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Abishek Prasad G.V1,R. Sharmikha Sree2, S.Meera3, R.A.Kalpana4
Student, Computer Science Engineering, Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai, India
Assistant professor, Computer Science Engineering, Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai, India
2020 International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS) | 978-1-7281-1084-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICPECTS49113.2020.9336990


Agriculture is considered to be the backbone of India but it is facing exploitation. India's population depends only on
agriculture. Nowadays the concept of automation goes on developing to a peak. It could play a vital role in the field of
agriculture. To introduce a smart irrigation system using Arduino for water management with the nutrient monitor.
Irrigation is the supply of an appropriate amount of water to the plants at a precise time. The main objective of this
project is to make irrigation activities for the farmers easier and also not wasting a huge amount of water. This
automatic irrigation system based on sensor-based systems has been designed and implemented as one of the most
widely used and advantageous automatic systems. The sensors used are moisture sensors it is used to detect the
moisture level of the soil and the water is pumped to the soil or field automatically. This can also be done manually by
switching ON/OFF in the mobile app. First, the system checks the moisture level, temperature level, and humidity level
and it will check the level for the corresponding crops based upon the level. If the levels are on the moderate state or
with the required level no action takes place. If the levels are below the required amount the system operates and the
motor pumps the water to the soil. Thus, it makes the work easier for farmers, and time consumption is also less. Along
with this irrigation process, the soil's nutrient content is also monitored. If the soil's nutrient content is below the
required amount the app will send a notification to the farmer through the app and the farmer can feed the crops with
essential nutrients. To make the process manually the app connected to the system through WIFI has an ON/OFF
button to operate it. The project is useful for the farmers to make the irrigation process without doing hard work, and
also it is helpful to provide the essential nutrients.

Keywords: IoT (Internet of Things), Bluetooth module, Temperature and Humidity, Nutrient, Moisture

to the soil. This can also be done manually by switching

1. Introduction ON/OFF in the mobile app which is connected to the
Arduino through Bluetooth. The nutrient sensor is attached to
The development of automated technology is made to a peak. it so that the soil’s nutrient level is monitored to know what
Hardware technologies play a vital role in our daily way of nutrient is needed. This project is more helpful in which the
life. It paves a way for automation. One of the important wastage of more water can be avoided and also to know what
hardware devices is Arduino. With the usage of this device, nutrient for the soil is required.
we can make a path for the development of agriculture. Such
that the farmers are facing a huge crisis of water demand
they don’t get proper water from other states for their
irrigation purposes as some region experience a poor rainfall.
To utilize the available rainfall water effectively for
irrigation purposes and an idea for not investing
unnecessarily on the fertilizers. Through this, the farmers
could get benefitted so that our country will not lose any of
the valuable products through farming.

2. Proposed Methodology
To make the available small amount of water utilized in the
best way for irrigation and to detect the nutrient in the
farming land for feeding fertilizers to the land, the following
system is proposed: First, the system checks the moisture
level, temperature level, and humidity level and it will check
the level for the corresponding crops based upon the level. If
the levels are on the moderate state or with the required level Fig. 1: Architecture diagram
no action takes place. If the levels are below the required
amount the system operates and the motor pumps the water 3. Design Modules.

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3.1. Detection of Soil Moisture Content Module: switched on. Water will be pumped to the field until it
reaches the threshold level. This process can be automated or
The moisture sensor FC-28 is placed in the agricultural field it could be a manual process so that the farmer can turn
that the connections are made connected to the Arduino ON/OFF the motor.
board and the sensor starts to detect the moisture level. The
measured levels are compared with the threshold levels that
3.4. Detection of Nutrient Content:
are predefined as per the crops that are cultivated.
The nutrient sensors are placed in the farming lands, and
connections are connected to the board. The nutrients of the
soil, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium are generally termed
as NPK. The values are detected from the soil. It is compared
with the threshold levels and if those levels are lower,
immediately the notifications should be sent to the farmer's
mobile application. On seeing the notification the farmer can
take the action accordingly.

Fig. 2: Moisture Sensor Connection Setup Module

Fig. 3: Moisture content in the soil

3.2. Detection of Humidity and Temperature

Content Module: Fig. 5: Mobile Application for Farmers

The humidity and temperature sensor DHT-11 are placed in 3.5. Threshold levels of soil Moisture, Temperature,
the farming lands then the connections are connected with and Humidity content:
the Arduino board. The sensor starts detecting the
temperature levels so that the levels are compared with The threshold levels of those parameters are already
threshold levels as per the crops in the agricultural field. calculated and it should be compared with the soil’s content
so that the necessary action can be taken. Each crop has some
specific values of Moisture, Temperature, and Humidity

Fig. 6: Threshold levels

Fig.4: DHT Sensor Connection Setup Module
3.3. Pumping of Water Module: 4. Result of Proposed Methodology
After the detection of moisture, the levels of temperature, The proposed methodology gives a solution for how to make
and humidity content of the soil are compared with threshold use of the available water resource wisely this solution is also
levels for the appropriate crops. If the values of the soil are paving a way for the conserving of the water. This will lead
less than the threshold values, then the motor will be to the savage of water for the future purpose and this also
makes the farmers not to invest a large amount of capitation

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for buying fertilizers. There will occur an awareness among
the farmers about when to feed the fertilizers.

5. Future Scope
The future scope of this project is that if any damage
occurred in the water pipe way to the field can be detected
and then if the nutrient levels of the soil are low set drones
should automatically sow the fertilizers to the cultivable
lands and notify the farmer that the job has been done.

6. Conclusion
The proposed system “AUTOMATED IRRIGATION
IN THE SOIL” has been successfully implemented and
testing is done and verified. India is a country where
agriculture and farming are the backbones. Agriculture is
considered to be the chief source for us to get food through
that only we get good vitamins enriched vegetables, pulses,
rice, millets, etc., So it is our responsibility to develop

[1]Anubhav Gulati, Sanjeev Thakur “Smart Irrigation Using
Internet of Things” 2018 8th International Conference on
cloud computing,Data science&Engineering

[2] A. Math, L. Ali and U. Pruthviraj, "Development of

Smart Drip Irrigation System Using IoT," 2018 IEEE
Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and
Robotics (DISCOVER), Mangalore (Mangaluru), India, 2018,
pp. 126-130, doi: 10.1109/DISCOVER.2018.8674080.

[3] K. Pernapati, "IoT Based Low Cost Smart Irrigation

System," 2018 Second International Conference on
Inventive Communication and Computational
Technologies(ICICCT), Coimbatore, 2018, pp. 1312-1315,
doi: 10.1109/ICICCT.2018.8473292.

[4] B. Patil, S. K. Gabhane and S. S. Repal, "Efficient

Automated Irrigation System," 2018 2nd International
Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and
Cloud) (I-SMAC)I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics
and Cloud) (I-SMAC), 2018 2nd International Conference
on, Palladam, India, 2018, pp. 682-687, doi: 10.1109/I

Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on June 04,2021 at 03:29:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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