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The line chart demonstrates the key reasons people gave for moving to the capital city of a

particular country during 2000 and 2015.

In general, there is a clear upward trend in the graph across the period. Employment, along
with study were the main reasons for relocation by a great degree. Family/friends witnessed
the progressively increase, meanwhile adventure went up at a constant rate without many
fluctuations. → Quite a mechanic overview
In spite of reaching a peak of over 90,000 people, employment dropped to under 90,000 people
at the end of the period. Overall, employment witnessed significant increase, maintaining the
main reason through the period. → Phần mô tả về employment reason khó theo dõi, ko có các
mốc thời gian quan trọng. Meanwhile, study went up a lot between 2000 and 2010, rising from
25,000 to 55,000 people and then even more clearly after that. Study witnessed a shocking
growth before leveling off at approximately 90,000 people and became one of the two key
reasons for relocation, together with employment.
It was different for the other two reasons, which both saw a much lower growth rate compared
to employment and study. Number of ppl relocating for Family/friends doubled from 10,000 to
20,000 people, seeing a gradual increase in overall. Subsequently, adventure increased slightly
and reached a peak of 15,000 people at the end of the period.

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