Output 2:

Enter the Card Type

1.Travel Credit Card
2.Reward Credit Card
Enter the Holder Name
Enter the Account Number
Enter the tranaction amount
Amount Paid Successfully !!!
Holder Name :Anand
Account Number :23456SDA

Sample Input and Output 3:

Enter the Card Type

1.Travel Credit Card
2.Reward Credit Card
Invalid Card type

Sample Input and Output 4:

Enter the Card Type

1.Travel Credit Card
2.Reward Credit Card
Enter the Holder Name
Enter the Account Number
Enter the tranaction amount
Amount Paid Successfully !!!
Holder Name :Kalai
Account Number :457845DSF
Your have scored 4500.0 reward points

//Credit Card
abstract class CreditCard {
private String accountNumber;
private Double transactionAmount;
private String holderName;

abstract public void redeemGifts();

public void setAccountNumber(String accountNumber) {

public String getAccountNumber()
return this.accountNumber;

public void setHolderName(String holderName)

public String getHolderName()
return this.holderName;

public void setTransactionAmount(Double transactionAmount)

public Double getTransactionAmount()
return this.transactionAmount;
class TravelCreditCard extends CreditCard
public void redeemGifts() {
double n=super.getTransactionAmount()/100;
double n1=(Double)(n*1);
System.out.println("You have won "+String.format("%.1f",n1)+" dollars cashbacks");

class RewardsCreditCard extends CreditCard {
public void redeemGifts() {
double n2=(super.getTransactionAmount())/100;
double n3=(Double)(n2*10);
System.out.println("You have scored "+String.format("%.1f",n3)+" reward points");

class Main {
public staic void main(String[] args) {


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