Haidarrachman Gustavian Rahardjo - Final Exam

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Draw a graph that represent the following conditions as (perhaps weighted or directed)

graphs. Besides a graph, provide the corresponding adjacency matrices.

a) Juan and Radivan are friends. Juan is also friends with Annisa and Rhyo. Radivan, Annisa and
Audrey are all friends of each other.

b) Syafira likes five mostly interesting topics: Movie, Travel, Food, Study, and Games. Some of them
even link to each other.

c) Yogyakarta has 2-lane road from Sleman to Bantul, 2-lane road from Sleman to Magelang, a 3-lane
road from Bantul to Gunung Kidul, a 1-lane road from Bantul to Kota Yogya and another one from
Gunung Kidul to Kota Yogya, and the government will be provide another 4-lane superhighway from
Magelang to Gunung Kidul. (20 points)

2. Decide whether these graphs are planar or bipartite. Give your reasons.





(20 Points)
3. Draw a binary tree that consists of 11 nodes, represented by the letters A through L. And the
following conditions match these criterias:

a) The root of Tree is node A

b) B is a left successor and C is a right successor of the root A.

c) The left subtree of the root A consists of nodes B, D, E, and F , and the right subtree of A consists
of nodes C, G, H , J, K , and L.

d) Nodes A, B, C, and H have two successors,

e) Nodes E and J have only one successor,

f) Nodes D, F, G, L, and K have no successors. (10 Points)

4. Analyze how many 10-letter forms can be modeled from “BASKETBALL" and “SCHOOL” words? (10

5. A woman is going to get married. Her 15 best friends will be chosen as her bridesmaids. But she
can only choose 6 of them, and one of whom must be her maid of honor.

a) The first possible solution, she will select the 6 bridesmaids, and decide one of them to be the
maid of honor. How many choices it will be?

b) The next option, she will first select her maid of honor, then choose 5 other bridemaids. How
many choices it will be? (20 Points)

6. Using binomial theorem, find is the expansion of (2𝑥 − 𝑦) ! (10 Points)

7. Domino’s Pizza provide two styles of pizza crust by the following topping options: double

cheese, sausage, mushrooms, mix vegetables, meat, chicken, smoked beef and pepperoni.

They claimed that their choice of pizza given are over 500 diferent pizzas. Decide whether

it is true or not, and give a brief explanations. (10 Points)


1. A.



A. Planar Because there is no crossing line(straigh)

B. Planar Because the graph crossing line can be rotated

C. Bipartite Because the graph has crossin gline(can be rotated)

D. Bipartite Because the graph has crossin gline(cannot be rotated)

10! 9!
4. BASKETBALL = 2!2!2! − 2!2!2!

SCHOOL = = 360

453600 x 360 = 163



6.(2𝑥 − 𝑦)5

Type equation here.

32x 5 − 80x 4 y + 80x 3 y 2 − 40x 2 y 3 + 10xy 4 − y 5


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