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Name _________________________________________________ Date ______________________ Period _______

1st Semester Exam Review

(70 multiple choice questions, including political cartoons, charts/graphs, quotes)
Exam Date: ___________________________
Unit 1: Foundations of Government and Citizenship

1. From whom did the U.S. borrow the concept of indirect democracy?
2. Identify concepts borrowed from the Magna Carta.
3. Identify the primary goal of the English Bill of Rights.
4. Identify the beliefs of Montesquieu.
5. Which ideas found in the Declaration of Independence are borrowed from the ideas of Locke?
6. Which aspects of the American political system was borrowed from the ideas of Locke and Rousseau?
7. According to the Declaration of Independence, government has a responsibility to do what?
8. What did the charters of the Virginia Company of London do for colonists?
9. Which document, written by George Mason, states that all Virginians should have certain rights, including freedom
of religion and the press?
10. Who is known for engineering compromises on the most difficult issues facing the delegates at the Constitutional
11. Which document, written by Thomas Jefferson, served as a basis to the First Amendment of the Constitution of
the United States?
12. What served as a model for the division of the United States Federal Government into three separate branches?
13. What characteristics are necessary in a democracy?
14. Define the basic principles important to a democracy.
15. In a democracy, what must the will of the majority not do?
16. Define fundamental worth and dignity of person.
17. Define a unitary system of government.
18. Under which type of government power allows only for limited participation in the political process due to their
unlimited power?
19. List ways to effectively participate in civic life.
20. Describe the characteristics of a good citizen.

Unit 2: The Constitution and Federalism

21. What did the arguments of the Anti-Federalists lead to?

22. What were the Federalist Papers (aka The Federalist)?
23. Describe the beliefs of the Federalists.
24. According to the Preamble, who is the true source of power?
25. What is meant by the general welfare of the citizens as described in the Preamble?
26. In a democracy, limited government means that the source of governmental power lies with whom?
27. What is the main purpose of the system of checks and balances?
28. Provide examples of the checks and balances between the legislative and executive branches.
29. Define separation of powers.
30. Define rule of law.
31. Define consent of the governed.
32. In federalism how is power divided?
33. What do the first three articles of the Constitution explain?
34. Identify each branch of government with the appropriate article of the Constitution.
35. What is the most common form of formal amendment to the Constitution?
36. Why are formal revisions to the Constitution necessary?
37. Identify specific powers (expressed powers) given solely to the national government.
38. Define the Supremacy Clause.
39. What does the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America state?
40. What specific powers are denied to both the national and state governments?
41. Describe the relationship of government as a result of the distribution of power.
42. Why did the framers of the Constitution include the Necessary and Proper Clause?
43. Define implied powers of Congress.
Government / 1st Semester Review / Porter
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Unit 3: Political Process

44. List the major functions of political parties.

45. How have minor parties contributed most to US politics?
46. Which activities are most likely performed by political parties?
47. In Virginia, who determines which method of nomination will be used to select candidates?
48. In Virginia, how may a 17- year old participate in the election process?
49. Describe how high school students under the age of 18 may participate in the political process.
50. How may internet- based communications influence elections?
51. How are polls used during elections?
52. Why will the US Senate not be directly affected by any reapportionment resulting from the census in 2010?
53. Distinguish between gerrymandering, redistricting, and reapportionment.
54. In Virginia, who redraws state and Congressional districts?
55. Identify how the 15th Amendment,19th Amendment, 23rd Amendment, and 26th Amendment extended suffrage.
56. Describe how interest groups influence political activity.
57. How can individuals shape public policy?
58. How can Americans express opinions in order to influence public policy? Describe the activities.
59. What impact does the media have on public policy and public opinion?
60. What are the major differences between traditional liberalism and conservatives in America?
61. Identify factors that may result a conflict in a person’s ideology.

Unit 4: The Legislative Branch

62. What does the Congress consist of?

63. Which officials are responsible for making laws?
64. How are the seats of the House of Representatives distributed among the states?
65. How are the seats of the Senate distributed among the states?

Government / 1st Semester Review / Porter

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