How To Travel The World With Less or No Money

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Author: Maryliyn

Introduction ........................................................................................................ ................3

Chapter 1 – You don’t have to be rich to travel around the world ...................................4

Chapter 2 – How to Travel Cheap: Practical Tips for Cheap Vacations..............................6

Chapter 3 – The Main Factors that Spend Your Money.....................................................8

Chapter 4 – Reasons to Make Your Travel Blog...............................................................10

Chapter 5 – Romanian Adventure....................................................................................13

Chapter 6 – How to Find Cheap Accommodation...........................................................14

Chapter 7 – How to Travel With Less Money?.................................................................17

Chapter 8 – How to Travel and Work at the Same Time.................................................20

Chapter 9 – The Cheapest Holiday Destinations in 2017.................................................24


If you are part of those who like to travel, this book is exactly what you n eed. In the
following pages I will help you find out how you can travel much and cheaply. The best tricks
and tips are waiting for you to read them. How to save money on flights or how to spend less
money on food and accommodation? You’ ll know everything you need in order to travel
safe and cheap.

But first, let’s begin with the beginning …

What means travel for you? If you feel that it’s a kind of a passion, a great way to escape
from routine, a method to meet new people and places, a manner to learn about world,
then you are in the right place.

People are curious. This can be a good reason for many future trips. Then peop le have in
them the instinct to travel, to leave, to see. Novelty animates them, gives them wings. Many
states in the world have as primary income source the money from tourism. This is proof of
the fact that people travel a lot. The emotion generated by the trip is unique and that's why
people love to travel. I'm talking about pleasure trips and not about business interests ...

Money are the big problem… only in your mind!

Ok. We love to travel but there is an obstacle and the often-occurring obstacle is money. A
limited budget is what prevents us from traveling as much as we want and where we want.
But what if this obstacle only existed in our minds? What if there is the possibility of traveling
without money? Sounds like a dream, isn’t it? Here I am to tell you that it is possible and
many people do it. It’s time to learn some tips and begin to travel because not every
pleasure of life means money.

Are you ready to read “ How to travel with less money”? If so, just take a sit and pay
attention to every word. At the end you will know that you can plan a trip anytime regardless
of budget.
You don’t have to be rich to travel around the world

Yes I know. Your job does not give you enough money to travel, so you g ive up. This
resignation is common. But today I tell you that you don’t have to be rich to travel. Perhaps
the distrust prevails but more people were able to travel with very little money or no money
at all. In the following we talk about how to save money, how to see the world without a
huge sum in your wallet. For starters, here are some tricks you knew, but you probably did
not put them into practice.

Barter is a solution

Bartering is normal so barter for everything you can even for the room price. That way you
can save good money. Another option is offering services. For example, you can wash the
dishes at the restaurant for a hearty meal. Or you can help the owners of a hostel to clean up
in order to receive accommodation.

Be the follower of change

A plan change should be normal for you if you want to travel with less money. Find the
cheapest options and hunt the offers especially on transport. Keep an eye on the cheapest
flight tickets and take advantage of these offers. If you planned to stay at the hotel but you
find a hostel with half price, change the plan.

Make friends

Make friends with the locals and eat where they eat. Food means a lot of money spent if you
do not find the cheapest choices. Street food is a good option if you want to save some
money. Another version should be supermarkets where the food is cheap.

Get Your Travel Insurance

You don’t have to save money if it’s about travel insurance. If you are traveling a long time, it
is absolutely necessary for your safety. So, this case, give up saving money and stay safe.

These are just a few simple things that will help you save. But how would be if you could
travel without money? This is possible too. And in this guide I will let you to know all the
possibilities. First of all, travel is the passion of many people. At least once each of us waited
for the holiday in order to go on a journey. You know the feeling, right? And at least once we
were limited by nearby destinations because the budget did not allow us more. Well, there
are also people who wanted to see the world and succeeded, even though they had even
less money than you. How did they do that? Certainly not giving it up. The following chapters
will also show you success stories.

Modern times offer you plenty of opportunities to travel even without money. However, you
need to have enough determination, spirit of adventure and courage. Do you have them?
Then you can start the adventure and the beginning is not difficult at all because it starts
with a documentary about where you want to go. It's time to stop scaring about the gigantic
amounts of money needed for a trip. If you know how to save, then you will have many trips
even if your budget is not a big one. I’m here to help you.

If I managed to get from Romania to London and stay in the British capital for 5 days with
100 euros, certainly cheap trips are possible. We will talk extensively about what such a
journey means. So if you are interested in a trip with less money, you can start reading. But if
you lack courage, do like all the others and give up.

I'll come up with more tips and tricks and I present you true stories of brave people. Enjoy
the reading and learn how to have your dream trip with less money or no money. Sounds
good enough for read this?

How to Travel Cheap: Practical Tips for Cheap Vacations

Holiday is approaching and a trip becomes necessary. You probably already made some
plans, but the budget prevents you from following these plans. Today I will share some helpful
tips on how to save money on vacation while enjoying the journey. I'm talking about
practical tips that you can implement with minimal effort and will not affect the fun. With
these tips you will be able to have your planned vacation with little money.

Travel during the week - if you do not travel for a long period of time (week-long excursions
over several weekends), it is good to travel during the week. Accommodation at the hotel is
cheaper at the beginning of the week, when hotel owners try to cover their vacant rooms.

Not only that, but cities are also less crowded by tourists during the week, and some
entertainment costs less than during the weekend, when prices are often rising. But you will
have to face the traffic caused by locals who go to work.

Avoid seasonal tours - this does not mean going to the sea in winter and skiing in the
summer, but it's good to avoid the peak because the prices for accommodation, food and
transport are much higher during this period, so in summer you can travel in June or
September, in order to avoid the July-August season for example. Traveling against the
current means not going to Italy in August, when everyone is on vacation. Be careful when
low-cost operators introduce new routes. You can get tickets at minimum prices. From my
own experience, the cheapest flights are in November when demand is low.

Find rental sites - another alternative for a classic hotel accommodation is holiday rentals for
which you find offers on sites such as AirBnb, Homelidays or This option is
good for larger groups who can afford to rent a whole apartment.

All the large sites that collect such offers provide additional information about locations:
description, pictures, placement on the map and comments from those who rented that
location. You have a money back guarantee so it's almost impossible to be cheated.

Hostel or couchsurfing - if you are adventurous and you want the cheapest possible
accommodation, you have the option of staying at the hostel (multi-bedded rooms, rented
to more people at the same time) or couchsurfing services – besides free accommodation
you will benefit from more local experience. Couchsurfing will help you to find hidden local
spots and also making friends. The less good part is that the accommodation is not the most
comfortable and your hosts are not always the nicest people.

Shorten the trip time by going to a city break - less time spent on the trip means less money
on accommodation and food, because transport will have the same cost. But you can take
advantage of the city break offers that most airlines offer or the of packages offered by the
agencies to visit a city on a long weekend. A city break is very affordable and many people
prefer this kind of travel. It is a great weekend solution and why not, a pleasant way to
escape from the everyday atmosphere. This type of short trip will revive you with little
money. Choose carefully the city where you want to travel and pay attention to the sights on
the offer.

Do you want to travel more and more often, but do you think you will not have resources for
all your plans? Well, you do not have to worry about it anymore, because there are plenty of
tricks that help you reduce your holiday costs. Don’t give up your vacation if you have a low
budget. It's all about acting smart and having a set plan. Organize your trip effectively and
enjoy your trip with as little money as possible.

The main factors that spend your money

"I would like to travel but I do not have money." Does it sound familiar? I f so, you
probably belong to the category of those who think it is just a dream or even impossible to
travel. If I tell you that you can travel without money (too much many), would you believe

The only and the most important aspect, in my view, is prioritization. Do you really want to
travel? What are you willing to do for this? Would you give up comfort? Because when you
want something very much, you are willing to make compromises too.

Before going to the practical aspects, remember: to travel is about experiences, about
cultures, about meeting new people and about memories. Do you know what they all have in
common? It does not require money.

The three main money spenders are: transport, accommodation and food.


For Europe, for me, the preferred means of transport is and remains the hitchhiking. It's
adventurous, you do not pay, you meet fine people, you talk and you have the chance to be
called to eat in town. What can be better than that? In Asia, because the distances between
cities are big, I prefer the plane.

Into the cities, the cheapest way to travel is walking. If I have to go more than 10km, I choose
the means of public transport, but never a taxi. Whether I'm talking about train, bus, metro,
according to my mood, I buy or not a ticket.

If you want to go for a longer distance, buy your plane tickets early.


Before you decide where to sleep, think if you're willing to share a room with 4 -8 other
people or if you prefer something more private. Depending on this, you decide:

Hostels are the cheapest accommodation option. Private rooms - if you want something
private, you can find locals who rent a room for a fee. It's a much cheaper version than the
hotel. If you like adventures, a free sleeping solution would be camping in the memorable
places you pass through.


Where and how to eat inexpensively?

I, for example, I find it absolutely ridiculous to pay 15 € for a meal at the restaurant.

That's why supermarkets and markets are my salvation. When I look for a place to stay, I try
to choose the one what offers breakfast, so I even keep my stomach full for a while.

At first it may seem tough, but keep in mind that the real adventure begins when you get out
of the comfort zone. I could say that I feel sorry for those who want to travel but don’t do
this, because of travel agencies promoting expensive travels. If you want to travel, you don’t
need (much) money. Do you know what you need? Determination.

Now stop from everything you do, think if you really want to travel and do it now, do not
wait for another 35 years or until you get the first retirement. Everything is possible if you
really want to.

Does it still seem impossible?

Reasons to make your travel blog

Th e I nternet being a channel o f communication for everyone, has a llowed the

development of travel blogs around the world. Is that enough?

The Internet is indeed the most popular source of information, but not everything we find
there is necessarily useful. When we go on holiday we are looking for information on the
internet, but what kind of information do we want? The authentic ones, the r eal, the stories
told by others. They matter a lot more than just a destination presentation or an offer made
by a travel agency.

Being a travel blogger is a very serious thing and you need a lot more than writing time:

You need real and concrete information.

You need to know the niche of the people you are addressing and give them interesting

It takes on-the-spot experience to be able to tell the story.

It takes time and effort dedicated to travel in general.

You need a minimal talent to write because any text needs to be dressed nicely in its own
style to differentiate itself from what's on other travel websites / blogs.

Let's see what it takes to have a successful blog:

You need to have a well-established domain.

It's not enough to have a blog in the form of a subdomain, you must have a suitable hosting
for the type of content you are running (a travel blog has most times uploaded photos and
videos that occupy quite a lot of space).

You have to choose a niche to address.

Choose a name to "tell a story" (something representative of the chosen niche, but short
enough and put in a context in which it is easy to remember).

The original content is one of the most important things that a travel blog has to have.

The author's personal style will make a difference and stand out from a large number of
existing blogs.

Your content must include useful, quality and interesting information for the reader (for the
niche readers you are addressing) and offers complex materials, interesting analyzes for
readers, comparisons.

Quality photos will attract the eyes and make a difference (a photo is worth 1000 words,

Offers (free of charge) certain books written by you, DVDs, or other electronic materials that
contain unique and dedicated content to those you are addressing.

Involve readers in activities, and give them the chance to share information (social media
share buttons are a must-have)

In social media it is good to share also the materials of others not just yours and to
participate in various discussions. This will give readers the opportunity to interact directly
with you.

More and more people want to have a travel blog. It is normal - we are people, we have
holidays, we travel and take pictures. If these can make money, then the better. In addition,
your travel blog will help you to travel for free if you are good enough in writing. Travel
agencies can offer you free travel packages if you advertise them on your blog. You can also
get travel sponsorships if your writings are captivating. What do you waiting for? Make your
own travel blog.

Many people think that traveling and being paid for this is the ideal job. And most of the
time they are right. If you want a job like this, seeing the world, having wonderful

experiences, writing about it and earning money from what you do, I'll tell you a secret: it's
not as hard as it sounds.

Yes it's possible. Yes, you can and you do not have to have out-of-the-box talents. You just
have to learn how to do it, trust yourself and be prepared for the adventure of your life.
Learn how to travel more and get paid for it. How to get sponsorships. How to make your
blog a profitable business. How to be financially independent and live anywhere in the world.

Six years ago, when I left with my first travel sponsored project, I did not know anything
about campaigns, travel, marketing, or letters of intent. I only had two years of blogging, a
lot of ambition and a huge dream.

I remember I was watching Travel Channel and I admired the reporters who travel around
the world and seemed so happy. Then I said to myself: That's what I want to do! How long
did it take from the thought of deed? 4 months!

Now, after years of travel, dozens of projects, sponsorships, marketing campaigns,

thousands and thousands of readers a day, strangers who always ask me how I've done, it's
time to move on. Let me share with you the secrets of travel, to show you - simply on points
- the steps that will take you through the world.

Romanian Adventure

In 2013, Bogdan Budai decided to leave behind the job h e had in a corporation in
Timisoara and started traveling. He wanted to do this in a new way without spending too
much.Moreover, he found out that he could travel without paying almost anything, and
Bogdan decided to see if it was really possible.

For the year spent in over ten countries, the traveler spent no more than 300 euros. He
chose the option of volunteering, which allowed him to see Europe. He worked for different
families, and in return for his effort he received accommodation and food. His first trip was
to Hungary. Volunteering helped Bogdan discover new things about him and he learned
things he would never have thought of trying. He has been gardening, building, making
mosaics. He worked in a hostel, painted, and cared for the animals. He says he has made
dozens of friends all over Europe and there are cities where he can turn back to cause he is
expected with open arms by the former hosts.

Bogdan is the example that demonstrates that one can travel almost without any expense,
but there are some rules to follow. Bogdan spoke about the advantages of such a travel. He
said that being hosted by the locals was an asset, because they know the best places to visit,
which is the best food and what traditions one needs to know. The traveler also said that
volunteering helped him to develop himself.

Bogdan tells us that the baggage should be minimal. Only things that are absolutely
necessary must belong to it. Thus, in his backpack there are always: two pairs of jeans, two
pairs of trousers, a working overalls, t-shirts, some sweaters, lingerie, a sleeping bag,
medicines, a small laptop, a smartphone and a camera.

Bogdan's story is a success story. The young man managed to see the world with little money
and enjoy an unforgettable experience. The Romanian tells us that he intends to repeat the
adventure as soon as possible.

How to find cheap accommodation

Accommodation involves the highest costs when traveling. Of course, no one is willing
to spend a fortune for accommodation so one of the painful topics of a trip is "where d o we
sleep?" We all hit too expensive hotels when we planning a trip. And for sure, for some of us,
it’s just enough a place to sleep. However, we all had to spend a lot on the accommodation
although we had other things to do with the money. All this expense is because we have
never considered other ways of accommodation apart from hotels.

Indeed, if you want more comfort, then the hotel is the ideal solution. But if you only want a
clean place to sleep, then you have to know that there are many other variants and some of
them have already been listed. There are other accommodation possibilities. It depends on
you and your ability to adapt. If you are an open person then you can get even free

Let's see what free accommodation options do you have…


Couchsurfing is the most popular. This site allows you to live and interact with locals. You can
learn more about people, about culture, about the best and cheapest shops in the area,
about fairs, cafes and the list goes on. They can give you valuable tips and you can save even
more money. At first it is quite repulsive the idea of sleeping in a stranger's house, but if you
check his profile very well before opting for accommodation, it should not be problems.
Usually these people just want to help and are happy having guests.

Tip: Look for the host you chose to have reviews from other travelers.


Hostels are another good choice for those who want to save money. First of all I have to say
that there are hostels offering more amenities than hotels. Myths about dirty pensions are

just that: myths. Many hostels are really clean and offer not only rooms for many individuals
but also singles and doubles. Moreover, they are safe and cheap.

Tip: For your inner peace, document yourself well on the internet before booking.

Home exchange

Home exchange is a great idea if you own a home. You can exchange with another family
from another country for a while. In this way, accommodation is assured. Not many people
choose this option but it is a possible one and there are even websites on this theme. The
best solution is to make a home exchange with a family you already know.

Tip: If you choose a family from a home exchange site, make sure you get all the necessary
data about the people who are going to live in your home.

Short term rental

It’s about furnished apartments that owners rent on short term. These can sometimes be
cheaper than a hotel or a hostel. If you plan to spend a week, it is the perfect choice because
you will pay less for accommodation. This form of rental is popular in major European cities.

Tip: The price offers are varied. Find the lowest rents.


If you opt for this version of accommodation, you’ll receive a furnished room for an
affordable price. Some guesthouses have kitchen included and also a breakfast. The quality
and comfort are varied, but you can find clean and well-maintained guesthouses. Do a
thorough research on the net and you will be convinced.

Tip: Always check the room before you pay for it.

Work Exchange

You can choose not to pay for accommodation but to work for it. Usually hostels and farms
accept volunteering in return for accommodation. You can find such accomodations on sites
like HelpX.

Tip: Ask what work they need and how many hours.


Here is a free accommodation able to give you the freedom that many are longing for. Not
exactly the most comfortable, but it offers a considerable saving. You only need a tent and
you can go anywhere in the world without having to worry about accommodation.

Tip: Avoid tourist campuses because there is a charge.

House Sitting

More and more owners want to know their home safe when they leave for a while. That's
why they get tourists in the house for free. You can live quietly in such a home and all you
have to do is take care of pets or water the plants.

Tip: Beware of the time you can live in such a house and responsibilities you have.


Monasteries can be a place to sleep peacefully and you will certainly receive a delicious
meal. Most monasteries will receive you for free or for a modest amount of money. Of
course we are not talking about the most comfortable accommodation, but it is clean and

Tip: Beware of your behavior. It is not allowed excessive noise.

Travel could be very expensive if you want it to be that way. But you also can make it very
cheap. If you want fancy hotels, of course you’ll spend a lot of money, but you may choose a
cheap place to sleep while you enjoy your journey. Take advantage of these options and
make your accommodation a cheap one. There's a huge difference between a $ 500 hotel
and a free room.

How to travel with less money?

When traveling, another expensive problem is transportation. Airplane, train, bus or

personal car - all require a large amount of money to r each the destination. Often we are
targeting close destinations thinking about money we have to pay for transport. This idea of
expensive transport has often stopped us from traveling. But there are other ways to travel
without much money or even free. In fact, travelling may be cheap and easy. You need just a
bit of practice and be open-minded. In the following we will talk about transport and how to
travel with less money or for free. Sonds great, isn’t it? I tell you it is possible. Here are some
useful tips.

First of all you need to know that there are jobs that pay you to travel. You have travel,
money and fun in the same package. What are you waiting for?

Teach English

If you know English very well, you can opt for an exchange of experience in which you can
teach people and help them to improve their speaking skills. All you have to do is talk to
students. For this job you will get free accommodation and of course, transportation.

Paid for ski

This is a seasonal job for mountain lovers. There are many ski resorts that hire people each
season. You can ski or practice other jobs in hotels or restaurants. There plenty of options in
seasonal work.

Work on organic farms

Organic farms offer free food and accommodation for the period you work. You are also paid
for your work and these money can ensure the transportation. This type of farm is all over
the world so you can travel almost anywhere. At the end of the daily program you can walk
or visit the nearby towns.

Take care of children

There are a lot of families abroad looking for serious people to take care of their children a
few hours a day. Accommodation and food are free and the salary will allow you to visit just
about anything you want.

Be a free travel guide

You can travel for free as a free travel guide. If you have knowledge of geography and
history, you should use your info. Many travel agencies are looking for such people. Instead,
you have the opportunity to travel for free, visit the great cities of the world and see the

Besides seasonal or short-term jobs, transportation can be extremely cheap or free if you
pay attention to details or if you give up on increased comfort. There are also a lot of ways to
save your money for transport. Let’s speak about some of them.


If you are afraid to hitchhike, you must know that in most states of the world it is popular
and safe. So, hitchhinking is pretty common everywhere and you can have free transport by
using this method of travel.

Be a member of The Cartel

When I heard about this Cartel, I was a bit skeptical. But when I found out that as a member
of this Cartel I know about all the travel promotions, I said it was great. Travel Hacking Cartel
gives you real-time updates and so you can have airplane tickets at very low prices and even

Opt for train or bus

I know the plane is faster, but the train and the bus are much cheaper. You can save almost
three quarters of the amount if you choose to travel by land. There are also good parts. A
long journey will give you the opportunity to see more.

Plane tickets last minute

I know the temptation to buy a ticket a few weeks before is a major one. But a last minute
ticket is cheaper. There is no need to have friends working at the airline in order to get such
a ticket. Sign up for airline newsletters and for price alerts. You have the opportunity to find
very cheap tickets but you need to be flexible in terms of your travel destination.

Free flights with travel credit cards

Sign up for these travel credit cards and enjoy bonuses. The accumulated points can be
turned into miles of flight.

Throw away your preconceptions! Free travel is possible! Many people have done so for
many years. Experience the world and see amazing things with less money or for free. You
can choose a temporary job or can take advantage of benefits and offers. Choose what suits
you and start the great adventure.

How to Travel and Work at the Same Time

I can not say "anyone," but I think "almost anyone" is very true. I know two people who
have a mobile circus. Don’t you know how to juggle? Never mind, there are other o ptions. I
suppose the only requirement is to want to do this.

If you are among the lucky ones who are already wealthy or have enough money to finance
their long-term travel, congratulations! For others, a combination of holiday and work might
be a viable alternative.

There are people who write and travel (or write about travel). I don’t make money from the
blog, but the money can be for those who want to be travel writer or blogger in any field. It
certainly does not start easily, but I know people who do it, they do it well and they do it for
a long time.

Professional or semi-professional cameras are today quite affordable. You can take pictures
for your own blog or sell them. You have a lot of niches that you can explore, especially
when your eyes have access to distant cities, jungles and exotic beaches. If you already make
money from home photos, you can get them also traveling.

Many companies are looking for English speakers who can teach at any level (you don’t have
to be a native speaker or have TEFL certification), you can travel with an NGO, as a
translator, as a musician and, of course, as a volunteer. There are all kinds of volunteer
opportunities or "paid volunteering".

Many travel agencies offer interesting partnerships. Almost any designer, programmer,
consultant can find ways to work on the road, especially if you are already a freelancer and
find projects on profile sites

How hard is that?

On the laptop, in the hammock … It's not easier than working from home. It is more thrilling,
often more pleasant, but at the same time, more risky, more unstable. Slowly, you get used
to taking things one at a time, as they come day by day. But you always have to face new and
unknown situations and you have to adapt. You don’t always have access to familiar things
and home comforts.

It is stimulating and refreshing to wake up in the morning in different places with superb
views - until you realize that the Internet does not work and you can not respond to the
client's urgent email. - That was going to be fun.

I'm sure the balance is tilting differently for each person, but in my case, the advantages are
knocking down the drawbacks. The colors of the sunsets, the encountered people, the new
experiences, the food, the aromas and, last but not least, the idea that I am not bound by a
single place - all make me happy that I can work and travel at the same time

How to start?

You can start with a test. Go to McDonalds or Starbucks and see if you can work from there.
If you work on a laptop, take it to the park and see how bothering is the noisy baby of that
woman. Does your back hurt on the uncomfortable bench? Are you frowned because you do
not see anything on the screen because of the sun? Has the rain started? How fast do you
adapt? Test your body and nerves.

If you already work from home, things are much, much more simple. You are already
accustomed to being disconnected from the classical office, you already have flexibility in
terms of working hours, you are prepared. All you need is airline tickets.

Income and expenses

How much money should I make to live 5 months in Southeast Asia? - is the question that
struggled me while I was developing the logistical aspects of the journey. With formulas and
calculations, I had to give up trying to control every aspect of the future incursion into the
unknown. As a control freak, it was not easy, but it was liberating. Especially since the final
amount was close to 10,000 euros, much beyond any budget we would ever have imagined

As a freelance web developer I earn between 0 and 2000 euros per month. Both "0" and
"2000" are tangible and possible. This variation (sometimes maddening) has taught me a
simple fact: the amount does not matter.

I think anyone who wins a few hundred euros per month can contemplate the possibility of
working on the road. Especially if he understands some aspects of spending money on a trip.

Concept may seem strange at first, but spend less money is tantamount to making more
money, if you think about it. If you can, by traveling, get rid of certain major expenses (such
as rent), working for example as a volunteer for free accommodation, you are no longer
forced to produce the same monthly amount.

You can explore the world by working as a bartender or hostess on a cruise ship. For me,
however, an extremely interesting (and profitable) aspect of online jobs is the opportunity to
earn money in one currency and spend it in another (where the report benefits you).

For exemple, an American who works in dollars for his home-based customers but lives in
Vietnam and spends his salary by converting it into Vietnamese dongs, he simply has a much
higher purchasing power than a local Vietnamese who works locally and spends locally.

How do I work and what I do on a daily basis

The beauty of the days working on the road is that they are never the same. The routine
almost completely disappears. Of course, to keep a living business, I need to "ponte" a few
hours every day. The number of hours can vary enormously. But I have noticed that I am
becoming more and more efficient in organizing my time and concentrating only on what I
have to do. I work less than 8 hours a day, but at the same time almost completely
disappeared the cigarette breaks and socializing with colleagues, or wasting time on
facebook and youtube. I prefer to spend some hours of intense concentration to f inish my
daily activity list and then go to the beach for the rest of the day.

For me, the choice was not very difficult because it was something I wanted for a long time.
It is an old dream that has now become a palpable reality without (too many) compromises.

What's next? I do not know. But I proved to myself that I can. If I decide to spend my whole
time working and traveling, now I know it's possible, regardless of duration.

If you're afraid of trying to work and travel at the same time, I have a simple list of personal

You use your time as you want, you pull the line between work and vacation (or do not pull it
at all);

Yoy see and experience new things, a fairly large difference to an office and a blazing

Options related to “how you spend your day” are unlimited, in strong contrast to a classic "9
to 5" program;

You are fully responsible for every decision you make (and you collect the rewards of these

I have a beautiful life. I do not say this in order to convince me or somebodyelse. I say it
because, for me, it was a stunning and an unexpected discovery. A very important factor in
this achievement was the apparent freedom and flexibility that I can offer to myself by
traveling and working at the same time.

The cheapest holiday destinations in 2017

You don’t have to break your bank account in order to have an unforgettable vacation.
When you move out of your everyday routine and decide to give you a trip, any cause of stress
must necessarily remain at home. And finance is no exception.

Here are the cheapest holiday destinations in 2017.

Thessaloniki, Greece

Merciful, indulgent and full of antique charm, the port city of Thessaloniki is a choice you can
afford, where you can enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

Spend your days exploring the romantic remnants of the past, savor the generous meals of
the culinary capital of the country and drink cocktails on the waterfront. Look at the locals
how they play dominoes in traditional Greek "taverns" with Turkish influences, buy colorful
flowers from Louloudadika Square and take a cruise through the ferry port. Everything is
cheap to attract as many tourists as possible this year.

Yerevan, Armenia

For 100 Armenian drams (ie, a few cents), you are free to venture into the chaos of a
minibus and to cross your fate with the city's roads. When you hear a "Stop" cried without a
bit of inhibition, you will know that you have reached the most important monuments in

North Boulevard will take your steps from the opera to the wells of Republic Square, but you
have to promise that you will arrive here at night too because there are two totally different
things to see. The background dominated by Soviet buildings, imposing over the day is subtly
replaced with a décor dressed in elegant lights overnight.

Budapest, Hungary

Despite its year-to-year popularity, it's amazing how many things you can still do in Budapest
with a low budget.

You can enjoy the metropolis in its maximum shape only in July, and if the heat becomes
unbearable, you can sink into the Széchenyi baths in the city park for a floating chess game.
In the fall of the night, it follows the habits of the locals and entertainment in the
amusement parks.

Porto, Portugal

There is no more refined and cheaper place in Europe during hot summer like this city, the
second most visited city in Portugal. When you walk through the neighborhoods, also visit
Livellia Lello & Irmão, an art-nouveau style bookshop, where you can discover all sorts of
fashionable objects in Porto.

Tunis, Tunisia

Besides the advantage of being one of the most exciting places in North Africa, Tunis is also
the perfect city for travelers who want to save money on the trip.

The eucalyptus trees lined up along the boulevards of Nouvelle Ville give the city a European
and contemporary touch, while the old Cartagena will allow you to travel back in time, in the
prosperous era of a forgotten empire. The Bardo Museum presents to the world the most
beautiful collection of mural and mosaic paintings dating from Roman times.

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Both the capital of Ljubljana and the country of Slovenia are destinations less frequented by
European tourists. Even so, they have a lot to offer in terms of tourist attractions, dream
landscapes, rich culture and history. For that reason, Ljubljana is a cheap holiday destination,
it is a quiet city, and hostel rates start at 10 euro / night.

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona is a financially less expensive city than Paris or Rome, but it is not very cheap. For
an average budget, you can find a place in one of its many hostels, where you will surely
make a lot of friends around the world. Book your accommodation before the start of the
holiday season to get the best price.


Taverns, breweries, cobbled alleys and charming gothic air, so you are met by Prague. The
Czech city is also one of the most accessible in Europe, with street food at 1 euro and half a
liter of beer with 75 cents. In addition, hostel accommodation starts at 9 euro / night!

Taipei, Taiwan

The capital of Taipei is much cheaper than Hong Kong, Seoul or Tokyo. Tourists can choose
to stay at one of the many hostels or campgrounds in the country. Although the entrance fee
in most of the country's cultural attractions is quite low. Another thing that tourists will
appreciate in Taipei is the low price of food. Identifying cheap holiday destinations is another
way to save money on your trip without giving up on comfort.


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