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Course Name:- Artificial Intelligenc e

Course Code:-ITec4151
Author Name:- misgana muleta
ID Number:- 258999/11


Submitted to:- Mr. Million

Woliso, Ethiopia
Lab Exercise Assignment

Lab Exercise Assignment

1. Transform the following family tree into facts

Here from this tree, we can understand that there are many relationships. Here gemeda is a
child of keniniand debela, and gemedaalso has two children — ebisa and ebise. Ebisa has two
children,hawi and chala.Ebise also has two children,kume and kuma. So we want to make
predicates as follows:

 parent(kenini,gemeda).
 parent (debela,gemeda).
 parent (gemeda,ebisa).
 parent (gemeda,ebise).
 parent (ebisa,hawi).
 parent (ebisa,chala).
 parent (ebise,kume).

Family Tree in Prolog Page 1

Lab Exercise Assignment

 parent (ebise,kuma).

Some facts can be written this ways, like sex of family members can be written
in this forms:

 female(kenini).
 male(debela).
 male(gemeda).
 male(ebisa).
 female(ebise).
 female(hawi).
 male(chala).
 female(kume).
 male(kuma).

 Prolog Rules

In Prolog syntax, we can write:

Prolog rule to identify who is sister of whom:-

 sister(X,Y) :- parent(Z,X), parent(Z,Y), female(X), X \== Y.

Prolog rule to identify who is brother of whom:-

 brother(X,Y) :- parent(Z,X), parent(Z,Y), male(X), X \== Y.

Prolog rule to identify who is cousin of whom:-

 cousin(X,Y) :- uncle(Unc , X),father(Unc,Y).

Prolog rule to identify who is grandfather of whom:-

 grandfather(X,Z):-parent(X,Y),parent(Y,Z),male(X).

Prolog rule to identify who is grandmother of whom:-

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Lab Exercise Assignment

 grandmother(X,Z):-parent(X,Y),parent(Y,Z),female(X).

Prolog rule to identify who is grandmother of whom:-

 aunt(X,Y) :- female(X),sister(X,Y),parent(Y,Z).

Prolog rule to identify who is uncle of whom:-

 uncle(X,Z):-brother(X,Y),parent(Y,Z).
2. Prolog query that check as:-

ebise is sister of ebisa?

 ?- sister(ebise,ebisa).

kume is cousin of chala?

 ?- cousin(kume,chala).

3. Write prolog query know:

Who is parent of feyisa?

 ?- parent(Y, feyisa).

Who is mother of whom?

 ?- mother(Y, X).

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Lab Exercise Assignment

?- brother(X,Y).
X = ebisa,
Y = ebise ;
X = chala,
Y = hawi ;
X = kuma,
Y = kume ;

?- sister(X,Y).

X = ebise,
Y = ebisa ;
X = hawi,
Y = chala ;
X = kume,
Y = kuma ;
X = ebise,
Y = ebisa.

?- grandfather(X,Y).

X = debela,
Y = ebisa ;
X = debela,
Y = ebise ;
X = gemeda,
Y = hawi ;
X = gemeda,
Y = chala ;
X = gemeda,
Y = kume ;
X = gemeda,

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Lab Exercise Assignment

Y = kuma ;

?- grandmother(X,Y).

X = kenini,
Y = ebisa ;
X = kenini,
Y = ebise ;

?- uncle(X,Y).

X = ebisa,
Y = kume ;
X = ebisa,
Y = kuma ;

?- sister(X,Y).

X = ebise,
Y = ebisa

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