SDL2009 - Poisoned Pages - Brood of The Mother Spore (v1) (2020)

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Poisoned Pages ~Credits~

for Shadow of the Demon Lord

WRITING and Design:
Among the stranger folk to claim a piece of land in Rûl are Josh Pierce-Taylor and Katy Block
the saprophicans, a fungal people that have, from fear of
Additional Writing and Design,
discovery, embraced isolation in the darkest depths of the
development, and Art Direction:
Known World’s forests. They believe contact with other
peoples would lead to their extinction, and their brief, Robert J. Schwalb
fraught encounters with humanity have only served to editing: Tom Cadorette
deepen their commitment to infiltrating humanity.
Proofreading: Jay Spight
Now, dark times have come to Urth, as demons creep
out from reality’s cracks to run amok through the lands, LAYOUT: kara hamilton
civil war tears apart humanity’s greatest Empire, and ILLUSTRATIONs: Matteo Spirito
foulness from the Void bleeds into the remotest places,
the time for isolation has come to an end, even for the Brood of the Mother Spore is ©2020 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC.
All rights reserved.
saprophicans. Brood of the Mother Spore, Poisoned Pages, Shadow of the Demon Lord,
Brood of the Mother Spore introduces a new ancestry Schwalb Entertainment, and their associated logos
for use in Shadow of the Demon Lord, offering you an are trademarks of Schwalb Entertainment, LLC.
opportunity to take on the role of fungus folk. This Schwalb Entertainment, LLC
supplement gives you everything you need to create and
play a saprophican character. For the Game Master, a
number of sample creatures appear at the end to help
introduce these peoples into the world in an organic
PO Box #12548, Murfreesboro, TN 37129
fashion. To combat the Shadow, it takes peoples of all
kinds, and the saprophicans are just the latest to join the
struggle to save Urth.
the center of all saprophican colonies grows, a great
The Saprophicans monument to their god, the Mother Spore. Contained
within this pillar are enough spores to infect a dozen
Few people have ever met a saprophican and those
new hosts from any creature unfortunate to have made
who have seldom met another. Nearly all of the fungus
their dens near this new colony.
folk live in small, isolated colonies in dense forests far
Hidden Homes: A dense web of mycelium
from settled lands. Fear of discovery, distrust of others’
surrounds each colony. Not only do the mycelium
motives, and superstition keep most saprophicans close
alert the colony of trespassers by releasing spores of
to their homes. Still, at some point in their lives, they its own, but also works as trap for anything foolish
are compelled to venture forth and travel out from their enough to come too close. The tendrils wrap around
hidden places in order to found new colonies. the legs of animals, entrapping them in fungal nets.
Mishap and violence most often abbreviate these Saprophicans then infect these unfortunate creatures,
trips, which is why so few saprohicans are ever leaving them trapped while the spores take hold.
seen. From time to time, one or two emerge from The mycelium swaddles the beast until the newly
the wild and venture into civilized lands. Despite the formed saprophican is created, and the body is fit to
fears some people in the lands of Rûl have against carry back to the colony’s heart. The fungus folk are
strange and alien beings, the saprophicans find they intensely secretive about their true origins, rightly
are usually able to integrate well with humanoids. believing it would turn others against them if their
Affable, charming, and convincing are all traits reproduction cycle became common knowledge.
common among them, which helps to allay any fears This secrecy extends to the point that their society
about their intentions. Once they find acceptance, forbids the infection of an intelligent creature with
they can begin work on their true purpose: the saprophican fungus. If a child goes missing in the
establishing a new saprophican colony. woods, the whole village searches for it, while no one
Colony Builders: As all fungus exists to spread its will miss a deer. Any who break this law are burned
spores, so too do the saprophicans. When saprophicans alive until there is not even a spore left of them.
reach maturity, they experience an intense desire to However, this does not stop the saprophicans from
leave their colony and establish new ones. They have killing any trespassers who might escape to reveal
evolved humanoid shapes out of necessity, since these their dreadful secret.
forms are far less likely to be mistaken for something Parasitic Genesis: The spores take root in the lungs
dangerous or abhorrent. In fact, ages ago, saprophicans of any creature who inhales them. Over the next
appeared as animals, only twisted and bent to walk on few days, the spores sprout fine web-like strands of
two legs. The early human tribes either fled in fear or mycelium down into the lungs and up the throat,
cut them down, thinking they were monsters. through the nasal cavity, and then into the brain along
Saprophicans embellish their forms with decorative the olfactory nerve. After the mycelium borrowed
growths. Vibrant crowns of finger-like mushrooms into the brain, the host is inexorably drawn towards
adorn their heads, bioluminescent frills shed soft light, the nearest saprophican colony, where the rest of the
and blooms sweeten the air around them. Once they transformation can take place in solitude and safety.
ingratiate themselves with the settlement and squash By this point, whoever or whatever the host’s identity
any misgivings, they integrate with the host settlement, or original existence was is lost, destroyed by the
subsisting on the work of their neighbors as much as fungal takeover of all the brain’s functions.
possible. While not an inherently lazy people, they Once at the colony, the fungus begins to alter the host
prefer to work as little as possible themselves when body, spreading through veins and between muscles,
others can toil on their behalf. Eventually, they direct while contorting the animal’s figure into a humanoid
their new community to help secure a suitable location shape. Dense fungal growths fill the gaps left by this
for a new colony. Some of the most successful of their process, and over time it builds a full body for itself
kind have convinced whole towns to take up arms using its host as food and fertilizer. The animal’s bones
and root out bands of beastmen inhabiting what they are kept intact and used as a rudimentary skeleton, as
considered to be a choice site. saprophicans are unable to produce a fungus dense
If they are able to find a suitable and safe location, enough to replace them. Often, they will seek out new
with fertile ground in which to grow new life, they bones to serve as a more suitable skeleton, slowly
start work on creating a new colony, which comes at incorporating them over a few days, and, being unable
the price of their own lives. Their bodies break down to repair these bones themselves, replacements must
to release a cloud of spores that settles into the earth, be sought out for any breaks.
where they then grow into the mycelia that covers each Strange Diets: Despite their efforts to integrate with
colony. The mycelia connect with each other and draw the mortals of Urth by taking on superficially reassuring
out nutrients from the ground to funnel into the husk forms, they have not yet been able to mask one aspect
the saprophican left behind. It is from this husk that of their biology. Saprophicans are ravenous carnivores,
Creating a Saprophican
Starting Attribute Scores Strength 9, Agility 11, Intellect 10,
Will 11
Perception equals your Intellect score
Defense equals your Agility score
Health equals your Strength score
Healing Rate equals one-quarter your Health
Size 1, Speed 10, Power 0
0 Damage, 0 Insanity, 0 Corruption
Languages and Professions You speak the Common
Immune damage from disease and poison; diseased,
Shadowsight You see in areas obscured by shadows as if
those areas were lit.
Language of the Mother Spore As a minor activity, you can
release a spore cloud from your body that spreads out
to a range of 10 yards from a point in your space. The
spores hang in the air for 1 round. Using these spores,
you can communicate a concept or emotion that can be
summarized in a few words to other saprophicans within
the spore cloud.
Spore Trail When you move, you dust the ground behind
you. If the dust falls on earth, sand, or wooden surfaces,
it remains for 1 hour. You can sense spore trails left by all
Fire Vulnerability You take double damage from fire.

Level 4 Saprophican Expert

Characteristics Health +3
You learn one spell or gain Spore Burst.
Spore Burst You can use an action to release spores into
a 3-yard-long cone originating from a point you can
reach. Each creature in the area must make a Strength
challenge roll with 1 bane. On a failure, a creature
becomes diseased for 1 round. While diseased in this
way, the creature is charmed. On a roll of 0 or less for
a creature of flesh and blood, the target falls prone,
becomes defenseless for 1 round, and then becomes
unable to eat anything but raw meat. They have a infected with apotheosis spores (see below).
specialized fungal “stomach” that putrefies the meat
before digesting it, which causes each saprophican to
Apotheosis Spores
Saprophicans reproduce by infecting living creatures
smell slightly of decay shortly after each meal.
with apotheosis spores released from their bodies.
A Forgotten God: Each colony still worships the
An infected creature experiences difficulty breathing,
same god, the Mother Spore, and a shrine to this
developing a wet cough resulting from the spores
goddess—a giant pillar of slick, black fungus—stands
growing in its lungs and throat. In a matter of days,
at the center of every community. Saprophicans
the spores kill the creature, taking over its body as
believe it was from her they were spawned. The
described under “Parasitic Genesis.”
Mother Spore is a grim uncaring figure of death,
decay, and rebirth. She compels her brood to spread Transmission A creature that breathes in spores becomes
exposed. One hour later, the creature must get a success on
their spores to the furthest corners of the continent, a Strength challenge roll with 2 banes or suffer the stage 1
and with the Shadow of the Demon Lord touching effects of the apotheosis spores.
even their secluded homes, saprophicans are leaving Cure Only magic of rank 3 or higher can cure this infection.
• Stage 0 The creature recovers from apotheosis spores.
their colonies in greater numbers. • Stage 1 The creature is diseased.
The few scholars who have been able to study • Stage 2 As stage 1, but whenever the creature uses
saprophican religion—and did not pay with their an action or a triggered action, the creature becomes
life for it—believe it is simply a distant offshoot of fatigued for 1 round.
• Stage 3 The creature’s Intellect and Will drop to 5.
the ancient World Mother cult. Instead of fertility It loses all professions, talents, and spells learned.
and vitality, their sect venerated decay as the start of The creature becomes compelled by the spores, and
all life and rebirth. While each colony’s beliefs vary usually goes some place secret and safe to complete
the transformation. After 1d3 months, the creature
in the details, they all believe that the Mother Spore transforms into a new saprophican and retains none of
is something entirely other than the World Mother. its original statistics.
Recovery Each time the diseased creature completes a
Priests of the Mother Spore have access to the Death, rest and is at a stage less than 3, it must make a Strength
Life, and Nature traditions. challenge roll with 3 banes.
Common Names: Ayoo, Bumbo, Coof, Eyish, • 20 or more: The creature moves down one stage.
• Success: No change.
Floom, Gibble, Iggwye, Lumma, Maol, Muun, Numm, • Failure: The creature moves up one stage.
Ooo, Opple, Puen, Unnu, and Wammble. • 0 or less: The creature moves up two stages.

Saprophican Age 3d6 Personality
6–8 You are well-meaning but lack social skills and
3d6 Age come off as arrogant or overbearing.
3 You are a child, 6 years old or younger. 9–12 You are generally amiable, but you have trouble
4–7 You are an adolescent, 7 to 13 years old. overcoming your selfish nature.

8–12 You are a young adult, 14 to 25 years old. 13–15 You are friendly and find it easy to make friends.

13–15 You are a middle-aged adult, 26 to 40 years old. 16–17 You are outgoing and strive to make as many
friends as you can.
16–17 You are an older adult, 41 to 60 years old.
18 You have a magnetic personality and often find
18 You are a venerable adult, 61 years old or older. people hang on your every word.

Saprophican Build Saprophican Background

3d6 Build d20 Background
3 You are short and either thin or heavy, as you choose. 1 Your colony was discovered and destroyed. You
were the only survivor and still fear you’re being
4–6 You are somewhat short, but of average weight hunted.
for your height.
2 You see ever-shifting forms and faces in your
7–8 You are slender, though of average height. colony’s monument, but no one else can see them.
9–12 You have a typical build, both in height and weight. 3 You have killed innocents to harvest their bones.
Start with 1d3 + 1 Corruption.
13–15 You are heavy for your height.
4 You have broken two of your bones and are now
16–17 You are tall, but of average weight for your height. seeking replacements.
18 You are extremely tall and either thin or heavy, as 5 One of your bones is made from silver and is worth
you choose. 2d6 ss.
6 Your host body had eaten a metal cube with
Saprophican Appearance strange runes on it. You have rescued the object,
and it is now in your possession.
3d6 Appearance 7 You are thought to have infected an intelligent
3 You were unable to fully transform your host’s creature, but escaped before you could be executed.
body and now appear as a grim amalgamation 8 You traveled extensively. You speak one additional
of fungal flesh, scraps of fur, and twisted, language.
disjointed bones. You are repulsive to others and
are met with horrified expressions and screams 9 The Mother Spore came to you in a vision and
everywhere you go. showed you where you should found a new colony.
You have since forgotten the directions.
4–5 You appear almost human, with a monstrous
deformity from your transformation. You might 10 Your colony disregards saprophican law and preys
hobble and limp with a warped leg, one arm may on humans and other humanoid creatures.
be drastically shorter than the other, or you might
be missing an eye and your lips. 11 You let a scholar study you and told them pieces of
your history. In return you received an education.
6–8 You appear human, but you stand almost upright, You know how to read and write the Common
and your face is more fungus than man. Your Tongue.
approximation of the human form is unsettling to
others. 12 You have some memories of a life you didn’t live
and are unsure where they came from. Start with
9–12 Your body and facial features are human but 1 Insanity.
have strange patterns and textures. Your host’s
skeleton, or some other feature of your true 13 You have left your colony once before but were
nature easily reveals you to be something else chased off from the first settlement you found and
entirely. returned home dejected.
13–15 You appear to be human in passing, but anyone 14 Bandits camped near your colony. You led the
who interacts with you is soon disabused of that effort to remove them from your lands.
notion. 15 An orc raid swept across your colony, and you
16–17 From a distance, you appear to be an attractive lived as a slave for months before escaping. Add
human, but up close the strange texture of your Slave to your list of professions.
flesh mars the facade. 16 You find yourself inexplicably imitating the habits
18 Your body is perfectly sculpted to appear to be of your host animal when no one is looking.
an extraordinarily beautiful human. Only close 17 You came into money and start the game with 2d6
inspection, and your fungal adornments, would cp.
suggest otherwise.
18 Your colony believes the Mother Spore is a blight
on the world. You struggle to overcome the urge
Saprophican Personality to create a new colony.

3d6 Personality 19 You killed a trespasser to protect your colony.

This person had a strange set of keys and a map
3 You are a parasite. People are a resource to you you cannot read. You have not revealed them to
and you will take from them until there is nothing anyone, yet.
left. You despise those who stand in your way.
20 You prevented a fire from wiping out your colony
4–5 Suspicion of other people drives your every and are hailed as a hero. Your body bears a
action. You are always looking over your shoulder. gruesome scar from your actions.

Fungal Adornment on a fallen star. The colonies of Old Edene recount
d20 Adornment
tales that one of their kind had ingratiated themselves
with the God-Queen Umessa, and traveled from
1 Your skull was a stag’s and you have covered its
antlers in a web of vibrant colors. Eremeä by her side as a trusted counselor. Across
2 A cape of lace-like fungus hangs from your back. the Northern Reach, it is believed the fungus folk are
3 Your body has bioluminescent whorls all across it.
some forgotten creation of the great fey, abandoned
You can faintly illuminate these patterns green or after the faeries retreated from the mortal world.
4 Woven stalks in hues of gold and brass encircle SAPROPHICAN DIFFICULTY 1
your head.
Size 1 fungus
5 Blooms of miniscule, beautiful mushrooms grow
all over your arms. Perception 10 (+0); shadowsight
6 A dense mass of fungus grows from your face Defense 11; Health 9; Insanity 0; Corruption 0
imitating a lush, full beard. Strength 9 (–1), Agility 11 (+1), Intellect 10 (+0), Will 11 (+1)
Speed 10
7 Purple coral-like fingers sprout from your head to Immune damage from disease, poison; diseased, poisoned
form a majestic crown. Fire Vulnerability A saprophican takes double damage
from fire.
8 Your body exudes delicate perfumed scents.
9 You use small fungi to imitate earrings, rings, and ATTACK OPTIONS
jewelry of all kinds.
Sickle (melee) +1 (1d6)
10 Stripes of muted contrasting colors ripple over
your whole body.
Colony Guardian
11 A large mushroom cap sits atop your head like a
wide hat. Fearing discovery, and the subsequent ruin that would
12 Your neck is full of mushroom gills, opening and result, many saprophicans patrol the lands around
closing with the rhythm of your speech, revealing
vibrant shades of blues, purples, and oranges.
the colony to steer trespassers away from discovery or,
failing that, destroy them. The task of protecting the
13 Your head is covered in thin fungal stalks, which
you have grown to mimic intricately styled hair. colony falls to the colony guardians, a small force of
14 Lichen of all shapes and colors grows over your capable scouts adept in woodcraft and arms. Colony
body. guardians develop specialized spores that help them
15 The sweet smells of honey and nectar hang in the to befuddle humanoids who come too close so that
air around you.
they can lead them away, as opposed to outright
16 Your whole body is a tapestry of colors, fungus
of every shape and hue overlap and crowd your
killing them.
17 You have an elaborate headdress of mushrooms.

18 Small, brightly colored mushrooms sprout from Size 1 fungus

your shoulders.
Perception 11 (+1); shadowsight
19 You have two fungal adornments. Roll again and Defense 13 (hard leather); Health 30; Insanity 0;
ignore duplicates and further rolls of 19 or 20 on Corruption 0
this table. Strength 10 (+0), Agility 11 (+1), Intellect 11 (+1), Will 12 (+2)
Speed 10
20 You have three fungal adornments. Roll again and Immune damage from disease, poison; diseased, poisoned
ignore duplicates and further rolls of 19 or 20 on
this table. Fire Vulnerability A saprophican takes double damage
from fire.


Spear (melee or short range) +1 with 1 boon (1d6)
Saprophicans aren’t born, but instead, grow inside Bow (long range) +1 with 1 boon (1d6)
still-living hosts who have become infected with SPECIAL ATTACKS
parasitic spores. The fungus takes over the mind Psychoactive Spores The colony guardian uses an action,
first before consuming and rebuilding the body. or a triggered action on its turn, to release a cloud of
This macabre and gruesome process takes years spores from a point in its space out into a 5-yard radius.
The spores partially obscure their area for 1 minute or
to complete, and during this transformation, a until dispersed by wind. Any creature within the radius or
saprophican is an abomination of contorted flesh and that enters it must get a success on a Strength challenge
twisted bone. roll or become poisoned for 1 minute. Fungus and plants
are immune to this effect. While poisoned in this way,
Where these strange people came from is a mystery the creature is charmed and regards saprophicans as
to even themselves. Their colonies are scattered trusted allies and will do what they suggest. If a charmed
creature takes any damage, it removes the poisoned
and secluded, and with each new generation, their affliction from itself. When a creature removes the
myths and legends drift further from each other. poisoned affliction, it remembers nothing that happened
The saprophicans who call the shadowed forests of to it for as long as it was poisoned. Once a colony
guardian uses psychoactive spores, it must wait 1 minute
Balgrendia home believe they were carried to Urth before it can use them again.

Voice of the Mother Spore
A Voice of the Mother Spore watches over and guides
every saprophican colony. Reputed to have a special
connection their god, this individual has absolute
authority over the colony and establishes the law
and customs the fungus folk keep. A Voice appears
somewhat larger and bulkier than their kindred, and
the fungus incorporated in their hosts appears black
and glossy.
Size 1 fungus
Perception 14 (+4); shadowsight
Defense 10; Health 50; Insanity 0; Corruption 1
Strength 10 (+0), Agility 10 (+0), Intellect 14 (+4),
Will 14 (+4)
Speed 10
Immune damage from disease, poison; diseased, poisoned
Fire Vulnerability A saprophican takes double damage
from fire.

Staff (melee) +0 with 1 boon (1d6 + 1)

Death Spores The Voice uses an action, or a triggered
action on its turn, to release a cloud of black spores from
a point in its space out to a 3-yard radius. The spores
heavily obscure their area for 1 minute or until dispersed
by wind. Any creature, other than a fungus or plant, in
the area when the spores appear or that enter them
must make a Strength challenge roll with 2 banes. On
a failure, the creature takes 3d6 damage and becomes
poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, the
creature takes 1d6 damage at the end of each round.
Once the Voice uses death spores, it must wait 1 minute
before it can use them again.

Restorative Spores The Voice uses an action, or a triggered
action on its turn, to release a stream of spores at one
fungus within short range. The target heals 2d6 damage
and makes attack rolls and challenge rolls with 1 boon for
1 round. The Voice must wait 1 round before it can use
restorative spores again.
Call Fungal Slaves The Voice uses an action to call forth
1d3 + 1 fungal slaves (animate corpses) who stand up
from the ground in open spaces of the Voice’s choice
and act on the next available turn. The fungal slaves
remain until destroyed or until the Voice becomes
incapacitated. Once the Voice uses call fungal slaves, it
must complete a rest before it can use it again.

Power 1
Life life sense (2), fount of life (1)
Necromancy spectral grasp (2), grave grasp (1)

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