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People that use illegal drugs have some reason in why they partook it in the first place.

Some will be of
curiosity after seeing others doing intakes and starts to question himself/herself if the same thing will
happen to him/her. Another reason for partaking in this activity may be because of a problem that they
were or are currently facing, trying to slip away and escape from that said problem. Peer pressure is
another reason. Getting pressured the people you know and cornered without a path to escape, you
became a victim. More of the reasons for this action is wanting to get accepted by a specific group that
they want to join in or just to get attention.

What we we’ve showed in our PSA is the aftermath of using illegal drugs. Falling into addiction, getting
into crimes, getting caught by the police, and even death. We’ve used words that that explains the
spread of using illegal drugs and reasoned with the audience for the life that they will be wasting will not
only affect themselves, but also the people around them. The last words were of persuasion for them to
prevent the effect before they affect.

As a teenager we should avoid to try this kind of drugs that can't ruined our life. This kind of drug is not
good to us it can cause failure and destroyed our future. Using drugs or allowing yourself to use it is the
one problem. As a Filipino or human being, you should not try or taste it. If someone or a friend of yours
try to invite you to use this kind of drugs. You should not or you must avoid it tell them that you don't
want it reject whatever they said in this way you can help to solve the problem at least you can tell the
others that using this drugs can give them a problem not a solution to their problem.

If, I were in charge on it I will advocate the young people especially the teenagers nowadays. I will do my
best to use my voice to spread and acknowledge the youth to avoid using drugs. I will put in the slogan
in Campaign " Save your future, not the temporary happiness that can ruined your life". Avoid, Reject,
and Start to spread " Not to try or use drugs because it’s trending and you're curious ".

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