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21/12/2021 Astronumerology and Relationships - Astronumerology Wisdom

Astronumerology Wisdom

Analyzing Relationship
Compatibility with Synastry
and Composite Charts

"Once the realization is accepted that even between the

closest human beings infinite distances continue, a
wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in
loving the distance between them which makes it possible
for each to see the other whole against the sky."  

​- Rainer Maria Rilke

"However good or bad you feel about your relationship,

the person you are with at this moment is the "right"
person, because he or she is the mirror of who you are
inside. When you struggle with your partner, you are
struggling with yourself. Every fault you see in them
touches a denied weakness in yourself." 

- Deepak Chopra 

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, 1/38
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people will forget what

A s t r oyou
n u m e did,
r o l o g ybut
W i s dpeople
om will never
forget how you made them feel." 

- Maya Angelou

"A soulmate is an ongoing connection with another

individual that the soul picks up again in various times
and places over lifetimes. We are attracted to
another person at a soul level not because that person is
our unique complement, but because by being with that
individual, we are somehow provided with an impetus to
become whole ourselves."

-Edgar Cayce

      To gain clarity around relationships, I assess compatibility by analyzing synastry and composite charts. A
synastry chart is made by overlapping one person's natal chart over the other person's natal chart. In
this manner, person A's planets will be in different astrological houses in person B's chart and person B's
planets will be in different astrological houses in person A's chart. The synastry shows how one person
impacts the different areas of life in the other person (represented by  the 12 houses). It also shows how one
person views the other and why certain behaviours and topics of discussion keep reoccurring in the
relationship. A composite chart is made by calculating the midpoints between all the planets and
house cusps in both people's natal charts. A composite is a chart of the relationship itself and contains
entirely new energies than either natal chart on its own.

      The most dominant themes in a relationship occur when the aspect occurs both ways in synastry
and again in the composite chart. For example, if in synastry your Mercury opposes your partner's
Neptune and their Neptune squares your Mercury and in addition the composite chart shows Mercury in
sextile to Neptune you can be 100% confident the combined energies of Neptune in aspect to Mercury will
dominate your relationship. In this Mercury-Neptune example, since out of 3 aspects, 2/3 are challenging
(square, opposition) and only 1/3 is harmonious (sextile), you can be reasonably confident that the negative
manifestations of these two planets will be more prominent in the relationship than the positive

       Note that the general rule in synastry when comparing an aspect between a personal planet (Sun, Moon,
Mercury, Venus and Mars) in one person's chart to an outer planet (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and
Pluto) in the other person's chart is that the outer planet person will have more control and will not be as
intensely impacted by the aspect as the personal planet person will be. This also holds true to a lesser degree
when the same connection also appears in the composite chart. For example, if person A's Venus opposes
person B's Neptune, under the appropriate transit, person A will find they have been more disappointed and
disillusioned with person B because they put them on a pedestal that they did not belong on. Further, if
Venus is in square or opposition in their composite chart, it is still person A who is more adversely 2/38
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impacted. This is not to say that person B will not be adversely impacted, they most likely will, but to a lesser
extent than person A.
Astronumerology Wisdom

        If on the other hand, person A's Venus opposes person B's Neptune and person B's Venus squares
person A's Neptune, both of these people under appropriate transits will be equally adversely impacted.
They both probably had idealistic and unrealistic expectations of the other, made inappropriate
justifications for the other person's flaws, and saw each other through rose coloured glasses.

        Sometimes people will look at synastry and composite charts and draw conclusions that are not
accurate, because they are looking for factors that confirm their beliefs about that relationship and they
don't adequately consider the problematic factors. For example, if you find a new love interest that you feel
chemistry with, there may be a tendency to look for aspects that suggest he or she shares that chemistry.
Even if these aren't readily available, you may widen the orbs to get more of the desired aspects in, for
example venus conjunct moon, nodes conjunct the angles, or sun conjunct descendant, even though aspects
lose power in proportion to their increasing  orb.

      Progressed charts work well in timing the meeting of an important person in your life. There has been
research done to show that when romances start, there is often an aspect of one person's natal sun or venus
in relation to the other person's secondary progressed sun or venus, or progressed venus or sun to the other
person's progressed venus or sun. The trine, conjunction and opposition have come up significantly more
than can be expected by chance. The orbs are usually kept to about 2 degrees. This aspect doesn't tell you
how long the relationship will last,  just that it produces a significant attraction from at least one person but
often both, provided the couple is equally matched.

       The more challenging aspects, for example mars oppose or square pluto, mercury square mercury, or
moon/ venus in hard aspect to saturn,  may be ignored or not even noticed at all because you don't want to
see them. By doing this, you can inadvertently build an unrealistic story in your mind of who this person is,
how you should feel about them, how they should feel about you,  and how your relationship will turn out,
while not paying enough attention to the natural development in real time. It is always best to let
the relationship flow without projecting expectations that it evolve in a certain way so that you are not
disappointed if reality does not live up to your expectations. The same aspect can manifest in  different ways
depending on the personalities involved, and the type of role they play in each other's lives. For instance,
you may have a huge attraction to one of your students, teachers, patients, clients, or friends' partners but
because of the role they are in relative to you, you can not explore those feelings or make them known to
the other person. If the person has a natal venus-saturn square but your synastry with them shows
venus conjunct the moon, they still may not express love and affection to you with the same ease as
someone who has venus in easy aspect to the moon natally or a venus-saturn sextile or trine. You must
study their chart individually and not just use the synastry and composite to get the complete picture. If for
example, they have a mars-pluto square natally and you see this aspect in the synastry or composite, there
will be intense power and control struggles and never ending quest for domination between you. Even if this
isn't your normal personality, these energies will be brought out in you because the person with a natal
square between mars and pluto has trouble asserting their power in a fair way or sharing the power equally
in relationships. Depending on the roles you are in with relation to each other, the full expression of any
given aspect may never be in operation as you will likely repress those feelings due to the circumstances. An
aspect that may naturally cause sweet, affectionate feelings may manifest in more of a friendship or warmth
if a romance is not possible. An aspect that may naturally cause sexual attraction may manifest as a conflict
with that person if sexual expression isn't a possibility. 3/38
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A s more
       The key point is that you should pay t r o n uattention
m e r o l oto
g ytheWactual
i s d o mdynamics that are occurring, and what
your intuition tells you. The body does not lie, though the mind can convince you of many things and can
see what it wants to see. How do you actually feel when you are with this person and after you have spent
time with them? Uplifted, inspired, drained, depressed, joyous, sad? Notice and name your emotions, and
become more aware of how this person is impacting your personal energy. When you keep this in mind, you
are more likely to notice both the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship, and give all the aspects,
whether good or bad, the weight they deserve. If you believe the charts suggest that the other person has a
huge attraction to you, yet when you meet them they don't appear to be as attracted to you, chances are you
have misjudged the charts by not looking at them in a holistic way. In any relationship, don't fall into the
trap of only reading about the aspects that confirm what you already feel, because it usually takes a while
for the more challenging factors to be felt. Be aware of all the aspects that are influencing you so that you
can be prepared and handle the energy in the best possible way. At the same time give due importance to
how the person actually acts towards you and your real feelings when you are with them, rather than how
things should be based on the aspects you have read about.

       Erroneous conclusions can be drawn when you feel particular negative energies in a relationship and
you are looking at the charts to validate this, at the same time ignoring the aspects that have growth
potential. When there is conscious or unconscious aggression we may see one person's mars or saturn in
hard aspect to the mars, saturn, uranus or pluto of the other person. The extent you will feel this will be
modified depending on the other aspects you share. I think we need to put more effort into seeing  grey
areas rather than black or white, as the vast majority of people we meet will both challenge us but make us
grow if we are open to the lessons that can be learned.  

     A few important tips:  First,  if you are not actually in a relationship with someone, the aspects may not
get a chance to  be felt to a great extent by both people. These charts only come alive when you have an
active relationship with someone; consequently there is no way to infer what someone feels about you if
they don't have a relationship with you or have never met you. You can know someone at work, or have met
someone a few times, yet the synastry isn't felt as much unless you have a relationship with them (though
the synastry/ composite energy can still be felt to some degree even on a first meeting). Second, aspects will
not be felt equally by both people even if they repeat both ways in synastry and in the composite chart, due
to societal and demographic factors. A common example is the classic venus-mars conjunction. According to
tradition this is a highly charged romantic and sexual aspect that brings a lot of heat and passion to the
couple. But if both people are widely differing ages, or are not equally matched overall (for example beauty,
career, wealth, education, family background), one person may not be attracted while the other person is
attracted or the attraction level between them may not be equal.  This goes back to evolutionary motives
such as men desiring women whom they find physically attractive and women preferring men who have an
equal or higher social/ career/ financial status than them. Personally, I have not always found the mars-
venus conjunction to reliably bring a strong romantic or sexual attraction for me even when the man was
equally matched (though it has some of the time). I have more reliably been attracted to people who have
venus-pluto aspects with me, perhaps because I have pluto on an angle and my venus-pluto midpoint is
exact on my ascendant. This illustrates the point that what someone finds attractive is also based on their
chart and personal preferences, rather than just what is classically thought to bring attraction.
Nevertheless, in this case, venus-pluto is also a classic aspect for attraction, and I would say it goes deeper
psychologically than venus-mars in comparison. Mercury trine mercury is underrated in romance but I find
it is excellent for ease of communication and inherent understanding and appreciation for the way the other
person expresses themselves. The two will love to talk and share ideas freely, with minimal conflicts or 4/38
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Astronumerology Wisdom
Houses and Planets Overlay

      There are some astrologers who believe that when person A's planet falls in person B's house, person B
will feel more impacted and some astrologers believing that A will be more impacted. In my practice, I have
not noticed a reliable pattern in this regard to tell who is more affected (in the context of a relationship that
has already become close). It becomes difficult to separate the effects because one person's thoughts,
feelings and behaviour influences how the other reacts and a cycle is created. For instance, if your partner's
venus is on your ascendant, there is a physical and romantic attraction from at least one person to the other.
The person being admired for their beauty is happy to experience this positive attention and may behave in
a more romantic way and/or making more of an effort to be beautiful, which increases the physical
attraction and romance further. 

     On the other hand, with two people who merely know each other, it is possible to have a synastry aspect
repeat both ways and in the composite and yet one or both people do not feel it to any great extent. I think
this is because environmental factors such as culture, religion, family, physical appearance preferences,
social status, age, race, time and circumstance play a role to different degrees depending on what part of the
world we reside, in terms of who we choose to develop relationships with. To illustrate, a woman who is
looking for a man who earns a high salary may not feel an attraction to a man who earns a low salary but has
his sun in tight conjunction to her descendant, even though the sun-descendant conjunction is a classic
aspect for marriage.  Similarly, a man who is looking for a woman he finds beautiful may choose not to
pursue a relationship with a woman whom he may have otherwise had a mental or emotional connection
with (if he got to know her) if he does not also find her physically attractive. To take an example this could
be a mercury-mercury trine or a moon-IC conjunction. These aspects need both time and circumstance to
develop in a relationship dynamic. 

       Alternatively, a person may be experiencing mental or physical health issues, dealing with an
excessively stressful event or life transition, or focusing mostly on their personal growth/ career/ family. In
these cases relationships are not a priority for them and they won't invest the time and energy to be in a
healthy relationship at this stage in their life, even if they have feelings for you. Though you may have very
good synastry with this person, it is possible that it won't result in a meaningful relationship as
relationships require equal levels of time and effort from both people. With this in mind, by studying the
charts you may get insight about how a person thinks/ feels about you if you see multiple aspects describing
a certain theme. Nevertheless, absolute judgements are hard to make because there are many
environmental factors to consider, some of which you may not be aware of.

 ​     Taken together these factors shed light on why it is hard to determine whether the person you have
romantic feelings for reciprocates those feelings. It could be the case that you are feeling particular synastry
aspects but they don't or they don't feel it as intensely as you do. There are also times when you see the
synastry 'should' make you feel a certain way about someone. Despite this, you do not have those feelings
while you are reasonably certain the other person has at least some of those feelings for you. Reciprocated
romantic attraction and true love are mysterious and I don't think there is ever a way to predict with
certainty if it will happen between any two people.

Aspects that are Most Challenging for Personal Relationships in both Synastry and Composite: 5/38
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Note: Hard aspects include the opposition, square, quincunx, semisextile and sesquiquadrate. Depending on the planets
A s t rhard.
involved, a conjunction can also be considered o n u
m e r o l o g y W i s d o m

      Mars in hard aspect to Saturn (includes conjunction): One person feels like they have the energy and will
to do something but the other person deliberately or unconsciously stops them. Both partners could get in
the way of the other person's ambition and goals. One person wants to be honest with the other person but
due to various circumstances can not express their true emotions. Even if they finally get the courage to say
what is truly on their mind, they may feel they have to take back what they said for fear of the other
person's reaction.

      Venus in hard aspect to Neptune: There is likely to be disappointment; things seemed so beautiful but
then all of a sudden the unpleasant reality reveals itself. Note that Venus conjunct Neptune may also
manifest this way depending on other indications in the synastry and composite, but in some situations the
pleasant side of this combination can occur.

      Mercury in hard aspect to Neptune can cause both partners to feel that they have to intentionally
mislead, lie or exaggerate facts to the other to have the other respect them. It is very easy for
miscommunication to occur and straightforward, direct answers to important questions are hard to get.

      Mercury in hard aspect to Mars can cause people to be combative with each other, always trying to argue
the validity of their opinions without listening to the other person's point of view. The tendency to compete
rather than cooperate is very strong.

     Mercury in hard aspect to Mercury symbolizes very different communication styles and ways of thinking
that may create disagreements and misunderstandings. 

      Mercury in hard aspect to Saturn can make one or both people intimidated by the other person's mental
ability. Another theme is censorship, one or both people don't feel comfortable sharing their true opinions
and preferences because they are afraid the other won't approve of it or that they will think less of them. 

      Venus in hard aspect and conjunct Saturn is typically good for business partners or colleagues, you tend
to attract more prosperity financially. However, in personal  relationships there is a potent coldness that is
hard to verbalize but is always felt. There is also a lack of physical affection. One or both people can feel that
the other is using them for their own career or social advancement.

      The Moon in hard aspect and conjunct Saturn makes it hard to express love and affection, either verbally
or physically. Emotions can get censored or repressed, and there may be a feeling of coldness that causes
both people to be reserved in sharing their true feelings with each other.  The relationship can swing
between periods of being very distant to periods of being too emotionally charged. On the positive side,
Moon-Saturn aspects both easy and hard have the potential to be long lasting and dependable. There is a
feeling that the other person will stick it out through the tough times and that they are there to support
them when needed.

      Venus in hard aspect to Mars can cause an intense romantic and/or sexual attraction marked by passion
and chemistry. However, possession, jealousy, arguments, aggression and competitiveness can be
problematic. In addition, feelings quickly alternate between love and hate. 6/38
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      Venus in square to Pluto causes obsessive compulsive relationships marked by extremes in feelings, 
jealousy, betrayal and possessiveness. AFor
s t r one
o n uorm both
e r o lpeople,
o g y Witi can
s d o cause
m an extremely magnetic attraction
on an emotional and sexual level. The opposition is easier to deal with.

     Saturn conjunct and in hard aspect to an angle can make one person feel that they are burdened or
restricted by the other. I find Saturn on the MC or ASC is good for  student-teacher or employer-employee
relationships but not for personal relationships.

    Mars in hard aspect and conjunct the Sun or Moon causes people to disagree and fight a lot. They will
actually enjoy provoking the other person into an argument or debate. On the positive side, these aspects
tend to enhance sexual chemistry.

     Mars in hard aspect and conjunct Pluto can cause destructive obsessions, intense power struggles, power
abuses and sometimes physical or sexual violence. Things can become very heated when one person tries to
control and dominate the other.

     Hard Neptune-personal planet/ luminary aspects may cause disillusionment, fall from grace, having
unrealistic expectations of the other. This can manifest in putting someone on a pedestal at first, ignoring
the signals of trouble which may be a set up for a huge letdown.

Aspects that are Most Harmonious for Personal Relationships in both Synastry and Composite:

Note: Easy aspects include the sextile, trine, biquintile and quintile. Depending on the aspects involved, a conjunction
may be considered easy.

     My favourite aspect to see in couples is the venus-moon conjunction. It can be very sweet, tender and
loving, with a beautiful ability to allow both people to be trusting and vulnerable. It brings an abundance of
nurturing, affection and genuine caring for the other person's feelings.

     Easy aspects to the Moon from an inner planet or luminary enhance the tendency to have a deep
emotional connection and increased emotional understanding of the other's needs and desires. The Moon
conjunct the IC, planet/ luminary in the 4th house or ruler/ dispositor of the IC facilitates sharing of
intimate feelings with the other and creates a sense of ' being at home'.

      Without any Saturn contacts (hard or easy) the relationship will not endure through tough times. Easy
aspects to Saturn are helpful to make the relationship stable and long lasting without the feelings of
restriction and excessive seriousness that usually accompanies the hard aspects. Note that conjunctions
from any planet or luminary to Saturn are considered hard.

     A hard aspect from one person's personal planets or a luminary to the Sun-Moon midpoint from the other
person's planets/ luminaries increases depth of the connection.

     Sun and Moon contacts are helpful for longetivity of the relationship. Easy aspects are preferable for
overall harmony and support a natural flow of energy between two people. The Sun conjunct Moon is
particularly excellent for compatibility, especially if the Sun person is male and the Moon person is female. 7/38
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      Mars in easy aspect and conjunct Mercury can indicate a lively exchange of ideas and spirited
discussions. Topics which both peopleAfeel
s t r passionately
o n u m e r o l oabout
g y Wcan
i s dbeo discussed
m in a productive manner.

       Mercury conjunct and in easy aspect to Mercury can indicate a comfortable flow of energy when
discussing a wide variety of topics, these people understand each other. Communication is clear and direct
because they have similar ways of approaching situations and problems. The two people are "on the same
page" on many ideas.

      Venus in easy aspect to Mars contributes a lot to feelings of romantic and/or sexual attraction. This
aspect is often found when there are feelings of passion, chemistry, sparks and excitement. There is a
prominent tendency towards kindness, consideration and tenderness. There is a strong, vivid affection and
friendliness even if the relationship is platonic. The conjunction of Venus and Mars produces the
most remarkable chemistry and intense feelings of romantic and/ or sexual attraction but can be easy, hard
or a mixture of both depending on other factors in the chart.

     Mars conjunct any angle greatly increases sexual desire and passion.

     Jupiter in easy aspect to Venus allows to people to enjoy fully the pleasure of each other's company. This
can be a fun filled relationship with many fond memories. People are more likely to trust and forgive each
other with this aspect. The same description applies to Jupiter in hard aspect to Venus but in addition
people will be excessively extravagant and may become too hedonistic. Note that the conjunction of Venus-
Jupiter can go either way depending on other factors in the chart.

     Easy aspects to the Sun (includes conjunctions) are helpful for people to feel that the other person
supports their basic identity, goals and ambitions. The Sun represents the life force and ego of a person
so when there are easy aspects to the Sun, people feel valued and appreciated.

     A Sun-Venus easy aspect adds to the romantic feelings between people. Each person finds the other to be
beautiful and generally enhances pleasurable feelings and goodwill. 

     Venus in easy aspect and sometimes conjunct  Pluto may create intensity, depth and range of emotion.
Can be a transformative or healing type of love. Evokes deep feelings from the subconscious. Both people are
very devoted to each other. One of the best aspects for sexual attraction. 

      Personal planet(s) or luminary in your partner's first-seventh house axis, particularly the ascendant and
descendant enhances attraction and intimacy levels. It also increases desire to commit to one another.

    Personal planet(s) or luminary in your partner's eighth house increase sexual chemistry and deepens the
level of conversation and intimacy relatively quickly. 

    Personal planet (s) or luminary in your partner's fifth house put a focus on the pleasure and spontaneity
of romance, making it fun to be together.

    Personal planet (s) or luminary in your partner's fourth house contribute to a feeling of being at home,
naturally comfortable and secure with each other. Planets directly on the IC are very important in this
regard. 8/38
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North and South Nodes

Astronumerology Wisdom
      The North and South Nodes are indicators of future oriented and past oriented relationships when seen
in the synastry and composite charts. The Nodes cannot determine whether your relationship will be long-
lasting, just that they are particularly karmic.

      With the South Node conjunct Mercury, one person may have made the other feel less intelligent by
failing to give enough attention to their ideas, and/or criticized the way they communicate. Now there is a
chance to correct this, by consciously making the other feel confident in presenting their ideas and
complimenting them on their ability to communicate their knowledge.

      With the South Node conjunct Jupiter, there can be criticism of one person’s belief systems. A challenge
may be to let the other person express their philosophies without the need for questioning and criticism.
This does not mean that you think their beliefs are correct, just that they are free to embrace what works for

     South Node connections can be easy and comfortable at first, because you have known each other and
you are re-connecting again. But with time, these connections sometimes hold us back from realizing our
potential. They can also open old wounds. A theme of imbalance may be present; one person sacrificed too
much for the other, or assisted them financially, emotionally, physically or spiritually, and now it is time to
repay the favour.

      Sometimes it is difficult to think of South Node connections in a favourable light as you can feel that the
other person was misleading you or was not honest. At the same time, depending on the relationship skills
of both people involved, the South Node can add an element of security and be present in long-lasting and
harmonious relationships.

     North Node connections may not feel as familiar as South Node connections. The North Node connections
of today become the South Node connections of the future. The planet involved speaks to a certain gift
between you, one or both people can encourage the other.

     For example, with a North-Node connection to the Sun, you may recognize and promote each other’s
talents, and increase their sense of vitality, confidence and ambition. You may make each other shine, or
receive awards and honours. Interestingly, the South Node can have this effect as well but there may be
some drawbacks that manifest over time. With the North Node connection to the Moon, the person can be
helpful in terms of emotional encouragement through difficult times. Regardless of who is against you, they
are always there for you. When they let you down, they make an effort to make it up to you. Whereas with
the South Node on the Moon, they can provide reassurance, but you do not feel like they come through
when you need them. It may be difficult for you to talk about how you feel or to show affection with this

      Someone with whom you share a Venus-North Node connection can make you feel beautiful, talented,
and adored. They value your skills and knowledge and it is evident. Someone with whom you share Mars-
North Node may stir your ambition by making you think about what you want to achieve. Because Mars
relates to courage, they may support you in being more assertive in standing up for yourself or fighting for
what is right. 9/38
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     Look at how many times the same aspect repeats in synastry and composite, as well as the tightness of the
A s tinfluence.
orbs to get an idea of the strength of the r o n u m e Itr oisl opossible
g y W iyou
s d ohave
m different nodal connections in
synastry and composite, and it is likely you will feel all of them at different times because one aspect does
not cancel out the other.

     To illustrate, let us take the real case of two people where the synastry shows that his north node is on
her moon-saturn conjunction, his moon makes a quincunx to her north node, his south node is on her sun,
her south node is on his sun, his pluto is on her south node, his venus is on her south node, and her venus is
on his south node. In composite, venus is conjunct the south node, the sun is conjunct the south node and
the moon makes a biquintile to the north node. I was given the exact time that they met and the transiting
planets show that the moon was conjunct the north node  and venus was conjunct the south node. The nodal
axis was conjunct the ascendant-descendant axis (north node on ascendant, south node on descendant). Her
progressed venus is exactly conjunct the north node of the meeting chart. The meeting chart has an exact
venus-pluto conjunction as well as saturn in the 7th house. The meeting chart's sun is conjunct his natal
north node and makes a  conjunction to her natal moon. It is obvious that these two have played an
important role for each other in past lives, and that it was likely a nurturing and romantic connection. The
transits on the day they met mirror their synastry/ composite dynamics. However, in this life, the man is
married with a family and has hired the woman for a professional service that is ongoing. The woman is
single but due to the regulation and nature of her profession, she is not able to have a romantic relationship
with him. The attraction to each other may be strongly present on both sides (and there are several other
aspects in both synastry and composite to suggest romantic and sexual attraction) but in this life, venus gets
restricted by the south node. Present circumstances ensure that they will probably not be able to start a
romance, and if they do, there will be life-altering consequences for both affecting both her career and his
family. As a result, romantic feelings are never discussed or acted upon, yet the chemistry is there and must
be handled carefully in order to resolve the unfinished business of their previous life.


     The vertex is a point of fate or destiny; we can’t label it good or bad but it is a point of irresistible
magnetic attraction. People will meet under the most unlikely circumstances and at the most unexpected
times because they are destined to fulfill a karmic contract. These meetings can be a minute or a lifetime,
but these people shape or change our lives forever. It could be as simple as a few words spoken, or an action,
however big or small, that leaves an impact. 

​ ynastry and Composite Case Study: Prince William (Duke of Cambridge) and Kate Middleton
(Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge)     

     Kate's Sun at 18 degrees Capricorn is conjunct William's South Node at 14 degrees Capricorn. In the
composite chart, the Sun is square the Nodes. Her Moon at 18 degrees Cancer is conjunct his North Node at
14 degrees Cancer. These two have been with each other in the past, and it was time for them to reunite to
fulfill their karmic contract. With his South Node conjunct her Sun, (her Sun is conjunct her own South
Node and vertex and falls in his first house), he is bringing her into the spotlight. In public he encourages
her confidence and happiness, although with South Node it is probable that in private there may be some
issues to be worked on with respect to her royal duties. This pressure may come from his family more than
him. An immense sense of duty to represent the Bristish Royal Family in a good light is felt by them as a
couple because they will wield much power and influence in the country. This duty is apparent in the 10/38
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composite chart where there is a Saturn-Pluto conjunction close to the ascendant that makes a square to the
A s tsquare
nodal axis (Saturn's square is exact). The r o n u mofe Saturn
r o l o g and
y WNodes
isdomcan feel burdensome and restrictive
but given the importance the couple place on mental health, I am sure they engage in regular self-care. It
helps that Saturn is exalted in Libra, Jupiter is in the 1st house, and the ascendant degree at 23 Libra is
exactly conjunct the benefic royal fixed star Spica, all factors that cause the couple to be seen as successful,
generous, honorable and dignified. 

      Kate's Venus is closely trine William's Mars in synastry and Venus and Mars are in opposition in the
composite chart, which makes for excellent romantic and sexual chemistry. The Venus conjunction to Sun
in the composite makes them adore each other just for being who they are, with no conditions attached. 

      Her Moon is conjunct his North Node in synastry and this aspect repeats in the composite chart which
means that they will again reunite in a future lifetime; their soul purpose is intimately tied into each other
with the two luminaries on the nodal axis. The Moon on the North Node is auspicious for a close emotional
bond that provides a glue despite other challenging aspects in their synastry. It is interesting that they both
have Moon conjunct the North Node in their own natal charts. Sometimes this can even provide a feeling
that it is me and you against the world, whatever comes at us, we will survive. They both try hard to make
the relationship work. There probably aren’t barriers in showing love and affection, they say what is on
their mind because they know the other person will still love them unconditionally.

 ​    Kate’s Mercury at 5 degrees Aquarius and her Venus at 7 degrees Aquarius opposes William’s vertex at 12
degrees Leo and shows the intense romantic (Venus) and mental (Mercury) connection. Kate's vertex is at 12
degrees Capricorn and William's Sun-Moon conjunction is 0-4 degrees Cancer. In the composite chart, the
vertex makes a conjunction with the ascendant by 4 degrees. This is another indication of the pull of destiny
in bringing them together. 11/38
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Synastry and Composite Case

Study: John Lennon and Yoko

      John and Yoko met on

November 7th 1966 when he
was married and had a child.
They were together for 7 years
before they split up but then
reunited in 1975 and had their
only son.  As John stated in
interviews, he met her at a
private viewing of her art
exhibit at the Indica Gallery in
London. It was called Unfinished
Paintings and Objects. There was a 15/38
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tiny painting at the top of a

Astronumerology Wisdom ladder which said “yes” and this
really intrigued him.

     Yoko explains that she was

very attracted to John when
they met and felt very strange.
As the story goes, while his wife
was on holiday he invited her to
his home where they
collaborated on music and made
love. When his wife came back
and saw them, his only response
was “oh hi”. He went to divorce
his wife shortly after. Yoko
became pregnant that same
year although she had a
miscarriage. But when they
were together, John had a
mistress named May Pang
which according to some
sources Yoko encouraged for
them to have a sexual relationship as she was feeling tired of the constant backlash at their marriage. There
were some problems in their marriage and Yoko said she needed a break at that time. But even when they
got back together sources say he continued to have an affair with Pang.

Yoko and John have a triple whammy with the vertex:

Her vertex at 26 degrees Aries is conjunct his ascendant at 19 degrees Aries.

His vertex at 6 degrees Libra is conjunct her ascendant at 8 degrees Libra

In the composite chart, the vertex is tightly conjunct Jupiter and the descendant. In my view, this
symbolizes their focus on world peace with their iconic bed-in for peace movement.

     There vertex symbolizes the extremely strong physical, emotional and mental connection; nothing could
keep them apart for long.

 ​    There is a strong nodal influence; his north node at 10 degrees Libra is conjunct her ascendant at 8
degrees Libra. 

     In the composite chart, the Sun is conjunct the North Node, favourable for a couple as it allows both to
shine. The descendant degree conjuncts benefic star Sirius bestowing passion, creativity and devotion.
Jupiter closely conjuncts the descendant which gives the couple a good deal of humour, generosity and good
will with each other. Yoko’s ascendant-descendant is exactly the same as the couple’s MC-IC axis, showing
how the relationship  turned her into a celebrity. 

     The composite chart has moon, sun, north node, part of fortune and mercury in the 12th house. On one
hand, the 12th house represents meditation, the quest for enlightenment, peace and freedom, all of which 16/38
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they stood for. On the other hand, the 12th house is connected with grief, sorrow and isolation. Mars, Saturn
A s t r o nand
(Saturn is conjunct malefic fixed star Scheat) u m Neptune
e r o l o g yallWsquare
i s d o the
m nodes which can reflect both John's
assassination and the harsh criticism Yoko had to endure at being the "other woman" who people blamed
both for John's divorce and for breaking up the Beatles.  Scheat is associated with murder and extreme
misfortune, especially when conjunct malefic planets like Saturn. Worth noting is that in Yoko's natal chart,
the fixed star vindemiatrix is conjunct her ascendant. This star is called the 'the widowmaker' because it
often denotes that the person will lose their partner to events that are considered extremely unfair,
dramatic and often tragic such that the loved ones feel a lot of resentment at the way the death unfolded.
Vindemiatrix is conjunct the MC of the composite chart too.

    Uranus which symbolizes originality and breakthroughs is in the 5th house of creativity and creative
works at critical degree 8 Taurus and Neptune which symbolizes creativity, arts, music, and imagination is at
critical degree 17 Virgo in the composite chart. It is fitting that they collaborated on music, a music band,
albums, lithographs, and bed-in peace protests in different countries. Their work was original and they were
the first in history to do the bed-in peace protests. They also first met at Yoko's art exhibit which featured
avant-garde type pieces. 

     John's Moon in Aquarius makes a conjunction with Yoko's Venus in Aquarius. Moon-Venus conjunctions
and easy aspects are one of my favourite aspects to see with couples as it makes them relate with such
sweetness, tenderness and vulnerability, the energy is naturally loving and caring.  John said,  “If you love
somebody, you can’t be with them enough. There’s no such thing. We don’t want to be apart.” At the same
time, Yoko has her Venus conjunct Saturn which gives her a natural reserve in expressing love and
affection; fortunately John was able to draw this out of her profoundly. John has said that though he sang
about love he never experienced it before he met Yoko. Similarly, Yoko, having been through two marriages,
had become cynical and given up on finding real love before she met John at age 33.

     Yoko's Venus is trine John's Mars which gives romantic and sexual attraction. Venus and Mars are exactly
sextile each other in the composite.

    John's Sun, North Node, Vertex and Mars all fall in Yoko's first house which encourages both of them to
feel "seen" by the other, it lights them up.

    Yoko having Aries on her descendant with Uranus in Aries is attracted to men with an Aries focus. John
has Aries on his ascendant and Yoko's Uranus makes a 1 degree conjunction to his ascendant degree. Thus
the couple will strike the public as revolutionaries and pioneers. When someone has Uranus connected with
the 7th house, they are often attracted to someone from a different race, culture, social class, religion, age or
otherwise very different from them in some way. Uranus can also characterize the dynamic of the
relationship, in making it unusual in some way. For instance, Yoko knew about an affair John had with their
assistant and sanctioned it. Of course he came back to Yoko after that and she was secure enough in the
relationship to know he would return to her.

    John having Libra on his descendant is attracted to women with a Libra focus. Yoko has Libra on her
ascendant. John has Mercury at 8 degrees Scorpio in the 7th house and Yoko's Mercury makes a close trine
at 7 degrees Pisces.  The close Mercury trine reveals that they think on the same wavelength and they
understand each other's communication style. John's Mercury at critical degree 8 Scorpio accentuates his
visionary thinking and ability to compose lyrics that touched the hearts of so many worldwide. 17/38
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ber 7th

y 21/38
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Astronumerology Wisdom was 
ary) at
made a
ile to
at 26
s Aries
and a
at 6
s Libra.

  Transiting Neptune at 21 degrees Scorpio made an exact semisquare to John's vertex.

    The exact time of the meeting is unknown but based on a 12:00 pm time, the moon was at 5 degrees Virgo,
which is conjunct John’s Venus at 3 degrees Virgo and Yoko's South Node at 8 degrees Virgo. The Moon was
also conjunct Mars in Virgo, which is Yoko's 7th house ruler.

Transiting Jupiter at 4 degrees Leo was making a sextile to his vertex. It made an opposition to her Venus.

The transiting North Node at 16 degrees Taurus was conjunct his Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 13 degrees

     The transiting Sun and Venus at 14 degrees Scorpio was making a conjunction to the transiting North
Node at 16 degrees Scorpio. This transiting Sun-Venus-North Node conjunction made a conjunction to their
composite Venus at 23 degrees Scorpio. It also made a trine to the composite vertex and descendant at 14-16
degrees Cancer and Jupiter in the 7th house at 17 degrees Cancer.

   Transiting Mars at 15 degrees Virgo made sextile aspects to the composite descendant, vertex and Jupiter. 22/38
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Transiting Mars made an exact conjunction to Yoko's natal Mars which is her 7th house ruler at 15 degrees
A smade
Virgo. Transiting Uranus and Pluto also t r o n conjunctions
u m e r o l o g ytoWher
i s dMars.


    Transiting Saturn at 23 degrees Pisces made a 3 degree conjunction to their composite Saturn at 26
degrees Pisces and a close square to the Sun-North Node conjunction at 22-24 degrees Sagittarius.

    Transiting Uranus, Pluto and Mars from 15-23 degrees Virgo was making a conjunction to the composite
Mars-Neptune conjunction at 17-23 degrees Virgo and a square to the composite Sun-North Node
conjunction at 22-24 degrees Sagittarius.

    When I wish to shed light on trends that are coming up in a person's life, the solar return, lunar return,
secondary progressions, converse progressions, eclipses and solar arcs are useful tools to use along with the
transits.  In analyzing the predictive charts for November 7th 1966, there is plenty of rich symbolism in
revealing the fate of these two lovers remembering each other in this lifetime because they have had so many
lifetimes together in the past.

     Given the symbolism apparent in the predictive charts, I feel that the timing of relationships (including
marriages) have already been fixed and there is nothing someone can do to attract a romantic relationship
into their life if it is not destined for them at a particular time. I know when we get anxious it is tempting to
feel we can do things to help the universe along but in those times, stay in a state of equanimity and peace
knowing that what is meant to be will find its way to you. The universe has a divine intelligence that does
not need our assistance. In some lifetimes we may meet a soulmate(s) and in some lifetimes we may not
meet anyone with whom we feel a deep romantic connection because the focus may be more on another
area of life. Choose to be happy and grateful regardless of the circumstances and you will be sowing the
seeds of good karma that will bear fruit in the future.

       John spent his birthday in Spain on October 9th 1966 and remained there until November 6 1966. As a
result, his solar return (SR) and lunar return (LR) must be set for Spain. John's solar return shows 9 degrees
Aquarius on the descendant which is a critical degree, it is exactly conjunct Yoko's natal saturn at 9 Aquarius
and makes a 4 degree conjunction to her natal venus at 13 degrees Aquarius. His SR venus at 8 degrees Libra
makes an exact conjunction to her natal ascendant and the couple's composite MC. The part of fortune
makes an exact conjunction to his natal vertex. The SR mercury at 5 degrees scorpio is very close to his natal
mercury at 7 degrees scorpio which is placed in his 7th house. The MC-IC axis is just 6 degrees away from his
natal ascendant-descendant axis. The SR vertex makes a close conjunction with the couple's Sun-North
Node conjunction in composite.

    John's LR MC-IC axis at 18 degrees Capricorn-Cancer is just 4 degrees away from the composite ascendant-
descendant axis at 14 degrees Capricorn-Cancer. The LR vertex at 14 degrees Libra makes an exact square to
the composite ascendant-descendant axis and also closely squares the composite Jupiter and vertex. The LR
Mars at 5 degrees Virgo makes a close conjunction with Yoko's natal Neptune-South Node conjunction at 8-9
degrees Virgo and opposition to her Mercury at 7 degrees Pisces.

     I could not find any sources showing where Yoko spent her birthday in February 1966 to base the SR
chart. I assume she was in Westminster preparing for her art exhibit in October 1966. Therefore, I set both
the SR and LR charts for Westminster. The house cusps may not be accurate if she wasn't actually in these
locations at the time of the returns but the planetary placements are still reliable. 23/38
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     In Yoko's SR chart, the moon is at 8 degrees Aquarius which conjuncts John's natal moon at 3 degrees
Aquarius. The SR Mercury at 9 degreesAPisces
s t r o nisu close
m e r otol oher
g y natal
W i s mercury
d o m and also trine John's natal
mercury at 8 degrees scorpio. The SR Mars at 15 degrees Pisces and Saturn at 17 degrees pisces oppose her
natal placements of Mars at 15 virgo and saturn at 17 virgo. The SR mercury at 9 pisces opposes her natal
south node at 8 degrees virgo.

    In Yoko's LR chart, Saturn is conjunct the ascendant at 24-25 degrees pisces, which conjuncts the
composite Saturn. The LR Mars at 2 degrees virgo conjuncts John's natal venus at 3 degrees virgo. The 1st
house has the sign aries intercepted, which is the sign of John's natal ascendant.

    John's secondary progressed (SP) chart shows his venus at 3 degrees libra conjunct the north node at 9
degrees libra, both are conjunct Yoko's natal ascendant and the composite MC at 8 libra. When Venus
conjuncts the nodal axis, it tends to operate similar to uranus in the 7th house; there is an attraction to
someone of a different culture, race, family background, social class, age, religion or in some way who is very
different from the person. Venus progressed to the nodal axis also may indicated a destined love affair as the
nodes are points of destiny and venus symbolizes love. The SP MC is at 3 degrees aquarius conjunct John's
natal moon. 

     John's SP descendant at 9 degrees sagittarius makes a close conjunction to Yoko's natal moon at 11
degrees sagittarius. John's SP moon at 17 degrees capricorn makes a close conjunction to the composite
descendant at 14 degrees capricorn. John's SP MC is at 3 degrees aquarius making an exact conjunction to
his natal moon.

     Yoko's SP chart has 7 degrees scorpio on the ascendant which conjuncts John's mercury at 8 degrees
scorpio in his natal 7th house. Her SP moon makes a conjunction to the north node, which can signal a
destined meeting. Yoko's SP venus is at 25 degrees pisces conjunct the composite saturn. Yoko's SP Mars at 3
degrees virgo makes an exact conjunction to John's natal venus. Her SP vertex at 22 gemini makes a close
opposition to the composite sun-north node conjunction. Her SP saturn makes an exact conjunction with
the IC at 13 degrees aquarius.

      John's converse progressed (CP) chart shows his ascendant at 13 degrees aquarius which is conjunct
Yoko's SP IC-Saturn conjunction and her natal venus at 13 degrees aquarius.  John's CP ascendant being
conjunct Yoko's natal venus shows a very strong romantic and physical attraction on both sides. The
transiting planets on November 7th 1966 made a lot of aspects to his CP chart. The transiting venus-sun-
south node at 14-16 degrees scorpio made an opposition to the CP Saturn-Jupiter conjunction at 14-15
degrees taurus. Transiting Jupiter at 4 degrees Leo made a conjunction to the Venus-Pluto CP conjunction at
3-4 degreees Leo. The transiting stellium of moon, mars, pluto and uranus from 5- 23 degrees virgo made a
conjunction to John's CP vertex, sun, mars, neptune and mercury stellium from 13-28 degrees Virgo.
Transiting saturn at 23 degrees pisces made an opposition to these CP virgo stellium planets too.


     John's CP north node at 11 degrees libra made a conjunction to Yoko's natal ascendant and the composite
MC both at 8 libra. John's vertex, sun, mars, neptune and mercury stellium from 13-28 degrees Virgo made a
conjunction to Yoko's natal stellium of south node, neptune, mars and jupiter at 8-20 degrees virgo. John's
CP MC at 11 degrees Sagittarius makes an exact conjunction to Yoko's natal moon. The CP part of fortune at
10 degrees cancer makes a conjunction to the composite descendant at 14 degrees cancer.

     Yoko has a stellium of south node, mars, moon, jupiter and neptune all in her CP first house in virgo and 24/38
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the CP ascendant is 7 degrees virgo which conjuncts her natal south node. The stellium of transiting planets
A s t r oton this
on November 7th 1966 made a conjunction u m eCPr ostellium.

logy Wisdom

    Yoko's CP vertex-saturn conjunction is at 0-5 degrees aquarius and is conjunct John's natal moon at 3
aquarius. Yoko's CP venus-mercury conjunction at 1-10 degrees capricorn is conjunct the composite moon-
mercury conjunction at 7-8 degrees capricorn. Her CP 5th house cusp is 8 degrees capricorn.

     John's solar arc (SA) saturn-jupiter conjunction is at 9 degrees gemini making an opposition to Yoko's
natal moon at 11 degrees sagittarius. John's SA nodes are just 1 degree away from Yoko's SP ascendant-
descendant axis. Transiting mercury at 4 degrees sagittarius on November 7th 1966 makes an exact
conjunction to his SA mercury. Transiting sun makes a close conjunction to the SA sun at 12 degrees scorpio.
Transiting north node at 16 degrees taurus and south node at 16 degrees scorpio make an exact conjunction
to John's SA ascendant-descendant axis at 15-16 degrees taurus-scorpio.

    Yoko's SA moon at 14 degrees capricorn makes an exact conjunction to the composite ascendant. Her SA
mars-jupiter conjunction at 18-24 degrees libra is conjunct John's natal descendant. Yoko's SA north-south
node axis at 12 degrees aries-libra is just 2 degrees away from John's natal north-south node axis at 10
degrees libra-aries (her SA south node is conjunct his natal north node and his natal south node is conjunct
her SA north node). Yoko's CP sun at 3 degrees aries makes a close opposition to John's natal mars at 2
degrees libra.      

   Solar eclipses (SE) and lunar eclipses (LE) when making aspects (particularly the conjunctions and
oppositions) to natal, predictive and composite charts can give insight into themes and events in people's
lives. This is particularly felt in your life if the eclipse is close to your angles or personal planets (sun, moon,
mercury, venus, mars), where they can transform your life. The eclipse will influence both the significations
of the planet, for example venus symbolizes love, and the house(s) that the planet rules. If venus is your 10th
house ruler and you receive an eclipse to venus, there may be new developments and changes in your career
or reputation. If the eclipses don't aspect an angle or planet, they can still be felt by activating affairs of the
house they fall in. The average eclipse is active for up to three years before an event and up to a year after it.
Some eclipses can manifest their energy in the month that they happen but just as often it can sensitize a
degree for a transiting planet to trigger it. Each eclipse has a power rating and the most powerful eclipses
can impact people for up to 5 years after they occur by sensitizing a degree for transiting planets. Eclipses
can work retroactively after an event but the time frame they influence is shorter, for example an eclipse in
October 2020 can describe an event that took place in October 2019. 

     When people meet someone they will have a significant romantic relationship with, there are often
eclipses making conjunctions and oppositions in the 1st-7th house axis and the indicators of the 7th house
(ruler, dispositor, planets placed in the 7th house) in the natal, predictive and composite charts. This was the
case when John met Yoko for the first time on November 7th 1966. Typically, there are eclipses to the 1st-
7th house axis and the 7th house indicators when people get married as well.

     On October 29th 1966, there was a LE at 5 degrees taurus, on November 12th 1966 there was a SE at 19
degrees scorpio, on May 6th 1966 there was a LE at 13 degrees scorpio, on May 20th 1966 there was a SE at 28
degrees taurus, on April 24th 1967 there was a LE at 3 degrees scorpio and on May 9th there was a SE at 18
taurus. The transiting sun-venus-north node-neptune conjunction on November 7th 1966 at 14-21 degrees
scorpio activated the eclipses at 19 degrees scorpio, 13 degrees scropio and 18 degrees taurus. 25/38
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     John's natal 7th house is activated with the eclipse at 5 taurus making an opposition to his natal mercury
A s t r o nscorpio
in the 7th house and the eclipse at 3 degrees u m e r omaking
l o g y aWconjunction
i s d o m to it; the eclipses at 13 and 19
degrees scorpio fall in the 7th house. The eclipses at 18 and 28 degrees taurus fell in the natal first house
making an opposition aspect to the 7th house. John's SR 7th house dispositor is Mercury at 5 degrees scorpio
which is in opposition to the eclipse at 5 taurus and in conjunction to the eclipse at 3 degrees scorpio.  John's
LR descendant degree is 3 degrees scorpio so the eclipse at 5 scorpio makes a close conjunction to it, the
eclipse at 3 scorpio makes an exact conjunction and the other eclipses at 13 and 19 scorpio fell in the LR 7th
house. The eclipses at 18 and 28 degrees taurus fell in the first house making an opposition to the 7th house.
John's SP 7th house ruler is Jupiter at 10 degrees taurus so the eclipse at 13 degrees scorpio makes an
opposition. John's SA vertex-north node conjunction is at 2-6 degrees scorpio so the eclipses at 5 degrees
taurus and 3 degrees scorpio activate these points of destiny. His SA descendant is 15 degrees scorpio so the
eclipses at 13 and 19 scorpio make a conjunction to it and the eclipse at 18 taurus makes an opposition to it.
The eclipse at 13 scorpio makes a close conjunction the the descendant and the eclipses at 18 and 28 taurus
fall in the 1st house making an opposition to the 7th house.

    Looking at Yoko's charts for the same eclipses, we see that the LE at 5 degrees taurus fell in Yoko's natal
7th house and the eclipse at 3 degrees taurus fell in the 1st house making an opposition to the 7th house.
The eclipse at 13 degrees scorpio made an exact square to her venus. The SR has vertex at 14 degrees scorpio
so the eclipses at 13 and 19 scorpio make a conjunction and the eclipse at 18 degrees taurus makes an
opposition. The LR 7th house ruler is mercury at 16 degrees scorpio so the eclipses at 13 scorpio, 18 degrees
taurus and 19 degrees scorpio activate it and the eclipse at 5 degrees taurus fell in the LR 1st house making
an opposition to the 7th house. The SP has 7 degrees scorpio on the ascendant so the eclipse at 5 taurus
made a close conjunction to the descendant, the eclipse at 3 scorpio made a close opposition to the
descendant and the eclipses at 13 and 19 scorpio fell in the first house making an opposition to the 7th
house. The eclipses at 18  and 28 degrees taurus fell in the 7th house. The SA ascendant is 12 degrees scorpio
so the eclipses at 13 and 19 scorpio fell in the first house making an opposition to the 7th house. The eclipses
at 18 at 28 degrees taurus fall in the 7th house. The eclipse at 28 degrees taurus makes a conjunction with
the vertex at 0 degrees gemini activating this point of destiny.

   Looking at the composite chart, on January 9th 1963, there was a LE at 18 degrees cancer and on July 6th
1963 there was a LE at 14 degrees capricorn. These eclipses fell on the ascendant- descendant axis, with the
eclipse on July 6th exact on the ascendant degree. On December 20th 1963 there was a lunar eclipse at 8
degrees cancer. This eclipse makes an opposition to 7th house ruler moon at 7 degrees capricorn. On July 9th
1964 there was a SE at 17 degrees cancer making a conjunction to the descendant at 14 cancer. 26/38
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Astronumerology Wisdom

Numerology Relationship Analysis

     When analyzing relationship compatibility, the five core numbers are compared between two people (Life
Path, Birthday, Expression, Soul Urge and Personality). The first thing you would look for is how many
numbers two people have in common overall. For example if Lara's Birthday is 6, Life Path 7, Expression 2,
Soul Urge 5 and Personality 3 is compared to Jim's Birthday 6, Life Path 1, Expression 8, Soul Urge 3 and
Personality 5, we find they have 3 numbers in common. 

The second thing you would do is make a chart: 

                              Life Path          Birthday        Expression        Soul Urge        Personality

Person A

Person B 36/38
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Degree of
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     We are comparing the same number for both people, Soul-Urge to Soul Urge and Personality to
Personality for example. Generally, you can get a good idea of compatibility by assigning 3 points for most
harmonious matches, 2 points for good compatibility matches and 1 point for significant effort matches. The
matches that go either way will depend on what sides of the numbers are being expressed and will differ in
each relationship dynamic. For example, numbers 7 and 9 both have firm beliefs about religion/
spirituality/ philosophy. If they have similar views they may really enjoy spending time with each other and
have some very profound conversations. Likewise, they can have fruitful discussions if they have differing
views but accept the different beliefs of the other without trying to change them. However, if they have
differing views and one or both of them expects the other to change their beliefs, they will both be very
disappointed. Because the matches that can go either way are hard to gauge, they are usually left out of the

Number 1: The most harmonious matches are with 1, 5 and 7.

                  There is good compatibility with 3 and 9

                  It can go either way with 2 and 8

                  It will require significant effort to make it work with 4 or 6

Number 2: The most harmonious matches are with 2, 4 and 8

                  There is good compatibility with 3 and 6

                  It can go either way with 1 and 9

                  It will require significant effort to make it work with 5 and 7

                  Note: Number 11 generally is the same but can go either way with 7 and has good compatibility
with 8. Number    

                            11 and 22 are harmonious.

Number 3: The most harmonious matches are with 3, 6 and 9

                  There is good compatibility with 1, 2 and 5

                  It will require significant effort to make it work with 4, 7 and 8

Number 4: The most harmonious matches are with 2, 4 and 8

                  There is good compatibility with 6 and 7

                   It will require significant effort with 1, 3, 5 and 9

                   Note: Number 22 is generally the same but can go either way with 1 and 9. Number 11 and 22 are

Number 5: The most harmonious matches are with 1, 5 and 7

                  There is good compatibility with 3 and 9

                  It can go either way with 8

                  It will require significant effort with 2, 4 and 6

Number 6: The most harmonious matches are with 3, 6 and 9

                  There is good compatibility with 2, 4 and 8 37/38
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                  It will require significant effort with 1, 5 and 7

Astronumerology Wisdom
Number 7: The most harmonious matches are with 1, 5 and 7

                  There is good compatibility with  4 

                  It can go either way with 9

                  It will require significant effort with 2, 3, 6, and 8

Number 8: The most harmonious matches are with 2, 4 and 8

                  There is good compatibility with 6

                  It can go either way with 1 or 5

                  It will require significant effort with 3, 7 and 9

Number 9: The most harmonious matches are with 3, 6 and 9

                  There is good compatibility with 1 and 5

                  It can go either way with 2 and 7

                  It will require significant effort with 4 and  8



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