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Name:___Geraldine S.

Araneta Institution:__SANHS - Paranaque___


Webinar-Workshop on Educating Diverse Learners and Learners with Special

Needs (SPED) in the New Normal

Session 1: ABCs of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)

General Objective: Develop a deeper

understanding of the behavior of students in the classroom

Proficient Teachers:

Identify practical assessment strategy that you will adapt /adopt in your own classroom.
My practical assessment strategies is depending on every class section or group of
students in every section.
 Many of the students are visual learners. The use of pictures and diagrams make
them participate in class.

Practical assessment strategies that I used during my class

 Using anecdotes

Session 2: Strategies and Approaches for Handling Classes with Diverse


General Objective: Develop and/or adapt new strategies and approaches to cater the
diversity of learners

Proficient Teachers:

What aptitudes and attitudes of learners in your own classroom (online or modular
context) do you think (1.) optimize learning and (2.) hamper learning?

Optimize Learning
The new normal has greatly affected both teachers and students. As a teacher,
working away from school kept us from keeping an eye on students’ situations. To avoid
possible factors of high drop-out rate, the following functions or part of Optimized
strategies will apply.
 Shorter study session – to avoid long and sleepless study session
 Spacing - which we have 30 mins google meet (online) discussion and the rest of
the time the student will give a time to read and answer their module.

Session 3: Addressing Issues and Common Misconceptions about Learners with

Special Needs

General Objective: Change and improve on misconceptions about learners with special

Proficient Teachers:

Self-reflection on what behaviors or practices of teachers and students lead to the

propagation of misconceptions about learners with special needs.

Committed to Excellence in Innovation

 All learners with special needs are the students that have the same approach or
strategies of learning that the same to the regular students. For me, as a public
teacher, I encountered some students that I can assess some students that need
more attention. A slow learner is one of the possible cases of being learner with
special needs. They need more attention and to be focus in every time.

Session 4: Best Practices in Nurturing Emotionally Resilient Learners

General Objective: Create and improve classroom management practices and

instruction content and deliver in order to engender emotionally resilient learners who
are ready to cope with the challenges of the 21st century and cope with the
psychological and emotional effects of Covid-19

Proficient Teachers:

How will you identify learners who are at risk or are experiencing emotional and mental

In this generation, learners are more active in technology, and because of

pandemic and we are on Online class and work from home. Facebook, twitter, and
Instagram are their diary which can tell about their life. They can post what they feel as
their “STATUS.” In this, a teacher we can identify our learner by using social media. But
during face to face we can identify those students who are experiencing emotional and
mental challenges if the learner want to be alone and also some of them are attention

Committed to Excellence in Innovation

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