Assignment 3 Deadline: 27 December, 2021

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Assignment 3

Deadline: 27th December, 2021

Chapter 3: Methodology
The methods section describes actions to be taken to investigate a research problem and the
rationale for the application of specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process,
and analyze information applied to understanding the problem, thereby, allowing the reader to
critically evaluate a study’s overall validity and reliability.
Design the interview questions (in case of qualitative research) and /or develop a questionnaire (in
case of quantitative research). Furthermore, the methodology section of a research report answers
two main questions: How was the data collected or generated? And, how was it analyzed? The
writing should be direct and precise. It should cover all the contents of the chapter 6 “Elements of
Research Design” from your book. (please see figure 6.1 for more detail).

Chapter 4: Data Collection and Analysis

This chapter will focus on the deliverable of your research. Conduct the interviews (in case of
qualitative research) and/or float the questionnaires (in case of quantitative research). Once done
with the data collection, analyze your collected data based on the sample report given. The analysis
should be done on the given pattern.

Notes for Students

Note 1:
Your research report has five main sections.
a. Introduction
b. Literature Review
c. Methodology
d. Data Collection and Analysis
e. References (Note: Only APA referencing style is acceptable.)

Note 2:
The research is written in third person, e.g. This research analyzes ........or this study undertakes….
Do not use 1st person and second person (like I have done …., or we have analyzed ….)

Note 3:
 Page Numbers should be Bottom Centered.
 Page numbering in SMALL ROMAN should start from Declaration till the last page before
Chapter 1, i.e. i, ii, iii…….
 No page numbering on Table of content page/s, although the pages are counted.
 From Chapter 1 till Annexure (end of the report) page numbers should be numerical i.e. 1, 2,

Note 4:
Line spacing:
Double-space between all text lines of the manuscript. Double-space after every line in the title,
headings, footnotes, quotations, references, and figure captions. Although you may apply triple- or
quadruple-spacing in special circumstances, such as immediately before and after a displayed
equation, never use single-spacing or one-and-a-half spacing except in tables or figures.

 Top and Bottom Margin must be 1 pt.
 From Left the Margin should be 1.5 pt. for binding and from Right it should be 1 pt.


 Font Style must be “Times New Roman”

 Font should be 12 pt. throughout the research report including title pages and all the headings.


Use these very sparingly, if at all; if a footnote contains more than a few sentences consider either
incorporating it into the body of the text or as an appendix.

The entire text of the footnote must fit on the same page as the reference appears, so adjust the
bottom margin of this page accordingly. All footnotes must be numbered accordingly. Any citations
in a footnote must also be included in the Reference list.

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