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© The Marvelous Quran 2021. This is copyrighted material.

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Salam aalaykom the question is how do we know that God exists or In other words does God exist this is
a very important question and the answer is surprisingly simple and logical and scientific listen now we
are gonna start from the Quran the Quran tells us in no uncertain terms there is only one deity one
creator who created this whole universe Quran is very clear on this But the Quran goes further than this
in Surat Mohammed chapter of Mohammed verse #19 Allahh (SWT) is telling us in the Quran giving us
direct instructions You must know you should you with certainty that there is no deity except Allah In
other words allah is encouraging us in the Quran not to rely only on the Koran otherwise that would be
in logic what's called a circular argument which is the quran proving itself and so no Allahh (SWT) is
telling us you already have enough knowledge you humanity in general you already have enough
knowledge enough methods enough logic to go search for a way to convince yourself and there is a way
that we're going to share with you in Charlotte (ISA) in this segment very simple way Very beautiful way
that every believer should constantly keep in mind should constantly keep ready at his fingertips that
there is one creator to this universe listen the argument is very simple but we're going to introduce two
simple terms so that we can simplify the way we describe this argument let's take a dice a dice a playing
dice that we play with usually it has six faces so for example it has top face number one #2 #3 #4 #5 and
#6 let's say I want to throw this dice and I'm expecting a number four to come up on top we say that
there is one out of six possibilities In other words the probability is one over 6 so the number of
possibilities is 6 the probability is one over 6 very simple concept so we count how many possibilities of
outcomes right and then we say the probability is one out of that many number of possibilities let's say I
have two dice and I want to throw them and I expect 2 and 4 two and four right so the question is how
many possibilities for this couple 2, four what is the probability first we ask what are the possibilities
while the possibilities are there is 6 possibilities for the first one and for every one of those possibilities
there is 6 on the second one In other words 6 * 6 right 36 possibilities 36 combinations so In other
words if i'm looking for 2, four there is one out of 36 right 36 possibilities the probability is one over 36
or right so now let's say I have three dice and I expect 156 right this combination 156 what are the
number of possibilities number of possibilities is 216 two 1 six 216 right and it's very simple to
understand 36 * 6 the probability that I will get one 5 six in this order is one over 216 very simple right
so let's say I have four dice the probability of any single combination right any single combination is one
out of 1200 and 96 BC the probability is getting smaller right so the smaller the proper probability the
less likely this is a coincidence so let's say I have a dice and I rig it in a certain way that I throw it and
every time I throw it I'm more likely to get a four right so it's rigged to give me always four would you
believe that this is chance this is coincidence that every time I throw it i got a four of course you want
and this is only six possibilities In other words when you consistently gap 4 right instead of getting a
random one out of any of the six faces you will understand that this is Rick somebody designed it to be
this way somebody created that dice to give you more frequently the number 4 than any other face
well what if I throw the dice and it always gives me #4 then for sure you say there's no way that this is
Random this is coincidence In other words you are admitting that somebody rigged or designed or
created this dice now let's go back to the dice let's say I have 10 dice and I'm expecting a specific
combination of numbers the probability is one over the number 60 followed by 6 zeros In other words
60,000,000 one out of 60,000,000 only for 10 dice very simple right So what if we have 1000 dice the
number grows so small it's unbelievably unimaginable it is one out of 14 followed by 777 zeros In other
words it's so remotely unlikely that it could not happen unless I designed it that way unless I designed
the dice to be that way all right now let's look at a simple Organism let's say that has 10 Organism a

© The Marvelous Quran 2021. This is copyrighted material. Duplication or copying or sharing without
prior written approval is strictly prohibited.

living Organism that has 10 cells now let's assume that these cells Only have 6 possible ways of being
created six possible ways of functioning right so in for this specific Organism to exist at the probability is
one out of 60,000,000 which is very very remote In other words I can say with confidence that this
Organism was created to function that way by someone is very simple So what about the human being
the human being has approximately 10 trillion 10 trillion this is 12 zeros right 12 zeros 10 + 12 zeros
cells and they function perfectly with every human being who is ever born in general functioning exactly
the same way In other words repeatability In other words this cannot be a coincidence there is no
scientist in the world who does not understand the basic at least the basic concepts of statistics
statistics is what we're talking about probability and possibilities when i did my PhD could not have
graduated unless I understood some statistics in order to prove whatever i did prove during my PhD In
other words no scientist in the world can look at the organization and the order and the beauty and the
magnificence of how all the rules In this world function so beautifully together and say this is all in
coincidence this would be absolute stupidity absolutely laughable position for any scientist to take and
in fact the vast majority are not that stupid the vast majority of scientists of anyone who knows basic
science basic science I'm talking about either social Sciences which is called humanities or material
Sciences repeatable type of experimental Sciences those scientists know for a fact that there is a
creator and that theater must have designed this whole universe in a very consistent very
interconnected very ordered manner for this universe to function the way we all observe this universe
This is a very simple proof you need to keep it in mind to remember it and to share it with people so if
you know someone who may be in doubt that there is a God that there is a creator to this universe
please share this segment and visit us on our channel for a lot of other segments that also share very
simple logical evidences of what God expects us to do thank you and salam aaylaykom!

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