02 Introduction To ICT

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Lesson 02

Introducing ICT and Computer System

Samsul Alam
Sr. Lecturer, DBA, DIU

i Do it!
Review from Previous Lesson

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
3 Today’s Class Agenda

Definition and components of ICT

ICT applications, benefits and drawbacks

i Do it!
Introduction to computer

Computers for individual use

Computers for organization

Computers for society

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
Information and communications technology (ICT) refers to all
the technology used to handle telecommunications,
broadcast media, intelligent building management systems,
audiovisual processing and transmission systems, and
network-based control and monitoring functions. Although
ICT is often considered an extended synonym for

i Do it!
information technology (IT), its scope is more broad.
ICT is an umbrella term that includes any communication
device or application, encompassing: radio, television,
cellular phones, computer and network, hardware and
software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various
services and applications associated with them, such as
videoconferencing and distance learning.
Tools and as well as means used for collection, capture, process,
storage, transmission and dissemination of information.
Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
Components of ICT


i Do it!

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
Applications of ICT

Standard office applications are:

Word processing. e.g., MS word
Spreadsheets. E.g., MS excel

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Database. E.g., MS excess
Presentation. E.g., MS PowerPoint
Desktop publishing. E.g., PageMaker
Graphics software. E.g., Adobe

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
Benefits of ICT
Cost effectiveness
Greater availability
Bridging the cultural gap

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Creation of jobs
Improved Business Management
Reach the Best Customers

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
Drawbacks of ICT
Lack of Security/Privacy
Social media
Cyber bulling

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Reliance on technology

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
The Computer Defined
9  Electronic device that processes data converting
it into information and that is controlled by
programmed instructions
 A tool for accessing information
 A PC is a personal computer – a one person or
single user computer

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 A computer does not think on its own. You have
to tell it what to do
 Modern computers are digital
 Use number or two digits to represent information.
 Older computers were analog
 Use a range of values made data

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
Characteristics of a computer
10 Speed
Data Storage Capacity

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Power of Remembering
No IQ
No Feeling
Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
11 Computers for Individual Use
1. Desktop computer
2. Workstation
3. Notebook or Laptop computer

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4. Tablet computer
5. Handheld computer
6. Smartphone

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
Computers For Individual Use…
Desktop computer
The most common type of computer
Sits on the desk or floor

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Performs a variety of tasks

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
13 Computers For Individual Use…
 Workstation
 Specialized computer that is more powerful than a desktop
 Designed for technical or scientific applications
 Optimized for scientists, engineers, and animators.

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 Connected to a local area network
 Run multi-user operating systems

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
14 Computers For Individual Use…
 Laptop computer
 Small portable computers
 Weighs between 3 and 8 pounds (1.36 kg to 3.63 kg; 1p=.45kg)
 About 8.5 by 11 inches also known as notebook computer

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 Typically as powerful as a desktop
 people frequently set these devices on their lap, they are also
called laptop computer
 Can plugged into docking station
 Monitor, keyboard, mouse and other devices

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
15 Computers For Individual Use…
Tablet computer
Can accept input from
a special pen—called a
stylus or a digital pen—

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that is used to tap or
write directly on the
Run specialized versions
of office products

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
16 Computers For Individual Use…
 Handheld computer
 Very small computers
 Small enough to fit in your hand
 Personal Digital Assistants (PDA)

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 Note taking or contact management
 It is pen-based, using a stylus for handwriting as input and with
small keyboards
 PDA can be connected to larger computers to exchange data
 A typical PDA can function as a cellular phone, fax sender, Web
browser and personal organizer
 May also be referred to as a palmtop, hand-held computer or
pocket computer.
Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
17 Computers For Individual Use…
 Smartphone
 Wireless phone with voice, text and internet capabilities.
 Hybrid of cell phone and PDA
 Web surfing, e-mail access, camera, music player, video calling,

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app store/play store, gps, voice recognition, note taker

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
18 Computers For Organization Use

1. Network server
2. Minicomputer

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3. Mainframe computer
4. Super computer

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
19 Computers For Organizations…
Network servers
 Most organizations’ networks are based on personal
computers. Individual users have their own desktop
computers, which are connected to one or more

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centralized computers, called network servers.
 A network server is usually a powerful personal
computer with special software and equipment that
enable it to function as the primary computer in the

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
20 Computers For Organizations…
 Minicomputer
 Called midrange computers
 Power between mainframe and desktop
 Handle hundreds of users

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 Used in smaller organizations
 Users access through a terminal

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
21 Computers For Organizations…
Mainframe computer
Used in large organizations
Handle the processing

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needs of thousands of
users at any given moment
Users access to mainframe
resources through a
Large, powerful systems

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
22 Computers For Organizations…
The most powerful and largest computers made
Handle large and complex calculations
Process trillions of operations per second

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Found in research organizations
Used for forecasting weather

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
23 Computers For Society
1. Computer at home
2. Computer in education
3. Computer in small business

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4. Computer in industry
5. Computer in government
6. Computer in health care
7. Computer in banking
8. Computer in communication
9. Computer in retail shop
Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
Computers For Society…

Computers at home
 Many homes have multiple computers
 One of these computers has Internet

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 Used in :
Business work done at home

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
Computers For Society…
Computers in education
Computer literacy required at all levels
Education Information Systems
Essential learning equipment

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Computers in small business
Rely on inexpensive computer and
Makes businesses more profitable
Allows owners to manage

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
Computers For Society…
Computers in industry
Computers are used to design products
Assembly lines are automated

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Process control
Computers in government
Necessary to track data for population
Tax calculation and collection
Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
Computers For Society…
27 Computers in health care
Robotic surgical device
Scheduling, billing and recording data
of patients has improved.

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Diagnostic machinery
• Computers in Banking:
Bankers’ Automated Clearing Service (BACS)
Online banking
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
Computers For Society…
Computers in Communication
 Electronic Mail.
 Audio and video conferencing
 News Group and Instant messaging (IM)

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Computers in Retail Shop
 Bar code reader
 Online banking
 Internet shopping

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business

 Peter Norton, M. (2004). Peter Norton's intro to computers 6/E.

McGraw-Hill Education.
 Rahman, M. L., Kaiser, M. S., Rahman, M. A., & Hossain, M. A.
(2017). Computer Fundamentals and ICT (1st ed.). Daffodil
International University Press.
 Different sites found in internet

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

Next Lesson: Lesson 03
on Looking inside the
computer system

 Based on today’s discussion, activity will be assigned to

you. You have to make a solution to the problem.
 At the end there will be a short assessment test based on
Lecture lesson-02

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business

Discussion Questions and Learning Summary!

Samsul Alam, Sr. Lecturer

ICT in Business
The end of Lesson-2


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