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oe om ena ru Yu esa te et chest rig se Anting Liu One decision can change everything about returning home},” she explained, But as. the years went by, she coukdn' shake the feeling that she was more needed in Taiwan, While in university, Liu had traveled to Ghana, Cambodia and other countries to do research. It wasn't until she witnessed poverty in Aftica that she started thinking about the poor at home. In Africa, she became aware that she could never intimately Understand Atrican culture ike the locals did. That led to the realization that their young people would be the ones to revive and build Africa. She was then forced to ask herself what that meant for hor. terested in learning more, cheek out TFI'e website here od And you can listen to Anting aaa Chsinspiring TeD« tlk here: CICELY 1 wasn't unl she witnessed poverty in Africa that she sarted ‘thinking about the poor at home. (p. 36, line 5) ‘KGNIyA)AHty let sentence RARSLANM Tt is. that: SPL ‘gH —IUEGNRAHON TARO «MRR CEA be MHI that RAR + ERE IERE that FNMA « ARANDA. not cui (=H is not until + SL + VE-+ that +82 +V2 .. TES SL... S24 + HIYA ROUT URODSLEA not wotil FERS 24-ZDHRRY: Not until + SU + VI + MiB + $2 + VR» RAD 14H: Not until she witnessed poverty in Aftica did she start thinking about the poor at home In 2013, Liu made her decision. She Quit her job, moved back to Taiwan and became the founder of the nonprofit organization ‘Teach For Taiwan (TFT). TET’s mission is based (on the idea that all chikiren deserve an excellent ‘education even if they don't live in wealthy areas. This is critical in Taiwan because schools in poor areas don't have a lot of resources, and they struggle with more teacher vacancies. TFT strives to fill the gap by recruiting and training graduates from top universities and diverse backgrounds to work in these schools. LLiu's dream of young people rising up to care for the needs of their own community is coming true. TFT has successtully trained more than 200 teachers, impacting over 5,000 students across Taiwan. Additionally, Liu's fame has spread She has given a popular TEDx talk and has written two books about her journey. When asked about the hardest decision she has made, Liu gave a surprising answer. She said that making small decisions in life requires just ‘as much courage as making big ones. And small changes can yield big results. % Usage Tip TET's mission is based on the idea tha all children deserve an excelle ednetion ren ley don't Biv wealthy areas, (p37, fine 4) URE + EFT» AZ SHEN that AN £6) EIEANAR the Fac SURYA» HETGINGe tha F FARA » AGUSTIN RIFLE RERUN» TL on EE URAL that al children deserve an excellent education BRLLOH E44» PRUEAILd the idea Bel) + Wiha hat 20» BH YEHEDS the iden ANTING LU reconsider (¥) [kon sd) 19% T wanted to go for walk this morning, bat Lad reconsider hen i sated ining prominent (aq) (‘pomanont} #0): WINK) Tacke’s favorite pat of visting Los Angeles was sesing ‘where al the prominent movie tars lived intimately (2cv) (tami eae Gary ad worked athe company for many your, so he ‘was intimately fama with thew values. revive (v) [a'var) (eye “The commie hoped 1 revive interest in the downtown arva witha serie Of concerts an festivals. founder (9) (faunde) ae Bill Gates and Paul Alle ae the founders of Microsoft vacanoy (0) ['vekonsi] (k() 2 ‘The mah teaches planning wo retire this spring leaving the schoo! witha yaeaney to fil Impact (v) in’peke) Me ‘The popular steaming service decide to change its privacy policy, mpaeting both users and creators, fame (6) Liem) 2m: 2% te ented musicians want fame an fortune, but Anthony jus loves playing the piano Tenens ‘cum laude (adv) [kuml|Iauda} R25 marginally (adv) [‘mardsonoi] Bu realization (0) {vol zefon) IES: recruit (y) (erkrut) 285120 diverse (ac) [dros] 0 8) TEDx talk (0) [ed chs) TEDS ERnSnnennes dream come true stir fill the gap sania: rise up Ete: THe Key Points Eee US Anting Liwat home’a pathio suecessiabroad/vas conintefshe wasbut felvnoaded mare © to start/whe don'V/home/Liu. moved/wealthy/an organization good education/that ensutesforkids/come ‘rom/backgroundsTeach For Tuiwan, © ‘Talk About It © Would you like to move away from your home? Why or why not? as 1 the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day ~ sometimes casually called Turkey Day. I's traditionally a day when people give thanks for all the blessings they have enjoyed over the past year. The main part of any Thanksgiving celebration is a large meal with family and friends. And more ‘often than not the part of the meal that makes ita Thanksgiving dinner is a turkey. © What are some bless eee Pee Cane Ree Pera Ser ee ee mediately rather than slowly Sr rerne nt aren ey However, he very fst Thankaghing dinner 193621 probably inhi trey tat Sinner, sets rom England ate wih Natve Amarcans who ad Need em oa osu in Noth Ames. The eal probaly incudes wenison, goose and duck. It wasn't until centuries later tha people inreasingly began to eat suey a Tanksghng, Ths na agely ave t convenince — wit uke wa common, an 2 yal ey i age enough o fed & ato people. so, pep inthe neastrn par ot the U.S. Dogan to rave! and took or custons wit them. These included eating turkey curing rarest estas Pp Usage Tip Al that dinner, seers from England ate wih Native North America (p47. lite?) JODIE who RIMEMD HOH MARB SiR Native Americans: HR AMM» BA Tate vita shes rep, MBORAosT Go eranhomONT BLUE we 2H" og, Ame TemzmmNMRN TR te sy furkeys are native to North America, where they are sill seen in the wild, Wild turkeys can fly for short distances at speeds up to 0 kilometers pper hour. They can run up to 32 kilometers per hour when frightened, However, domestic turkeys are heavier and cannot move that quickly. Turkeys are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and meat. In the wild their diet consists of insects, nuts, leaves, fruit and grass. Male turkeys are called toms, and the females are called hens. Only toms make the “gobble” sound associated with the birds. ‘The turkey Industry employs 20,000 to 25,000 people, and it continues to grow. Americans now eat 104 percent more turkey relative to 1970, But not all turkeys get eaten on Thanksgiving There is a tradition that every year on ‘Thanksgiving the National Turkey Federation presents a turkey to the President of the United States. The President traditionally “pardons” the turkey, meaning that it is not killed. Rather, itis ‘sent to an animal park. Hf you'e celebrating Turkey Day this year, don't forget to express your gratitude for everything you enjoy! 2 Usage Tip Tartaye or rire Chey eats plants land meet. [p48 line 7) AO TROND IPR | DAMEN HA EONAR REE SPARE END RGIS ‘7WEtS Turkeys ae omnivores, which means they eat both plants and meat. !4Je Turkeys are omnivores, and tharmeans they eat bor plants and meat.» i458 2200 weet « Herclna Reet + EEN: casually (adv) [Leal] [BIE Aout a company event, you may dress casually i 00 wish, blessing (0) ("blesmn) sens 46 ‘Supportive family and fiends ar a bage Blessing settler (o) (sen) Bie MUSE ‘The setters uted o build houses ad gather food before winter convenience (r){kon'vinjons) 7 (Fi [enjoy the convenience of living elose to a grocery soe, Fomno vor} HECHT ones ad et a wide vavity of foods associate (9) [o's cil 82h Many people assotate this ity witha famous movie that, took place here relative (ad) [sclouy) fle Relative to mist other bir, turkeys are very lrg. gratitude (0) (‘ere tud] Beat ow can shoe my gratitude fr all your help over the yours? eMsenenner venison () (vensoa) ie National Turkey Fed Lfeda‘efon) BL aEw EH fon (9) [nefanall'rk Key Points Ses 0 the holiday Turkey Day/years over the/has becomela key partturkey/calledof Thanksgiving is sometimes © in North AmericaJis a/but raising/large and growing! turkeys live/indusey/in the wikomestic turkeys @ LANGUAGE SIGN &S= LANGUAGE An important way to break down communication barriers 15 iy atin Rapid AGE SIN BY MAE TSE to communicate our ideas to others. We also want to comprehend what others are deaf people, communication presents special challenges. Since most deal people cannot easily use a spoken language, they use a visual form of communication ~ sign language. Contrary to popular belief, sign language is not universal language. Deaf people in different countries “epaak’ different sign languages. American Sign Language (ASL) is the preferred form of sign language among deat people in the U.S. It has a grammar and word order that are vory difforent from Standard English. Some American universities even teach ASL as a foreign language, Other forms of sign language try to represent English more precisely. They use English word order and sign every word in the sentence. ‘One thing these systems have in common is “fingorspelling.” Every letter in English has its own unique sign. > ‘ommunication is part of what makes lus human. We all have a basic need tying to say to us. Most ofthe time, people use. ‘a spoken language to communicate. But for Usage Tip One thing these systems bere in common is fngerspeling.” (p51, lne 28) AMET BUADIET AMY : One thing + IBF Ty + be + SSC Bia 31 One thing ha) theses stems hax in sommon 21» HPo4 ORSSEMETS NN be 9h Tou han «JUDIE SLUNG: D Th Ming you soul do is o> ge ours a cp of ete. @ What = The thing tha fe nseds most now i your suppor. Talk About It {© What ways do you think the Deaf might Feel cutoff from the rest of society? vo. von eat people and hearing people have many ‘strong opinions about sign language. Some contend that deat people should learn to read lips instead of signing. They argue that deal people who only sign are isolated and cut off from the rest of society. Many people isagree, claiming that ASL is simply their natural language. Edueators debate whether ‘American deal people should use ASL or one of the other varieties of signed English. Whether you're deat or hearing, learning ‘sign language can be an enriching experience. It can help you make new friends. If you're hearing, perhaps you'll want to become an Interpreter tor the Deat. You can help them Understand talks or deal with medical or legal situations. Maybe you could become a teacher of the Deaf yourself you ever have a deat child, you will be able to use sign language as ‘tool of communication. Don't worry that sign language Is too hard to learn. It really can be as easy as ABC. 5 BT sues etn ey retool MEET barrier (0) (eerio} pier: rast ‘Byen with language harrier, the children played together and had wondeul ime, visual (ad) (‘7suol) HEH: aN ‘Because Tory isa visual eamer he learns beter when he ean Soe someting Preferred (ad) [pn'frd) Wee» mtr Emails the preferred way of sending messages these days precisely (adv) psi] We» BH ‘Ifyou don’t measure things precisely, you may not set the coect results. contend (v){kon'end] 428 5 at Bol contends tht his shoo eam is the bes, isolated (ac) (ass feud) a: ise ‘When you ae Isolated fiom people, you can feel lonely educator (n) (edso keto] HiPT/PH 5 ‘A good educator knows many diferent ways to ep students learn, interpreter (9) {w'tepats] Liste: shire I you know to Languages, you can work as sn interpreter. Tranche enrich (y) len’) ft contrary to fate cout off Seria Usage Tip Key Points Ts Don't worry that sign language is too hard to earn. (p.52,fine20) is aovdifferent countties/sign language/pcople in! AGNI ie WOM: S 4 BEV + 100 + adjJady. +40 V+ universal andéiierentfrmsiuse © [Boke PR «KARR ACN WEDS + hol +50 + adjvady.+ AN han -FO @ S + AE ff bes + enough to + V + BAI =@) The problem is to hard for ‘me to work out, @ The problem is so ard that cannor work ‘out, The problem isnt easy enough forme to work OM. {or anyoneican be/learing/sign languagedexperenee/an enviching © 04 ‘Soetoro par) sak SIGN LANGUAGE panes 1. Key facts: + By 2050 nearly 2.5 billion people are projected to have some degree of hearing loss and at least 700 ‘will require hearing rehabilitation. + Over | billion young adults are at risk of permanent, avoidable hearing loss due to unsafe listening practices. — World Health Organization II, The Facts About Hearing Loss Re the anil rm ie link below ac choose the correct answers tothe questions 2 lutpev/vewcbcheariag orgfartsabout-bearingloss 1. How many people in the 3. What percentage of the Deaf __S. What can be done to help or United States are affected are bom to hearing parents? teat hearing loss? by hearing loss? A. 60% A Hearing aids A.28 million B.70% B. Cochlear implant B38 million 80% C. Communication therapies €.48 million D.90% D.Allofthe above D. 58 million 2. What is the rato of the 4, How much daily exposure ‘ ee, people over 65 who have toa noisy environment will some degree of hearing loss? ease permanent hearing A. Loutof2 damage? BL outof3 A. 10 minutes ©. Loutof4 B. 15 minates D. 1 outofs 20 minates D.30 minutes TIL Further learning ee 25 ASL Signs You Need to Know | ASL Basics | American Sign Language for Beginners bups:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FewzMadiWg IV. Discussion FrHanKyOu} Read the utile from the link below and discuss the questions witha partner Dea Aarne Tipe hiss ogakeeilvt dearest 1 Do you know anyone who cannot hear? How do you communicate with them? 2. Are you interested in learning sign language? Why or why not? pear NE ata EACH aA a RR aN ony Nabecwahe ae ines aretoue momun| 53 A AAR BEN MO + ON ARRON 7) FH EEE wo Ava URES W106 reed drives most criminals. But their (pier cers anything legally without being noticed by the authorities. The money from their unlawful activities must first be introduced into the legal financial system. Money laundering allows large amounts of llegally made money appear to come from legal businesses. By creating policies and procedures and using technology. governments strive to prevent this crime. They want to make it impossible for w criminals to hide thet il-gotten gains Usage Tip Thy wen to mate impose for rials ide hts itegoten gens. p.2,lne 10) (UME: 8+ make +t al forsh +40 VR: eS HAZ WwINN BR ake RENTON L808 04> KGL impoxsible ZIFF MS FEMERET PRS TROT UROL TR B= MEL S + blue / consider find + it ach + a prynmereata We Money laundering can generally be divided into three stages. First is placement. The dirty money from criminal activities is put into the banking system. The generally large amount of money is usually spread among a large number of personal accounts or placed in shell companies. Layering is the second stage. In order to make the cash flow less detectable, criminals move the money in and out of multiple accounts, This makes tracing the money very confusing. Last comes integration. When the money is transferred back into the financial system, it makes it dificult for authorities to trace Its criminal souree, Talk About It ———— © Wht do you do when you see some 7 suspicious ‘The Money Laundering Control Act in Taiwan is based on the Financial ‘Action Task Force (FATF) 40 Recommendations. Bankers, real estate brokers, lawyers and others who are regulated by the Act need to follow the regulations. Employees in these industries are trained to identity and report suspicious financial activities. What does all this mean for you? When you ‘open a bank account, the bank clerk will ask to see your identification (ID) and record your contact information. They will inquire about the source land purpose of the funds you wish to deposit. If you are connected to high-ranking officials in the government, the staff may question you further. ‘They want to confirm that your intentions are above board. These procedures are designed to prevent money laundering To protect yourself, do not allow others to use your account. Do not be taken in by an advertisement offering an easy way to make ‘money through your bank account. Helping others to launder money, even indirect Money laundering will continue unless we put a stop to it by following procedures set by the Act ‘and related regulations. actime Usage Tip Mody landsing vl esto sales ot pel Rep fi by folaing preondaren sat bythe Act ted relat regulations (p. Blinc 25) ine unless dF» GA excep fi mot Fa SUS area Ca IMS fVeunles +84 Vs Unles +4 VS « V > BORE unless 0, Rie» REF, WARBRARAAT «He Sh unless IVES OR wien before afer, untl al PTS RAMAN, ATTA OER. BE "Ra, CIEAN O8 DIRTY MONEY? Word Bank ‘greed in) (gril) B= one Od wih red the bainessman meted moe snd more money. authority (0) (ont) sh: 877 ‘My problems with my neigh became so bad ‘hat Thad to involve the authorities, inancial (ad) fo'nenfal) 88) His How salary is causing some financial challenges. Procedure (0) {pr‘sidso) fF ese follow the comect procedures fr tsining new workers. regulation (n) [gj'lefon) #2)» ea ‘Our company has many regulations we must follow. suspicious (ad) |so'spfs) Ise yom sce anything that looks suspicious, call he police Identification (0 {a1 denvotrkefoo} s15299) ‘Toopen an acon here, you mut show Ow types of identification intention (0) jiwenfon) 88) 1. My intention iso get a good jo in Tape. Nereaniennerey * money laundering (2) (manijftondosn) ‘shell company (0) [lll kemponil 2” layer () [ieja) Nam ‘cash flow (9) [ke/lfio) 5004 Integration (o) | int grfon) "8&5 broker (n) [rok] #2. ill-gotten gains Fitz above board (sot) mnie bbe taken in by (someot uta stop to Mil: eit Key Points ES legal sources/oF ilegally/large amountvallows/money laundering/appeartormade mon fcome from © and reporviare trained/financial aetivities/in many/ ‘employeesto idemifyfinancil industiesSuspicious © “13 we

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