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2.This is a short letter to let you know that I’m in the hospital, but don’t worry.

just a broken leg. The doctors say that I have to say here for a week. Being in the
hospital is really boring. It’d be great to hear from you with any news in our English
class. I’m worried about the final exam. Can you tell me about the exam and ways to
study it. Please suggest to me some funny thing to read as well.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Hi henry
I'm writing to extend my deepest sympathies to you and your family. I was so very sad to
hear that you are in the hospital. Don't worry too much about the final exam, I can tell you
the information and how to study it.
In two weeks we have the final exam, I think you can take the exam and have plenty of
time to study it. The teacher announced that we would have to test both the Writing and
Reading skills of the English class. You can do grammar exercises in grammar books,
practice writing in English as much as possible. It makes us review our knowledge and
improve our writing skills. We can listen to English on youtube, learn to sing English
songs, read short stories or new newspapers in English to help us improve our listening and
reading skills.
I hope this information will help you. If you need to know anything else, just get in touch
with me as soon as you can.
Best wishes
3. How are you these days? I’ve just come back from a business trip. I heard that you
have changed your job? I know that you find a well-paid job, so what made you
decide to change? Please tell me about your new job. What do you have to do every
day? Are you happy with it? What are your new colleagues like?
I am writing to inform you that I have found a good job that suits me
I am sorry that we are no longer working together. I'm fine, but my new job keeps me
very busy. I was accepted as an official employee of a bank in Ho Chi Minh City. I
hesitated a lot when deciding to leave the company but the new job gives me more
opportunities and above all, my salary is paid more. My new job requires high
responsibility and work pressure. Every day I have to deal with many transactions with
customers, I have to focus on work, not allowing myself to violate even a small mistake.
The colleagues at the wire are really sociable and friendly, they have helped and guided
me a lot. Although the job is stressful, I still feel happy and satisfied with my current job.
I hope see you soon

4. You have received an email from your friend Tom, asking for his book which he
forgot in your house.  Read a part of his email below

“Thank you for taking me to the airport. I landed home safely. I totally enjoyed my
stay with you and your family. When I reached home, I realized that I forgot my book
which is my grandfather’s gift on my 22 birthday. I love this book so much. I left it

under the pillow, so can you find and post it for me? Anyway, Christmas is coming, so
would you please come and celebrate Christmas with me? I really hope you decide to
come. Christmas Eve in my country is such a wonderful night to have a great time
with friends.”

I am very happy to receive your email. It's great to hear you got home safely. I am writing
to inform you that I have found the book you left under your pillow and unfortunately I
cannot come to your country for Christmas.

Don't worry too much about your book, I found it and packed it very carefully. I'm going to
the post office this weekend to deliver the package to you. Sorry Mary, Christmas is
coming and I have a date with my friends to party with them. The rest of the time I want to
focus on studying for the final exam and spend time with my family during Christmas. I
promise I will visit your country someday, we will meet again and you will tell me more
about your country.

Please contact me again when you have received the book. Give my best to everyone in the

Best wishes

5. You have just received a letter from your English friend Linda, asking you about
the festivals in your country. Read a part of Linda’s letter below.
“I’m studying different cultural festivals from different countries in the world for my
presentation next month. Can you tell me the most popular festival in your country?
When does it start and end? Why is it important in your country? And what do
people in your country often do during the festival? If one day I could come and see
the festival in your country, would you join me?”
It’s been so long since I’ve heard from you. I hope you are doing well and I hope all your
family is doing fine. I’m pretty good in spite of working hard. Anyway, the reason I am
writing to tell you about Tet in my country.

It's been too long since I heard from you. I hope you are doing well and I hope all your
family are doing well. I'm pretty good despite working hard. Anyway, the reason I write is
to tell you about Tet in my hometown.

The Lunar New Year in my hometown takes place in 3 days starting from the 1st day of the
first lunar month. However, this is the biggest holiday of the year, so everyone will have 3-
10 days off. Tet is an occasion to everyone get together in warm atmosphere. Before Tet
holiday, everyone prepares many things and decorates their house. Besides, most of the
streets also are decorated beautifully with colorful lights and flowers. During Tet, I spends
more time on visiting my relatives, friends and colleagues. Especially, I give to each other
the best wishes for the new year. Tet is an opportunity for children receive lucky money.
I am really happy to hear that you will come to my country for Tet holiday, I hope to see
you as soon as possible, I will tell you more about the Tet holiday in my hometown.

Best wishes
6. You have just received a letter from your English friend Jenny, asking you the most
effective way to study English well at school. Read a part of Jenny’s email below
“In this semester, I have a lot of subjects, but I don’t know how to study these subjects,
especially English. My teacher says English is very important for our future job, so we
need to learn it. Do you think English is a difficult language to learn? How much time
should I spend to learn English every day? Can you give me some suggestions for
studying this foreign language better? By the way, I know your English is perfect, so
can we speak English on the phone together?”
I am really happy to receive an email from you. I hope you are doing well and I hope all your
family are doing well. I am writing to you to tell you about the effective English learning method that I
have used.
English is the most common language all over the world so it is very important for your future. English
will not be difficult if you find an effective method of learning and make sure you really love it. Every
day you should spend 1-2 hours to study English. For me, I read books in English to improve both my
vocabulary and grammar. Besides, I combine study and entertainment. In my spare time, I often listen to
English songs, watch English movies and try to translate lyrics. Also I join an English club where I can
connect with international friends, and they are the best teachers to teach me about English. I'm sorry
Henry, I'm in my final exam, so I don't have much time to chat in English with you every day. You can
use the methods that I mentioned.
I hope this information is of some help to you. I will call you when the exam is over.
Best wishes

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