Appendix: Metadiscourse Items Investigated

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Metadiscourse items

These ar e the searc h items use d i n thi s book as potentiall y realizing

metadiscourse functions . I t mus t b e remembered , o f course , tha t al l
items can realize either propositional or metadiscoursal meanings and
that man y ca n expres s eithe r interactiv e o r interpersona l meanings .
Every instance shoul d therefor e b e studied i n it s sentential co-text .

Interactive Metadiscourse
Code Glosses that i s to say
that means
o this means
as a matter of fac t viz
called which means
defined a s
Endophoric Markers
for exampl e
(In) Chapte r X
for instanc e
(In) Part X
I mean
Copyright © 2005. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. All rights reserved.

(In) Sectio n X
(In) th e X chapter
in fac t
(In) the X part
in othe r words
(In) the X section
(In) Thi s chapter
known as
(In) Thi s part
(In) This sectio n
put anothe r way
say Example X
specifically Fig.X
such as Figure X
that is P. X


Hyland, Ken. Metadiscourse : Exploring Interaction in Writing, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2005. ProQuest Ebook
Created from polyu-ebooks on 2021-06-24 06:17:45.

PageX third
Table X thirdly
to begin
X above to start wit h
X befor e
X below
b) label stages
X earlier
all in al l
X later at this poin t
at this stage
by fa r
for th e momen t
(to) cite X in brief
(to) quote X
in conclusio n
[réf. no.]/[naine ]
in shor t
according t o X
in su m
in summar y
on the whol e
Frame Markers
so fa r
a) Sequencing
thus far
(in) chapter X
to conclude
(in) part X
to repeat
(in) sectio n X
to sum up
(in) th e X chapter
to summarize
(in) the X part
(in) th e X section
(in) this chapte r c) announce goals
(in) this part (in) this chapter
(in) this sectio n (in) this part
(in) this sectio n
Copyright © 2005. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. All rights reserved.

first aim
first o f al l desire to
firstly focus
last goal
lastly intend t o
listing (a , b, c, etc.) intention
next objective
numbering (1 , 2, 3, etc. ) purpose
second seek to
secondly want to
subsequently wish to
then would lik e to


Hyland, Ken. Metadiscourse : Exploring Interaction in Writing, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2005. ProQuest Ebook
Created from polyu-ebooks on 2021-06-24 06:17:45.

d) shift topic leads to

back t o likewise
digress moreover
in regard to nevertheless
move on nonetheless
now on the contrar y
resume on the othe r hand
return t o rather
revisit result i n
shift t o similarly
so since
to look more closely so
turn to so as to
well still
with regard t o the resul t is
Transition Markers therefore
accordingly though
additionally thus
again whereas
also while
alternatively yet
and Interactional Metadiscourse
as a consequenc e
as a result Attitude Markers
at the sam e tim e !
because admittedly
besides agree
but agrees
Copyright © 2005. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. All rights reserved.

by contras t
by th e sam e token amazed
consequently amazing
conversely amazingly
equally appropriate
even thoug h appropriately
further astonished
furthermore astonishing
hence astonishingly
however correctly
in additio n curious
in contras t curiously
in the sam e way desirable


Hyland, Ken. Metadiscourse : Exploring Interaction in Writing, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2005. ProQuest Ebook
Created from polyu-ebooks on 2021-06-24 06:17:45.

desirably unexpectedly
disappointed unfortunate
disappointing unfortunately
disappointingly unusual
disagree unusually
disagreed usual
dramatic Boosters
dramatically actually
essential always
essentially believe
even x believed
expected believes
expectedly beyond doub t
fortunate certain
fortunately certainly
hopeful clear
hopefully clearly
important conclusively
importantly decidedly
inappropriate definite
inappropriately definitely
interesting demonstrate
interestingly demonstrated
prefer demonstrates
preferable doubtless
preferably establish
preferred established
remarkable evident
remarkably evidently
Copyright © 2005. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. All rights reserved.

shocked find
shocking finds
shockingly found
striking in fac t
strikingly incontestable
surprised incontestably
surprising incontrovertible
surprisingly incontrovertibly
unbelievable indeed
unbelievably indisputable
understandable indisputably
understandably know
unexpected known


Hyland, Ken. Metadiscourse : Exploring Interaction in Writing, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2005. ProQuest Ebook
Created from polyu-ebooks on 2021-06-24 06:17:45.

must (possibility) Engagement Markers

never (
no doub t ?
obvious (the) reader's
obviously add
of cours e allow
prove analyse
proved apply
proves arrange
realize assess
realized assume
realizes by the way
really calculate
show choose
showed classify
shown compare
shows connect
sure consider
surely consult
think contrast
thinks define
thought demonstrate
truly determine
true do not
undeniable develop
undeniably employ
undisputedly ensure
undoubtedly estimate
without doub t evaluate
Copyright © 2005. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. All rights reserved.

Self Mention go
I have t o
we imagine
me incidentally
my increase
our input
mine insert
us integrate
the autho r key
the author' s let x = y
the write r let us
the writer' s let's


Hyland, Ken. Metadiscourse : Exploring Interaction in Writing, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2005. ProQuest Ebook
Created from polyu-ebooks on 2021-06-24 06:17:45.

look at apparent
mark apparently
measure appear
mount appeared
must appears
need t o approximately
note argue
notice argued
observe argues
one's around
order assume
ought assumed
our (inclusive) broadly
pay certain amoun t
picture certain exten t
prepare certain leve l
recall claim
recover claimed
refer claims
regard could
remember couldn't
remove doubt
review doubtful
see essentially
select estimate
set estimated
should fairly
show feel
suppose feels
state felt
take ( a look/as example ) frequently
Copyright © 2005. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. All rights reserved.

think about from m y perspectiv e

think of from ou r perspectiv e
turn from this perspective
us (inclusive) generally
use guess
we (inclusive) indicate
you indicated
your indicates
in genera l
Hedges in most cases
about in most instances
almost in my opinon


Hyland, Ken. Metadiscourse : Exploring Interaction in Writing, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2005. ProQuest Ebook
Created from polyu-ebooks on 2021-06-24 06:17:45.

in my view relatively
in this view roughly
in ou r opinion seems
in our view should
largely sometimes
likely somewhat
mainly suggest
may suggested
maybe suggests
might suppose
mostly supposed
often supposes
on the whol e suspect
ought suspects
perhaps tend t o
plausible tended to
plausibly tends to
possible to my knowledge
possibly typical
postulate typically
postulated uncertain
postulates uncertainly
presumable unclear
presumably unclearly
probable unlikely
probably usually
quite would
rather x wouldn't
Copyright © 2005. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. All rights reserved.


Hyland, Ken. Metadiscourse : Exploring Interaction in Writing, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2005. ProQuest Ebook
Created from polyu-ebooks on 2021-06-24 06:17:45.

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