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Basic Water Cooling Tower

Instruction Manual



July 2015

Armfield Ltd Instruction Manual UOP6-MKII

1 Introduction

This manual contains instructions for the correct use and maintenance of the UOP6-MKII
Water Cooling Tower manufactured by Armfield Ltd.

The information contained in this manual is intended for the user who is required to read it
carefully and to ensure that he has fully understood it before operating the machine.

The user manual must be available for ready consultation at all times.

If the manual is lost or damaged contact the manufacturer for a replacement copy.

WARNING - The manufacturer is not liable for consequences resulting from an

improper use of the machine due to the user’s failure to read this manual or incomplete
reading of it.

The manual is an integral part of each piece of equipment and consequently must be kept
throughout the entire service life of the machine and accompany it at all times, even if
transferred to another user.

This manual contains instructions required for the safety, receiving, installation, storage,
correct operation and maintenance of the UOP6-MKII Water Cooling Tower.

WARNING - Armfield Ltd. reserves the right to modify the specifications referred to in
this manual or the characteristics of each machine. Some of the illustrations in this manual
may include parts that are slightly different to those mounted on your machine.

WARNING - All practical work areas and laboratories should be covered by local
regulations which must be followed at all times

2 EC Conformity

Each machine is accompanied by an EC Declaration of Conformity signed by the

representative of Armfield Ltd.

The declaration of conformity states the model and serial number.

The equipment has been constructed in compliance with the essential health and safety
requirements laid down in the following applicable directives:

2006/95/EC The Low Voltage Directive

2004/108/EC The Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive

2006/42/EC The Machinery Directive

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Armfield Ltd Instruction Manual UOP6-MKII

The following harmonised standards were also consulted for the design and construction of
the equipment:

BS EN 61010-1:2010 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for

measurement, control, and laboratory use

BS EN 61000-6-1:2007 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic standards.

Immunity for residential, commercial and light-industrial

BS EN 61000-6-3:2001 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic standards.

Emission standard for residential, commercial and light-
industrial environments

WARNING - This declaration is only valid if the Equipment is installed, used and
maintained in compliance with the above mentioned directives and instructions and with the
instructions and equipment described in this manual.

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Armfield Ltd Instruction Manual UOP6-MKII

Table of Contents

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
2 EC Conformity ............................................................................................................... 1
3 Disclaimer ...................................................................................................................... 5
4 Copyright and trademarks .............................................................................................. 5
5 Symbols ......................................................................................................................... 6
6 Safety ............................................................................................................................ 7
6.1 Failure to comply with safety standards .................................................................. 7
6.2 Start up, operation and maintenance ...................................................................... 7
6.3 Intended conditions of use ...................................................................................... 8
6.4 Safety guidelines relating to maintenance, inspection and assembly work .............. 8
6.5 Arbitrary production and transformation of spare parts ............................................ 8
6.6 Chemical Safety ...................................................................................................... 9
6.7 Water Borne Hazards ............................................................................................. 9
6.8 Hot/Cold Surfaces and Liquids .............................................................................. 10
6.9 Leakage of hazardous fluids ................................................................................. 10
6.10 Protective clothing................................................................................................. 10
6.11 Machine maintenance ........................................................................................... 11
7 General Overview ........................................................................................................ 13
7.1 UOP6-MKII-23 Packing Characteristics Accessory ............................................... 15
8 Equipment Diagrams ................................................................................................... 16
9 References .................................................................................................................. 20
10 Description ................................................................................................................... 21
10.1 Water Circuit ......................................................................................................... 21
10.2 Air Circuit .............................................................................................................. 21
10.3 Tower and Packing ............................................................................................... 22
10.4 Demonstration of an external load circuit .............................................................. 23
11 Installation.................................................................................................................... 24
11.1 Advisory ................................................................................................................ 24
11.2 Choosing the location for UOP6-MKII ................................................................... 24
11.3 Installing the Software supplied with UOP6-MKII .................................................. 24
11.4 Installing the Equipment ........................................................................................ 25
11.5 Electrical Wiring Diagram ...................................................................................... 26
12 Operation ..................................................................................................................... 27
12.1 Operating the Software to operate UOP6-MKII ..................................................... 27
12.2 Operating the Equipment ...................................................................................... 28
12.2.1 Basic Precautions .......................................................................................... 28
12.2.2 Preparation for Use ........................................................................................ 28
12.2.3 Shutting Down ............................................................................................... 30
13 Equipment Specifications ............................................................................................. 31
13.1 Overall Dimensions ............................................................................................... 31
13.2 Equipment Location .............................................................................................. 31
13.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility ............................................................................... 31
13.4 Sump Tank and Plenum Chamber ........................................................................ 32
13.5 Tower.................................................................................................................... 32
13.6 Packing ................................................................................................................. 33
13.7 USB Signals to / from the PC ................................................................................ 34

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13.7.1 Analog inputs to I/O PCB ............................................................................... 34

13.7.2 Analog Outputs from I/O PCB ........................................................................ 35
13.8 Digital inputs to PCB ............................................................................................. 35
13.9 Digital Outputs from PCB ...................................................................................... 35
13.10 UOP6-MKII-23 Packing Characteristics Accessory ............................................ 35
13.11 Environmental Conditions .................................................................................. 36
14 Routine Maintenance ................................................................................................... 37
14.1 Responsibility........................................................................................................ 37
14.2 Keeping the external surfaces clean ..................................................................... 37
14.3 Keeping the tower and blocks of packing clean..................................................... 37
14.4 Keeping the inside of the equipment clean ............................................................ 37
14.5 Keeping the Diffuser and Droplet Arrester clean ................................................... 37
14.6 Keeping the sump tank clean ................................................................................ 38
14.7 Water Pump .......................................................................................................... 38
14.8 Pump Filter ........................................................................................................... 39
14.9 Testing the RCD ................................................................................................... 39
14.10 Sensor Calibration ............................................................................................. 39
15 Laboratory Teaching Exercises .................................................................................... 40
15.1 Index to Exercises................................................................................................. 40
15.2 Cooling Tower Terminology .................................................................................. 41
15.3 Basic Principles of the Evaporative Cooling Tower ............................................... 43
15.3.1 Evaporation from a wet surface ..................................................................... 44
15.3.2 Theoretical analysis from first principles......................................................... 45
15.3.3 Cooling Tower Performance .......................................................................... 46
15.3.4 Use of a Psychrometric App........................................................................... 46
15.3.5 Relative Humidity Table ................................................................................. 46
16 Exercise A - Observation of the processes occurring within a forced draught cooling
tower ................................................................................................................................... 48
17 Exercise B - Effect of water inlet temperature on the performance of a cooling tower .. 52
18 Exercise C - Effect of air flow rate on the performance of a cooling tower .................... 55
19 Exercise D - Effect of water flow rate on the performance of a cooling tower ............... 58
20 Exercise E - Effect of packing density on the performance of a cooling tower .............. 61
21 Exercise F - Effect of packing height on the performance of a cooling tower ................ 64
22 Exercise G - Performing a mass balance and a heat balance across the tower ........... 67
23 Project 1 - Investigation of locally designed and manufactured packing ....................... 70
24 Project 2 - Demonstration of cooling a process using a Cooling Tower ........................ 72
25 Project 3 - Effect of inlet air temperature or inlet RH on tower performance ................. 74
26 Contact Details for Further Information ........................................................................ 75

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3 Disclaimer
This document and all the information contained within it is proprietary to Armfield Limited.
This document must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied and
its contents must not be reproduced, modified, adapted, published, translated or disclosed to
any third party, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Armfield Limited.

Should you have any queries or comments, please contact the Armfield Customer Support
helpdesk (Monday to Thursday: 0830 - 1730 and Friday: 0830 - 1300 UK time). Contact
details are as follows:

United Kingdom International

(0) 1425 478781 +44 (0) 1425 478781

(calls charged at local rate) (international rates apply)

Email: support@armfield.co.uk

Fax: +44 (0) 1425 470916

4 Copyright and trademarks

Copyright © 2015 Armfield Limited. All rights reserved.

Any technical documentation made available by Armfield Limited is the copyright work of
Armfield Limited and wholly owned by Armfield Limited.

Brands and product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.

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5 Symbols

General warning indicating the potential risk of personal injury

Danger warning Caution: Explosion Risk

Electrical hazard Cold Burn hazard

High Voltage hazard Caution: Flammable

Rotating parts hazard Caution: Biohazard

Caution: corrosive material

Do not remove safety guards from Do not repair or oil machine whilst in
rotating parts motion

This symbol draws your attention to the Wear protective gloves


Wear eye protection Wear ear protection

Wear safety shoes Wear breathing protection

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6 Safety

6.1 Failure to comply with safety standards

Failure to comply with the safety standards described in this manual and those relating
to common sense can cause danger to people and the environment and damage the

Specifically, such non-observance can cause:

 inability of machine and/or plant to perform key functions;

 damage to the machine and /or plant ;

 electrical, mechanical and/or chemical danger to persons;

 environmental danger due to leakage of hazardous substances.

Failure to observe and comply with these safety standards will invalidate the warranty.

Keep these instructions and all related documents together, ensure that they are legible and
easily accessible to all employees.

Do not remove any safety equipment before operating the Equipment or during its
operation. Make sure that there is no evident danger before powering up the Equipment. The
system must be inspected regularly to check for damage and to ensure that all safety
devices are in good working order.

The Equipment contains moving parts. Do not insert limbs or materials other than the
processing material while the Equipment is functioning. In the event of malfunction, danger
or lack of appropriate safety systems, shut down the Equipment immediately and inform the
qualified personnel.

6.2 Start up, operation and maintenance

The customer is required to verify the suitability of the Equipment for his specific needs, to
provide the necessary processing data for a correct selection of the Equipment type and the
accessories needed to guarantee the safety of the Equipment. If the user notices that any
accessories he considers useful or essential are missing in the order confirmation, it is the
customer’s responsibility to contact the manufacturer and request that the accessory or
accessories be applied to the Equipment.

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While the Equipment is being used the safety devices provided must be
present and correctly installed. Do not carry out any operation on the safety devices while
the Equipment is operating.

6.3 Intended conditions of use

The Equipment is designed to give students an appreciation of the construction, design and
operational characteristics of a modern forced draught evaporative cooling system.

The Equipment must always observe the operating limitations for which it was
constructed and those stated in the order confirmation: observe the temperature, pressure,
capacity, viscosity and speed limits. Unless otherwise stated in the order, the Equipment
must not be used in environments subject to the formation of potentially explosive

6.4 Safety guidelines relating to maintenance, inspection and assembly


The user must ensure that all maintenance, inspection and assembly operations
related to the Equipment is carried out by qualified technicians.

Technicians must carefully read this instruction manual before acting on the Equipment.
Only authorised and trained personnel are permitted to work on the Equipment.

6.5 Arbitrary production and transformation of spare parts

Changes or modifications to the machine, within the limits that do not go beyond
extraordinary maintenance, are only permitted if agreed on beforehand with the

Only original spare parts or parts specifically declared as compatible by Armfield Ltd. must
be used for regular maintenance operations.

These parts have been designed specifically for the system. There is no guarantee that non-
original parts can withstand the loads, and function correctly and safely.

The use of non-original parts voids the warranty.

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6.6 Chemical Safety

The unit is designed to use clean water (deionised or demineralised to avoid scale
build up due to impurities) during normal operation, but cleaning should be carried out
regularly as described in the maintenance section of this manual which may involve the use
of a mild detergent. In addition, under certain conditions causing algal growth, it may be
necessary to use disinfectants or biocides to avoid the possibility of water-borne infections
as described above.

Any such chemicals used must be stored, handled, prepared and used in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions and with all applicable local regulations. Protective
clothing (e.g. gloves, eye protection) should be worn when appropriate, and users should be
supplied with any relevant safety information (e.g. the correct procedure in the event of
contact with skin or eyes, the correct procedure in the event of a spill, etc.).

6.7 Water Borne Hazards

The equipment described in this instruction manual involves the use of water, which
under certain conditions can create a health hazard due to infection by harmful micro-

For example, the microscopic bacterium called Legionella pneumophila will feed on any
scale, rust, algae or sludge in water and will breed rapidly if the temperature of water is
between 20 and 45°C. Any water containing this bacterium which is sprayed or splashed
creating air-borne droplets can produce a form of pneumonia called Legionnaires Disease
which is potentially fatal.

Legionella is not the only harmful micro-organism which can infect water, but it serves as a
useful example of the need for cleanliness.

Under the COSHH regulations, the following precautions must be observed:

 Any water contained within the product must not be allowed to stagnate, i.e. the
water must be changed regularly.

 Any rust, sludge, scale or algae on which micro-organisms can feed must be
removed regularly, i.e. the equipment must be cleaned regularly.

 Where practicable the water should be maintained at a temperature below 20°C or

the water should be disinfected. In the UOP6-MKII Cooling Tower this is not
practicable so the equipment should be drained after use and filled with fresh water
for each run. Note that other hazards may exist in the handling of biocides if these
are used to disinfect the water.

 After use the water system should be filled and run with water containing a mild
disinfectant such as ‘Milton’ to kill any micro-organisms or algal growth then flushed
with clean water and left empty. The fan should not be operated while circulating

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disinfectant to avoid droplets from becoming airborne. The droplet arrester should be
removed, soaked in the water containing disinfectant then allowed to dry before
replacing it in the tower.

 A scheme should be prepared for preventing or controlling the risk incorporating all of
the actions listed above.

Further details on preventing infection are contained in the publication “The Control of
Legionellosis including Legionnaires Disease” - Health and Safety Series booklet HS (G) 70.

6.8 Hot/Cold Surfaces and Liquids

This unit is designed to operate with a maximum liquid temperature of 50°C and
minimum liquid temperature of 5°C.

However, under fault conditions various components could become hot or cold and produce
temperatures that could cause skin burns. There is also a potential risk of scalding from hot
liquids or vapours (e.g. steam).

Before disconnecting any of the pipes or tubing:

 Stop the liquid pump.

 Leave time for the equipment to return to room temperature.

 Check that the temperature of the Equipment and liquid is at a safe level

Do not touch any surfaces close to ‘Hot Surfaces’ warning labels, or any of the
interconnecting tubing, whilst the equipment is in use.

6.9 Leakage of hazardous fluids

If the Equipment is used to pump/operate with hazardous liquids

(toxic, corrosive, flammable, etc.), the volumes of fluid that leak through the seals must be
collected and disposed of without endangering human health or the environment and in
accordance to local legislation.

6.10 Protective clothing

Wear appropriate protective clothing to protect body parts.

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Safety gloves

Wear suitable gloves to protect your hands from various types of possible hazards:
mechanical, electrical, chemical and high/low temperatures.


Wear appropriate clothing to protect your body from chemical hazards.


Wear safety footwear to protect your feet from falling objects.

Eye Protection

Wear suitable eye protection to protect your eyes from various types of possible hazards:
mechanical debris, chemicals and hot water/steam.

Ear Protection

Wear suitable ear protection to protect your ears from excessive noise.

6.11 Machine maintenance

Do not disassemble the Equipment before emptying the contents/fluids (if

applicable). Even if the tubes are all empty, some liquid could remain in the unit. The fluid(s)
can be hazardous to human health and the environment, and can be very hot/cold.

All maintenance work must be carried out with the machine isolated from the power

Before beginning maintenance on the Equipment remember to isolate the power

supply. All the devices must be secured against automatic or accidental restart. (Where
possible turn the main switch to OFF and remove the key). In particular situations where you
need to run the Equipment while servicing at least 2 persons must be present so that in the
event of danger one person will be able to disconnect the power supply or raise the alarm.
Once maintenance has been completed remember to restore the safety devices and check
that they are in good working order.

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To give increased operator protection, the unit incorporates a Residual Current Device
(RCD), alternatively called an Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker, as an integral part of this
equipment. If through misuse or accident the equipment becomes electrically compromised,
the RCD will switch off the electrical supply and reduce the severity of any electric shock
received by an operator to a level which, under normal circumstances, will not cause injury
to that person.

At least once each month, check that the RCD is operating correctly by pressing
the TEST button. The circuit breaker MUST trip when the button is pressed. Failure to trip
means that the operator is not protected and the equipment must be checked and repaired
by a competent electrician before it is used.

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7 General Overview

The Armfield UOP6-MKII Basic Water Cooling Tower has been specifically designed to give
students an appreciation of the construction, design and operational characteristics of a
modern forced draught evaporative cooling system. The unit is also an excellent example of
an open system through which two streams of fluid (water and air) flow in countercurrent
directions with heat and mass transfer from one stream to the other.

UOP6-MKII is completely self-contained and includes the simulated cooling load (water
heater in the sump tank), variable speed water pump and variable speed fan. It has much
the same configuration as a full size forced draught cooling tower, has the same
characteristics, and stabilises quickly.

The tower is fully instrumented with electronic sensors and is operated and controlled via a
USB port on a PC (PC not supplied).

Students can quickly investigate the following effects on the performance of a forced draught
cooling tower:

 Changes in air flow rate upwards through the packing

 Changes in water flow rate downwards through the packing

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 Changes in warm water temperature entering the packing

 Changes in cooling load (heat input to the sump tank)
 Changes in packing density (surface area of the packing)
 Changes in packing height (1/3 height, 2/3 height or full height)

Students can also observe the following:

 Limitations caused by saturation of the air as it passes through the packing

(increasing Relative Humidity)
 Mass and energy changes in the two fluid streams
 Performance when operated as a Spray tower (no packing fitted)
 Changes in type of packing (Project work)
 Limitations caused by humidity of the air entering the packing (Project work)
UOP6-MKII incorporates the following improved features:

 Electronic control of water pump speed via software on the PC with electronic flow
sensor to measure water flow rate through the packing
 Electronic control of fan speed via software on the PC with orifice and electronic
pressure sensor to measure air flow through the packing
 PID control of heater power (cooling load) via software to provide water at the
required operating temperature or constant power input for stable operation as
 Direct measurement of electrical power supplied to the heater for ease of analysis
 Electronic sensors to measure temperature of water, temperature of air and relative
humidity of air entering and leaving the packing
 Direct reading humidity sensors to eliminate the maintenance associated with wet-
bulb thermometers
 Removable front panel on the tower allows rapid change of packing without the need
for tools or the need to disassemble the equipment
 Supplied with two samples of modern, low pressure drop, film fill type industrial
packing each having a different packing density / surface area for comparison
 Supplied with 1/3 height and 2/3 height packing in addition to full height packing for
 Can be operated as a spray tower with no packing installed
 Electronic pressure sensor to measure water loss due to evaporation (allows make-
up to be determined)
 Operated and data logged using a PC (PC not supplied)

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7.1 UOP6-MKII-23 Packing Characteristics Accessory

The UOP6-MKII-23 Packing Characteristics Accessory is designed to be used in

combination with the UOP6-MKII Basic Water Cooling Tower.

The Packing Characteristics Accessory allows water and air conditions to be measured at
three intermediate positions within the tower. When combined with the measurements at the
inlet and the outlet of the tower on the UOP6-MKII, the complete profile throughout the
packing can be analysed allowing driving force diagrams to be constructed and the
Characteristic Equation for the tower to be determined.

The Packing Characteristics Accessory is simply installed on the UOP6-MKII, without the
use of tools, by replacing the existing front panel and packing with the accessory. The
instrumentation supplied with UOP6-MKII-23 is connected to a second USB port on the PC
to allow the additional measurements to be displayed and recorded together with the
measurements from the basic UOP6-MKII.

Refer to the separate instruction manual supplied with UOP6-MKII-23 for details about the
accessory and the additional exercises that can be carried out when using the accessory.

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8 Equipment Diagrams

Figure 1: UOP6-MKII Water Cooling Tower

Figure 2: UOP6-Rear view

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Figure 3: UOP6-MKII Tower top

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Figure 4: UOP6-MKII Sump tank and Plenum chamber

Figure 5: UOP6-MKII Collecting Basin above sump tank

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Figure 6: Schematic Diagram of UOP6-MKII

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9 References

Author Title Publisher

Carter Thermal
W. Stanford and G.B. Cooling Tower – Principles and
1 Engineering, Hay Mills,
Hill Practice
Birmingham 25

J.D. Gurney and A.

2 Cooling Towers MacLaren Press

Thermodynamic & Transport

3 Rogers and Mayhew Basil Blackwell
properties of Fluids (S.I.)

Engineering Thermodynamics,
4 Rogers and Mayhew Longman
Work and Heat Transfer

T. Eastop and Applied Thermodynamics for

5 Longman
McCorkey Engineering Technologies

Hygrometric Tables Pt. II H.M.S.O., York House,

6 Meteorological Office
(ºC) Pt. III Kingsway, London WC2

Psychrometric Charts for

Troup Publications Ltd.,
Pressures from 700 to 1100
7 - 76 Oxford Street, London
mbar in increments of 25 mbar
(S.I. units)

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10 Description

Where necessary, refer to the drawings in Equipment Diagrams section 8.

The equipment is fully self-contained on a common baseplate and only requires connection
to and electrical supply and fill with demineralised water before operation.

The tower is fully instrumented with electronic sensors and is operated and controlled via a
USB port on a PC (PC not supplied).

10.1 Water Circuit

Water in the sump tank (31) is heated, by a thermostatically protected electrical heating
element (28), to the required operating temperature set by the operator on the PC. The
heated water is pumped to the top of the tower using a submersible centrifugal pump (29)
located inside the sump tank. The speed of the pump is varied electronically and set by the
operator on the PC to give the required water flow rate, measured by an in-line flow meter

The temperature of the water delivered to the top of the tower (1) is measured using
temperature sensor Twin (22) before entering the distributor where the water is sprayed onto
the top of the packing using a pattern of spray nozzles (17) to give uniform distribution over
the packing (7). As the water spreads and flows downwards over the surface of the
convoluted packing, a large area of water in a thin film is exposed to the air stream passing
upwards through the packing. During its downward passage through the packing the water is
cooled, largely by the evaporation of a small proportion of the total flow.

The cooled water falls from the bottom of the packing and flows through a diffuser (34),
consisting of a layer of coarse open cell foam, into a collecting basin (35) where its
temperature is again measured using temperature sensor Twout (26). Excess water
overflows from the collecting basin and falls back into the sump tank for re-heating and re-
circulation through the packing.

Due to evaporation in the tower, the water level in the sump tank falls slowly during
operation, the rate depending on conditions inside the cooling tower. This level is
continuously monitored using a pressure sensor and indicated on the PC as water level Lw.
A zero button in the software, associated with the level measurement, simplifies the
determination of the rate of water loss - sometimes called make-up. Under steady
conditions, the rate at which the water empties from the sump tank is equal to the rate of
evaporation plus the rate that any small airborne droplets in the air discharge from the top of
the tower.

In normal use the spray nozzle assembly is fitted to the rear aperture at the top of the tower
so that water is sprayed onto the top of the packing. Two additional apertures lower down on
the tower and fitted with blanking plates are included to allow operation with packing of 1/3
height and 2/3 height for comparison.

10.2 Air Circuit

Air from the atmosphere enters the fan (2) at a rate which is controlled by the speed of the
fan, set via the operator using the software on the PC. The fan discharges into a plenum
chamber (30) surrounding the sump tank and the air passes over a combined humidity

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sensor RHin and temperature sensor Tain (27) before flowing around and over the collecting
basin and entering the base of the packing in the tower. As the air flows through the
packing, contacting the film of water on the surface of the packing, its moisture content
increases and the water is cooled by the change in latent heat associated with the
evaporation process. On leaving the top of the packing the air passes through a droplet
arrester (16), consisting of fine open cell foam, which traps most of the entrained water
droplets and allows them to drip back into the packing. The air passes over a combination
sensor (24), i.e. relative humidity RHout and temperature Taout combined in one sensor, then
discharges to the atmosphere via a circular orifice (25). A pressure tapping (15) upstream of
the orifice is connected to pressure sensor dP1 located inside the electrical console to
measure the differential pressure relative to atmosphere. The flow of air through the tower is
calculated by the software from the measurement of differential pressure across the orifice.

10.3 Tower and Packing

The construction of the tower using clear acrylic allows the packing to be viewed and the
water flow through it observed where it meets the tower walls during operation. The
removable front panel is secured to the tower using thumb nuts (19) for ease of removal /
assembly and to eliminate the need for tools when changing the packing or cleaning the

The tower is fixed to the top of the sump tank with four fixings and sealed to the top with a
flexible gasket to prevent leakage. Removal of the tower should not be necessary under
normal circumstances but may be necessary when performing maintenance tasks inside the
sump tank.

The top of the tower incorporates an opening at the rear (9) where the droplet arrester (16)
and water distributor with nozzles (17) are fitted. These are secured in place using thumb
nuts (23) to allow ease of removal for cleaning.

Air exits the tower via a circular orifice machined into the top face of the tower assembly as
described above.

Pressure tappings (18) upstream and downstream of the packing allow the differential
pressure across the packing to be measured, if required, using an appropriate instrument
(not supplied). The measured values can be entered manually in the software as dP2 to
record the values. The samples of packing supplied with UOP6-MKII exhibit an extremely
low pressure drop, typically 2 mm H2O / 20 Pascals at maximum air flow, so measurements
using the tappings are only really appropriate if filling the tower with more obstructive
packing as described in Project 1.

Tappings for temperature sensors, humidity sensor etc are incorporated at appropriate
positions in the tower. The UOP6-MKII schematic diagram shows the location of the various

When in normal operation the tower incorporates a section of convoluted packing (7), typical
of the packing used in small industrial cooling towers, to provide a large area of contact area
between the water and the air. Four blocks of packing are supplied to provide two different
densities (different surface area) and three different heights for direct comparison in the
cooling tower as follows:

Common packing height - 500 mm (full height)

Common packing cross section - 150 mm x 150 mm
Packing A - Flute size 27 mm, Packing density 125 m2/m3 (standard packing)

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Packing B - Flute size 19 mm, Packing density 150 m2/m3 (Fine packing)
Packing C - Flute size 27 mm, Packing density 125 m2/m3 – 1/3 full height
Packing D - Flute size 27 mm, Packing density 125 m2/m3 – 2/3 full height

Each block of packing is skinned with a thin clear PVC casing to avoid damage to the
convoluted structure during handling and storage and to ease installation and removal when
changing the packing.

UOP6-MKII is normally used with the standard density packing (Packing A) installed in the
tower. The alternative samples of packing with reduced density / surface area or reduced
height can be interchanged as and when appropriate.

Note: Packing C and packing D utilise the same density as packing A but the sections are
reduced in height. This allows testing can be carried out with 1/3 full height (C) or 2/3 full
height for comparison with the full height packing (A). The two reduced height sections are
marked to show the correct alignment if it is required for them to be used together. The spray
assembly is repositioned in the appropriate lower apertures at the rear of the tower when
testing packing with reduced height.

If required, different packing materials can be installed in the tower by the user for evaluation
/ project work, provided that the size of the packing is adjusted to suit the internal
dimensions of the tower. The tower is designed to accommodate packing that is 500 mm
high with a cross section of 150 mm x 150 mm. Exercise Project 1 gives details about such a

The tower can also be used to demonstrate a spray tower with all packing removed.

10.4 Demonstration of an external load circuit

The UOP6-MKII Basic Water Cooling Tower may be used to demonstrate the industrial
practice whereby a cooling tower is used to cool water exiting a process so that it can be
reused within the process.

To perform this demonstration, the outlet from the centrifugal pump can be connected to the
process requiring cooling, such as the heat exchanger on a different product such as
HT30XC (not supplied with UOP6-MKII). The water heated in the process is then fed to the
water distributor at the top of the tower for cooling in the tower followed by recirculation
through the process. Quick release connections in the water circuit allow this operation to be
performed without the use of tools. The heater in the sump tank of UOP6-MKII is not used
when performing this demonstration.

Note: Provided that the pressure drop in the external process is relatively small, the pump
on UOP6-MKII should be adequate to circulate the water through the external process.
However, it may be necessary to incorporate an additional pump in series with the UOP6-
MKII to perform this demonstration.

Exercise Project 2 (section 24) gives details about such a demonstration.

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11 Installation

11.1 Advisory

Before operating the equipment, it must be unpacked, assembled and installed as described
in the steps that follow. Safe use of the equipment depends on following the correct
installation procedure.

11.2 Choosing the location for UOP6-MKII

The equipment requires an unobstructed area around the inlet at the fan and the outlet at
the top of the tower. When in use, good circulation of air is required around the equipment to
displace the humid air generated by the equipment and ensure consistency of results. If the
humidity of the air surrounding the equipment is allowed to rise continuously, as water is
evaporated by the UOP6-MKII, then the air entering the tower will also rise in humidity and
prevent accurate comparison of performance under different conditions inside the tower.

Since direct sunlight or other sources of heat such as radiators can affect the performance of
the equipment it is suggested that the location of the equipment is chosen to avoid these.
Ideally the location should be ventilated using an extractor fan to minimise any build up in
humidity when the equipment is in use. If using an extractor fan then a flexible duct located
close to the top of the tower will provide the best results but care should be taken not to
locate the duct too close to the orifice on the top of the tower as air flow readings can be

For best results the equipment should be located in an air conditioned room so that the
temperature and the humidity of the air remain reasonably constant from run to run.

11.3 Installing the Software supplied with UOP6-MKII

To log data from UOP6-MKII using a PC it will be necessary to install the software supplied
with the UOP6-MKII onto an appropriate PC (PC not supplied). Before proceeding, connect
the USB port on the UOP7-MKII to the USB port on the PC using the USB lead supplied.

For instructions on how to install and run the software or how to diagnose problems, insert
the media device into the PC (PC not supplied) then choose ‘Help’ from the onscreen menu.
To successfully install the Armfield software it will be necessary for the user to be logged on
to the computer as Administrator or a user that has been granted Administrator rights.

After installing and running the software on the PC, an instruction manual explaining how to
use the software can be obtained by choosing the ‘Help’ tab.

When the software is loaded it will automatically search for the COM port on the PC
appropriate to the USB port with the USB lead connected. While this process is taking place
the message ‘Scanning…’ will be displayed in the bottom menu bar. The software will be
ready to operate when the message changes to OK:xxxx where xxxx gives details about the
type of interface and the number of the COM port on the PC.
If the message ‘Scanning…’ persists then it will be necessary to check the installation of the
driver and the connection between the equipment and the PC.

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11.4 Installing the Equipment

1. Unpack the equipment and examine it for damage during transit. If any damage is
observed, notify the insurers immediately.
2. Check that the local electrical supply agrees with the label adjacent to the electrical
input socket on the side of the electrical console.
3. Choose a suitable location to install the equipment with the following requirements:

Sturdy work bench with free space for a suitable PC (not supplied) for
operating the equipment.

Good circulation of air to displace the humid air generated by the equipment
when in use. If an extractor fan is available then this should be used to
remove the humid air at the top of the tower and expel it from the room. If a
duct is used this must not be connected directly to the outlet orifice as this will
affect the air velocity measurements.

Access to a mains electrical socket to power the equipment.

A supply of demineralised water for filling the equipment.

4. If the tower (1) has been removed, fit the tower over the opening on top of the sump
tank using the four fixings, ensuring that the sealing gasket is fitted. When correctly
installed, the black pressure tappings (15 & 18) will be located on the right hand side
of the tower, adjacent to the electrical console (6), with the open front / removable
panel facing forwards towards the operator.

5. Ensure that the spray nozzle assembly (9) is fitted to the opening at the rear of the
tower and secured using thumb nuts (23).

6. Connect the flexible tube from the water pump, emerging from the quick release
fitting (31) on top of the sump tank to the left hand side of the tower, to the quick
release fitting (20) below the flowmeter (21) on the spray nozzle assembly.

7. Connect the flexible tube emerging from the gland at the rear of the electrical console
to the pressure tapping on the side of the tower located between the droplet arrester
(16) and the orifice (25).

8. Remove the front panel from the tower and locate the diffuser, a block of coarse
open cell foam, on top of the collecting basin above the water temperature sensor T2

9. Ensure that the droplet arrester (16), a block of fine open cell foam, is fitted in the slot
above the spray nozzles.

10. Install the required packing (7) inside the tower (usually Packing A with the standard
density / surface area) ensuring that is located on the support lugs at the bottom of
the tower and located midway between the two pressure tappings (18) on the side of
the tower.

11. Replace the front panel on the tower and secure it using the thumb nuts, ensuring
that the flexible sealing gasket is correctly positioned.

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12. The equipment is fully assembled and ready for filling with water and operation using
a PC. Refer to the section ‘Operating the Equipment’ for further details.

Note: If installing the optional UOP6-MKII-23 Packing Characteristics Accessory refer to the
separate instruction manual supplied with UOP6-MKII-23 for details.

11.5 Electrical Wiring Diagram

Please see the following wiring diagrams attached at the rear of this manual. If you are
viewing this manual electronically please see accompanying pdf.


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12 Operation

Where necessary, refer to the drawings in the Equipment Diagrams section.

12.1 Operating the Software to operate UOP6-MKII

The pumps etc. on UOP6-MKII are operated via the controls on the electrical console. If it is
required to log data from the equipment using a PC then it will be necessary to run the
software supplied with UOP6-MKII.

Before running the software, connect the USB port on UOP6-MKII to a USB port on the PC
using the USB lead supplied.

After installing and running the software on the PC, an instruction manual explaining how to
use the software can be obtained by choosing the ‘Help’ tab.

Before using the software to log data it is essential to check that the PC is communicating
correctly with the equipment connected to it by checking that the IFD status in the bottom
right hand corner of the screen is correct. The status box should indicate OK:xxxx where
xxxx gives details about the interface type and the number of the COM port on the PC. If the
message ‘Scanning…’ persists then it will be necessary to check the installation of the driver
and the connection between the equipment and the PC.

The flow of water through the packing Fw can be set to the required value by varying the
speed of the water pump via the ‘Fan Setting’ buttons on the process screen. If required, a
control loop can be used to maintain the flow at a steady value if conditions vary. To view the
controller click ‘Control’ alongside the indicated Fan Setting on the process screen.

The flow of air through the packing Qa can be set to the required value by varying the speed
of the centrifugal fan via the ‘Fan Setting’ buttons on the process diagram. If required, a
control loop can be used to maintain the pressure across the orifice plate (dp1) at a steady
value resulting in a steady flow of air if conditions vary. To view the controller click ‘Control’
alongside the indicated Fan Setting on the process screen.

The temperature of the water T1 (Twin), delivered to the top of the packing, can be varied as
required using a control loop to vary the power to the water heater. To view the controller
click ‘Control’ alongside the indicated value for T1 on the process diagram. The heater can
be controlled in two ways:-
To obtain constant power to the heater click ‘Manual’ in ‘Mode of Operation’ then vary the
Manual Output as required to give the required heater power (PWR). The water temperature
T1 (Tw in) will eventually settle at a value consistent with the heater power and the other
variable parameters.

To obtain constant water temperature T1 (Twin) click ‘Automatic’ in ‘Mode of Operation’ then
vary the ‘Set Point’ as required giving the required water temperature. The heater power will
vary automatically to maintain the set temperature.

Note: Operation at constant water temperature is recommended in normal use because the
other variables will stabilise relatively quickly, typically 15 – 20 minutes following a step
change. Operation at constant power can be implemented if required but the system will take
significantly longer to stabilise because of interaction between the variables.

For further details about operating the software refer to the ‘Help’ tab.

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12.2 Operating the Equipment

12.2.1 Basic Precautions

Whenever possible, distilled or demineralised water should be used for filling and topping up
the sump tank. This reduces or eliminates problems with scale and with stains resulting from
water impurities.

The water stream temperature must not exceed 50°C. A thermostat is fitted in the sump tank
to switch off the heaters should this temperature be exceeded.

The sump tank must be filled with fresh demineralised water before use. Remove the cap
from the filling point then pour demineralised water into the tube, using the funnel, supplied,
until the level is coincident with the max mark on the transparent tube. When full replace the
cap so that water level indication in the tube and in the software is accurate when the fan is
operated. If the maximum indicated depth is exceeded then water will spill into the plenum
chamber. This will not cause any serious problems but the air entering the base of the tower
may be slightly elevated in Relative Humidity while the spilt water evaporates from the
plenum chamber.

The system should be completely drained after use if it will not be used within several days
to prevent the growth of algae and the formation of sludge. It should be stored empty then
refilled with fresh demineralised water immediately before for use.

If the water level in the reservoir falls below the minimum acceptable depth then a float
switch will operate and turn off the pump and the heater. To avoid disturbances when taking
results, ensure that the water level is coincident with the maximum fill mark at the start of
each run.

The software limits operation of the water temperature to 50°C in use. A warning indicator on
the software screen indicates that the limit has been reached and the heater has been
turned off. A thermostat integrated with the heater provides additional thermal protection by
turning off the power to the heater if 55°C is exceeded.

12.2.2 Preparation for Use

1. Ensure that the equipment has been installed as described in the section ‘Installing
the Equipment’.

2. If the packing has been stored separately or not used for some time it should be
rinsed with warm soapy water to remove any dust or biological growth and to aid
wetting when it is installed in the tower.

3. Ensure that the tower is fitted with the required packing and the front panel is fitted.

4. Ensure that the drain valve at the front of the equipment is fully closed, and that the
Mains switch is off.

5. Check that the unit is level - adjust the feet if necessary.

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6. Fill the sump tank with water by removing the cap (5) at the filling point. Pour
demineralised water into the filling point using the funnel supplied until the level is
coincident with the Max mark on the filling tube (approximately 5.5 litres capacity).

Note: Adding a few drops of wetting agent to the initial fill of water will aid wetting of
the packing and help to keep it clean. Avoid an excessive amount of wetting agent as
this will lead to foam production. Wetting agent should not be added each time the
sump is topped up but it will be beneficial to add a few drops each time the sump is
drained and refilled.

7. Replace the cap on the filling point. The tube connected to the cap ensures that the
level indication is accurate and independent of flow conditions inside the tower.

8. Switch on the mains supply to the equipment. Switch on the electrical isolator at the
rear of the console then switch on the mains switch at the front of the console.

9. Ensure that the UOP6-MKII software is running on the PC (UOP6-MKII-23 software if

the accessory is being used). View the Process screen, check that the software is
communicating with the equipment (OK:xxxx in bottom right corner of screen) then
click the ‘Power on’ button to enable the hardware.

10. Check that values displayed on the Process screen are sensible. E.g. temperatures
approximately ambient.

11. Set the water pump speed via the Pump Setting buttons to give the required flow of
water Qw and confirm that water is supplied to the spray nozzles above the packing.

12. Click ‘Control’ alongside the indicated value for T1 on the process diagram then
choose the Mode of operation:

For normal operation: With Mode set to AUTOMATIC for constant water temperature
by setting the required water temperature setpoint SP.

Alternatively: With Mode set to MANUAL for constant heater power by setting the
Manual Output to the required value (0 – 100%) to give the required heater power
PWR. Note that when using this mode the system will take significantly longer to

When the PID controller is set click Apply to enable the settings on the controller and
allow the water temperature T1 (Twin) to stabilise.

13. When the water temperature is stable set the Fan speed via the Fan Setting buttons
to give the required air flow then allow the system to stabilise.

The unit is now ready for use and readings may be taken or it may be reset to the desired

If it is required to measure the water loss by evaporation, i.e. the make-up that would be
required for continuous operation, allow the system to stabilise then click the zero button
alongside the water level indicator Lw on the Process screen. Allow the system to run at
steady conditions until the water level has fallen by at least 10 mm to give an accurate

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After each run stop the fan, refill the sump tank to the Max level, replace the cap on the filling
tube then reset the conditions for the next run as required, i.e. change the pump speed, fan
speed, water temperature, packing etc as required for the next run.

Note: When the water flow rate is changed, there will be a small change in the quantity of
water held by the packing and the level in the sump tank will change accordingly. Similarly
when the air flow is changed the level will change slightly in the sump tank. For accurate
measurement of evaporation rate it is important to allow the system to stabilise before
zeroing the level measurement prior to taking a measurement.

12.2.3 Shutting Down

1. Turn off the PID controller to switch off the heater I.e. set the Manual Output to 0%.

2. Set the Water pump speed to 0% to stop the flow of water over the packing.

3. Set the Fan speed to 100% until the water in the packing, droplet arrester etc has
evaporated. This will minimise the risk of microorganisms growing in a warm, damp
4. Switch off the fan and switch off the equipment / software.

5. If the unit is to be idle for several days then it should be completely drained to
minimise any risk of waterborne infection.

Note: If operating the optional UOP6-MKII-23 Packing Characteristics Accessory refer to the
separate instruction manual supplied with UOP6-MKII-23 for details.

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13 Equipment Specifications

13.1 Overall Dimensions

Net Weight - 36.5 kg

Height - 980 mm

Width - 850 mm

Depth - 630 mm

13.2 Equipment Location

The equipment requires a flat, level, stable surface of sufficient strength to support its
weight. Free bench space alongside the equipment must be available for locating a suitable
PC (not supplied) for operating the equipment.

The equipment requires an unobstructed area around the inlet at the fan and the outlet at
the top of the tower. When in use good circulation of air is required around the equipment to
displace the humid air generated by the equipment and ensure consistency of results. If the
humidity of the air surrounding the equipment is allowed to rise continuously as water is
evaporated by the UOP6-MKII then the incoming air will also rise in humidity and prevent
accurate comparison of performance under different conditions inside the tower. If an
extractor fan is available then this should be used to remove the humid air at the top of the
tower and expel it from the room. If a duct is used this must not be connected directly to the
outlet orifice as this will affect the air velocity measurements.

Since direct sunlight or other sources of heat such as radiators can affect the performance of
the equipment it is suggested that the location of the equipment is chosen to avoid these.
Ideally the location should be ventilated using an extractor fan to minimise any build up in
humidity when the equipment is in use. If using an extractor fan then a flexible duct located
close to the top of the tower will provide the best results but care should be taken not to
locate the duct too close to the orifice on the top of the tower as air flow readings can be

Access to a mains electrical socket will be required to power the equipment.

A supply of demineralised water will be required for filling the equipment. Plain tap water
should not be used because any dissolved minerals, hardness etc will be deposited on the
packing, the walls of the tower, the heater etc. A few drops of wetting agent in the initial fill of
water will aid wetting of the packing and help to keep it clean. Avoid an excessive amount of
wetting agent as this will lead to foam production.

13.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility

This apparatus is classified as Education and Training Equipment under the Electromagnetic
Compatibility (Amendment) Regulations 1994. Use of the apparatus outside the classroom,
laboratory or similar place invalidates conformity with the requirements of the
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (89/336/EEC) and could lead to prosecution. These
regulations may not apply in some countries.

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13.4 Sump Tank and Plenum Chamber

All components are mounted on a common PVC base plate. The electrical and electronic
components are housed in a waterproof console with USB connection to a PC for data
logging and control. Components include:

 Combined water sump tank and air plenum chamber below the tower.

o Sump tank maximum capacity approximately 5.5 litres.

 Thermostatically protected heater inside sump tank controlled via the PC to give
constant heater power (continuously variable by the operator) or constant
temperature (controlled by the PC) as required.

o Heater rated 2.0 kW nominal (1.75 kW typical depending on supply voltage).

 Variable speed submersible water pump located inside sump tank controlled via the

o Operating range of pump 0 to 2.5 l/min water flow (continuously variable by the

o Filter at pump inlet constructed from coarse open cell foam.

 Variable speed centrifugal fan controlled via the PC.

o Operating range of fan 0 to 69 l/s air flow (continuously variable by the operator)
with standard packing. Note that maximum air flow will vary if density of packing
is changed considerably.

o Fan inlet fitted with finger guard for operator safety.

 Collecting basin with diffuser at base of tower to collect and measure temperature of
water exiting packing in the tower

o Diffuser constructed from coarse open cell foam

13.5 Tower

 Tower constructed using clear Acrylic with removable front panel to allow ease of
installing alternative packing or for cleaning purposes without removing the tower.

o Overall height of tower 770 mm.

 75 mm diameter orifice with upstream pressure tapping at top of tower to determine

air flow rate through the packing.

o Operating range of sensor 0 – 2.5 mBar.

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 Droplet arrester above packing to prevent droplets of water from exiting via orifice.

o Constructed from fine open cell foam.

 Water distributor above packing to distribute water over surface of packing.

o Pattern of 5 conical spray nozzles.

o Thermistor temperature sensor to measure water temperature at inlet.
o Digital flow meter to measure flow of water to top of packing.

 Pressure tapping points below and above packing to allow head loss to be measured
using a suitable instrument (not supplied).

13.6 Packing

Four samples of packing supplied, manufactured from Polypropylene for direct comparison
in the cooling tower:

Common packing height 500 mm (full height)

Common packing cross section 150 mm x 150 mm

Packing A Flute size 27 mm, Packing density 125 m2/m3 (standard packing)

Packing B Flute size 19 mm, Packing density 70 m2/m3

Packing C Flute size 27 mm, Packing density 125 m2/m3 – 1/3 full height

Packing D Flute size 27 mm, Packing density 125 m2/m3 – 2/3 full height

Each block of packing is skinned with a thin clear PVC casing to avoid damage to the
convoluted structure during handling and storage and to ease installation and removal when
changing the packing.

Note: Packing C and packing D utilise the same density as packing A however, the sections
are reduced in height. This allows testing can be carried out with 1/3 full height (C) or 2/3 full
height for comparison with the full height packing (A). The two reduced height sections are
marked to show the correct alignment if it is required for them to be used together. The spray
assembly is repositioned lower down when testing packing with reduced height.

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13.7 USB Signals to / from the PC

Analog inputs to I/O PCB

AI0 Not used

AI1 T1 (Twin) Water temperature entering top of tower

Limited to 50°C max in software and by thermostat
10KOhm NTC Thermistor in Guest tee at entrance to spray bar
Calibration curve:
0.956V = 0°C, 1.176V = 5°C, 1.423V = 10°C, 1.696V = 15°C, 1.988V = 20°C,
2.294V = 25°C, 3.517V = 45°C, 3.793V = 50°C, 4.047V = 55°C

AI2 Not used

AI3 T2 (Twout) Water temperature exiting bottom of tower

10KOhm NTC Thermistor immersed in water collected in basin at base of tower
Calibration curve as T1

AI4 RH1 RHout Humidity of air temperature exiting top of tower

Sensor located above droplet arrester at top of tower
Calibration: 0.08203V = 0% RH, 3.8163V = 100% RH
Calibration certificate supplied with sensor for end user

AI5 T3 Taout Air temperature exiting top of tower

10KOhm NTC Thermistor T3 incorporated in Humidity sensor RH2
Calibration curve as T1

AI6 RH2 (RHin) Humidity of air entering bottom of tower

Probe located in air stream in plenum chamber
Calibration: 0.08203V = 0% RH, 3.8163V = 100% RH
Calibration certificate supplied with sensor for end user

AI7 T4 (Tain) Air temperature entering bottom of tower

10KOhm NTC Thermistor incorporated in Humidity sensor RH1
Calibration curve as T1

AI8 Not used

AI9 dP1 Differential pressure dP1 across orifice at top of tower

Used to calculate Air flow rate Qa
Range of sensor 0 – 2.5 mBar
Calibration: -5V = -2.5 mBar, 5V = 2.5 mBar

AI10 Lw Differential pressure sensor measuring depth of water in sump tank.

Used to determine loss of water due to evaporation in tower (make-up required in
continuous operation).
Differential pressure sensor in electrical console connected to sump tank and
compensating for change in air pressure inside sump tank.
Range of sensor 125 mm H2O
Calibration: 1V = 0 mm, 5V = 101.6 mm

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AI11 V Mains Voltage supplied to heater

Measured voltage used in conjunction with instantaneous mark space ratio of
controller output to calculate heat input to water PWR.
Operating range 0 – 258 V
Calibration: 0V = 0V, 5V = 258 V

Analog Outputs from I/O PCB

AO0 Water pump speed control (% of maximum)

Control of water pump speed (speed control built into pump) to vary water flowrate.
Calibration: 0V = 0%. 5V = 100%

AO1 Fan speed control (% of maximum)

Control of fan motor speed (speed control built into fan motor) to vary the air flow.
Calibration: 0V = 0%. 5V = 100%

13.8 Digital inputs to PCB

AI0 Ls Level switch to disconnect heater before level falls below top of heater
On/off float switch

AI1 Qw Water flowrate

Pulsed digital output from sensor
Sensor operating range 0.6 to 2.4 l/min
Typical maximum flow 2.2 l/min
Calibration: ________

13.9 Digital Outputs from PCB

Ch0 Enable from IFD

Ch1 Watchdog Pulses
Ch2 SSR Time proportioned output from PID controller in software to solid state relay
to vary power to water heater

Note: Head loss across the packing (dP2) is measured using a manometer or other
differential instrument and is entered manually into the software if and when required.

13.10 UOP6-MKII-23 Packing Characteristics Accessory

Optional front panel with three additional tappings for humidity and temperature
measurements at three intermediate measurement positions 167 mm apart.

Packing Data:

Common packing height 500 mm

Common packing cross section 150 mm x 150 mm
Flute size 27 mm, Surface area 125 m2/m3 to match the standard packing supplied
with UOP6-MKII (Packing A).

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Refer to the separate instruction manual supplied with UOP6-MKII-23 for details about the
accessory and the additional exercises available when using it.

13.11 Environmental Conditions

This equipment has been designed for operation in the following environmental conditions.
Operation outside of these conditions may result reduced performance, damage to the
equipment or hazard to the operator.

a. Indoor use;

b. Altitude up to 2000m;

c. Temperature 5°C to 40°C;

d. Maximum relative humidity 80% for temperatures up to 31°C, decreasing linearly to

50% relative humidity at 40°C;

e. Mains supply voltage fluctuations up to ±10% of the nominal voltage;

f. Transient over-voltages typically present on the MAINS supply;

Note: The normal level of transient over-voltages is impulse withstand (over-voltage)

category II of IEC 60364-4-443;

g. Pollution degree 2.

Normally only nonconductive pollution occurs.

Temporary conductivity caused by condensation is to be expected.

Typical of an office or laboratory environment.

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14 Routine Maintenance

14.1 Responsibility

To preserve the life and efficient operation of the equipment it is important that the
equipment is properly maintained. Regular maintenance of the equipment is the
responsibility of the end user and must be performed by qualified personnel who understand
the operation of the equipment.

14.2 Keeping the external surfaces clean

If the external surfaces require cleaning, a mild detergent and water only should be used.
The surface of the Acrylic is will be damaged by abrasive cleaning materials or aggressive

A dust cloth should be placed over the equipment to prevent dust from entering the system
via the orifice at the top of the tower or via the inlet to the fan.

The cap should be fitted to the filling point at all times except when filling the sump tank with
water. This will prevent dust or other contamination from entering the system.

14.3 Keeping the tower and blocks of packing clean

The front panel should be fitted to the tower when the equipment is not in use.

The blocks of packing should be protected from dust and damage when not in use by storing
them in a dust tight cupboard or in the boxes provided.

14.4 Keeping the inside of the equipment clean

As stated in the Important Safety Information, safe operation of the equipment requires the
equipment to be filled with fresh demineralised water prior to each run and to be drained fully
after use and left dry in-between sessions. This approach will minimise any risk of
waterborne infections occurring and becoming airborne and inhaled by the operator.

Any build up in the tower or collecting basin can be removed by unscrewing the front panel
on the tower, removing the packing then wiping the surfaces with a soft damp cloth. In dusty
conditions a certain amount of sludge may collect in the basin and on the packing. This can
usually be removed by filling and draining the system with a very small amount of detergent
added then flushing several times with demineralised water.

14.5 Keeping the Diffuser and Droplet Arrester clean

With use the diffuser in the collecting basin at the bottom of the tower and the droplet
arrester above the spray assembly at the top of the tower will become contaminated.

To clean the open cell foam components remove the front panel from the tower and remove
the foam.

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Wash the foam in warm soapy water then rinse thoroughly to remove any contaminants
before replacing the foam. Note the diffuser at the bottom has coarse cells and the droplet
arrester at the top has fine cells.

14.6 Keeping the sump tank clean

If build-up of sludge or scale is suspected inside the sump tank requiring cleaning or
maintenance of the pump, heater etc. is required then the top cover can be removed from
the sump tank as follows:

 Remove the spray assembly from the side of the tower by unscrewing the thumb nuts
that secure it.

 Remove the tower by unscrewing the four fixings on the bottom flange and place the
tower alongside the equipment.

 Disconnect the flexible tube from the quick release connector to the left hand side of
the tower then unscrew the quick release connector.

 Disconnect the electrical supply to the equipment then remove the lid from the
electrical console.

 Unscrew the gland inside the console then withdraw temperature sensor TW out.

 Unscrew the fixings around the perimeter of the sump tank lid then raise the lid
vertically upwards and remove it.

 Any sludge inside the sump tank can then be loosened with a small brush and
washed away.

 Remove the open cell foam filter from the water pump inlet, wash it in warm soapy
water to remove any contamination, rinse it in clean water then replace it on the
pump inlet.

 When the sump tank is clean reassemble the components in the reverse order,
ensuring that the temperature sensor is reinstalled, the gland is tightened and the
cover is replaced on the electrical console.

 Note that the fixings securing the lid on the sump tank are tapped into the plastic
surround of the tank and must not be over tightened. The maximum torque must not
exceed 0.5 Nm.

14.7 Water Pump

The water pump is protected against dry running by a low level switch located inside the
sump tank.

If the water pump becomes seized then it can be freed by unscrewing the volute and
cleaning / rotating the impeller by hand.

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14.8 Pump Filter

If the maximum flow of water gradually falls to a level that is unacceptable then it is likely that
the filter at the pump inlet has become blocked and requires cleaning. To access the filter it
will be necessary to remove the lid from the sump tank as described above. Remove the
filter from the pump inlet, wash it in warm soapy water to remove any contamination, rinse it
in clean water then replace it on the pump inlet.

14.9 Testing the RCD

The Residual Current Device (RCD) is located inside the panel adjacent to the power cable
entry point. Periodically the RCD should be tested by a competent person.

Disconnect the electrical supply to the electrical console, remove the cover from the console
then reconnect the electrical supply to the unit. Turn on the mains isolator switch at the rear
of the equipment then turn on the Mains on/off on the front of the console. Press the ‘Test’
button on the RCD. The large lever switch on the RCD should jump to the ‘OFF’ position

Return the lever switch to the ‘ON’ position and the lever should remain latched.

If the lever trips again then a fault is indicated and the equipment should be checked by a
competent electrician before it can be used again.

Replace the cover on the electrical console.

14.10 Sensor Calibration

The sensors are checked for calibration before despatch. Any small variations with time can
be corrected, if considered necessary, using the calibration facility in the software.

The software incorporates a nominal calibration for the humidity sensors that should be
adequate for most of the demonstrations suggested in the teaching exercises. If more
accuracy is required then the calibration in the software can be adjusted using the calibration
certificate supplied with each sensor. Alternatively the sensors can be removed from the
equipment, placed in known conditions and the calibration adjusted in the software to suit.

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15 Laboratory Teaching Exercises

15.1 Index to Exercises

Cooling Tower Terminology (section 15.2)

Basic Principles of the Evaporative Cooling Tower (section 15.3)

Exercise A - Observation of the processes occurring within a forced draught cooling tower
(section 16)

Exercise B - Effect of water inlet temperature on the performance of the cooling tower
(section 17)

Exercise C - Effect of air flow on the performance of the cooling tower (section 18)

Exercise D - Effect of water flow rate on the performance of the cooling tower (section 19)

Exercise E – Effect of packing density on the performance of the cooling tower (section 20)

Exercise F – Effect of packing height on the performance of the cooling tower (section 21)

Exercise G – Performing a mass balance and a heat balance across the tower (section 22)

Project 1 - Investigation of locally designed and manufactured packing (section 23)

Project 2 - Demonstration of cooling water from an external heated process (section 24)

Project 3 - Effect of inlet air temperature or inlet RH on tower performance (Requires climate
control) (section 25)

Refer to the instruction manual supplied with UOP6-MKII-23 for information on the Cooling
Tower Characteristics Accessory and the exercises associated with it.

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15.2 Cooling Tower Terminology

Forced Draft – This is the system utilised on UOP6-MKII whereby a fan (or fans) at the base
the cooling tower promotes a forced upward flow of air through the packing. Alternative
arrangements used in full sized systems are Induced Draft whereby fans located at the top
of the tower pull air through the packing or Natural Draft where the height and hyperboloid
shape help to induce a natural draft.

Packing or Filling - The material over which the water flows as it falls through the tower, so
that a thin film of water is spread over a large surface area in contact with the air stream.

The type of packing supplied is referred to as ‘Film Fill’ type whereby water flows over the
surface of the packing creating a thin film that is spread over a large area. An alternative
type of packing (not supplied) is ‘Splash’ type packing whereby the packing interrupts the
flow of water and causes splashing to increase contact with the air.

Range (Cooling Range) – This is the overall change in water temperature as it passes
through the packing I.e. the reduction in water temperature between the top and the bottom
of the packing.

Range = Twin – Twout °C

Cooling Load - The rate at which heat is removed from the water. This is expressed in kW
(Btu/h or kCal/h in alternative units). At steady state this equates to the power supplied to the
heater in the sump tank ignoring minor effects such as radiation to the tower, heat input from
water pump etc.

Cooling Load = Pwr kW (Calculated from Heater voltage and PID controller output
in the software)

Approach – This is the difference between the water temperature leaving the base of the
packing and the wet-bulb air temperature entering the base of the packing Sometimes
referred to as ‘Approach to wet-bulb’. This is an important parameter that is used to assess
the performance of a cooling tower. The wet-bulb air temperature can be obtained from the
measured air temperature (dry-bulb) and the measured Relative Humidity of the air using an
appropriate Psychrometric App or the Relative Humidity table below.

Approach = Tw out – Tairin(wet) °C

Ideal Range – This is the theoretical maximum range that could be achieved with the given

Ideal Range = Tw in – Tairin(wet) °C

Effectiveness – This is the ratio of the Range to the Ideal Range expressed as a
percentage, higher values indicating the cooling tower is more effective.

Effectiveness = 100 * Range / Ideal Range

= 100 * (Twin - Twout) / (Twin – Tairin(wet)) °C

Evaporation Loss – This is the quantity of water evaporated from the tower in creating the
cooling duty. Under steady state conditions the evaporation loss will equal the loss of water
from the sump tank, indicated via level sensor Lw.

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The cross sectional area of the tank is:

Liquid / Gas Ratio (L/G) – This is the ratio between the water mass flow rate (L) and the air
mass flow rate (G).

Thermodynamic rules dictate that the heat loss from the water must equal the heat gained
by the air. Therefore the following will apply:

L * w *(T1-T2) = G * a * (h2 – h1)

Where h1 is the enthalpy of the air entering the tower and h2 is the enthalpy of the air leaving
the tower.

Make-up - The quantity of fresh water which must be supplied to the water circuit to make
good the losses due to evaporation and other causes. Under steady state conditions a level
sensor indicates the rate of fall in water level in the sump tank indicating how much make up
would be required if the tower was operated continuously at the particular operating

Drift or Carry Over - Droplets of water which are entrained in the air stream leaving the top
of the tower.

Drain Down - Water deliberately removed from the water system in a full sized system to
prevent the excessive concentration of dissolved solids (due to evaporation) and sludge (due
to impurities from the atmosphere).

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15.3 Basic Principles of the Evaporative Cooling Tower

Many applications such as air conditioning in buildings, manufacturing processes in industry

or power generation require heated water to be cooled to a lower temperature. To this end,
cooling towers are used to reduce the temperature of a stream of water by evaporating some
of the water into the atmosphere resulting in a significant reduction in the water temperature.
Water flows down the tower against air flowing upwards through the tower resulting in
evaporation of a small proportion of the water. The change in latent heat when the water
evaporates results in significant heat loss as the humidified air escapes atmosphere
resulting in cooling of the remaining water.

Packing is usually installed inside the cooling tower to increase the surface area of the water
in contact with the air to optimise the evaporation process and therefore increase the rate of

The use of evaporation to produce the cooling means that a cooling tower can reduce the
temperature of water much more energy efficiently than an air cooled heat exchanger or
similar device that relies on the temperature of the air only to reject heat.

Schematic diagram of a typical forced draft cooling tower

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Evaporative cooling inside the packing

Assuming that the water is hotter than the air, it will be cooled by:

Radiation – Likely to be very small under normal conditions, and may be neglected.

Conduction and convection – Usually small but depends on the temperature difference, the
surface area, air velocity, etc.

Evaporation – This is by far the most significant effect. Cooling takes place as molecules of
water diffuse from the surface into the surrounding air. These molecules are then replaced
by others from the liquid (evaporation) and the energy required for this is taken from the
remaining liquid resulting in cooling of the water.

15.3.1 Evaporation from a wet surface

The rate of evaporation from a wet surface into the surrounding air is determined by the
difference between the vapour pressure at the liquid surface, i.e. the saturation pressure
corresponding with the surface temperature, and the vapour pressure in the surrounding air.
The latter is determined by the total pressure of the air and its absolute humidity.

In an enclosed space, evaporation can continue until the two vapour pressures are equal,
i.e. until the air is saturated and at the same temperature as the surface. However, if
unsaturated air is constantly circulated, the wet surface will reach an equilibrium temperature

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at which the cooling effect due to the evaporation is equal to the heat transfer to the liquid by
conduction and convection from the air, which under these conditions will be at a higher

The equilibrium temperature reached by the surface under adiabatic conditions (i.e. in the
absence of external heat gains or losses), is the “wet-bulb temperature”, which is well known
in connection with hygrometry.

In a cooling tower of infinite size and with an adequate air flow, the water leaving will be at
the wet-bulb temperature of the incoming air. For this reason, the difference between the
temperature of the water leaving a cooling tower and the local wet-bulb temperature is an
indication of the effectiveness of the cooling tower. The ‘Approach‘ is one of the important
parameters in the testing, specification, design and selection of the cooling tower.

15.3.2 Theoretical analysis from first principles

The Merkel Equation, developed in 1925, is accepted as the appropriate method to analyse
the performance of a cooling tower from first principles. This analysis considers the sensible
heat transfer due to temperature changes in the air and water combined with the latent heat
transfer due to evaporation of the water by considering the changes in enthalpy in the
process. However, this analysis is complex and beyond the scope of this simple introduction
to a Cooling Tower.

With water and air flowing countercurrent through the packing, the process can be
represented on an Enthalpy / Temperature diagram as follows:

Water entering the top of the packing at temperature Twin is surrounded by a boundary film
of air that is in intimate contact with the water and the air. This film is assumed to be
saturated with water vapour at the bulk water temperature. This is point A on the saturation
curve. As the water is cooled to Twout the film enthalpy follows the saturation curve to point

Air entering the base of the packing at wet-bulb temperature Tairin (wet) has an enthalpy
corresponding to point C’ on the saturation curve. The driving force is represented by the
vertical distance BC.

Heat removed for the water is added to the air so its enthalpy increases along the line CD
and terminates at a point D below point A. The slope of the straight line CD is equal to the
ratio L/G where L is the Liquid (water) mass flow rate and G is the Gas (air) mass flow rate.

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15.3.3 Cooling Tower Performance

Conditions within a cooling tower packing are complex due to the changing air temperature,
humidity and water temperature as the two fluids pass through the tower- usually in a contra
flow fashion. There are five parameters that in combination dictate and define the
performance of a particular cooling tower:

Temperature of the heated water entering the tower

Temperature of the cooled water leaving the tower

The Temperature and Relative Humidity (RH) of the air entering the tower
(particularly the corresponding wet-bulb temperature)

Flowrate of the air

Flowrate of the water

In addition the following design features are relevant to the performance of the tower:

The surface area and volume of the packing used

The height of the tower / packing

The type of packing used

Unless the Cooling Tower is operated in a room fitted with climate control it will not be
possible to vary the Temperature or the Relative Humidity of the ambient air entering the
Cooling Tower. However, the UOP6-MKII Basic Water Cooling Tower enables all of the
other factors to be varied so that an overall appreciation of cooling tower characteristics can
be obtained.

15.3.4 Use of a Psychrometric App

Although the results obtained from the UOP6-MKII Cooling Tower can be analysed by
plotting them on a Psychrometric chart, it is more convenient to use a Psychrometric App
that can be downloaded to a Smartphone or a suitable PC. These Apps are readily available
and can be used to determine the unknown Psychrometric parameters from the measured
values. For example, by entering the air temperature (dry-bulb) measured at the inlet (Tain)
or at the outlet (Taout) and the corresponding Relative Humidity value RHin or RHout, the App
will calculate the following parameters:

Wet-Bulb Temperature

Humidity Ratio

Dew Point

Specific Volume

Specific Enthalpy

15.3.5 Relative Humidity Table

If access to a Psychrometric chart or Psychrometric App is not available then the following
lookup table can be used to obtain an approximate value for the wet-Bulb air temperatures.

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To use the table locate the measured air temperature (dry-bulb) on the left hand column,
locate the corresponding measured Relative Humidity within the array then read off the
corresponding wet-bulb depression along the top row.


Dry Bulb = 13°C

Relative Humidity = 51%

Difference between Wet and Dry bulb readings = 5°C (from chart)

Wet-Bulb Temperature = Dry-bulb temperature – Wet-Bulb Depression


Wet Bulb Temperature = 13°C - 5°C = 8°C

Note: The Teaching Exercises include in this instruction manual assume the use of a
Psychrometric App or the Relative Humidity Table to obtain the performance data quickly. A
Psychrometric Chart can be used if it is preferred to use the traditional approach.

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16 Exercise A - Observation of the processes occurring within a

forced draught cooling tower

The UOP6-MKII Basic Water Cooling Tower is a miniaturised forced draft cooling tower. The
objective of the exercise is to introduce the construction, the operation and the
characteristics of a typical forced draft cooling tower with film packing installed

Water in the sump tank will be heated to a constant temperature before it is pumped to the
top of the tower and allowed to flow downwards in a thin film over the surface of the packing
inside the tower. Ambient air will be drawn in to the equipment by a centrifugal fan and blown
upwards through the packing contacting the film of water in the process. The resultant
changes in the water temperature, the air temperature, the Relative Humidity of the air and
the water volume will be monitored to demonstrate the principle of the cooling tower using
evaporation of the water to effect the cooling.

Equipment Required
UOP6-MKII Basic Water Cooling Tower fitted with the standard density packing (packing A)

PC with UOP6-MKII software installed

Optional Equipment

No mathematical analysis is required for this demonstration where the aim is for the operator
to observe and understand the basic processes occurring in the air and water streams of the
cooling tower. However, two important calculated variables are used in the analysis of the
cooling tower performance. These are:

Range (Cooling range) = Twin – Twout °C

Approach (Approach to wet-bulb) = Twout – Tain(wet) °C

Load (Cooling load) = Power to the heater PWR under steady state conditions (calculated in
the software from heater voltage and controller output)

The Range and Approach are shown diagrammatically below for information:

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In later exercises the changes in these calculated variables will be used to monitor changes
in performance of the tower under different operating conditions.

Equipment Setup
Standard density packing fitted (Packing A with 27 mm spacing between flutes).

Fill the sump tank to maximum water level on the indicator using demineralised water.
Replace the cap at the filling point when the sump is full.

Ensure that the room is well ventilated to minimise any changes in the temperature and
especially the RH of the air entering the cooling tower.

Ensure that the UOP6-MKII software is running on the PC. View the Process screen, check
that the software is communicating with the equipment (OK:xxxx in bottom right corner of
screen) then click the ‘Power on’ button to enable the hardware.

Check that values displayed on the Process screen are sensible. E.g. temperatures are
approximately ambient.

Add a note in the software that Packing A is fitted.

Adjust the pump speed to give a water flowrate of 1.0 l/min. so that water is sprayed onto the
top of the packing.

Adjust the fan speed to give an air flow of 40 l/s.

Set the PID controller Mode to Auto, adjust the controller setpoint (SP) to 40°C water
temperature T1 (Twin) then click Apply.

Allow the equipment to stabilise, indicated by a constant water temperature at T1.

Click the zero button alongside the water level indication Lw so that any change in water
level can be monitored from a fixed datum.

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Results (Observations)
While the cooling tower becomes stabilised the following features should be observed:

Water System

i. The warm water enters the top of the tower and is sprayed onto the top of the

ii. The packing has an easily wetted surface and the water spreads over this to expose
a large surface to the air stream. Examination of the packing will reveal that the
structure is cross fluted to provide a large surface area in a relatively small volume.

iii. The water, cooled within the packing, falls from the bottom of the packing into the
basin where its temperature is measured. It then drains back into the sump tank for
recycling. In an industrial system warm water from a process would be cooled in the
tower before it is returned to the process.

iv. Small droplets of water (resulting from splashing etc.) may become entrained in the
air stream and then lost from the system as the air exits the top of the tower. This
loss does not contribute to the cooling, but results in loss of water from the sump tank
(indicated by level sensor Lw). In a commercial system this must be made good by

To minimise this loss, a “droplet arrestor” or “eliminator” is fitted at the tower outlet.
This component causes droplets to coalesce, forming drops that are too large to be
entrained, and these large droplets fall back into the packing.

Air System

v. Under the action of the fan, air is forced upwards through the wetted packing. It will
be seen that the change of air temperature (the dry bulb temperature) is small but the
change in Relative Humidity (RH) is large and the air leaving is close to saturated I.e.
the RH is close to 100%. Note that the air may become fully saturated at the outlet if
the RH of the ambient air entering the tower is high. This increase in the moisture
content of the air is due to the conversion of water into water vapour and the “latent
heat” change associated with this is responsible for most of the cooling effect.

If the wet-bulb air temperature is determined from the measured air outlet
temperature and the RH readings (from Taout and RHout using a Psychrometric App
or the look-up table supplied) then it will be seen that at the air outlet there is little or
no difference between the wet-bulb temperature and the dry bulb temperature
confirming that air leaving is fully saturated or very close to fully saturated.

Turn off the cooling load by switching off the PID controller or set the Power output to
zero so that the water heater is turned off and allow the tower to re-stabilise.

The water temperature will continue to fall and may fall below the measured incoming
air temperature (dry bulb) due to the continuing cooling effect in the tower. However,
in theory, the temperature of the water leaving the packing cannot be cooled below
the wet-bulb temperature of the air entering the packing. In practice the water
temperature will remain slightly above the wet-bulb air temperature because of
residual heat, the small heat input from the circulating pump, thermal radiation to the
tower etc.

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Determine the wet-bulb temperature Tain(wet) of the air entering the packing (from
Tain and RHin using a Psychrometric App or the look-up table supplied). Compare
this with the water temperature Twout and confirm that Twout remains slightly above

Results (Measurements / Calculations)

When the tower has fully stabilised obtain the following values from the measurements
recorded on the PC:

T1 Twin ______°C Temperature of water entering top of packing

T2 Twout ______°C Temperature of water leaving bottom of packing

T3 Tain ______°C Temperature of air entering bottom of packing (Dry bulb)

T4 Taout ______°C Temperature of air leaving top of packing (Dry bulb)

RH1 ______% RH of air entering bottom of packing

RH2 ______% RH of air leaving top of packing

PWR ______ kWatts Cooling load (Power to heat the water)

Using a Psychrometric App or Psychrometric table as appropriate obtain the Wet-bulb

temperature of the air entering and leaving the tower from the measured dry bulb
temperature and the Relative Humidity.

Tairin (wet) ______°C

Tairout (wet) ______°C

Calculate the Cooling Range Twin – Twout ______°C

Calculate the change in air temperature Tain – Taout ______°C

Calculate the Approach value Twout – Tain(wet) ______°C

Calculate the Effectiveness = 100 * Cooling Range / (Range + Approach) ______%

Comment on the calculated values in relation to the observations listed above.

The basic operation of a Forced Draught Cooling Tower should have been clearly

The difference between value Twout – Tain(wet) is called the Approach (Approach to wet-
bulb) and is an important parameter in determining the performance of a cooling tower. An
inefficient tower will have a large Approach value compared with a more efficient tower. As
the calculated Approach value nears zero the tower is effectively producing the maximum
amount of cooling that is possible given the current configuration and operating conditions.

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17 Exercise B - Effect of water inlet temperature on the

performance of a cooling tower

To show how changes in the water temperature entering the cooling tower affect the
performance of the tower and the corresponding values for Range, Approach and Cooling

The cooling tower will be operated with the standard packing (Packing A) installed with
constant water flowrate and with constant air flow. The temperature of the water entering the
top of the packing will be varied by changing the setpoint on the PID controller and the
corresponding changes in performance will be observed and compared.

Equipment Required
UOP6-MKII Basic Water Cooling Tower fitted with the standard density packing (packing A)

PC with UOP6-MKII software installed

Optional Equipment

If the temperature of the water entering the cooling tower is increased then the difference
between the water and the air inlet wet-bulb temperature will also increase allowing more
evaporation to occur and therefore more cooling to occur.

The associated changes in the tower are complex and the effect of changes in Water Inlet
Temperature can best be shown by plotting appropriate graphs such as:

Range against Water inlet temperature

Cooling Load against Water inlet temperature

Approach against Water inlet temperature

Effectiveness against Water inlet temperature

Approach against Cooling Load when the Water inlet temperature is changed

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The graph above shows a typical change in Approach against Cooling Load as the Inlet
Water Temperature is varied. Note that the actual values and the shape of the graph will
vary with changes in the other parameters such as Air Flow rate or Water Flow rate.

Equipment Set Up
Standard density packing fitted (Packing A with 27 mm spacing between flutes).

Fill the sump tank to maximum water level on the indicator using demineralised water.
Replace the cap at the filling point when the sump is full.

Ensure that the room is well ventilated to minimise any changes in the temperature and
especially the RH of the air entering the cooling tower.

Ensure that the UOP6-MKII software is running on the PC. View the Process screen, check
that the software is communicating with the equipment (OK:xxxx in bottom right corner of
screen) then click the ‘Power on’ button to enable the hardware.

Check that values displayed on the Process screen are sensible. E.g. temperatures are
approximately ambient.

Add a note in the software that packing A is fitted.

Adjust the pump speed to give a water flowrate of 1.0 l/min. so that water is sprayed into the
top of the tower.

Set the PID controller mode to Auto, adjust the controller setpoint (SP) T1 (Twin) to be
approximately 10°C above the ambient air temperature then click Apply.

Allow the equipment to stabilise, indicated by a constant temperature at T1 (Twin).

Adjust the fan speed to give an air flow of 40 l/s.

Click the zero button alongside the water level indication Lw so that any change in water
level can be monitored.

Allow the system to stabilise then view the readings obtained for information.

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Click the Power On button in the software to momentarily stop the heater, the fan and the
pump. Refill the sump tank to the Max level, replace the cap on the filling tube then click the
Power On button.

Increase the setpoint in the PID controller by 5°C, allow the system to stabilise then view the
readings as before.

Repeat the procedure with the water temperature increasing in steps of 5°C until the
maximum of 45°C is reached.

When all runs are complete stop logging, switch off the PID controller, switch off the pump
but leave the fan running at 100% speed for as long as practicable to dry the tower unless
an additional exercise is to be carried out.

For each run, with a different water inlet temperature, use a Psychrometric App or
Psychrometric table as appropriate obtain the wet-bulb temperature of the air entering and
leaving the tower from the measured dry-bulb temperature and the corresponding Relative

Tairin (wet) ______°C

Tairout (wet) ______°C

Calculate the Cooling Range Twin – Twout ______°C

Calculate the change in air temperature Tain – Taout ______°C

Calculate the Approach value Twout – Tain(wet) ______°C

Calculate the Effectiveness = 100 * Cooling Range / (Range + Approach) ______%

Comment on the calculated values in relation to the observations listed above.

Analyse the results and compare the performance for each water temperature as follows:

Water temperature in °C 30°C 35°C 40°C 45°C

Approach value °C

Range °C

Cooling Load kW

Effectiveness %

Plot the graphs listed in the above Theory to observe the changes in performance with
change in Inlet Water Temperature.

Comment on the variation in the above parameters when the Water Inlet Temperature is

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18 Exercise C - Effect of air flow rate on the performance of a

cooling tower

To show how changes in the air flow and therefore the air velocity upwards through the
packing inside the cooling tower affect the performance of the tower and the corresponding
values for Range, Approach and Cooling Load.

The cooling tower will be operated with the standard packing (Packing A) installed with
constant water flowrate and with constant water inlet temperature. The flow of air through the
packing will be varied by changing the speed of the centrifugal fan and the corresponding
changes in performance will be observed and compared.

Equipment Required
UOP6-MKII Basic Water Cooling Tower fitted with the standard density packing (packing A).

PC with UOP6-MKII software installed.

Optional Equipment

If the flow of air through the packing is increased then the water will evaporate more quickly
resulting in more cooling and corresponding changes in the Range, Approach, Cooling Load

The changes in the tower are complex and the effect of change in air flow can be shown
graphically by plotting appropriate graphs such as:

Range against Air flow rate

Cooling Load against Air flow rate

Approach against Air flow rate

Effectiveness against Air flow rate

Approach against Cooling Load when the Air flow rate is changed

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The graph above graph shows a typical relationship between Approach value and Air flow
rate. Note that the Approach values and the shape of the graph will vary with changes in the
other parameters such as Water Inlet Temperature and Flow rate.

Equipment Set Up
Standard density packing fitted (Packing A with 27 mm spacing between flutes).

Fill the sump tank to maximum water level on the indicator using demineralised water.
Replace the cap at the filling point when the sump is full.

Ensure that the room is well ventilated to minimise any changes in the temperature and
especially the RH of the air entering the cooling tower.

Ensure that the UOP6-MKII software is running on the PC. View the Process screen, check
that the software is communicating with the equipment (OK:xxxx in bottom right corner of
screen) then click the ‘Power on’ button to enable the hardware.

Check that values displayed on the Process screen are sensible. E.g. temperatures are
approximately ambient.

Add a note in the software that packing A is fitted.

Adjust the pump speed to give a water flowrate of 1.0 l/min. so that water is sprayed into the
top of the tower.

Set the PID controller mode to Auto, adjust the controller setpoint (SP) to 40°C then click

Allow the equipment to stabilise, indicated by a constant temperature at T1 (Twin).

Adjust the fan speed to give an air flow of 15 l/sec.

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Click the zero button alongside the water level indication Lw so that any change in water
level can be monitored.

Allow the system to stabilise then view the readings obtained for information.

Click the Power On button in the software to stop the heater, the fan and the pump, Refill the
sump tank to the Max level, replace the cap on the filling tube then click the Power On

Increase the air flow to 30 l/sec, allow the system to stabilise then view the readings as

Repeat the procedure with the air flow at 45 then 60 l/sec.

When all runs are complete stop logging, switch off the PID controller, switch off the pump
but leave the fan running at 100% speed for as long as practicable to dry the tower unless
an additional exercise is to be carried out.

For each run, with a different air flow, use a Psychrometric App or Psychrometric table as
appropriate obtain the wet-bulb temperature of the air entering and leaving the tower from
the measured dry-bulb temperature and the corresponding Relative Humidity.

Tairin (wet) ______°C

Tairout (wet) ______°C

Calculate the Cooling Range Twin – Twout ______°C

Calculate the change in air temperature Tain – Taout ______°C

Calculate the Approach value Twout – Tain(wet) ______°C

Calculate the Effectiveness = 100 * Cooling Range / (Range + Approach) ______%

Comment on the calculated values in relation to the observations listed above.

Analyse the results and compare the performance for each water temperature as follows:

Air flow l/sec 15 30 45 60

Approach value °C

Range °C

Cooling Load kW

Effectiveness %

Plot the graphs listed in the above Theory to observe the changes in performance with
change in Air flow rate

Comment on the variation in the above parameters when the Air flow rate is varied.

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19 Exercise D - Effect of water flow rate on the performance of a

cooling tower

To show how changes in the water flowrate downwards through the packing inside the
cooling tower affect the performance of the tower and the corresponding values for Range,
Approach and Cooling Load.

The cooling tower will be operated with the standard packing (Packing A) installed with
constant air flow and with constant water inlet temperature. The flow of water through the
packing will be varied by changing the speed of the centrifugal pump and the corresponding
changes in performance will be observed and compared.

Equipment Required
UOP6-MKII Basic Water Cooling Tower fitted with the standard density packing (packing A).

PC with UOP6-MKII software installed.

Optional Equipment

If the flow of water through the packing is increased then there will be corresponding
changes in the Water outlet temperature, Range, Approach, Cooling Load etc.

The changes in the tower are complex and the effect of change in water flowrate can be
shown graphically by plotting appropriate graphs such as:

Range against Water flow rate

Cooling Load against Water flow rate

Approach against Water flow rate

Effectiveness against Water flow rate

Approach against Cooling Load when the Water flow rate is changed

Equipment Set Up
Standard density packing fitted (Packing A with 27 mm spacing between flutes).
Fill the sump tank to maximum water level on the indicator using demineralised water.
Replace the cap at the filling point when the sump is full.

Ensure that the room is well ventilated to minimise any changes in the temperature and
especially the RH of the air entering the cooling tower.

Ensure that the UOP6-MKII software is running on the PC. View the Process screen, check
that the software is communicating with the equipment (OK:xxxx in bottom right corner of
screen) then click the ‘Power on’ button to enable the hardware.

Check that values displayed on the Process screen are sensible. E.g. temperatures are
approximately ambient.

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Add a note in the software that packing A is fitted.

Adjust the pump speed to give a water flowrate of 1.0 l/min. so that water is sprayed into the
top of the tower.

Set the PID controller mode to Auto, adjust the controller setpoint (SP) to 40°C then click

Allow the equipment to stabilise, indicated by a constant temperature at T1 (Twin).

Adjust the fan speed to give an air flow of 40 l/sec.

Click the zero button alongside the water level indication Lw so that any change in water
level can be monitored.

Allow the system to stabilise then view the readings obtained for information.

Click the Power On button in the software to stop the heater, the fan and the pump, Refill the
sump tank to the Max level, replace the cap on the filling tube then click the Power On

Increase the water flowrate to 1.5 l/min, allow the system to stabilise then view the readings.

Repeat the procedure with the water flowrate at 2.0 then 2.5 l/min.

When all runs are complete stop logging, switch off the PID controller, switch off the pump
but leave the fan running at 100% speed for as long as practicable to dry the tower unless
an additional exercise is to be carried out.

For each run, with a different water flowrate, use a Psychrometric App or Psychrometric
table as appropriate obtain the wet-bulb temperature of the air entering and leaving the
tower from the measured dry-bulb temperature and the corresponding Relative Humidity.

Tairin (wet) ______°C

Tairout (wet) ______°C

Calculate the Cooling Range Twin – Twout ______°C

Calculate the change in air temperature Tain – Taout ______°C

Calculate the Approach value Twout – Tain(wet) ______°C

Calculate the Effectiveness = 100 * Cooling Range / (Range + Approach) ______%

Comment on the calculated values in relation to the observations listed above.

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Analyse the results and compare the performance for each water temperature as follows:

Water flowrate l/min 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Approach value °C

Range °C

Cooling Load kW

Effectiveness %

Plot the graphs listed in the above Theory to observe the changes in performance with
change in Water flow rate.

Comment on the variation in the above parameters when the Water Flowrate is varied.

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20 Exercise E - Effect of packing density on the performance of a

cooling tower

To show how changes in the density / surface area of the packing inside a cooling tower
affect the performance of the tower and the corresponding values for Range, Approach and
Cooling Load.

The cooling tower will be operated initially with no packing installed (a spray tower only) then
with the two different sizes of packing fitted with all other parameters remaining constant.
The corresponding changes in performance will be observed and compared.

Equipment Required
UOP6-MKII Basic Water Cooling Tower fitted with the following packing:

No packing
Packing A with 27 mm spacing between flutes (125 m2/m3)
Packing B with 19 mm spacing between flutes (70 m2/m3)

PC with UOP6-MKII software installed

Optional Equipment

If the density of the packing is increased (I.e. the surface area to volume ratio is increased)
the film of water exposed to the air will also increase resulting in better and longer contact
between the air and the water. This will produce more evaporation and therefore increase
the cooling of the water. However, as pointed out in exercise A, a limit will be reached when
the Approach value nears zero.

Note: The design of the packing and the water loading (the amount of water held in the
packing at a given flowrate) may limit the performance of the tower if the packing is not wet
over the whole of its surface area. A dense packing may not therefore perform any better
than a packing with smaller surface area unless the conditions are optimised.
Typically, the Approach value will vary with the packing density as shown below:

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Equipment Set Up
Remove any packing fitted inside the tower then refit the front panel (The tower will be
initially operated as a spray tower).

Fill the sump tank to maximum water level on the indicator using demineralised water.
Replace the cap at the filling point when the sump is full.

Ensure that the room is well ventilated to minimise any changes in the temperature and
especially the RH of the air entering the cooling tower.

Ensure that the UOP6-MKII software is running on the PC. View the Process screen, check
that the software is communicating with the equipment (OK:xxxx in bottom right corner of
screen) then click the ‘Power on’ button to enable the hardware.

Check that values displayed on the Process screen are sensible. E.g. temperatures are
approximately ambient.

Add a note in the software that no packing is fitted (Spray tower).

Adjust the pump speed to give a water flowrate of 1.0 l/min. so that water is sprayed into the
top of the tower.

Set the PID controller mode to Auto, adjust the controller setpoint (SP) to 40°C water
temperature then click Apply.

Allow the equipment to stabilise, indicated by a constant temperature at T1 (Twin).

Adjust the fan speed to give an air flow of 40 l/s.

Click the zero button alongside the water level indication Lw so that any change in water
level can be monitored.

Allow the system to stabilise then view the readings obtained for information.

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Click the Power On button in the software to stop the heater, the fan and the pump. Install
packing A (27 mm between flutes) inside the tower by removing the front panel. Refill the
sump tank to the Max level, replace the cap on the filling tube then click the Power On button
and repeat the above procedure. Add a note in the software that Packing A is fitted.

Repeat the procedure with Packing B installed. At the start of the run add note that Packing
B is fitted.

When all runs are complete stop logging, switch off the PID controller, switch off the pump
but leave the fan running at 100% speed for as long as practicable to dry the tower unless
an additional exercise is to be carried out.

For each run, with different packing installed, use a Psychrometric App or Psychrometric
table as appropriate obtain the wet-bulb temperature of the air entering and leaving the
tower from the measured dry-bulb temperature and the corresponding Relative Humidity.

Tairin (wet) ______°C

Tairout (wet) ______°C

Calculate the Cooling Range Twin – Twout ______°C

Calculate the change in air temperature Tain – Taout ______°C

Calculate the Approach value Twout - Tain(wet) ______°C

Calculate the Effectiveness = 100 * Cooling Range / (Range + Approach) ______%

Comment on the calculated values in relation to the observations listed above.

Analyse the results and compare the performance for each packing as follows:

Packing Density m-1 Spray 70 125 150

Approach value °C

Range °C

Cooling Load W

Effectiveness %

Draw a graph of Approach v Packing Density to compare the performances.

Comment on the variation in the above parameters when the Density / Surface area of the
packing is varied. Comment on the performance when operated as a spray tower.

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21 Exercise F - Effect of packing height on the performance of a

cooling tower

To show how the height of the packing inside a cooling tower affects the performance of the
tower and the corresponding values Cooling Load, Cooling Range and Approach.

By operating the cooling tower with 1/3 height packing, 2/3 height packing and full height
packing installed the changes in performance can be observed and compared.

Equipment Required
UOP6-MKII Basic Water Cooling Tower fitted with the following packing:

Packing C1/3 height

Packing D 2/3 height

Packing A Full height

PC with UOP6-MKII software installed.

Optional Equipment

If the height of the packing is increased then the surface area is increased and the film of
water exposed to the air also increases resulting in better and longer contact between the air
and the water. This produces more evaporation and therefore increased cooling of the water.

Equipment Set Up
Install the 1/3 height section of packing (packing C) then refit the front panel.

Install the spray nozzles directly above the packing by interchanging the blanking plate and
the nozzle assembly.

Fill the sump tank to maximum water level on the indicator using demineralised water.
Replace the cap at the filling point when the sump is full.

Ensure that the room is well ventilated to minimise any changes in the temperature and
especially the RH of the air entering the cooling tower.

Ensure that the UOP6-MKII software is running on the PC. View the Process screen, check
that the software is communicating with the equipment (OK:xxxx in bottom right corner of
screen) then click the ‘Power on’ button to enable the hardware.

Check that values displayed on the Process screen are sensible. E.g. temperatures are
approximately ambient.

Add a note in the software that 1/3 height packing is fitted.

Adjust the pump speed to give a water flowrate of 1.0 l/min. so that water is sprayed onto the
top of the packing.

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Set the PID controller mode to Auto, adjust the controller setpoint (SP) to 40°C water
temperature T1 (Twin) then click Apply.

Allow the equipment to stabilise, indicated by a constant temperature at T1 (Twin).

Adjust the fan speed to give an air flow of 40 l/s.

Click the zero button alongside the water level indication Lw so that any change in water
level can be monitored.

Allow the system to stabilise then view the readings obtained for information.

Click the Power On button in the software to stop the heater, the fan and pump. Remove the
1/3 height packing (packing C). Install the spray nozzle assembly at 2/3 height then install
the 2/3 height packing (packing D). Refill the sump tank to the Max level, replace the cap on
the filling tube then click the Power On button and repeat the above procedure. Add note
that 2/3 height packing is fitted.

Repeat the procedure with both sections of packing installed (packing C above packing D
with the spray nozzle assembly at the top of the tower).

Add a note in the software that full height packing is fitted

When all runs are complete stop logging, switch off the PID controller, switch off the pump
but leave the fan running at 100% speed for as long as practicable to dry the tower unless
an additional exercise is to be carried out.

For each run with different packing installed use a Psychrometric App or Psychrometric table
as appropriate obtain the wet-bulb temperature of the air entering and leaving the tower from
the measured dry bulb temperature and the corresponding Relative Humidity.

Tairin (wet) ______°C

Tairout (wet) ______°C

Calculate the Cooling Range Twin – Twout ______°C

Calculate the change in air temperature Tain – Taout ______°C

Calculate the Approach value Twout – Tain(wet) ______°C

Calculate the Effectiveness = 100 * Cooling Range / (Range + Approach) ______%

Comment on the calculated values in relation to the observations listed above.

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Analyse the results and compare the performance for each packing as follows:

Packing Height 1/3 Height 2/3 Height Full Height

Approach value °C

Cooling Range °C

Cooling Load W

Effectiveness %

Draw a graph of Approach v Packing Height to compare the performances.

Comment on the variation in the above parameters when the Height of the packing is varied.

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22 Exercise G - Performing a mass balance and a heat balance

across the tower

To perform a mass balance and a heat balance on the system.

To compare the mass of water lost from the sump tank with the mass of water lost through

To compare the heat gained by the air exiting the tower with the heat input to the system via
the water heater.

Equipment Required

Previous results obtained using UOP6-MKII will be used to perform the exercise.

Optional Equipment


UOP6-MKII System for analysis

Mass Balance
The mass of water lost from the sump tank in a given time t (secs) can be determined from
the change in water level using the readings from the level sensor Lw (mm).

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The corresponding volume of water can be calculated using the cross sectional area of the
sump tank:

Plan dimensions of tank 0.285 m by 0.22 m

Plan area of tank = 0.285 * 0.22 = 0.0627 m2

Therefore volume of water lost in time t = Lw * 0.0627 *1000 (m3)

Rate of water loss by volume = (Lw * 0.0627 *1000) / t (m3/sec)

Rate of water loss by mass (Make-up rate) = water * Lw * 0.0627 *1000) / t (kg/s)

The mass of water gained by the air can be determined from the change in Specific Humidity
(Humidity Ratio) of the air:

Considering a fixed parcel of air, the Specific Humidity SH is the ratio of the mass of water
vapour (mv) in the parcel to the total mass of air (ma + mv) where ma is the mass of dry air
present. In practice the Specific Humidity is approximately equal to the ratio of the mass of
water vapour (mv) in the parcel to the mass of dry air (md).

Therefore by using a Psychrometric App or Psychrometric chart to determine the Specific

Humidity the change in the mass of water vapour between the inlet and outlet of the tower
can be determined.

Mass flow of air ma at inlet and outlet can be calculated from = Qa * a

From the measurements of Dry bulb Temperature and Relative Humidity at inlet and outlet
the increase in the mass of water vapour at the outlet can be calculated:

Increase in mass of water vapour = mv(Outlet) - mv(Inlet) =

= (ma * SH) at Outlet - (ma * SH) at Inlet

In practice a small amount of water may be lost from the system via the orifice at the top of
the tower in the form of small droplets. For this reason the loss of water from the sump tank
will usually be larger than the calculated loss due to the increase in humidity of the air.

Heat Balance
Heat input to the system consists of electrical power supplied to the water heater (PWR) and
work done by the water pump (P). However, the small size of the DC motor driving the water
pump on UOP6-MKII means that heat input to the water via the pump is negligible and can
be ignored. In a larger system heat input via the pump might be significant and should be

In the system low humidity air enters at the base of the tower and high humidity air leaves at
the top resulting in a change in enthalpy.

The Liquid to Gas ratio L/G of a cooling tower is the ratio between the water and the air
mass flow rates.

Thermodynamics dictate that the heat removed from the water must be equal to the heat
absorbed by the surrounding air.

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Therefore L * Cpwater * (Twin –Twout) = G * Cpair * (hout – hin)

Where L is the Mass flow of Liquid (Water) kg / sec

G is the mass flow rate of Gas (Air) kg / sec

Cpwater is the Specific heat of water kJ / kg / k

Cpair is the Specific heat of air kJ / kg / k

Twin (T1) is the Inlet Water Temperature (top of packing) °C

Twout (T2) is the Outlet Water Temperature (bottom of packing) °C

hout is the Enthalpy of the air at the outlet (top of packing) kJ/kg

hin is the Enthalpy of the air at the entry (bottom of packing) kJ/kg

Analysis of the results requires mass flowrates rather than volume flowrates that are
measured using the PC. To convert to mass flowrates:

L = Qw * water

G = Qa * air

In practice a small amount of heat will be transferred from the tower, sump tank etc. to the

For this reason power supplied to the heater PWR may be slightly larger than the heat
transferred in the system.

Comment on any mass balances and heat balances carried out and account for any

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23 Project 1 - Investigation of locally designed and manufactured


The design of the cooling tower with a removable front panel allows alternative packing
supplied by or constructed by the user to be evaluated.

Removal of Packing
Remove the thumb nuts that secure the front panel to the tower.

Carefully remove the front panel then remove the current packing, if fitted.

Install the required alternative packing ensuring that it is supported by the side lugs at the
base of the tower.

Replace the front panel and tighten the thumb nuts.

If the packing is significantly shorter than the original packing supplied then the spray
assembly can be reinstalled in one of the lower apertures by removing the thumb nuts
securing the appropriate blanking plate then installing the spray assembly in its place. The
blanking plate must be fitted in the original aperture occupied by the spray assembly to
ensure that all air leaving the tower passes through the orifice plate for measurement.

Design of alternative Packing

An ideal packing for a cooling tower will:

a. Expose a large and uniform water surface to the air stream,

b. Offer a small and uniform resistance to the passage of air,

c. Be inexpensive,

d. Be robust, easily formed and easily handled

e. Be durable under the prevailing conditions*

f. Not be combustible.

*e.g. it must withstand conditions ranging from dry and well ventilated during shutdown, to
continuous soaking in warm water which is possibly contaminated with airborne pollution,
biological growth and excessive dissolved solids.

1. When designing and installing locally manufactured packing, the following points
should be considered:

a. The fan installed limits the resistance of the packing to about 10mm H2O at a
normal air velocity through the tower of 2 ms-1.

b. “Splash” packing offers a smaller resistance than “Film” packing, but the
formation of small airborne droplets of water may be troublesome.

c. If a loose filling is used it must be supported on a grid (e.g. a wire mesh screen)
at the lower end of the tower.

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d. Packing materials should not break up or decompose during use (the pump will
withstand a small amount of suspended matter, but the filter and water flow meter
are likely to become blocked).

e. The water must be uniformly applied to the top layer of the packing.

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24 Project 2 - Demonstration of cooling a process using a Cooling


Many industrial and commercial refrigeration and other plants reject heat to the atmosphere
via a cooling tower.

The combination of a cooling tower and refrigeration plant condenser (or cooling tower and
any other process requiring cooling water) and its characteristics can be demonstrated as
shown in the diagram below.

All connections should be made with 10mm (3/8”) bore plastic tubing and the length of these
tubes should be kept to the minimum.

The pump selected must be capable of producing a head of 1.5m + the resistance in the
cooling water circuit, at a maximum flow rate of 50 cm3 s-1.

The following restrictions apply:

Maximum cooling load 2 kW

Maximum water temperature (at tower inlet) 50ºC

Maximum wet-bulb temperature 23ºC

Maximum water flow rate 2.5 l/min

Minimum water flow rate 1 l/min

The water heater in the Basic Water Cooling Tower must be switched off.

The water circuit should, if possible, be filled with demineralised or distilled water.

It will be necessary to top up the sump tank at regular intervals if it is required to operate the
setup for a prolonged demonstration.

Any of the previous exercises can be performed while the cooling tower is connected to the
external process. However, the heater in the sump tank will not be used during this
demonstration so measurement of heater power using the software will not be relevant. If the
external system has independent instrumentation then this can be used to confirm the heat
transferred from the process to atmosphere using the cooling tower.

Temperature sensor T1 (Twin) will indicate the temperature of the water leaving the external
process and entering the cooling tower.

Temperature sensor T2 (Twout) will indicate the temperature of the water leaving the cooling
tower and returning to the external process.

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Connections between Armfield Basic Water Cooling Tower and an external process requiring cooled

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25 Project 3 - Effect of inlet air temperature or inlet RH on tower


If a climate controlled room is available then an exercise or exercises can be carried out to
investigate the effect of a change in air inlet temperature (dry bulb) and / or a change in the
Relative Humidity of the incoming air (change in wet-bulb air temperature) on the
performance of the tower.

If results are obtained using the standard packing A together the following settings used in
the previous exercises then the results obtained can be directly compared with previous

Inlet water temperature 40°C

Water Flowrate 1.0 l/min

Air flow 40 l/sec

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26 Contact Details for Further Information

Main Office: Armfield Limited

Bridge House
West Street
England BH24 1DY

Tel: +44 (0)1425 478781

Fax: +44 (0)1425 470916

Email: sales@armfield.co.uk

Web: http://www.armfield.co.uk

US Office: Armfield Inc.

9 Trenton - Lakewood Road
Clarksburg, NJ 085

Tel: (609) 208 2800

Email: info@armfieldinc.com

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