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20211220 – 1226. 第三次段考範圍.

1. The men _________are tall and young. Many young girls are crazy about them.
(A) Jim studies with (B) were invited by Ben
(C) are talking to you (D) that comes from Australia
2. Andy: Is Ken the man _________cell-phone was stolen?
Julie: Yes, and he has reported it to the police.
(A) who (B) that (C) his (D) whose
3. People _________ parties ________ party animals.
(A) who crazy about going to : are (B) are crazy about going : are
(C) that is crazy about going to : is (D) who are crazy about going to : are
4. I am so surprised that my teacher knows my father ____________ in the USA now.
(A) who work (B) , who works (C) that worked (D) , that works
5. The cars ____________ were all sold out last month.
(A) that parked here for a year (B) Simon was interested in them
(C) that made by BMW (D) that were extremely expensive
6. The woman about _________ Mr. Li really cares is looking at the picture on the wall.
(A) who (B) whose (C) whom (D) that
7. Don’t you notice ________ the girl ________ over there is acting a little wired ?
(A) which : with a hat (B) that : who is wearing a hat
(C) why : that wears a hat (D) X : who in a hat
8. Do you know the boy __________________ ?
(A) May married to (B) whose shirt is green
(C) who in a blue sweater (D) whose is named Kevin
9. Which sentence is correct ?
(A) The house in that Mis lives is the oldest.
(B) The place where Robert lives in looks like a wonderland.
(C) The book, which cost me more than 600 dollars, has been a best-seller for months.
(D) Many students who studying here can’t speak Japanese.
10. Which sentence is correct ?
(A) The teacher who you met him is called Allen.
(B) The women who is talking to your parents are my aunts.
(C) I like the babies whose eyes are big and beautiful.
(D) The castle where we visited last year has been destroyed by the tornado.
11. The woman __________ is from Cuba.
(A) wears a red dress (B) to whom Mr. Chen is talking
(C) who Cindy is waving to her (D) with a red dress
12. This the most meaningful experience ____ I have ever had since I was a child.
(A) which (B) who (C) whose (D) that

20211220 – 1226. 第三次段考範圍.

13. The book __________ used paper is an eco-friendly product.

(A) is made of (B) which is made of (C) that made from (D) who made from
14. English, ___________ by many people all over the world, is very useful and important.
(A) that has used (B) that is spoken (C) that used (D) which is spoken
15. The girl ___________ knows a lot about foreign cultures.
(A) who have been to many countries (B) that has traveled around the world
(C) who is come from the USA (D) that like to take a trip
16. The guy with very little hair is the last one _________________.
(A) that I will invite to the party (B) whom I’d like to chat with online
(C) who I can believe in (D) that I will ask him out
17. It is the place ________________.
(A) where no one can find on the map (B) which everyone has dreamed of going there
(C) where most of us has never been to (D) that I have never though of
18. I don’t want to spend too much time on ______________.
(A) the movie I am not interested
(B) anything that has nothing to do with my studies
(C) fixing the house where my dad bought
(D) those who doesn’t know how to respect others
19. The boy______ I seldom talk to wants to make friends with the girl ______likes to chat with me.
(A) who … X (B) X … who (C) whom … X (D) X … whom
20. There are many pretty girls over there. Who is the one___________?
(A) that you have had a date with (B) you like her most
(C) that fall in love with you (D) which goes to school with you every day
21. All the food___________ is for the party tonight.
(A) that on the table (B) that we have just cooked
(C) that brought to school by students this morning (D) which are put in the kitchen
22. It seems that your are interested in astronauts. Do you know ____________ ?
(A) what do they do in space (B) how it is like to live in space
(C) how much is it to travel to space (D) why they tie their sleeping bags to walls
23. John will leave for Japan this summer vacation ______________.
(A) if his university tells him to go or not (B) if his university tells him to go
(C) that his university tells him to go (D) where his university tells him to go
24. Everyone has no idea why ____________ by his secretary in the office.
(A) he was attacked (B) to attack (C) was he attacked (D) attacked
25. I would like to know __________________.
(A) when will he quit the habit (B) who put this hat there
(C) whether do they live here or not (D) why he did leave without telling me

20211220 – 1226. 第三次段考範圍.

26. Peter said ________ he might be able to finish the project in two weeks.
(A) X (B) whether (C) what (D) if
27. The Japanese anime Demon Slayer, ______ begins with a young boy _____ family are killed by
demons, is very popular now.
(A) that; whose (B) which; whose (C) which; his (D) who; whose
28. A: Look at those handsome guys over there. Which one is Jane’s new boyfriend?
B: ______
(A) The one who is holding a puppy in his arms. (B) The one is standing beside the desk.
(C) The one has big eyes. (D) The one is in blue.
29. The movie, Wonder Woman 1984, is so great that I’ve watched it ______.
(A) a dozen of times (B) a dozen time (C) dozens of times (D) dozens of the times
30. ______ Nick’s parents told him was ______ he was so special and beautiful.
(A)What ; X (B)That ; who (C)X ; why (D)What ; that
31. I’m looking for a piece of paper ______ I wrote down the girl’s phone number last night.
(A) which (B) on that (C) that (D) on which
32. Do you know the man who ______ the poor for so many years?
Yes, and I’m always wondering where _______ all of his money.
(A) helped : did he get (B) has helped : he would get
(C) is helping : would he get (D) has helped : he got
33. It’s so stupid ____ you to make friends with the man _______ to everyone.
(A) for : who is in danger (B) of : that is dangerous
(C) for : dangerous (D) of : is dangerous
34. Many teachers are angry ______ the students who _______ on tests several times.
(A) at : has cheated (B) about : cheated (C) with : have cheated (D) of : cheating
35. Linda, _______ a blue dress, _________ by a stranger at the restaurant yesterday.
(A) who wore : was pushed (B) who in : pushed
(C) in : was wearing (D) that wore : was pushed
36. _______ customers’ needs, the salesperson always provides them with ________ samples to try.
(A) To meet : dozens (B) To meet : dozens of (C)Meet : dozen of (D) Meeting : a dozen
37. This is the museum ______ the famous paintings by Picasso ________ last week.
(A) that : have been stolen (B) in which : were stolen
(C) X : stole (D) where : was stolen
38. I would like to know if ___________.
(A) the boy with brown hair would come
(B) the students who study English will like this book
(C) the weather were nice this afternoon
(D) the town in that I was born still exists

20211220 – 1226. 第三次段考範圍.

39. Jack is planning to ask the girl _____ he’s chatted online over the past few weeks.
(A) X (B) who (C) with whom (D) with that
40. Mike : The novel Mrs. Lin shared with us in her class seems ________ interesting.
Peter : Why not ______ to the bookstore and you can buy one for yourself?
(A) that : going (B) to be : going (C) to be : go (D) that : go
41. The only car ______ the Browns are driving ______ them a lot of money.
(A) X : spent (B) which : spent (C) in which : cost (D) that : cost
42. He is the boy _________ in front of the toy store every day.
(A) who I saw standing (B) to whom I saw to stand
(C) what I saw standing (D) that I saw to stand
43. I think the girl _____ you plan to date is smart and cute.
(A) who (B) with whom (C) with that (D) with
44. I think the girl _____ you plan to go on a date is smart and cute.
(A) who (B) with whom (C) with that (D) with
45. ______ the bridge when you come to it. I believe _____ you have done will finally pay off.
(A) Come : that (B) To come : which (C) Come : what (D) To come : that
46. ______ Linda _______ makes us laugh.
(A) That’s : who (B) That’s : X (C) It is : who (D) It’s : X
47. As soon as Mrs. Smith ______ into the classroom, all of the children became quiet.
(A) walk (B) walked (C) would walk (D) was walking
48. ______ the two-story mansion _______ the Coopers lots of money.
(A) It’s : that cost (B)That’s : which cost (C) It is : cost (D) That is : coasted
49. The old man who just pushed the door _____ ______ the girl’s uncle.
(A) openly : is (B) opened : was (C) open : is (D) open : are
50. The furniture ________ made was sold at a very high price.
(A) that (B) they (C) X (D) which
51. ______ an email, you have to set up a free account first before you use the service.
(A) Send (B) Sending (C) To sending (D) To send
52. No one knows if the man who watched us _____ yesterday _______ to the meeting tomorrow.
(A) talked : will go (B) talk : will go (C) talk : goes (D) talking : would go
53. I’m wondering _____ my mom will promise to buy me a computer ____ I do well on all the tests.
(A) whether : whether (B) that : if (C) if : whether (D) whether : if
54. I’m not sure if our new teacher, Mrs. Evil, ________ to Taiwan soon. If she ______ tomorrow, we
have to be well-prepared for everything.
(A) comes : will come (B) will comes : will come
(C) will come : comes (D) comes : comes

20211220 – 1226. 第三次段考範圍.

55. Do you know _________ Peter ___________ Daisy out last night? I thought they didn’t know
each other.
(A) that’s : asked (B) X : who asked (C) it’s : who asked (D) that it’s : asked
56. We were surprised _______ the earthquake _________ last night didn’t cause serious damage
to the city.
(A) at : that happened (B) X : happened
(C) at : happening (D) that : which happened
57. It’s all your fault. If I ________ you, I ___________ buy the book _________ story is about a
family for her.
(A) were : wouldn’t buy : whose (B) were : couldn’t buy : which
(C) would be : wouldn’t buy : that (D) am : don’t buy : whose
58. My big brother is a hypocritic man. He always _________ as if he ________ a big heart and
________ willing to help those in need.
(A) acts : had : was (B) would act : has : is
(C) acted : was having : were (D) acts : had : were
59. Some of the students _________ as if they ________ everything. If they ________ doing so,
they won’t learn anything useful.
(A) talked : would know : keep (B) talk : knew : keep
(C) talked : know : kept (D) talk : knew : kept
60. The weather report says that it will rain tomorrow. If it _________ too heavily tomorrow, we
_________ all of our activities at the zoo.
(A) rains : would cancel (B) rained : would cancel
(C) rains : will cancel (D) rained : canceled
61. The bakery _____ the bank is popular.
(A) besides (B) next (C) between (D) across from
62. A Giant is not an oversized bike ______ for extremely large people, but a bike _______ by
Taiwan’s Giant Manufacturing Company.
(A) which designs : makes (B) that is designed : which is made
(C) is designed : is made (D) which designed : that is made
63. A : John seemed quite angry with Betty this morning. What happened ?
B : Because Betty posted some photos ______ without asking him first. And he thought it was
impolite ______Betty to do so.
(A) which he was in : for (B) he was in : of (C) that he took : for (D) he took in : of
64. The women who _________ next door to Ken are strangers _______ him. They never talk.
(A) lived : for (B) lives : to (C) living : for (D) live : to
65. Jim is making a card _______ to Ann on Christmas Eve.
(A) has been given (B) that gives
(C) which will be given (D) that is going to give


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