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Name-Himanshu Shukla Roll No-PGFC2121

1. Title: Ford v Ferrari

2. Director: James Mangold

3. Director of Photography:Phedon Papamicheal

4. Main characters (Lead and Supportive Roles) and the actors that played them:
1. Matt Damon as Carroll Shelby

2. Cristian Bale as Ken Miles

3. Jon Bernthal as Lee Lacocca

4. Tracy letts as Henry ford II

5. Josh Lucas as Leo Beeble

5. A comment stating your opinion (Minimum 200 words): (e.g. Director Gary Ross
has created a quirky tale

The movie touches upon how the rivalary between Ford and Ferrari came to be. Phedon
Papamicheal did great work with cinementography. Every shot was so lively that, according
to me, it enhanced the movie more. Now coming to the director's part, James did great work
from casting to shooting. When it came to the shooting, all emotions were beautifully
captured and, according to me, the best moment was when he overtook the last Ferrari
driver and was in the lead, and now Why do I say casting? Because the two duo male leads
did justice to the movie, especially Matt Daman, who played Carroll Shelby. The man who
was forced to retire because of hypertension (which is basically the first scene in the movie)

The one thing that was very common in the movie was the reference to 7000 RPM. We
started seeing this reference when ken milles was racing in the Daytona and was keeping it
under 6000RPM and the other car was moving with 7000 RPM and to test their car Shelby
holds up the placard with ‘7000+ Go Like Hell!’ scrawled on it, Miles changes gear and you
feel that gear shift. You feel that rousing V8 soundtrack in your chest, and the way the
movie presents wheel-to-wheel racing will have even the non-petrolhead sorts hooked.
There is a saying in the movie that at 7000RPM, the car just feels weightless and there is no
sound and all your senses are truly active and one more thing if you enjoy racing, you are H-

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6. Brief Plot Analysis: (Minimum 300 words)
Do not reveal the ending or give a recount of the whole film.
There are two main characters in the movie. One is Carroll Shelby, who was a professional racer and was forced
into early retirement due to a heart condition and goes into car sales. The other one was Ken Miles, who is a racer
currently working as a mechanic and running his own shop to support his wife Mollie and son Peter. He tells it the
way it is, which sometimes gets customers angry, but he doesn't sugarcoat anything. At a race, Ken is told his car
does not meet regulations and begins angrily yelling at the race official. Carroll spots this and calms him down, but
afterward, the two get into an argument, and Ken throws a wrench at him, which later after Ken wins, it was framed
by Carroll. Later the day, the IRS comes and shuts down Ken's garage, and he's forced to give up most of his racing
in order to take care of his family. Meanwhile, at Ford Motors, Henry Ford II is furious that sales are down and that
his father's company is in danger. He told all his employees to go and have a walk, and come back with an idea, or
else get ready to be fired. After employees return, he begins taking pitches from his underlings. Lee Iacocca pitches
him an idea: the sexiest cars are race cars, like Ferraris. He believes that if Ford wins the 24-hour race at Le Mans,
they will be at the top.In order to do that, they fly to Italy in order to offer the struggling Ferrari a deal: they will buy
the company and let Enzo Ferrari maintain control of the racing division. Ferrari uses this offer to get Fiat to make a
good offer, and they buy Ferrari. Ferrari tells the Ford businessmen to shove it and calls Henry a fat pig. When they
get back, Henry makes them relay in detail what Ferrari said, and he becomes more determined than ever to beat
Ferrari. He decides they will start their own racing division. Lee approaches Carroll, as he was the only American to
ever win at Le Mans, if he would be the head of their racing team, designing and testing the cars. Carroll agrees -and
goes to Ken, the best driver he knows, to take part. When Mollie sees Ken heading out with Carroll, she angrily
demands to know the truth. He tells her that he's been offered $200 a day to race, and she's thrilled-she just doesn't
want him to ever lie to her. The team begins getting the car into shape for their first big race, but as it approaches,
Ford vice president Leo Bebee, approaches Carroll and tells them that Ken's behavor, unpredictable quality is not
part of the Ford brand and he can't be trusted to do press and represent Ford well and that he can't be their driver.
Carroll fights for Ken, but is eventually forced to tell Ken that he won't be racing-Ken is furious. When Ford loses
the race, Carroll is able to convince Henry to allow him to rehire Ken. He goes to Ken's house and apologises and
asks him to come back, and the two end up getting into a physical fight on his front lawn. Mollie watching it from
her house.They finally give up, exhausted, and Mollie brings them some coke. Ken rejoins the team, who are
working day and night trying to perfect the car. Lee warns Carroll that Leo is determined to have Ken removed from
the team, and intends to do so on their next visit. Knowing this, when Henry and Leo arrive, Carroll locks Leo in his
office and takes Henry out for a ride in the race car, and Henry experiences just how terrifying and exhilarating
racing is. When they stop, he breaks down into sobs. Carroll offers him a deal - let Ken race at Daytona - if they
win, he races at Le Mans in France. If they lose, Henry gets full control of the shellby motors. The race happened
and Ken won. Ken and Shelly discovered that their car could reach speeds of up to 7000 miles per hour. After the
race, he qualified for Le Mans. Ken's door got stuck and was not closing in the first lap due to which he got way
behind the other racer, but after the engineer fixed the issue, there was no turning back for Ken as he made several
lap records in that match. He overtook Ferrari’s car and came in the lead after some time. The VP of Ford
approached Carroll and told him to tell Ken to be a team player as Mr. Henry Ford II wanted all three cars to finish
together. Carroll informed Ken and left the decision to him. At first, Ken speeds to the victory, but he eventually
relents and slows down, allowing the other drivers to catch up and cross the finish together. And it was just
moments after he came to know that he came second due to some technicalities. Carroll was furious, but Ken
accepted it and the two went off together. Ken says at the end that it could be faster.

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7. Analysis of FIVE Management aspects of the film: (Paragraph minimum for each
area) Theme/Plot (Minimum 500 words)
1-It’s not about winning any race, it’s about winning the ONLY race that matters
First and foremost, start-ups (especially you bigass-funded ones) should get off their bean bags, out of their multi-story
cafeterias, and go see this movie before they run out of series A and have to find another sucker for series B.
In the film, FORD is faced with an existential crisis and seeks to appeal to a new consumer sector that is searching for
more from a car, a "symbol of victory" that can be displayed (or drive in). They chose to build a race car, despite the
fact that racing was not their cup of tea (or single malt), and this meant competing against people who were best
known for racing. They chose to compete in not just any race; they wanted to compete in and win the most difficult
and gruelling race available at the time.

2- Design and Functionality are two sides of the same car (coin)!
You'll adore the way Ken explains about why the GT40 is called GT40 in the movie, and you'll admire how Ferrari
builds their cars. Their technique was more akin to that of a craftsman than an assembly line, which explains why they
continue to produce excellent automobiles. In the long term, a design that does not appeal to people or makes them feel
delighted about your product every time she or he touches it or uses it will fail. If functionality were the only thing we
cared about, the blackberry, not the iPhone, would be the most popular smartphone today. We get into disagreements
with colleagues and clients at Luxeveda, but we work hard to guarantee that design and utility are always coupled. This
is something I want you to keep in mind at all times.

3- Too many HEADS but very few BRAINS!

When their companies become larger, many CEOs and leaders enjoy the idea of having multiple department heads.
Some are vital, I agree, but others simply wind up doing the tasks you used to or were meant to perform. Here's the
issue with having too many people on your management team. To begin with, everyone of them is ready to take your
place as soon as feasible. Yes, each of them aspires to become the next CEO. Shocked? What were your thoughts on
it? So please choose prudently and in small groups. The bigger issue is that they'll end up putting too many layers,
protocols, and checkpoints in place before any document reaches your desk A group is always more inclined to choose
a low-risk alternative in the hopes of receiving high-rewards, which is complete nonsense. "High risk-high reward" is
the sole option. A group prefers safety and the status quo for comfort, which is anti-innovative. Which is the exact
opposite of why you decided to put together a leadership team in the first place. You desired a group of leaders who
could support you in taking on bigger tasks, taking bigger risks, and making speedier decisions. Larger teams, on the
other hand, become more bureaucratic and slow. In the film, Mr. Ford II would have won the Le Mans race a year
earlier, or five times instead of four, if he had put Shelby in charge of all decisions and given him the freedom to make
the best decision from the start.

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4- Next time you hear someone say “Lets agree to dis-agree”, punch him
The problem with the new age management style, is that we have gone soft. Leaders, managers, teams
are constantly trying to avoid conflict. Compromise, ‘meeting at the mid-way’ is somehow become the
norm. This I believe is killing innovation, ability to take risk. Over last 5–10 years I have not seen any
innovation that is path breaking, pushing the limits of one’s imagination. I believe debate, negotiation
conducted in a healthy manner, is always good. Don’t avoid conflict, fight it out and find a resolution.
Because “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. Know this, ideas which can take some beating
but still stand up and hit back, are the ones that win. The movie captures this fight between an
innovator and the bunch of bureaucrats in a very good manner.

5- If it doesn’t make you cry, it not worth anything!

Being an entrepreneur and pursuing your passion must be a thrilling experience. It is expected that
your voyage would be a high-speed roller coaster ride. Because competition is ruthless, your
teammates may irritate you, your investors may abandon you, and your clients may refuse to pay you.
The majority of your problems will not be intellectual; they will be emotional, and they will make
you want to give up or cry. It takes a lot of anguish, fear, tears, and hard work to pursue your
ambitions, and it's a great thing. And after you've gotten through it, success is all yours. Few people
make it to the end of the journey; many give up or abandon ship.

8. Genre-
What type of genre and why? (Minimum 200 Words)

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9. Characters –
Choose one or two characters to look at in depth. Hint: choose ones that polarise the
audience e.g. love or hate them. (Minimum 300 Words)

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10. Film Features –
Costumes, sound/music, lighting, special effects, and cinematography – framing shots and
camera angles. (Minimum 300 Words)

Your Rating based on the below mentioned parameters:

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★★★★★ Favorite / Masterpiece / Divine Encounter

★★★★½ Exceptional / Well-Crafted Work of Art / Enriching and Transformative
★★★★ Great / Exciting, Affecting, Memorable Achievement / Enlightening
★★★½ Very Good / Interesting Concept and Execution / Evoking
★★★ Good / Interesting Concept or Execution / Eye-Opening
★★½ Mixed Feelings / Flawed but Worthy / Moderately Insightful
★★ Disappointing / Mediocre and Uninteresting / Soulless
★½ Regrettable / Notably Flawed and Frustrating / Guilt-inducing
★ Enraging / Wholly Deficient / Shameful
½  Failure / Offensive / Toxic
☆ Atrocity / Gouge My Eyes Out / Sinful

Explain WHY? (Minimum 300 words)

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