Amendments To The Manual of Regulations For Non-Bank Financial Institutions On The Enhancement of Corporate Governance Guidelines For NSSLAs

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APP. S-2


(Appendix to Sec. 134-S and Sec. 135-S)

Category Form No. MOR Ref. Report Title Frequency Submission Deadline Submission Procedure
A-2 Unnumbered 131-S Certification under oath of Upon election as 20th business day after date Electronic/online to
(no prescribed trustees that they have received first-time of election appropriate
form) copies of the general responsibility trustee within department of the SES
and specific duties and an NSSLA
responsibilities of the board of
trustees and of a trustee and that
they fully understand and accept
the same

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

B Unnumbered 131-S Verified statement of After election or 7th business day as changes Electronic/online to
(no prescribed trustee/officer that he/she has all appointment occur or after appropriate
form) the qualifications and none of the and as changes election/appointment department of the SES
disqualifications occur

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Electronic online to
B SES II Form 15 134-S Biographical Data of Trustees/ Upon every 20th business day from date appropriate
(NP08-TB) (As amended by Officers mentioned in Subsection election/ re- of election/re-election of the department of the FSS
Cir. No. 758 dated 132-S with ID picture election or trustees/meeting of the board
05.11.12, M-024 appointment/ of trustees in which the
dated 07.31.08 promotion or if officers are appointed/
and Cir. No. 887 change in name promoted
dated 10.07.15) or residential
address occurs
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
APP. S-19
Documentary Requirements to be Submitted to Bangko Sentral
for the Election/Appointment of Trustees/Officers of NSSLAs1
(Appendix to Sections 134-S and 135-S)

Requiring Bangko Sentral Confirmation2 Not Requiring Bangko Sentral Confirmation

Trustees Chief Executive Officer and Other Officers enumerated in Officers below the rank of Senior Vice President
Sec. 134-S3 requiring a different set of minimum qualifications4

• Letter-request for Bangko Sentral • Letter-request for Bangko Sentral confirmation signed by
confirmation signed by authorized authorized officer with an affirmative statement that the
officer5 with an affirmative statement institution has conducted a fit and proper test on the officer/s
that the institution has conducted fit concerned
and proper test on the trustee/s
concerned • Secretary’s Certificate attesting to the resolution of the board
of trustees approving the appointment

• Secretary’s Certificate attesting to the

resolution of the members or board of
trustees approving the election

• Bio-data with a photograph (2” x 2”) • Bio-data with a photograph (2” x 2”) taken within the last six • Bio-data with a photograph (2” x 2”) taken within the
taken within the last six (6) months (6) months last six (6) months

• Certification under oath of the trustee • Certification under oath of the officer concerned that he/she
concerned that he/she possesses all possesses all the qualifications and none of the
the qualifications and none of the disqualifications to become an officer
disqualifications to become a trustee

• For first-time trustees in a particular • For first-time officers to be subject to Bangko Sentral
NSSLA as defined in Sec. 134-S: confirmation in a particular NSSLA as defined in Sec. 134-S of

To be submitted within twenty (20) business days from date of election/re-election/appointment/promotion to the appropriate department of the FSS
Including those exempted from the required Bangko Sentral confirmation as provided in Section 134-S
E.g., treasurer, heads of internal audit, risk management, and compliance functions, and other officers with rank of Senior Vice President and above
E.g., Security Officer
Authorized signatory is the Chief Executive Officer of the institution, except for appointment of CEO, in which case the authorized signatory shall be the Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee or of the
Board of Trustees, as may be applicable. For those exempted from the required Bangko Sentral confirmation as provided in Sec. 134-S, submit statement that the institution has conducted a fit and proper test on
the trustee/officer concerned.
APP. S-19
Requiring Bangko Sentral Confirmation Not Requiring Bangko Sentral Confirmation

Trustees Chief Executive Officer and Other Officers enumerated in Officers below the rank of Senior Vice President
Sec. 134-S3 requiring a different set of minimum qualifications4

a. Copy of certificate of attendance the MORNBFI:

in Corporate Governance seminar
b. Certification under oath that the
trustee has received copies of the
general responsibility and specific
duties and responsibilities of the
board of trustees and of a trustee
and that he/she fully understands
and accepts the same
c. Duly accomplished and notarized
authorization form for querying
the Bangko Sentral watchlist file a. Duly accomplished and notarized authorization form for
from the trustee concerned querying the Bangko Sentral watchlist file from the officer

• For re-elected trustees, Secretary’s • Brief description of his/ her duties and responsibilities • Brief description of his/her duties and responsibilities
Certificate on the attendance by the
trustee concerned to the board
meetings held for the last twelve (12)
months covering the term of service,
indicating percentage of attendance to
board meetings

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