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anne 7G ze > GMS ARE - AERA LAND EIR MO aE 1. The mechanic will help install our new air-conditioner next Monday, so we just have to make do with the fans. ‘A. otherwise B. furthermore C. similarly D. meanwhile 2. The two sisters are complete ‘and sloppy. A. candidates B. opposites C. spectators D. inspirations j one is neat and tidy while the other is messy 3, Because Susan couldn’t areal diamond from a fake one, she was cheated by the merchant. A. discipline B. disguise C. distinguish D. distribute 4. This movie contains intense violence and strong sexual content; thus, it is not for young children. A. appropriate B. favorable “C, luxurious D. satisfactory Reading Tests for the Intermediate Level BRET aA NARS 5. Ifyou move into a new neighborhood, you had better___ the new life there as soon as possible. A. find fault with B. make fun of C. keep track of D. get accustomed to 6. To ensure everything goes well during this formal ceremony, we need to find a person to be organizing the whole event. A. in case of B. in honor of C. in charge of D. in place of 7, When Jason learned that his applications were all by the different universities, he felt extremely frustrated and upset. A. accepted B. rejected C. processed D. withdrawn 8, Ifyou don’t want to travel around with your luggage, you can ask the front desk to have your luggage delivered to your next A. headquarters B, surroundings C. accommodations D. possessions 9. With the boom in tourism, many ancient carve their names everywhere. A. biographies B. monuments C. privileges D. hardships are being ruined by travelers who 10. If you had listened to your advisor and invested your money wisely, Y™ wouldn’t have gone bankrupt. A. financial B. technical C. medical D. political ‘ERRATA AAO fF 2 panne nas 3410 Kl» LEGER + ERAS 5 (HEH » Bi NIE SIAES + (Questions [FITS] BALA LD ASHP Se People used to think that only women like to chat about how they look or how they think other people view them. However, a recent study by the University of West England has found that __(11) _. In the survey, 80% of men __(12) _ to being unhappy about their physical appearance. The greatest issues facing them were lack of muscles and having “beer bellies.” Also, more than one in three men __(13 even said they would be willing to give up a year of their lives to obtain their ideal ideal worries the researchers because a negative self-perception about one’s body can lead to eating disorders __(15) _ the continuing pursuit of unrealistic beauty expectations. Though it’s important to care about our appearance, we should also learn to accept ourselves for who we are, not what we look like. 11. A. our society does not promote a 14. A. criticism ! | j i | | \ ; | body weight or shape. The growing _(14)__to compare their appearance with this | { j | | 1 | { i | } i | i | i } 1 Reading Tests for the Intermediate Level healthy body image B, tendency B. both men and women go ona diet C. publicity constantly D. exception C. talking about the body is confined to women 15. A. as long as D. men also engage regularly in B, as soon as, “body talk” C. as well as D. as far as 12. A. confessed B. determined C. objected i D. transferred i 5 ] 13. A. question } B. questioned 1 C. to be questioned ! D. were questioned (BELSNEIRMER MABE NETS estions | fa7w Sometimes they look like giant searchlights or come as rolling smoke. At other times, they resemble flickering curtains __(16) _ from the sky. Most often, they are like silk ribbons dancing across the sky. They are the northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis, one of nature’s most stunning marvels. The northern lights appear when charged particles blown from the sun’s atmosphere __(17) _ with the gas particles high above in the earth’s atmosphere. __(18) _ Each display of the northern lights is unique and they _(19) all colors: yellowish green with shades of pink, red, blue or violet. Unfortunately, this phenomenon only occurs near the magnetic pole; thus, the lights are only __(20) _ in places close to the Arctic Circle. Brief as each appearance might be, the light show is truly impressive. 16. A. hang 19. A. get on B. hanging B, carry on C. which hung C. come in D. hanged D. fill in 17. A. collide 20. A. profitable B. collides B, sympathetic C. colliding C. terminal D. collided D. visible 18. A. The result is the dazzling rays that light up the night sky. B. Auroras have also been observed on other planets, such as Mars. C. The word “aurora” comes from. the Roman goddess of the dawn, Aurora. D. Advanced technology plays an important role in northern lights Tesearch. CT ieRakee BOIARE UES Fa + SUB BAAS tip } i | TEA Garden and Souvenir Shop {| 7 9n 1 o It” Workshops | “ can D PS | ‘You | TEA Garden and Souvenir Shop offers you an unforgettable tea experience and high-quality | || tea products. If you want, you can learn to make your own tea. Come and join our “You Can | } Do It” workshops. There’s no need to register in advance! Reservations can be made for | { ‘groups. Those who take part in all of our workshops will get a special gift! | | (eee as aS el | Anyi till The course lasts about 10 minutes. Our tour 1] nytime ti guide will give you a brief overview of tea j, f Teatour | i09 Free | processing, its types and health benefits in j our Tea Display Center. } {i 09:00, 10:00, The course lasts about 40 minutes. This is | } 11:00, 13:00, the most popular course for parents with | | i Tea snacks |’ "| $100 | kids. We have different recipes every month. | | | 14:00, 15:00, You can learn to make tea jelly, tea cookies, | j 16:00, 17:00 tea plums, tea chocolate, tea cakes, etc. i | 1 03:20; 10:20, The course lasts about 50 minutes. You will | | | [rea brewing] 11:20, 13:20, | gj¢q | find out the basics of ea brewing and Tear | | i i , to taste tea like a pro. Choose your favorite | | | [and tasting {14:20 15:20, type of tea and enjoy it! t | 16:20 _ j i] Tea leaf The course lasts about 120 minutes. You will | } | | picking and put on the special outfit and equipment and | making |10:10, 14:10 | $300 | experience tea leaf picking. Then you will | t work with our tea expert to turn these fresh | | G | leaves into dried ones for brewing. | | TEA Garden and Souvenir Shop is open daily, no holiday closures Hours: 08:30 - 18:00 FREE admission Reading Tests for the Intermediate Level — BRANNAN EETS 21. Jenny came here with two friends. After a short guided tour, they had fun collecting tea leaves and processing them. How much did they have to pay altogether for these activities in total? A. $300 B. $450 Cc. $900 D. $1200 | Which of the following statements about the workshops is NOT true? A. The “Tea tour” workshop introduces you to the history and ceremony of tea drinking. B. The “Tea snacks” workshop is highly recommended for families with children. C. You will gain enough knowledge to make a good cup of tea in “Tea brewing and tasting” workshop. D. You can try harvesting tea leaves like tea farmers in “Tea leaf picking and making” workshop. 23, What can you infer from the notice? ‘A, You can win a tea set if you pick the most tea leaves. B, You can get a discount if you attend all the workshops. C. You can buy tea gifts and products from the Souvenir Shop. D. You can sample various types of tea in the Tea Display Center. SS] FRR 2 poms ita (Questions Be A Part of the Change Fit You can make a difference in someone’s life. With your help, we will be one step closer to providing shelter, nutrition, education, and care for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. “No One is Left Behind” Program aims to provide tutoring and organize various learning activities to help children keep up with their schoolwork and enhance their development. In addition to offering safe environments and healthy meals, this program hopes to help children grow well and become confident adults. As a non-profit charitable organization, we depend heavily on individual donations. There are many ways for you to support us from sponsoring a child to | | ve heli We believe education is the key to opportunities and future success; thus, our | | making a one-day salary donation. If you have any questions about donations, l please contact us at 1234-5678. 9 24. What is the main purpose of this campaign? A. To promote education B. To make personal changes C. To appeal for donations D. To introduce a new program | Which of the services is NOT included in No One is Left Behind Program? A. Helping with homework B. Developing interpersonal skills C. Providing adequate food D. Offering a stable learning environment What does this campaign indicate about the organization? A. Itis attempting to make money through the new program. B. It has helped many students get better job opportunities. C. It expects children to stay away from drugs and alcohol. D. It intends to help children from low-income families. Reading Tests for the Intermediate Level —_— BRE IASEA BARE BTS (Questions * If you travel to Italy, you definitely don’t want to miss one of its local delicacies— pizza. But did you know that pizza did not originate in Italy? It was the early Greeks who came up with the idea of using large, round, flat bread as a plate. At that time, it was often covered with simple toppings such as oil, herbs and spices, but not tomatoes because they were not introduced to Greece until the 16th century. Eventually, this flat bread, already called pizza, found its way to Italy around the 18th century. Though not topped with anything, it was cheap, delicious and filling, thus, it became popular among the poor all over Naples. In 1889, when Queen Margherita was inspecting her kingdom, she saw many peasants eagerly eating this simple treat. The curious Queen couldn’t help but order her guards to bring her one. Although it wasn’t common practice for a queen to dine on peasant’s food, Queen Margherita loved the bread so much that she even sent for Chef Rafaelle Esposito to bake for her. To honor the Queen, Chef Rafaelle created a special pizza with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and basil, representing the colors of the Italian flag: red, white and green. This Pizza Margherita soon became a hit with the public. Later, Italian immigrants brought pizza to America with them. After World War II, because the returning soldiers couldn’t forget the tasty pizza they ate in Italy, the craze for pizza spread throughout the world, and the rest is history. 27. Why didn’t the early Greeks use tomatoes as an ingredient in making the flat bread? A. They didn’t think tomatoes went well with bread. B. Pizza was made without toppings then. C. Tomatoes were too expensive for the public. D. There was no such thing in Greece then. 2 e When did pizza become a popular dish all over the world? A. In the 16th century B. Around the 18th century C. In the late 19th century D, After World War II 2 8 . Which of the following is true about pizza? A. Pizza did not appear on the royal table until 1889. B. At first only rich people could afford pizza in Italy. C. Pizza was first brought to America by Italian soldiers. D. Chef Rafuelle created Pizza Margherita to promote pizza, 2] RIE ROOM ly Dez ‘Questions "iy] In 1991, a piece of aluminum was found on Nikumaroro, an uninhabited island of the Republic of Kiribati in the western Pacific Ocean. What's so special about | | finding some meta on a desert island? A detailed report presented by The | International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR) in 2014 confirmed { that the fragment belongs to Amelia Earhart’s lost aircraft, Lockheed Electra. { Ever since Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, mysteriously vanished over | the Pacific Ocean on July 2, 1937 during their attempt to fly around the globe at the | equator, searches for them and the Electra have been continuing on and off for many decades. Yet, nothing conclusive has ever been reached. The most widely-accepted explanation for their disappearance is that the plane crashed somewhere near their destination of Howland Island due to a fuel shortage. However, recent findings suggest otherwise. Since 1988, TIGHAR has sent ten research expeditions to | Nikumaroro and uncovered a number of artifacts. They believe that Earhart and | Noonan might have made a forced landing on the flat coral reef on the northwest | side of Nikumaroro and eventually died there. As the metal has been identified to | have a direct link to Amelia Earhart, further investigation will be launched, hoping | to shed light on the mystery surrounding Earhart’s last, fateful flight. | | £30. What is the best title for this article? A. TIGHAR—Their missions and Discoveries B. Nikumaroro—an Island Full of Mysteries C. New Findings on Amelia Earhart’s Disappearance D. Amelia Farhart’s Achievements and Contributions 31. What is generally believed to have caused the crash of the Lockheed Electra? ‘A. The weather was unstable. B. The plane ran out of gasoline. C. There was an engine malfunction. D. Many planes disappeared there. When was the metal object found on Nikumaroro proved to be crucial evidence regarding Earhart’s disappearance? A. In 1937 B, In 1988 C. In 1991 D. In 2014 32. 8 i i \ i | i i i { | 3 Reading Tests for the Intermediate Level A | ERIE AAS From | [ To _| [ Date | [Apri 13th, 09:45:33 Dear Mr. Chen, My name is Molly Liu, and I’m a math teacher and the section chief of student activities at General Middle School in Singapore. This year, we are arranging a series of talks on career choices at our school. I’m currently organizing this event and I would like to extend an invitation to Promise Bank to be our guest speaker. We are a public school for students in 7th through 10th grades (about 13-16 years old). We have around 1,200 students at the school. As our students at this stage are eager to explore their career options, we are trying to assist them in preparing for their futures and deciding what career paths they want to pursue. We feel your experience in finance could be a great help for students who want to know more about this field. We would be delighted to provide in advance any necessary information regarding the needs of our students, the facilities available in our student center, and the time available for the talk. If you are interested and have time, I would appreciate speaking with you. I would like to call to discuss the matter with you further. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Molly Liu Section Chief of Student Activities at General Middle School Address: 99 Happy Avenue, Singapore, 649951 Cell: 0910-654-321 E-mail: Tea | | | | | | | i From | [alexchen@promisebankorg To Date | [April 14th, 10:12:74 Dear Mrs. Liu, Tam writing this email to express my appreciation for your invitation to this event. I was very humbled and wish to confirm that it would be a great pleasure to take part in the talk. Kindly reach me on my mobile 0939- 123-456 and please share with me the details of the day so that I can make the necessary arrangements. Thank you for making Promise Bank a part of your program. I am looking forward to attending this special occasion. Best Wishes, Alex Chen 33. Why did Mrs. Molly Liu write this email to Mr. Chen? A. Her school is looking for a math teacher. B. Her school is trying to get more student loans. C. She wants to invite Mr. Chen to give a speech. D. She needs Promise Bank to organize an event. 34, How many different grades of students attend General Middle School? A.10 B. 1,200 C. 13-16 D.4 . What can we infer from the two emails? ‘A. Mr, Chen will share his work experience with the students. B. Mr. Chen will help upgrade facilities in General Middle School. C. Mr. Chen will send Mrs. Liu an invitation card to express his gratitude. D. Mr. Chen will meet Mrs. Liu in person to discuss further the details about the 3. a event. Reading Tests forthe Intermediate Level

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