UPTET 2011 Paper 2

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adda247 A adda2u7 Question Booklet cote: [T) vrer-s2-2011 Faper Code / wy stg : UTET-S2-2011 TR We. 2. Queston |_ are: ‘Booklet No bo 780 ‘3 OMR af We we er eT LONR Answer Set No. ion +" 4 Candidate's Name / WRT, @ 7H “#5. Candidate's Signature _/ Si #1 Bee TAs given in Application Form | 4a STW WT FT Tnvigiator’ Signature / aia & were etens, Seo of90 gongs Scion cones ee 3F 30 rea Sindidne has eo Saawd® ether Porm. ae ae ® “a PepETaREaE aay Re erst PERT serine gmoeet ing te renay oo wy errs apes pa SSE EA a Se eto we oe oreo seal — ob oe 4% fe Coon Boe CEPA TE wera ecrarnestacainyanere mars 4 ‘sevenaaistecek & Thelnat pares esr conta Mn etirce aie ear” Fretonfeen @ eat agar, va we oa a Stat amit a fein fen tr ‘Sas Snanneumemmaee PAPER / 83: 1 fo. et quetios ERE = 180. time/s 0 min ve Fu markets — 160 iat J. Oveation Nona = Seeger! Contents / Prenat iad ROT | PeeNoe Te eT Tent Spee [rete [toes rene rare | | Peengoey / arene 30 1 30 2 7 (ay [aguas 7 ote: ninal tel na, 30 a | 6 . 2 [Second Language/ TEA HINT ‘Engish = [30 a [90 cy ra rans 3 ret ee) [30 «| 90 18 2a i) fits os 7 nee Fer_| wo ox] a0] a3 3 (en ee es ne ” ni for Saal tage ee 60 st | wo | as | 46 alae pe ee eel SECTION -1/t-1 PEDAGOGY / frame “There are 90 questions in all sn this Section. Alf questions are compuloory wae Age some t | wits aferd 6 1 Authoritarian level teaching ts (Al teacher centred ©) child centred (© headmaster centred (0) experience based. Faso 1 award ee t free tifa @ waa (eran fen ) agra Besa (Character ts developed by AW wl power (B) conduct and behaviour (C) morality (D) allof these, safes a Pere Yeo 3 Qo ponte mt a vata ee ETE TT (© 4fesm ar pia Sa athe anontig pote lr kuog Searing? (A Differentiation level (8) Memory level () _Refisetive level (D) Understanding level. fre 18 ha Treaster rel 7 W fite et eae (Cy Faereet at (0) Freer Ifa student is too shy (8-partieipate in €a46, you vl (A) not ask questions from him (Bask only those questions from him whose answers can be given by him (C) mot ask those questions whase answers arebeyonditis means due to which he may become an object of ridiculemthe elas (D)/_ask questions froim him only when.te 4 Kean t@ answer: thote. ate om frene egen vam A A ea ee fo eho (far wed cae ae tae f, dea sat ve o Same at nk aoe Te oe He et ore eH oe TT 7 aem (Oy See ee aa ver BET oa ae Tae a OH A fre orate Teacher behaviour ought to be administrate ©) instructive (© tdeaustic (D) directive. fare 5 seta dea ase RMIT (frame (0 arevtaret (0) Preeree | A adda2u7 10. Girl's education should be given priority because girls are more intelligent than boys (8) girls are less in number than boys (©) _ girls were badly discriminated against in the past (0) only girls are capable of leading a social change. canferm fern a Hea Ga sfaa &, are werent meet 2 afae gland & @) afaenl west a oeriers (C) ate # arfeemedl at at ace a fates ferar sr a (0) fet arf sfteia a Agra H Sac anfermnd wad é 1 The success of integrated education depends on 1) the support of community ®) excellence of textbooks (C)_ quality of teaching-leamning material (D) attitudinal change in teachers. eaters fren ah ewer frit an & A We ora B) Weryerét et seyee (C) fee. srfiera eq 3 ye (D) faerest # arhirghora sft we 1 ‘The best remedy for a student's problems related with learning {s (A) suggestiomfor hard work (B)_ supervised study in Ubrary (C) suggestion for private tition (OY lagnostc teaching. cafirrn @ ataftes fore ferenelt a aren sit ai way ore aaER e A wate afm sr gare (8) ener 4 Fritfers ere (C) Frat Prem ar ge (D) Freres fret 1 A teacher can motivate students:by, (A) giving prizes* ®) | giving proper guidance {C) giving examples (De delivering speeches in class. 1m Revere ferenfefel at argitta a Tear & (a yeaa dar 8) et arhes are (O) saree tae (D) wen sre faz | Ifa student does not pay respect to you, then you wall (ignore him (B) award less marks th exam (CO) talk to his parents (D) rebuke him, caf aig ferme or ea sel eo ta oT (saat ster att (B) vite a en sig Bh (CQ) ah afreraat & arm ae iD) sae Development of human values which are universal in nature means. (4) indoctrination (B) adoption (imitation (D) manifestation. meta eat st wpa a anit @, & rere an ad t A RR (1B) shite aye ©) afeaie a In order (o understand his students, a teacher should be well-versed in (9) child psychology (8) inclination towards understanding children (C)_ opinions of students towards the subject matter (D) all of these, ont faenfibil at aed 3 fay ew eee Y reat arrart et afc A ae ifrar a 8) wai at wae ai gfe ar (C) farang wit frat rm) AR est In which of the following stages do children become active members of their peer group? WW Adotescence (B) Adulthood (C)__ Early childhood (0) Chilchooa Soa 2 8 fore eae A eet ome aoe at a Hae eet ava E 2 @) fester (8) caer (C9 rere (D) area 1 Mind mapping refers to (A) atechnigite1to enhance comprehension (B) a plan of action for an adventure (C) drawing the picture of a mind (D)_researching the functioning of the mind, wifaaa an dew & WY (selena rae TAD py Patten wed Stee se! ow (CQ) Fa fea citer AD) or Ser! arta, Which of the following ts not considered as a sign of ‘being gifted ? A) Creativity in ideas (8) Fighting with others clty in expression {D) Curiosity. ert! 1 iba Fi A @ ate ae t 2 WW fert a qe ®) wets qe aT (OQ) arate 9 sper {DO} FqaFa | normal 12-year old child is most likely to 14) have difficulty with gross motor coordination {B) have anxiety feelings about pleasing adults (C) confine his/her interests to the here and now (D) be eager for peer approval. Ue a 123 aa a we yaad safer eon ae & (Fa Ra eras Ff afer BD) Tae A qa act at F gern at sayht (0) aa ath at a saat efintt ah ita ee (D) weet & optics & fare aeet | 17, ‘The reason why students ran avay from school is (A) lack of interest in class teaching {B) _ lack of interest in studies on the part of students (©) not giving punishments to students {0} callous altitude of teachers towards the preblem. ero 8 frail ay wT a? TE 1A ar faa @ ef at ae (p) facut Hones ofa a oT (0) feta at eve ath (0) Wren yi Rael at Pree atingfe 18, In otder to develop the spirit of labour in students (\) the teacher himself should induige in labour (G) the teacher should deliver lectures on the importance of labour (©) _ students should be given opportunites to do labour from time to time {D) _ students should be glven examples of people who labour, Bret a gtd ar re ak fre a) Ferm are dt a vata fear (@) fae mm nea Bre FUT (C) Brera me frafal at m 3e wt saa, (0) Framlah at me ae ciel a see 19, Child development is defined as a field of study that (A) examines change inhuman abilities (B)__ seeks fo explain behaviour across lifespan (©) compares'children to adults to senior cizeds (0) accounts for the gradual evolution of a chikt = cogn}tfesdctal and other ‘capacities ara fore a afi a1 ona oat at (a) rv amaat fter ar em ae (@) ster ora & de ae at aren Ge (C) wat a orem we ates at Fa GT AT 0) fed va Hn das, “auras ae Ga ara ef Fre & fore serene em | 20. Knowledge of child psychology is a must for a primary teacher, because (§) tt helps in making children disciplined (B)_ the examination resalt is improved (©) tt becomes a convenient mode for motivating children (D)__tthelps the teacher in understanding the behaviour of children. sre: aw 3 Fre ater ears aT are &, (a) ae ae at orgnfaa or A aera Bee (o) vaer & oem sata eet (Ce meal at tiifea ach & fore fara ater aH are t (D) ae ae & ova aR A fires aA aera TE 21 22. 23. 24. 25, In order to modify the undesirable behaviour of a student the most effective method is, (9) punish the student (8) to bring it to the notice of the parents (©) to find out the reasons for the undestrable behaviour and provide remedies (D) _ to ignore it fae 4 srifer ere #1 fefan ofr ae Y wae ee Teh t WW faendt st erg or (B) afr & var A 8 ce (C) safes eraen & arett at Gea Gi saa a ve OT ©) wat her eT Some students send a greeting card to you on Teachers Day. What will you do ? You wil (W donothing (8) say thanks to them (CQ) _ ask them not to waste money (D) reciprocate the good wishes to them. array Freres fare me frefle 9 eae sen wot et ara wer HHP om a) ord at B) oe wreK a (©) seth tat aia efee att we ed A ger et ‘When a student fails, it can be understood that (A) the system has failed (B) , the teacher is.a failure (© the textbooks are a fatlure {D) soit the itiahvitnals falltire, we ae fren sree een ct re ree & fee A) eft gerne t (B) fj faeareRt & (C) SeapR serea. t OY easter Sea ‘The most important trait of a students (4) sense of responsibility honesty (©) cooperation (©) obedience. fer rene wt wae mec fasten t (0) -sarafiea'at argyfa ® pret () Benita (D) -araratfiat | You are teaching in class and a student asks a question unrelated to the topic. What will you do? (Allow him to ask unrelated questions ) _Notallow him to ask any unrelated questions (C)_Constder it as indiscipline and punish him (©) Answer the question after class. amy fare ear Bare vera @ ik we ferrell fava a oreary eH we yee eae eT ee? Te rag we a agate WA ornag ye Ww? at aaa Te eR sa tcorpfia waar cer aH) Fee IR Te 26. At primary level, it {s better to teach in mother tongue because (A) It develops self-confidence in children (©) it makes learning easy (©) it is helpful in intellectual development (D) tt helps children in learning in natural environment. afrrdh eae He gure H fae ar Se, wes TE (wei & onenfeeere an Prava FeTr (afin Fa wT (OQ) shes: fara aero (Dy epic emer A aredt ah ted A wera TT 27. What ia most important while writing on blackboard ? (A Good writing (8) Clarity in writing {© Writing in big letters (D) Writing in small letters. cag fered as waa Tee wae 2 (A aret fereraz ® aed aum (C) 3 aertt 9 ferart (D) Be set 4 fret 28. A student comes late in your class. You will (A) inform his parents (6) punish him (©) _ try to know the reason ()" not pay-any attention to him. sarah sara Ue ara a8 ore Fay WW) seh atari at afar Ft yp ©) pats et (0) Fr ast Ft Ser eA (De seas eas aT eA 29. How should students be motivaféd in school? A By selected study (8) By Theldental study (©) _ By intensive study (D) Learning by recitation, farorera ferential wt da anita aon sfra & 2 ® Wy ser er (8) wefire sere GT (RA Aer BRT (>) wen afera ert 30. The aim of education should be (A) to develop vocational skills in the students (B) to develop social awareness in the students (C)_ to prepare the students for examination () to prepare the students for practical life. Feenstra er fey (a) Prenat at smernrer green ar fears aT (6) frente Fannie orreen a7 free ee (C) ferenfetat at vite & fere aR CT (Dp Sarererfees starr & fore feral at tan eT 31 32, 33. SECTION - 1 SPECIAL INSTRUCTION : There are questions on 3 languages in this Section. Each language consists of 30 questions. The candidate has to answer the questions of First Language Hind! compulsorily. Out of the other two languages, the candidate has {o answer any one — either English or Urdu as Second Language, chosen by him / her in the Application Form, Total number of Language questions to be answered by the candidate is 60. For First Language questions all answers are to be marked in the OMR Answer ‘Sheet starting from 31 to 60. For Second Language questions all answers are to be marked in the OMR Answer Sheet starting from 61 to 90. fava qe: Fa 4 3 ores & wer €, wes oT 30. WET E | eae 8h wen are feet ell a am ofrerd eo 8 eee 13a a mall — sist sere sg 48 feet em a ae fant a & ey 8 on anes va & organ arene ser a 1% Fa 6o wee aK ere | Were rar 3 wet bey areaelt at Wet Sor OM SHC wr 318 6one fafga acne 1 festa sner went bq share wt ent see on ge wr 61 B00 Te fale TE | ws wert Ura - feet (aria) Wn ae gO E Later aan E | vette’ sr alrard we gfd rege B rae (© sate O) Freer 1 Freeones Ta aE : seri semi @ © wha ©) age reat Y ange yr a ‘sade aa mea! wet (4) fete ® tr (wary ©) fens . frafofien aret 9 faran—feter qe area saat 7 Fea wet wm B) WET Ts (© ra t-te ete (Dam ea eRe ore . Prerferion 8 arg wre gi’ : @ tier 8 awa © qwaren oO Te fers aie a saree e 7 AW) =r ar we) faert aha. (thier ate O west) A wR eye © ae wD) WE Frofefiad we 3 overt gh’ : ‘sn waft afr i aT wD afin aa a ogre Yew a ay wT: wa et ® co wt ©) far SRST aa veiearet ateq gh : friar frame © wh © FM! al 42. 43. 44. 45, 46. 47. Sin A siege ee Srp a aT 1 sue area are ane : @ eal ae wer ae (Fan arr © sare) “gear wax fra fa at 2 A rere ares a ©) Ahr wD) Probe we ‘srarrre” ww aah ee (2) Weer ey (fae ae 0 secre | ‘aren! a fain wa A) ART & TT © sar (BD) fore 1 Freaferan woe a sent ghra + saa A sh Bo cm & Oo a1 reat weet 3 Fed og Panes A ere erag ar sory a A) ser ) are OQ aa ©) Fer Freafeten are HA yx ea yi : A ward dhrradt aaa an frre SA or Te ®) ward agent een an frre 8 oes 1 () ert traced een an frre FA we D) wad anger wn sf fre BA ot ee 48. 49. 50. 51, 52. 53, frafetad weg ar afs-faede en erm 2 eT A Wt sea ®) wht sear (A+ eer ©) + oer frofataa are aa ye wa ye : (A) ea ei we Tae oe fee aT ste WT eI (eat uel wen sequal aT fren ar sre EE TI (©) eaR aet aeqaal ot ete at are were t (D) SAR sei sagersi ST Pre a ares ya e ‘er’ a vafaaret sh weg eT & ea aire; a m= (B= = (), ar = (aera ‘steer! stay ear & 7 i aesitf 6 Fe (fe ©) FaR “Sa a vata wes ete A ra B® a © siersn (D) sfen frafefad 4 8 arse weg Sarre aa warrant weg eT @ 7 A ws (Be) ares © wee D) var) s4. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. “formal aa we are are ea fore war eg ST «gm ats ®) warns arr (D) greet “Prfe an afa-free oh Aw free pT SQ Fer fie oT © Fees ae & aren We we a ae aif wore 8 pin yr ©) wins ‘fore si aed gon Wt, eae fre ee eee, oh srw wt fafa : a apt ee ©) 39s (D) acta 4 ah & ager we ays wa afra : AQ Weer Oe war (yee o Fer: Prefers ex a wera aI : wore oar ®) onae () age wo ae wear ty 8 fire seh area a are wong : (A) Fer cre (8) anf era (SoM are (D) FUT ER | 61 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. SECTION - 11 Second Language — ENGLISH ‘There are 30 questions in all in this Section. All questions are compulsory. Choose the sentence where the corma is placed correctly = (A Yes the play was, fun. (B) Nol didnt, go backstage. {C) Well, the ending did surprise me. (D) No Mohan, was the lead actor. Choose the option which gives the correct abbreviation : (a) Janu, 12, 1965 {B)__ Laxmi Paper Comp. (c) Satur., May 19 (D) | North St. Choose the correct spelling : 1) calendar te “Stender (©) calandar (D) “calander. Choose the correct spelling : 1) preveledge B) _ previlege (©) privilege {D) _ priviledge. What does the phrase ‘cream of the crop’ mean ? (§)__ putting cream in coffee (B) the worst of a group (©) teing a cake (D) the best of a group. “The word pair — discrete and discreet — are called (a) homonym ) homophone (C) synonym (D) antonym. Choose the noun form of the given word : strong strongly (8) strongness (©) strength’ {D) strengthen. Choose the noun form of the given word : grave gravely (8) graveness © gravel D) gravity. Avery brief pause in a sentence is marked by using a/an (A) senticolon (8) comma (© apostrophe (©) perioa. In the given sentence identify the gerlind € Jogging is a good exercise. Hie Jogging @) is (© good (D) exercise, Identify the type of word that is underlined in the given sentence : All the people cheered. noun @®) pronoun (©) ‘adjective (D) verb. Identify the type of word that fs underlined in the given sentence : It's sheer rubbish. noun (5) pronoun (©) adjective (©) verb. 73. 74, 75. 76. 77. 78. 79, ‘Choose the singular form of the given word : gulfs A engulf ®) gulp ©) guit () gol. Choose the correct sentence : (A) Of water take this glass (8) Take glass of this water (©) Take this glass of water (0) Take this water of glass. Choose the word that is spelt incorrectly : dulcet (8) conyulse (© principal ©) negetive. WW best (©) better (0) worst. Ravi wasn't thinking dear ®) unclear (©) clearly ©) unclearly. Choose the part where there fs an error in the given sentence : Lwent to the library to get 28 many information as could a) B) c ie) 80. al. 82: 83. 84, Choose the sentence that is correct with respect to punctuation and capitalization : () how glad we were to see Aunt Rekha ! (8) She was visiting us for summer. (©) Had she missed us. (©) we welcomed her into our home 2 Which statement ts correct ? ‘Staternent I: We considered the matter farther, Statement Il : We considered the matter further. @ Both land It es TEACHERS Dm Tr -woeemeg 1 247 (A), ride {B) rode (C) rides (2) ridden. What is the simple present of ‘grew’ ? ® gow ©) growth (C) grown () grows, Choose the adverb from the following : walk ® badly (good ©) fast. 85. 86. 87 88. 89. 90, ‘Choose the adverb from the following : () hardly 6 (©) harder © Identify the type of verb in the given sentence i He slept. @) transitive verb 8 (CQ) regular verb o Choose the superlative form of ‘fast’ : ) fast 6) () fastest @) If the superlative is least, then the pasitiveis ) | least 5; ® ©) ttle @ What is the comparative form of ‘bad’ 2 bad 8 (©) better ©) Fill in the blank : . time has already been wasted. Few @) (Much @) OR / reat haray. intransitive verb irregular verb. faster fastly. less lesser. worse worst. Many All of these. 91. 92. 93, ‘SPECIAL INSTRUCTION FOR SECTION II In Section-II] there are two sub-sections II (a) and Ill (b), Section-IIl {a} consists of 60 questions in Mathematics and Science. Section-III(b) consists of 60 questions in Social Studies. The candidate has to answer either Ila) or Illfb) as chosen by him / ‘her in his / her Application Form. For questions of Section-Ill, candidate has to mark all the answers in the OMR Answer Sheet from 91 to 150. ser ran & fre re er vam = AS sq Ur (a) Aen I (YS 1-11 (a) A afm a fra 60 Wee 1 wm ones a wr 7 B®) wit eer (Q) wetter & wq (D) Wee sway 100. The roots of a banyan tree are (A) climbing roots (6) stiit roots (© breathing roots (©) adventitious roots. wer & Hae oe Se arth ag (6) sais ae (© aE (Dp) avenkea FA 101. Water that is absolutely pure and free from any impurity is known as. a distilled water (8) mineral water (©) spring water (D) _ boiled water. arate 8 pi wT 8 yw VEH Te we wT we st A aR we (8B) ahs 3 © wT (—) saren gen we | 102. By which method Js a solute obtained from a solution ? (A) Sedimentation ®)__Decantation (©) Fitration (©) Evaporation. eve wha gre Ue fercrers @ fereta se fire at ee E 2 saa ®) freren © area (D)) ae 103. Which of the following is a waterborne disease (4) Diphtheria’ (8) Tetanus (C) | Hepatitis (D) Malaria. ret sift ar aa? a fewefen 8 efeera (ce) Merfes (D) Cometic 104. Constituents of quartz are silicon and (@) oxygen (sulphur (©) nitrogen (D) hydrogen. wards & saa & fetes var fo arRisTT 8) FER (yah ©) weyT 105. The burning of which causes the most air pollution 7 Coal ®) CNG ( LPG (D) Hydrogen. Frat oer & wad orfirar arg-weeo Ser t 2? a eee ®) cNG (LPG (D) Teg 106. Which of the following substances is not miscible with water ? ‘Milk (8) Honey: (© Alcohol ©) ou fer aa atram wae a Yael ger t 7 Aw w B) wT, () aestee wo aw 107. Which is not a reversible change ? (Water to water vapour (8) Melting of tron {C) Burning of kerosene (D) Condensation of water vapour. yom oferta ahaa we & 2 wo ovaaun (8) ater fear (Cy farce a er O) reader 108. The molecules of which of the following substances contain the same kind of atoms ? ®) Oxygen ®) Water (C) Carbon dioxide (D) Sulphur dioxide. fr 48 framed & oust Hus eter S Gey aE? A are B we (CQ) er sear ©) FR sera | 109. Which of the following formulae Tepresentsia Molectile oftozone ?: oO, ®|o, © H,0, {D) “None of these. fr 8a aha ge stots an ory eat & 7 Wo, ® oO, © H,0, © waar 110. Which of the following is an alloy ? @ tron ®) Gola (C) Stainless steel (D) Copper. fra ta ats fr org 2 ote 6 a eerste © ata 111, When a force of 1 N acts perpendicularly on an area of 1 m7, the pressure is @ — LJoule (8) 1 pascal {o) watt (©) | farad. 1h? dana Ho afar Ba Ber FC ATT 1 er ae & fee era eT wae ® 19 ( 14 (DP 1s) 112. How many ergs are there in 1 joule ? @ 107 10° 104 m) 102 Lag A frat ont via ? 107 ®B 108 (© 10* ©) 107 118. A force applied to a machine to do mechanical work is called (4) load (8) effort (© output (0) efficiency: fret wef mr aifeetta ord ah bq WE se Ter @ a ey ve (0, fra (D) Jj eae 114, An example of natural magnet is (iron (By steel (©) lodestone (D) all of these. apts gas Hace t wo ae ® a (yar (iD) waa 115. The ability to do work is called 1a) power energy (mass (D) heat. ward wed a armed eae wae ©) ot () -3erF oO AT 116. 117. 118. 119, 120. om? km?, ah? Fash 2, Length of light waves ‘Speed of ships. ware ati at art erat at art magnetic force electrostatic foree. saul aa, far ayfrata ae therfometer none of these. aatster gr Hea a TET | moisture on the surfaces all of these. ‘The SI unit of area is mm? ) © m © aaea st sige t wht 6 (© om? o What does angstrom measure ? (A) Quantity of liquid B {C) Length of cables wo ‘iregn wen aver & ? xa aa @) (frit wi cong © A.comb attracts small pieces of paper due to- (A) frictional force (B) (© gravitatiofial force o we oe wy am PR gad A ores eH ae () wie afr at e © Retaa Q Force ean be measured using a (®) spring balance ® (©) calorimeter (D) ae Far SH Bere fein gen & vim err 8) (©) Seinen ara © Friction can be increased by A) applying oil ® {C) rough surfaces ©) aio a agra on gat aaa wir ar i) (©) qt weet gr (D) eet we a waa et 124. 122, 128. 124, 125. ‘The surface area of a cube is 96 om ?, What is the length of its side ? Wo 4em ®) 50m © 56cm () Sem. feet wr a ye Taw 96 Be ee ge at clad ET? wo et ® 5¥i (6th (o) sth ‘The degeee of the polynomial 4x? - 3x + 8x° 1s w 6 Bw 5 © 3 o 2 ag 4x? — ax + 8xO st Se Ut aw 6 @ 5 o 3 ©) 2 ‘Acstralght line intersecting a circle at two points 18 @ (A) tangent {B) secant (chord (0) ‘segment. tere a a fogs we eRe we Te Te TF ote (8) Osi (© ta 0) EI Ifset A= (2. 3,4, 5, 6 )and sekB= 1.3.5, 7,91} then now many clements are there in ANB? woo eye a 2 wo) 3. afew A = (2, 3, 4.5, 6 bom wae B= 1S. 5.7.9} 4 1) Bo frat orn ait? w oO (a) 1 o 2 o 3 ‘The number of elements in a set is called (4 ordinal number (8) natural number (C) counting number (0) cardinal number- fared agar A aaa a en weet & Ww) mAs eT ©) wEfte tem oq mi () wyaden 126. An article marked at Rs. 8,000 is sold for Rs. 7,200. What is the discount percentage ? 10% (B) 8% (12% D) 11-19%, Fert ae 31 offer AFI 8,000 ¥o & Fad 7.200% Haar ment ie we ere? A 10% (8) 8% © 12% © 111%. 127. What is the complementary angle of 58°? ® 180° ©) (125° (D) 35°. 58°31 ye Sa aa em? 180° (6) 90" (c) 125" () 35° 128, Find the degrees in an angle which is 0-2 time a straight line angle. (A) 20° 8) 32° «36° (D) 45°. ‘Fave eet a a O12 pH zm Fee Gee Sim)? (A 20° ®) 32 (Cc) 36° {(D) 45°. 129. The letter 'D' has ... ~olines ofsymmetry, (A) | one 1B) two (three! (O} none of these. aa DH fart watt tend 7 a & Ba Oo ©) Aaa aT 130. A closed wooden box measures externally 20 cm long, 14 em wide and 9 cm high. If the thickness of the wood is 1 cm, find the weight of the box if 1 cm? of wood weighs 0-5 g. Ww 272¢ 496g (504g ©) 534g Wr ae cdl Saar at sates cad 20 Se, tank 14 ah gen Soa ah eae aaah at erg 1 ot A ger 1 Be Sel a a 0.5 rH A, at aT a a an eT? ("2720 ® 4967" (©) 504 me ©) 534mm 1 131, What is the square root of 2°? w 64 @ 48 oO 3 ©) 16 28m wige wart 2 wy 64 ® 48 32 © 16 192. A field 1s 80 m in length and 60 m in width. The ratio between its width and length is 3:2 ® 3:4 © 4:3 ©) 2:8, cam tem af vad 80% atte chard GO 1 shard ae Grea & ater a argUT eT ww 3:2 3:4 4:3 (D) 2:3. 139, The angles of @ triangle are in the ratio 8 : 7 : 8. Which is the greatest angle ? ww 60" © 70° oO © 80. feat fy ato 9:7: 8% aqua AE iqew sia aot? 60" e 70 © 78 (D) 80. 194. Ina class of 50 students, 40% are gitls, How many bays are there? 20 ® 10 © yy 90, 50 fret aA wat 40% reforchityer ane Rear Bah 20 2) 10 © 2% By 30 135, Express as a decimal Rs. 97.25 + Rs. 2:90 Rs. 1267- Rs. 4-76 10 (Re. 4-10 (© Rs 530 reer Fore atfory + 37-256 + 12.67 (4.10% 3:75 %0 'O) 5:30%° 5.80% | 136. 137, 138. 139. 140. Fillin the blank : 0-00187 x .. 100 ®) 1000 (©) 10000 (2) 100000, fee wr at off aif: 0-00187 x .. = 18-7, 2 100 (1900 (©) 10000 {D) 100000. Subtract giving the answer in kg. 4317 g from 23 kg (19-683 kg (©) 18-383 kg () 19-383 kg (0) 18-683 kg, wert farm A vat afore + 23 fam 8 4317 OF 19-683 fea @) 18.383 fem () 19-383 fem 1D) 18-683 frm + A 4-85 m long pole Is divided into § equal paris, What is'the length of ach part ? 0.85 m ® 097m © 095m @) 9.92 m, (er 4-85 Hh eid GA FT 5 aera Unt 3 fasnford eat an & ) wean tm at eta zen er? a) 0854 ‘09874 ©) 0.95% (0) 09am What is the value of 2x9 ifx = 5? A 225 8) 250 () 125 ©) 150. 2x33 OR a GT ae x= 8? 228 (8) 250 (125 ) 150. What is the square of 0-02 2 (0-004 1B) 0-004 (0-04 ©) 0-4. oozmat art? . 0.0004 ) 0.004 (0-04 D) 0-4. 141. 3 ts a/an ccesteninee fraction, (4) proper (8) improper (0) unlike. sho frat sf sgh (fra (D) frat 1 142. A post has one-fifth of its length in the mud, one half in the water and the rest of it 10 ft in length ts out of the water. What is the whole length of the post 2 A 26 ft 6 in (B} 33 ft 4 in © 36ft ©) 379 in. ves con at etarg a 2 aterg a, omer tH wer ay 10 vie at la Set ame eee at yt eng at ) 26¥t ga ®) ssa () 36 41¢ (0) 37 o¥at 143. Choose the option that is arranged in déseehding order + 32 8 5& A eam: 19 ®) So 2 5 t ( 99-76: 3' ia 1D), satel a ar Feemes afi: 329 5 (4-316 12 ® 3925 © Feo © 144, What Is the least fraction which when subtracted + ug will make the result a whole number ? a io (D) ae pred Bra er & ford 43-354 11 Sa aed ae ww gute ftom Bm 2 sims ome z AIH oie & 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. Simplify the following : (2-3)+(4-8) Ww ¢& 8) 6 © 10 ) 12. fre a xa aif aj1)ifa a3 )*4a-6 1 @ & B® 6 © 10 ©) 12. How many prime numbers are less than 25 ? aos ® 7 a s © 9 258 wa sua tem fart € ? w 5 ® 7 (or ©) 9 ‘The largest number that divides 99, 182 and 165 without a remainder is a 3 @® 1 © 15 ©),..33. fara af ewe B 99, 132 war 165 Foe Sane ea Fa w 3 taht © 15 ©) 33. What is the HCF of 24, 12. 36 and 60? a 4 Bo © 12 ©) (24, 24, 12, 3698 60 HI Hote emt ? wo4 B) “6 © 12 (0) 24. ‘Three search lights flash at intervals of 20 s, 30 s and 45 s. The time between two simultaneous flashes ts 5s ® 905 © 1208 ©) 180s. 3 adem 204, 308 ar 45.4 & stare We dhe ta € 1a qa Se & ate a at Aw 5a ® 908 © 1208 () 18081 What is the LCM of 10, 15 and 20 ? 60 ® 40 © 30 (0) 20. 10, 153% 20% Bowe eH t 7 @ 60 (®) 40 © 30 ©) 20 OR / 3a 91 92. 93, 94, SECTION - III(b) / 41 - ILI(b) SOCIAL STUDIES / wrfare ster ‘There are 60 questions in all in this Section. All questions are compulsory. sam aga eown = ater sferd e 1 King Harshavardhana’s capital was at @) Prayag (8) Kannauy (©) Ujjain (©) Pataliputra, wer elas at eet a ul ® air Q mh ©) wera Kailash temple at Ellora was built by the (&— Chalukyas 1B) Cholas (Q Pallavas {D) Rashtrakutas. Ueita aer Serer fee ger Prato fara erat a @) srgsat gra (8) Seif gra (©) aewedl gra (D) eRe | How many wings does a village pafichayat have|? @ia4 6) 2 @ 3 oO 4 vara tara & fora we 2 ao. @ 2 o 3 (0) 4. ‘The head of a Municipal Committee is known as (@) — Couneillor Mayor (Collector (0) Chairperson. rca At an war ECT t wane eo we 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. The village court is called Nyaya Panchayat Gram Adalat. ra ere Wm Sere | ae 26. 28 26. Shankaracharya Raya Rammohan Roy. sigerare ae THEA Ta | Prime Minister ‘Vice-President, weriat srugsfa | Bindusara Pushyamitra. (A Gram Sabha 8) (Q. Gram Panchayat © Wry ararers Heer & A wee ®) © waders ) ‘How many states does India have ? (a) 29 eB (C27 oO urea 3 we at een far @ 2 29 © () 27 @) Who founded the Arya Samaj ? (A) Swami Dayanand 8 (©) Swami Vivekananda © ard war ei wenger fre? Rem on 2 4 wrt corre {B) (©) ait faaerre ) On whose advice is the State Council of Mihiste!S appointed ? (A Goveror ® (©) President o Farad were 1s Hraeng 3 Prats Ut & 2 Tee 8 () aesfr () Who was the founder of the Mauryan empire ? (A) Ashoka B® (©) Chandragupta © ‘ie area a steerer ata at 2 () ort co) © = © fryer yet 100. Fa Hien visited India during the reign of (A) Harshavardhana (B) Ashoka (©) Changragupte II (D) none of them. area fats area & dhe wea ay aha fara aT? wink (aie (ay ete © miata 101. Which state was the firs to establish the Panchayati Raj institutions ? Rajasthan ©) Maharashuia (© Bihar (0) Uttar Pradesh. tort ca densi a Frain eetvers fers aoe 9 fret at? A RT (FETTER Frere () emeste 102. Constitutional Government means (A) Govt, according to the terms of the constitution (B) Govt. based on the rule of law (©) Democratic govt, (©) allof these. ‘dents scam a od t die at wal & sqaremer ©) arp agen wa (©) sianifie war (Die HR Aon 103. *Panthshecl” was signed between (4) Nehru and Chou En-lai (B) Nehru and Mandela (©) Gandhi and Chou Enlat (D) Gandhi and Mandela. ‘seer’ 5 RTE Eat Fee ott tt cred & ote ©) Fee ot ser & ae 19 ais ote ot ered ah ©) MA sted Fata 104. When was the Constitution of India finally signed by the members of the Constituent ‘Assembly ? (26th November, 1949 (@) 24th January, 1950 (©) 26th January. 1950 (0) 28th February, 1950. ‘afeere wer See ger ona wera we sia A a wee EST eT? 267d, 1949, (B) 24 Wag, 1950 (Q 26 sat, 1950 (D) 28 wae, 1950. 105. 106. 107. 108, 109. 110. Who was the head of the Constituent Assembly ? (4) BR. Ambedkar (JL. Nehru faa en an wera et ar 2 A) Aesike sratsaT (Youre ee The ancient name of Assam is (a) Pawa (©) Pippalivan re oer area are & | war (C) Freres Dilwara temples are examples of ) Jain architecture (©) Mughal architecture Fecrargt fer saree & @ Fen © per eiiere Chanakya was also known as @® — Bhattasvamin’ (©) Vishnugupta “crore, ah Ree are & af} ren ary & ? | sgerh © fra Who ts NOT associated with medlcine ()—_Dhanvantart (© Charaka sa @ fare iste oe & 7 went © ww. ®) ©) 6 © 8 ©) e (0) co) o ®) © 8) © ®) ) ®) ©) e ) B.N. Rao V. Patel. ‘diem. Ta te Wa 1 iamrup Ramgram. Ed To 1 Buddhist architecture Sultanate architecture. ate ear & Berm ears | Rajsekhara Visakhadatta. rset freer! Bhaskaracharya ‘Susruta. errand amt ‘The President of India can be removed from his/her office by the (4) Prime Minister (©) _ Chicf Election Commissioner ®) o snea & cesta BY sad prefers @ wera on Tt (owes ort © yes ae a 8) © Supreme Court Parliament. sear Saas EAI wae ERT I 112. 113, 114, 115. |. ‘The first nuclear (est in India took place in 1947. What was it called ? (Shakil 1 (8) Tornado (Cl Chagai (D) Smiling Buddha. ara A yer ares wet 1947 9 gon en 1 ga fone ae @ oe oo e 2 ef Baer to amg () tat gq! ‘Shakuntalam’ was written by (A Kalidas ©) _Bhasa (C) Kamban {D) Asvaghosha. “emery fea & ww afeers 6 Ww © RF ©) sea In the Third Battle of Panipat, the Marathas were defeated by (A) Mughals: (8) Afghans (©) English’ (0). Sikhs. conten at chard crete Barat A seen Fa eT @ wes @) sets (© aia 0) fea Who said "Swaraj is. my birthright?" (A) Bal Gangadhar Tilak {B) gplNel@ji, Subhas Chandra Bose (©) Dadabhat Naorojt (0) Lala Lajpat Rat. few ae aura fa seg attra” & 7 ae the frere & Fwh gam ax ae © wag at (D) aren ara Ty Rana Sanga is related to 1A) Malwa (B) Khajuraho (©) Mewar ©) Mendu. an Bier Safa & @ aaa waa © Rage mm wees 116. Kanishka started the Shaka era in W avez ® aD76 (© apse (>) apes. wre are roa wen at of 62% % (B) 780% (© 82% 4 D), 88g0% 1 117. Who was the first British Governor-General of India ? Dalhousie 1B) Hastings (Clive (D) Canning. vane 9 gem fateer tart saver ata 2 > rads ©) few xe tint 118. The British invasion of which area led to the Sepoy Mutiny ? 1) Ouda (8) Bengal (© Mysore ©) Delhi. fara Ga 8 shite ommam & are feel te gan on? wo aay (Op set © aR ©) feet 119. On independence India became a dominion, In whiehyear did. the dominion status end? i) 1947 ®) 1948 © 1949 ©) 1950. veda Oa se ea ey RG aa Ae aT | Pear aT za Fane and ae BST? 19474 ®) 19489 © 19498 ©) 195041 120. Who was the last Governor-General of independent India ? © Mountbatten ©) ©. Rajagopalacheri (©) Sardar Patel (©) Jawaharlal Nehru. Raia ana am sift ark Save a a? Aner (8) tte Torta (Fan we (D) saree FER | 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. Who was the writer of Mahabharata ? (A Kalidas (B) Vedavyas (©) Tulsidas (D) Kautilya- aera % Aes eH a ? (a) erferere ) acera (© gertera wD) Aferr Who built the Red Fort ? (A) Sher Shah (8) Humayun (Akbar {D) Shah Jahan. “are Faron a Frater fare fever a ? wo acne we ert () aRaT (D) -weset 5 Who was the first President of India ? . (A) Dr. Rajéndra Prasad (8) Dr. 8. Radhakrishnan © Zakir Hussain (Dp) Jawaharlal Nehru. area nam ceafa Sta @ 2 (a) | Sle WH FSIS (B) Slo THe TaPeT (safe gaa (Om Saree FES In whose memory was the Taj, Mahal built ? A Noor Jehan: (B) Anarkali (©) Mumtaz Mahal (D) Shah Jahan. arameet a Frater fareay arene H fever ara aT? aed 8) sre (Cc) Baars Feet () west | Which religion has'24 great teachers called Tirthankaras ? A Hinduism (8) Sikhism {C) Jainism (D) Buddhism. fara ed a dtdan & a @ 24 wer ora F ? w fr (fara od Oo wa oO) teats 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. Gautam Buddha preached his first sermon at @ Prayag 6 (Gaya © vim qe veer waar fra @ vane Cc) © m4 o Who was the last Mauryan ruler ? @) Bindusara 6 (©) Devavarman o siferr att ree a ot 2 @) faRgaR 8) (c) tatty @) Ancient Rome became a republic in (@) 6th century BC 6 (© 1stcentury ap ©) arta am aa sora Gar ? A edt at fart a ®) (©) eit ee tet woh The script of the Indus Valley Givilization is (@) ~ undeciphered ® (©) Persian (wb) Faery ord ware oH ferhe t @ aarria ©) (wet © The Harappans did not know the use of Gold eS (© Iron w) Eger & ei weir wen ae ora a @ aa 8 (QO ee a © Lumbint Sarnath. ata F area Fo Chandragupta Maurya Brihadratha. sexe the see 3rd century BC Ord century AD. died ad fact 2a aa fact ‘Sanskrit Dravidian. Sad afis 1 Silver Bronze. aid ar wie a 131. Which animal is the attraction in Kaziranga National Park, Assam ? 1A) Rhinoceros ® uon (© Tiger (D) Bear. corer Sp aersitoen ere ae Ber arrartior a wohl? ww tvs oe a oo 7 © KI 132. Once a French colony, which place is the home of Aurobindo Ashram ? Chennai (6) Andamans (©) Pondicherry (0) Goa. ce earn Bh eh coe a etre gaa en, ore arene ane at ret &, ata ? a we (e) 3icart © wet (0) tat 133. Bombay High refers to . (A)__ offshorejoil field (8) onshore off eld (©) _ offshore gas field {D) onshore gas field. ara af deftis & A) sme ta a4 @) wad aa aa 1 ame ta aa @ waitaaaa 134. Which of tiie following became, the 26th State of India ? (@) Uttaranchal (8) gdharkhand (©) Goa (©) Chhatusgarh. ana a1 vattaat uss fret Ae ate? wa) setiact ©) wes © wr (o) orang 1 135. Which of the following rivers does not originate in India ? Kaveri (8) Narmada (©) Brahmaputra (D) , Ganga. fra H8 ahe-att wet a qT area A eT ? a red we) fer © wea wo am 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. Which ts India’s longest river ? Godavari (8) Krishna (©) Mahanadi () Ganga. ana at gens at art? @ tet ® Fn (©) Fert ©) wm What is the time difference between GMT and IST ? @ 4 brs 30 min (8) 5S hrs 30 min © 6hrs (D) 6 hrs 30 min. dates area ag cen atedta war wag & sta arate fare 7 48 30 fre (®) 582 so fre ( 6H (D) 642 so fA | Which of the following geographical features is not found in India ? (&)—_Lagoo# (8) Glacier (© Iceberg ) | Desert, fre 2 8 aie 4, arpa urea 8 eT ae Sieh 2 a waka (eB) feat © ferta (Dimgrreerey, | How many oceans touch the (indian mainland ? “a oo @ 1 Oo 2 © 3 sorette: Ape yore fara aera fired E 7 woo ae oO 2 © 3. In which state is Silent Valley located ? (@). Maharashtra (8) Kerala (©) Uttarakhand (Dp) Karnataka. ade act fara asa 8 fer 2 7? @) Fer eo re © sree (0) aatew 1 141. 142. 143. 144, 145. Banana and pineapples are mainly grown in the (4) Tropical region (8) “Mediterranean region (©) Mountains (0) Desert oases. aren site sree Gera oma wy oer aida at (8) aera at A © we ea (oO) Fear a Which te the group of languages spoken by the largest number of people in India ? (§) Indo-Aryan (8) Dravidian (©) Austro-Asiatic (D)_Sino-Tibetan. ren HA Re aR AH oT oR A TAA fr ea se F 2 (sede ore ow xe (© art eferanfer: (De fred Which of the following are twin cities ? (@)_ Delhi/and Faridabad (8) Mumbai and Pune (©) Bangalore and Mysore (Dy Hyderabad and Secunderabad. fra a ata gem ae E ? ww) facet oer wetter Be) Was eT (© acinar Fa (D) _kawee_aen fateTars | ‘The largest amount of saffrofcomes from (A) Uttar Pradesh (6) “Jammil and Kashmir (©) Kerala (0) Assam. aga safer ra Seat Frere fa se weTa wD wee a Oo aaa (wD) aaa How many languages are accepted in the Constitution of India? @ 18 8) 20 © 22 (D) 28. aren & ferent grat Part wend eta ? w 15 ® 20 © 22 ©) 28. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. ‘The path of a planet around the sun is called its (revolution (rotation (©) omit () spin. add ad ot fret sore a of seen & TasT a aiceaT erm Far Oo re The celestial body nearest to the earth is (a Sun (8) Moon (©) Venus (0) Proxima Centauri qed & aad Frees aries foe & aw a eo = oO (D) afar Beet ‘The equator does not pass through (a) North America 8) South America (©) Africa (D), any of these continents. aprer vay aet eT & (A) Bet site FS trae (8) afew ortfear S eter (©) / aiiean HS trae (oy Fa a FE TH FeTSTT Large salt Water imiasses smaller.than oceans are called lakes (“stands (©) seas (0) rivers. ETA @ Bret ged evita wera seer wat ® © we ) 7a ‘An area drained by a river and its tributaries is called a ta) basin (B) canal (dam (©) strait. fret aa ok See weet gra Hare atx Hee w mat B) AEE oO aa (D) WeSre | A adda2u7

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