Times Nie Web Ed Nov 26

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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


➤ How online classes ➤ Choosing the right idiom ➤ Liverpool go
TODAY’S have become the lifeline
of students in Covid
looking at a circumstance is unbeaten; Man City, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2021

also an art and often, builds a PSG advance in
Newspaper in

times, narrates one of mood to your write-up. Figure Champions League

them it out in Wizard’s Corner
PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 First Indian
honoured with
CLICK HERE: PAGE 1 AND 2 knighthood
in Italy
‘73% young Indians believe
YOU are paying the price education quality has improved’
According to UNICEF, world over,
children are paying an enormous ohan Roy, a Forbes-listed

price for climate change. UNICEF REPORT entrepreneur from Kerala

and who has a passion for
estimates that one billion children — getting noticed in the film
almost half of all kids on Earth — industry through his unconventional
contribution to humanity and the
are at ‘extremely high risk’ to climate world cinema has now become the
impacts. Almost every child on Earth first Indian who has been awarded
is now exposed to at least one major the honorary title of ‘Knight of
Parte Guelfa’ in Italy.
climate hazard, from floods and The knighthood was conferred on
heatwaves to pollution and drought Roy for his humanitarian and envi-

ronmental protection efforts in busi-

6.8 2.8
early 73% of young Indian respondents to a survey believe ness and movies.
that the quality of education in India has become better now The conferring ceremony took place
early this week at the prestigious
than it was in the past. The survey, The Changing Childhood
Basilica of Santa Croce and the
Project, by UNICEF and Gallup shows that 57% of surveyed people Palagio di Parte Guelfa in Florence.
times more times more aged between 15 and 24 years, and 45% of people above 40 years in Some of the previous proud recipi-
heatwaves floods India feel that education is the biggest determinant of success... ents are Pope Francis,
Stefano Cordero di Montezemolo,
The World Economic Forum reports that a child
 Nearly 78% of women and 72% of tion, compared to 59% boys. Giannozzo Pucci di Barsento,
born now faces 6.8 times more heatwaves, 2.6
men respondents above 40 years of  The survey findings from India also Gualtiero Bassetti, Luciano Artusi,
times more drought and 2.8 times more floods
age from India feel that education for show some perception gaps between among others.
and crop failures than a person born in 1960
children today is better than it was for younger and older respondents – 71% His notable works include the docu-
POOREST KIDS MOST HIT their parents. older people believe that kids mentary ‘Black Sand’ on ecological

 In addition, at will be economically better degradation and unscientific mining
of global burden The World Bank estimates that by 2030, 132 59%, girls off than their parents, methods, which got shortlisted in
of disease borne MILLION PEOPLE could be pushed into pover-
by kids under ty by climate change — millions in developing
between aged 15 WHAT compared to 66% the Oscars. The documentary is
and 24 years younger kids. still going strong at various film
5 years nations already face extreme weather, soil believe that edu- THE  According to the report, festivals. The movie ‘Mmmmm
The UN finds 90% of the global burden of dis- desertification, water stress and crop fail- cation plays a role SURVEY 59% youngsters in India (Sound of Pain)’, which he pro-
in success.
ease linked to climate change is borne by chil- ures. Currently, 82.4 million people have been
forcibly displaced worldwide, uprooted also by  Nearly 67% girls
SHOWED have heard of climate
change compared to 42%
duced was indeed loud and clear
dren under five. Pollution is the most telling fact about the message of environment
climate conflicts over land, water and food. feel that digital tech- older people – the biggest protection. This movie brought to
— 90% children globally are exposed to air pol-
Their kids have lost a home of dignity some- nology has helped overall gap across 21 coun- light many related issues like cli-
lution, caused by the combustion of fossil fuels
where on a sunlit hill or a village by the sea. children in educa- tries where study was held. mate change in depth.

12-year-old automates contact-free Mizoram sets up its first Orchid centre

waste disposal WHAT IS AM DUSTBIN?
he Zoramthanga government has set

H ow often do you hear of an everyday  AM Dustbin is the first utility-based product up the Mizoram Orchid Centre, a first Mizoram has close to 350 species
automation start-up found- in the market from the duo. The bin detects of its kind in the entire northeastern of orchids with new species still
ed and managed by a 12- motion and opens and closes its lid region, at cost of `3.9 crore, to
year-old coding prodigy and a new automatically. It enables contact- study, preserve and propagate endemic and being identified. However, devel-
age entrepreneur? Not every day. free waste disposal.  The main dif- endangered orchids, officials said on Friday. opmental projects have ravaged
And yet such a start-up has been ference between the other dustbins Officials of the Rural Development the orchid resources in the state
formulated by an unconventional in the market and the AM Dustbin is Department said that the centre was funded
duo - Arjit Nanda, an entrepreneur that it can be used in dual mode. under the Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Rurban and many have become threat-
and Miraan Rai, a 12-year-old coder, One can switch off the automatic Mission (SPMRM) and has a fully-equipped ened species with some on the
who have decided to jump in on the mode if one wants to, simply with a laboratory for tissue culture, green houses
start-up bandwagon. Arijit and Niran
brink of extinction.
press of a button. and other related ancillaries.
teamed up to create AM Dustbin.

Robots now wipe tables, sort trash,


The world of self-care is riddled with terms
ignalling an era of machines like organic, vegan, green, clean. But do they SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2021
Newspaper in

all mean the same and why you should know


slowly taking over human

work, a fleet of more than Over the coming months, Googlers who the difference PLUS: Family sagas; and Agatha Christie
100 robots are autonomously work in Mountain View may catch glimpses for beginners
performing a range of useful tasks of the robot prototypes wiping tables  HEALTH
around Google offices in the US, like after lunch in the cafes, or opening meet- How and why you must alkalise your body that  SPORTS
ing room doors to check if the room needs is make it less acidic Captains who
wiping tables, sorting trash, grasping
gave up their
cups and even opening doors for visi- to be tidied or if it is missing chairs
tors.  TRIVIA TIME captaincy and
On Nov 27, 2013 Disney’s ‘Frozen’ released how they fared
Google’s parent company Alphabet has
announced that its ‘Everyday Robots’ making it the highest grossing animated
“The same robot that sorts trash can
project – a team within its experimen- movie ever. We tell you some interesting facts
now be equipped with a squeegee to about the movie
tal X labs – has moved some of its wipe tables and use the same gripper
robot prototypes out of the lab and that grasps cups can learn to open
they are doing useful tasks around
doors,” he said in a statement. 10 Japanese words that
Google’s Bay Area campuses. “We are Over the last few years, Alphabet has can teach you about life
now operating a fleet of more than 100 been building an integrated hardware PLUS: The importance of tongue
robot prototypes that are autonomous- and software system that is designed twisters; and brush up on some
ly performing a range of useful tasks for learning, including transferring grammar rules
around our offices,” said Hans Peter learning from the virtual world to the
Brondmo, Chief Robot Officer. real world.  FILMS, BOOKS
An introduction to The Wheel of Time
It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think beyond the
classroom. Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL!

'Sunday Hour' Puppet shows & skits entertain kids

webinars held At Royaal World School

hildren were dressed
up in their favourite at-
tire. And the day was
centered around children and
their enjoyment. The celebra-
tion began with an introduc-
tion, followed by a trail of fun
activities like katputli dance
and games.
Teachers disguised them-
selves as children and pre-
sented a skit on the theme 'The
Sun Moon and Water'.
The students were over- A pre-recorded dance by teachers Children in their favourite attire
whelmed and enjoyed the skit.

At Pawar Public School, boiled potatoes, slices of onion, cabbage,

carrot, ketchup, etc. Students put on their
Nanded City chef cap and aprons too.
Both kids and teachers made some

t Pawar Public School, Nanded City, flavoursome frankies. Teachers spoke about
Children's Day was all about chil- the dish children prepared and explained its
At the webinar held by Dr. Jyoti Toshniwal dren and their enjoyment. There nutritional values. Students enjoyed the cook-
were activities like a puppet show, recita- ing activity with their teachers and served
tion and some cooking too. their dish to their parents happily. This ac-

charya Shree Vijay tion, modify attitudes and be- their own creativity and The puppet show and poem recitation tivity encouraged the students to eat home-
Vallabh School has haviour to reduce injuries channelize them in building entertained the students. After the puppet made food and also taught them the etiquettes
been organising we- and property loss while han- their own potential. show students were asked questions relat- of presenting food properly and serving it.
binars known as 'Vijay Val- dling electrical appliances A webinar on 'Self-Moti- ed to the story. They had fun and enthusi- The celebrations ended with poem
labh Sunday Hour' on Face- and also to save ourselves if vation' was conducted by an astically gave their reviews about the story. recitation. The tiny tots recited their
book live every Sunday at caught in fire. international speaker from Screening of movie Farzaand A 'frankie making' activity was held that favourite poems with voice modulation and
11am. The webinars have To increase student's in- UAE, Judith Finnemore. She had students using ingredients like roti, actions.
been very helpful to every- terest in different subjects focused on inspiring the
one. and to make it more under- youth and she engages young At SPM English School ers briefed the students on the
In this pandemic too our standable, we conducted a people in the educational significance of the activity and
school has not kept any stone webinar on 'Masti Bhari process. The soul is healed by being wished them well for being such
unturned and we have kept Pathshala' by Dinesh Shete. As athletics has a tremen- with children impeccable rays of sunshine in
the learning process on. He focused on different learn- dous economic political and - Fyodor Dostoevsky a world that would otherwise be
These webinars are help- ing styles and also how to en- cultural influence on socie- dull without them. The movies

ful to boost the confidence of joy learning. ty a webinar on 'Athletics' he SPM English School screened between 10am and
children as well as parents to A webinar on 'Be Strong was held by Sudhakar Me- celebrated Children's 1pm were - class VI & VII
make an individual disci- Physically and Mentally' was mane; 'Think like a Comput- Day to not just celebrate Moana; class VIII Farzand; class
plined, punctual and an as- held by Dr Komal Bansal who er' was yet another interest- each child but also to cultivate IX & X Fatteshikast.
set for the family and socie- discussed the importance of ing webinar by Sonia Garcha and give credits to the inner The students enjoyed the
ty. We had webinars on vari- self defence and security of who discussed Bebras chal- child that resides in each one of movies and so did the teachers.
ous topics such as 'Personal- a child. Kids learnt that men- lenges and teaching comput- us. This was just a small activity
ity Development' by Dr. Jyoti tal strength helps to manage ing with computer; We had a Classes VI to X attended the for the teachers to show their
Toshniwal who focused on a our thoughts and regulate webinar conducted by Mr programme online where their love and appreciation towards
parent's contribution in de- our emotions. Avdhut Narvekar who class-teachers screened beauti- the little ones who make them
veloping the personality of a Another interesting we- showed how Art has an im- ful movies for them. The teach- better teachers every day.
child. binar was on the topic 'Di- pact on the child. It helps in
As festivals are an im- wali: Nayi Umang Naya Josh' promoting innovation and al-
portant part of Indian cul- by Rahul Deepak Shah. He lows self-expression.
ture a webinar on 'Festivals explained the importance of All these activities were
and Celebrations' was con- Diwali and the blend of tra- conducted under the leader-
ducted by Ashlesha Mahajan. dition along with new trends. ship of chairman Subhash
She focused on the impor- Creativity involves pro- Parmar and principals of all
tance of some traditions and viding opportunities for chil- three Sections Manasi
culture and also explained dren to think out of the box. Marulkar (Secondary), Sne-
the importance of festivals For problem solving, brain- hal Khatavkar (primary) Jac-
that are carnivals for joy and storming and discovering inta Manuel (pre-primary)
happiness. through trial and error, a and Office Superintendent
A webinar on 'Fire and wonderful webinar was held Kalpesh Darji. There was
Life Safety Education' by on the topic 'Nurturing cre- tremendous response from
Milind Gudade was very ativity' by Sarita Dimate who the audience on Facebook Screening of movie Fatteshikast A child making frankie Enjoying making frankie
helpful to provide informa- helped children to develop Live.

Dying to go to school with Online class hums with life and laughter
nline classes are a serious
business for us students. We

my owner, meet my friends have just the four walls and

things around for company and miss
our class mates who do peep from the
computer screen once in a while. But

am a school bag. The again in the dark corner. at times, the boredom of online class-

most used thing by a Dude, I am getting tired of es is broken by some technical hic-
student (I think so). cups. Sometimes, we have tender sib-
It's been two years since I lings of our class mates entertaining
have been locked up in the us when we are asked
chamber of secrets (just kid- to switch on the
ding, it's a cupboard) thanks
to Covid-19.
A SCHOOL BAG camera or when
these tech-savvy
were busy copying the notes. After a her mistake. By the time, all the mics
I have not staying in this inky cramped den of tons of books did not kids switch on the
camera themselves. while, we all looked up from our books were on with sounds of laughter filling
met my thing. I hope to go out soon tug at my seams. That's
Leaving your mic on when the hum of a film song reached the air. It was amusing to see the look
friends and meet my friends. Till when I heard that my owner
in class might be a our ears. The whole class burst into on her face! The students and teacher
(which are then its Mr Bag signing off. had forgotten all his books
common mistake we all make. But laughter and the classmate without playfully teased her as she turned red
other stu- No, no, just kidding…I in the class. I mean literally,
what if the person starts singing realising here mistake with embarrassment. It really is one of
dents' haven't finished yet. I have all the books. The only thing
with the mic on? An "unfortu- continued to sing. those hilarious memories which we
bags) in a some incidents to mention he had brought was his lunch
nate" classmate of mine had to It took us some cherish even after going back to the
long time. I heaved a sigh of as well. Years before Covid box. And now really, it's Mr
go through a similar experience time and effort to normal offline classes!
relief when my owner took invaded our world, my owner Bag signing off!! interrupt her and Priyamvada Gauri Prageesh, class VIII,
me out one day, but it was was returning home from Sreehari V J, class VII, this year. It was a usual
make her realise Gregorian Public School, Maradu,
only to give me a thorough school and I felt very light. Kendriya Vidyalaya SAP, forenoon class and we Ernakulam
cleaning and shut me up The weight of the usual bur- Thiruvananthapuram

Centres for nano technology, Indian Powered by

Knowledge System launched

state-of-the-art Cen-
tre for Nano Tech-
nology and Centre
for Indian Knowledge System
was inaugurated at IIT Guwa-
Daily free
ree live
live hobby
hobby classes
lassses for
or kids(age
ds(age 3-14)
kid 3-14)
hati, Union Minister of Edu-
cation, Skill Development,
and Entrepreneurship Dhar- Art, Craft, Dance, Yoga, Vedic Maths,
mendra Pradhan.
Pradhan exhorted IIT-G
to leverage innovation and
English Speaking, GK, Science and a lot more!
bio-diversity-based research
for making North East a hub
of green energy development. In Guwahati
He also inaugurated two
hostels at the Institute and lat-
er released a book on NEP ries for advancements in mul- the academic institutions in
2020 implementation at the in- ti-disciplinary research and the country under 50-years of
stitute. Dr. Ranoj Education education in the areas of age to consistently feature at
Minister of Assam and Queen healthcare, nano-bio-materi- the top of various interna-
Oja, MP, were also present. als, electronics and energy". tional rankings."
Dharmendra Pradhan Further speaking on IIT In another tweet he said,
took wrote on Twitter, "The Guwahati, the Minister added "I am also told that many of
Centre for Nanotechnology "IIT Guwahati is one of the these innovative ideas are
inaugurated at @IITGuwa- fastest-growing institutions being implemented into
hati today will host a number globally in terms of its re- commercially viable prod-
of CoEs, incubators and state- search capacities. I am glad ucts through technology
of-the-art research laborato- that @IITGuwahati is among start-ups" AGENCIES
“Life is short, but there is always time
enough for courtesy.”
Art Educator
Bodakdev School For
Children, Ahmedabad
Draw the easy way HSPIPNOG THGIL
I am a flower that resembles the
a. Shipping B. Shopping a. Thrill b. Though Earth's most important source of
C. Shifting D. Hopping c. Light d. Thug energy, and am commonly referred
to by its name. I am native to the
FITG Americas. I am cultivated for my
NIGDDEW a. Gift b. Fit seeds,which are used to make oil. I
a. Wedding B. Night am famously known to face the sun
c. Fur d. First before blooming to gain most light
C. Nodded D. Mute Answers: 1) b, 2) a, 3) c, 4) a for photosynthesis. This also helps
to attract pollinators.
Step-1 Step-2
Answer: Sunflower


Do you know these flow-
ers from song and cine-
ma, legend and litera-
SURYAKUMARI DENNISON, teacher, Aavishkar Academy, Bengaluru

This red flower fea-

tures in the title of a 4 This national flower is
celebrated in 'The
ture? Choose correctly! novel about the French Sound of Music'.
1 Beauty's father plucks A) Sunflower B) Lotus
this flower for his daugh- A) Crocus B) Carnation C) Iris D) Edelweiss
Step-3 Step-4 ter, in the Beast's garden. C) Poppy D) Pimpernel
A) Daisy B) Pansy
C) Rose D) Tulip

3 A young man falls in

love with his own

reflection and is turned into Wordsworth narrates
this flower. in verse his encounter
Step-5 Step-6 A) Narcissus B) Nasturtium with these flowers.
4) D. Edelweiss 5) B. Daffodils C) Lily D) Larkspur A) Delphiniums B) Daffodils
Answers: 1) C. Rose 2) D. Pimpernel 3) A. Narcissus C) Dahlias D) Dandelions

Idiom -etrics Editor

in the making
SURYAKUMARI DENNISON, teacher, Aavishkar Academy, Bengaluru Include some of these headlines to make a story and give
(Choose the idiom that best suits the situation) it a title. Mail the story to us at toinie175@gmail.com.
The interesting one will be published in the
ita's beautiful new watch went missing
and was never seen again. Everyone
believed that Sheela was the thief. This edition. Watch out for this space!!!
was because Sheela had once been caught

The headlines:
helping herself to a sandwich from a class-
mate's lunchbox. Sheela found the unkind
whispers hard to bear. She begged her par-
ents to take her out of school and get her
1) A dress out of recycled And the
admission elsewhere. There were no fond winner is...
farewells. Sheela left in disgrace. packaging ROSE KAKRANIA
A. On cloud nine B. Have one's head in the clouds C. Under a cloud Answer: C class XI, ST Michael SR Sec
2) No respite from pollution School, Pusa Road, ND -5

mit's parents believed that their
son was studying. Actually, how- 3) Venezuelan musicians set BEST WISHES
rom the early 1800s, comes an
ever, Amit was only pretending to
read his textbooks. idiom from the practice of judges
world's largest orchestra PEEPS!
wearing woollen wigs. While those record

A. Pull the wool over hina', 'US', 'China', 'US'.
someone's eyes exalted beings were generally discern-
Grandpa entered the room, ,
B. Keep one's
ing, someone in that position would 4) Next frontier of biosecurity "Indiaaaa...India...!!”. Both,
occasionally be fooled by an unscrupu-
eyes peeled
lous lawyer. It was almost as if the risk- Alien bacteria my sister and I, looked at him -
C. Feast "Umm. Grandpa, why are you chant-
latter tugged at the wig and lowered
one's eyes ing for India?" "Oh, I thought we
on it to cover the judge's eyes, blind-
ing him to the truth. 'To pull the wool were all squabbling about which

Answer: A
over someone's eyes' is to deceive
that person.

Learn a country is, seemingly, the best and

I, of course, chanted the most obvi-
GERMAN ous answer." Grandpa started
laughing and said, "Young lady, read
the newspaper, China is now the
2 A rational number can be rep-
resented in the form of: 1) Nein (nine) Meaning: No Work sheet world's richest nation, ahead of the
US! Anyway, it is about time. I must
2) Danke (DAHN-kuh)
A) p/q B) pq
Meaning: Thank you
Q:1 How will you say sorry? leave for my flight to Mumbai and
C) p+q D) p-q Answer : A
now I'm hearing that climate change
3) Auf Wiedersehen Q:2 How will you express your may force aeroplanes to fly higher!

3 The value of 1/2 x 3/5 is equal

(Ouf VEE-der-zane)
Meaning: Goodbye
gratitude? Good lord! I must seal the deal this
time. We both recited, "Good luck,
A) /2
B) /10
paa!" Then, my elder sibling said,
C) 3/5 D) 2/5
Answer : B 4) Tschüß (t-ch-uice) Q:3 How will you bid adieu to "But grand dad, you must wish me
someone? luck. Did you know- the first edition
4 The value of (1/2 ) ÷ (3/5) is equal
5) Es tut mir leid (ehs toot of Fit India quiz is to have 2 prelim
1 An integer can be:
A) Only Positive
A) 3/10 B) 3/5 C) 6/5 D) 5/6 Answer : D
meer lite)
MEANING: I'm sorry
Q:4 How will you refuse a task? rounds-? I'm really scared about it!"
"No need to be afraid, my child, you
B) Only Negative
just need to take a break and go on
C) Both positive and negative
D) None of the above Answer : C 5 The value of 1/2 + 1/4 is equal to:
A) 3/4 B) 3/2 C) 2/3 D) 1 Answer : A
4) Nein 3) Auf Wiedersehen 2) Danke 1) Es tut mir leid a trek to rejuvenate yourself.
When people throw stones at you, you turn them into milestones.
Sachin Tendulkar, Indian cricketer

Win 2-0 over Porto to go unbeaten in Champions League group

hiago Alcantara's sub- the right and shooting low inside the near
lime long-range strike post in the 70th.
and Mohamed Salah's Liverpool fielded a weakened team for
latest individual goal the game, with regulars like Virgil van Dijk
maintained Liverpool's and Trent Alexander-Arnold getting the night
perfect record in its off, while youngsters Neco Williams and Tyler
Champions League Morton were handed rare starts. Klopp said
group with a 2-0 win over there was no danger of his players not tak-
Porto. Liverpool was as- ing the game seriously, though. “Some peo-
sured of advancing to the last 16 even before ple might have thought we would play a little
its fifth straight victory in Group B, while bit of an easy game but we were not here for
Porto stayed in second place ahead of a match that,” Klopp said. “Anfield sold out means we
against Atlético Madrid in two weeks that want to go for it and that's what the boys did.”


will help to determine which team qualifies The six-time European champions will
with the English club. look to complete a sweep of victories in the
Thiago's 52nd-minute opener was a thing group stage, a feat never achieved by an Eng-
of beauty, the Spain midfielder meeting a lish team, in their closing game at AC Milan.
headed clearance with a sweetly struck first- “It would be good to go through with all wins
time shot off his laces from 30 meters (yards) - that would be really impressive and good to
out that stayed low, skimmed across the turf take on into the competition,” Liverpool mid-
and flew into the corner. “Wow,” Liverpool fielder Alex Oxlade-Chamblerlain said, look-
manager Jürgen Klopp said of the goal with ing ahead to the game against Milan.
a broad smile. Liverpool had goals by Mane and Taku-
Salah then scored a 10th goal in his last mi Minamino ruled out for offside either side
10 Champions League games - and his 17th
Thiago Alcantara of Liverpool is of Thiago's fabulous strike, which was only
in all competitions this season - by dropping congratulated by Liverpool manager his second for the club following a move from
his shoulder as he drifted into the area from Juergen Klopp Bayern Munich in the offseason of 2020. AP


resh from scoring players. Nobody is selfish.” between Messi and Neymar.
Manchester City's winner, PSG had its 11 players on the field But the attacking dominance by
Gabriel Jesus surely would at the Etihad Stadium - with Lionel City saw Raheem Sterling's out-
not have intended to have a dig Messi, Neymar and Kylian Mbappé stretched left foot nudge in a
at Paris Saint-Germain. Even if leading the attack, but it didn't cross from Kyle Walker to equalize
the striker's comment after City's always seem there was a complete before the winner in the 76th.
2-1 win- as both teams advanced team out there. It was the less glamorous Brazilian
in the Champions League - did cut The clash of the competition's attacker on the scoresheet rather
to the heart of the contrasts in wealthiest teams, who are yet to than Neymar in the chill of
their performances. win European football's top prize, Manchester. Brought off the bench
“We have a lot of players who can fully came to life in the 50th in the second half to give City a
help the team,” he said. “Everyone minute when Mbappé put PSG No. 9, Gabriel Jesus completed the
wants to give good balls to other ahead after an interchange City comeback with a scuffed shot.
Photo: AP
Photo: AP

After a roller-coaster ride, Shreyas Iyer receives Test cap from the legendary Gavaskar WORLD TT C'SHIPS
rom hospital bed to Test de- On Thursday BCCI uploaded a video coach Dravid, captain Ajinkya Rahane ndia’s G Sathiyan pro-
but, it's been a roller-coaster in which a certain kind of serenity can and the rest of the teammates looked on gressed to the men’s sin-
ride for Shreyas Iyer. Crick- be seen on Iyer's face. He was seen re- and applauded him for his moment. Iyer gles third round at the
eters getting injured are not ceiving a pep talk from Gavaskar as knows better than anyone what he has World Table Tennis Champi-
a new thing, but recovering achieved, perhaps this could be the rea- onships with a 4-0 win over
from injury and getting a Test cap is a
good achievement for anyone.
INJURY WOES son he got emotional when he kissed
the Test cap.
Russia’s Vladimir Sidorenko
in Houston.
Iyer posted a video on Instagram on The tryst with Kanpur is not new The world number 37
After dislocating his shoulder in an ODI
Tuesday, in which he shared visuals of for Iyer. In 2019 he saved the Mumbai from India defeated his 179th-
his treatment. And then he showed pic- against England in Pune on March 23, Ranji team with his gritty knock of 75 ranked opponent 11-9, 11-9,
tures of a photoshoot in Test jersey. He Iyer had to stay away from the field for against the formidable attack of Pravin 11-8, 11-6 in the round of 64.
became India's 303rd Test cricketer as a long time. He had to undergo surgery Kumar, Ankit Rajpoot, and Piyush Sathiyan next faces world
he got the Test cap from the legendary in the UK and was also ruled out of Chawal. Now he got his Test cap at number 17 Aruna Quadri of
Sunil Gavaskar before the start of the the same venue where he announced Nigeria in the round of 32. G Sathiyan
appearing for Lancashire in the Royal
first Test against New Zealand at Green his arrival for the Red-ball cricket. India’s top-ranked play-
Park Stadium in Kanpur on Wednesday. London Cup. He did not play in the first In fact, the Test cap looked in his er, world number 30 Sharath over Algeria’s Sami Kherouf
A Test cap has come after 4592 first- part of IPL held in India in early 2021. grasp but eluded him on a number of Kamal, had suffered a disap- and Katia Kessaci.
class runs in 54 matches at an average From him, Rishabh Pant took over the occasions. In March 2017, he was pointing opening round loss Sathiyan and Manika Ba-
of 52.18. Iyer made his ODI debut back command of Delhi Capitals. Iyer went called up as Virat Kohli's replacement on Tuesday. However, tra got a first round bye and
in 2017, played 54 limited-overs match- for the fourth and final Test against Sharath can still make an play their round of 32 mixed
for rehabilitation and came back for the
es. He scored 1393 runs at an average of Australia in Dharamsala but missed the impact in the men’s doubles doubles match against Puer-
42.7 in ODIs and 27.6 in T20Is. Seeing his second part of the IPL. After the IPL, Test cap by a whisker. alongside Sathiyan and in to Rico’s Adriana Diaz and
ability to score runs freely, it was be- Shreyas was picked for the Team India Now after four years, he finally got mixed doubles alongside Brian Afanador.
lieved that sooner or later he will be in- T20I squad but could not become a part the moment, a moment that will take Archana Kamath. Sharath Manika and Archana
cluded in the Test squad. of the T20 World Cup team. some time to sink. IANS and Archana entered the have got a first round bye in
round of 32 with a 3-0 win women’s doubles. PTI
Photo: ANI

Which team won 28th 1986 Asian Games held at Seoul,

Q U IZ T IM E ! Q3: Sultan Azlan Shah Cup 2019
that was held in Ipoh Malaysia?
a. Miraitowa and Someity
b. Soohorang South Korea?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
a. Shivpal Singh
b. Neeraj Chopra
c. Athena and Phevos c. Davinder Singh Kang
a. Canada
Who was the first Indian
Q1: ever to win a world athletics
championship medal?
b. India
c. Japan
d. Vinicius

How many gold medals Q7: Who among the following

is a former national level
d. Gurtej Singh

Who holds the record of

a. PT Usha
b. Hima Das
d. South Korea Q6: did PT Usha win in the volleyball player and 1st female
amputee to scale Mount Everest
Q9: being the first Indian
woman gymnast to quality for
In which city will the next and Mount Vinson? Olympics?
c. Anju Bobby George
d. Dutee Chand Q4: Asian Games, ASIAD
2022, be held?
P T Usha
a. Santosh Yadav
b. Bachendri Pal
a. Aruna Reddy
b. Rucha Diwakar
The 36th Indian National a. Incheon c. Arunima Sinha
Q2: Games in the year 2021 will
be held in which state?
b. Colombo
c. Hangzhou
d. Premlata Agarwal
c. Deepika Kumari
d. Dipa Karmakar

ANSWERS: 1. b. Hima Das 2. d. Goa

Who holds the record of
a. Jharkhand
b. Madhya Pradesh
d. Seoul
Q8: being the 1st Indian in
history to win an Asian Gold medal
3. d. South Korea 4. c. Hangzhou
5. a. Miraitowa and Someity
6. d. 4 7. c. Arunima Sinha
c. Kerela What were the mascots for
d. Goa Q5: Tokyo Olympics 2021? in Jevelin Throw ? 8. b. Neeraj Chopra 9. d. Dipa Karmakar

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