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Project proposal for: - Online Notice Board System for AUWC

Project Proposal Submitted to Department of Information Technology of Ambo University

Woliso Campus in Partially Fulfillment of the Requirement for Degree of Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology.

Prepared by: -
1. Tolosa Tafese
2. Kitessa Tena
3. Kalkidan Bekele
4. Misgana Mulata
5. Tahir Aliyi
6. Ifa Kebede
Advisors’ Name:
Advisor: -

June 14/06/2019 E.C
This is certified that the Project Entitled on Web based Tax Collection Management System for
Woliso City Developed and Submitted by:

1. Tolosa Tafese
2. Kitessa Tena
3. Kalkidan Bekele
4. Misgana Mulata
5. Tahir Aliyi
6. Ifa Kebede
Project proposal Submitted to the Department of Information Technology of Ambo
University Wolso Campus in a Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for Bachelor Degree in
Information Technology
Advisor’ Name Signature Date

1. ________________ ______________ ______________

2. ___________________ ________________ _____________


Examining Board Signature Date

1. _____________________ ___________ ________

2. _____________________ ___________ _________
3. _____________________ ___________ __________
Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City

Primarily we would like to thank Almighty God for his help in the process of starting and
completing the documentation of the project . The project group would like to express our
gratitude and appreciation to all those who gave us the possibility to complete this project
documentation. Secondly, special thanks to Ambo University Woliso Campus specifically
information technology department to encourage us to develop this final year project.

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Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City

List of table.................................................................................................................................................iv
1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of Study...........................................................................................................................1
2. Statement of the Problem......................................................................................................................1
4. OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT.......................................................................................................2
4.1 General Objective............................................................................................................................2
4.2 Specific Objective............................................................................................................................2
5. Methodology for the project.............................................................................................................3
5.1 Data source...................................................................................................................................3
5.1.2 Fact Finding Techniques..........................................................................................................3
5.1.3 System Analysis and Design.....................................................................................................4
5.1.4 Testing Procedures...................................................................................................................4
5.1.5 Development Tools.................................................................................................................5
Software Tools...................................................................................................................................5
5.2 Scope of the Project.........................................................................................................................5
6.1.1 Requirements of the Proposed System........................................................................................6
7. Project Schedule and Preliminary Budget...........................................................................................7
7.1 Project schedule...............................................................................................................................7
7.2 Preliminary Project Budget............................................................................................................8
7.3 Summery of Cost.............................................................................................................................8
8. Staffing Requirement............................................................................................................................9
8.1 Core Project Team Roster..............................................................................................................9
9. Risk Assessment.....................................................................................................................................9
10. Feasibility Study................................................................................................................................10
10.1 Economic Feasibility....................................................................................................................10
10.2 Technical Feasibility....................................................................................................................11
10.4. Political Feasibility......................................................................................................................11

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Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City

List of tabl

Table 1: project schedule.................................................................................................................8

Table 2:project budget.....................................................................................................................9
Table 3:summery of the cost..........................................................................................................10
Table 4:Core project Team Roster.................................................................................................10
Table 5:Risk Assessment...............................................................................................................11

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Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City

List of acronyms
PHP-------------------------------------------Hypertext Preprocessor
MYSQL-------------------------------------My structural query language
GB ---------------- --------------------------Giga bit
CD--------------------------------------------Compact Disk
ETB ------------------------------------------Ethiopia birr
USB------------------------------------------Universal serial bus
OOSAD--------------------------------------Object oriented system analysis design
OOA-------------------------------------------Object Oriented Approach

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Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City


Project Title: Administrative Support - Task Management System

Project Start Date: Dec 3 2021 Project End Date: _________

Tax collection management system is the methodology that an organization uses to collect from
populations by means government to develop the country. For the development of one country
tax system is very basic thing and it is a backbone of the society to see the radical change. Tax
payment is a voluntarily and obligation contribution imposed by the government on personal
income earners, companies, investors, exporters, importers etc. In Ethiopia, there are different
tax collection organizations in each region and city, but we focus only on tax management
system at Woliso City by giving concentration for tax collector department facing different
problem with their currently semi-manual based collection system. There were many problems
such as file access problem, security, wastage of resources and time. Therefore, we initiated to
develop this system by observing the real problems of the tax collection department of Woliso

1.1 Background of Study

Web based tax collection management system is a system that helps the revenue and customer
authority by making their work easy and effective in case of time, cost, manpower, and soon by
changing the semi-manual based system to computerized system integrated to the internet. The
major goals of this project were registering taxpayers to the database; Works only tax payment,
and collect tax online through bank.

2. Statement of the Problem

2.1 Problem in Existing System
After studying and understanding how the current semi-manual based system works in Woliso
City we were identified the problems face in the system. There were some problems:

 Storage Problem: Due to large amount of taxpayer files, the physical file or paper
occupy too much space to store taxpayer file.

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Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City

 Difficulty in Locating Tax Payer File: Due to large amount of taxpayer file in the
record officer if we want to locate, search, update taxpayer file it was very difficult to
 Poorly generated records: To generate and exchange reports from department to
department it was not effective and efficient.
 Man Power: The semi-manual system requires more workers to perform operation like:
- manage taxpayer file, interview and upload taxpayer income file, and to proceed the
payment process.
 Time: The most important thing in organization and today world is time the system takes
more time to do simple jobs like mentioned above.

 Security Problem: unauthorized user may access and modify the taxpayer file and other
actions due to no security mechanisms exist in semi-manual based system.
 File may have Lost Easily: taxpayer and other files may be lost by fire and natural
So to avoid this problem we were decided to develop online tax collection management system
for Woliso City.


4.1 General Objective
The main objective of this project was to develop online tax collection management for Woliso

4.2 Specific Objective

In order to achieve the above general objective we have the following specific objectives:-
In order to achieve the above general objective we have the following specific objectives:-
 To handle and manage the data.
 To develop system which is secured.
 To collect data from primary sources through interviewing the manager and
 To minimize the work overload of the employees.
 To select appropriate system development methodology.
 To collect necessary requirements.

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Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City

 To analysis the requirements.

 To design the system using UML tools.
 To design central database.
 To deploy online tax collection system

5. Methodology for the project

The method that facilitates us to gather information about requested system is called
methodology. We would use different mechanism to collect data while doing our project. We
would use the following methods of data collection or fact-finding techniques to gather
information regarding the problems of the existing and requirements of the proposed system.

5.1 Data source

 We have used different methods. These were: -

 Interview with Woliso city Tax collection managers and staff workers.
 Observing different files and reporting documents.
 Collecting information from different references, projects and web sites.
 By discussing and analyzing the problems with project team.

5.1.2 Fact Finding Techniques

We gather necessary information or data that helps us in order to do this project using the
following way:
We gather necessary information or data that helps us in order to do this project using the
following way:
a. Interviewing: We interview the tax revenue office workers, taxpayers and managers to
get necessary information about how the current system was going on and what problems
b. Observation: We observe the current system and identify the problems regarding to the
tax collection system. Therefore, it helps us as easy way to understand the system and to
develop the project.
c. Document Analysis: Using this method of gathering requirements, our team tried to
analyze an existing written document that helps us in order to identify the problem and to
design solution.

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Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City

5.1.3 System Analysis and Design

In this system, the team would use Object Oriented System Development design methodology
and Iterative model. The reason being for using Object Oriented Approach (OOA) and Iterative
methodology was to get the following benefits:

 Increased reusability

 Increased extensibility

 Improved quality

 Reduce maintenance burden

 Simplifies the complex application

5.1.4 Testing Procedures

Before directly deploying this system, the team would perform different testing for its
functionality and users need. The system would have tested using the following system testing
A. Unit Testing
Unit testing is the testing of an individual unit or group of related units. It falls under the class of
white box testing. It is often done by the programmer to test that the unit he/she has implemented
is producing expected output against given input.

Example: -when an admin log in to the system checking whether the username and password is
correct or not.

B. Integration Testing
Integration testing is testing in which groups of components are combining to produce output. In
addition, the interaction between software and hardware would tested in integration testing if
software and hardware components have any relation. It may fall under both white box testing
and black box testing.

C. System Testing
In this type of testing we have examined that how the whole system of tax collection
management system integrates together to achieve the desired goal.

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Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City

5.1.5 Development Tools

To develop online tax collection system for Woliso City we follow Object Oriented approach, as
it supports for scaling up and to define new operations later.
Software Tools
 Microsoft word: - to type our project documentation.
 Microsoft power point: - a slide show for presentation.
 Microsoft internet explorer, Google, and Mozilla Firefox for browsing.
 UML Diagram Maker: - Used to design diagrams.
 MySQL: - used to create databases and tables.
 PHP: - for the implementation and coding.
 JavaScript: - for the implementation and coding.
Hardware Tools
 Computer
 Flash Disk
 CD
 Network Cable
 Printer

5.2 Scope of the Project

This project which will be a web-based application will handle issues related to planning and
management of task and project. It will be confined to creation of users by the administrator,
online task creation and assigning of task to employee, with detail task description and
provisions to upload and update files that may be needed for task.  Deadline will be associated
with task. Collaboration will be possible through adding of comments among users that can
participate in a specific task. Team involve in a task will be updated on status change on a
particular task.


Limitation indicates that the activities that cannot support while replacing the existing system
with new system. Therefore, our system has the following limitations:

 In our country there was no online payment until now, so in this project payment made
through bank.

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Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City

 It does not support multilingual languages, i.e. It only works for English language.

 The system cannot work for others town of Ethiopia and countries

6. Requirement Analysis

6.1.1 Requirements of the Proposed System

Requirements discovery is the most important activity in system software development activities.
It consists of the activities involved in requirement engineering such as meeting the business
owners for proper elicitation, planning, scoping and holistic management.

6.1.2 Functional Requirement

Functional requirements are requirements that describe what the system must be able to do.

New system would perform the following activities:

 Manage Account- The System allows Admin to manage user account like (create
account, update account, deactivate account and activate account).
 Add (Register) new customer – The staff worker add new user to the system database.
 Add (Register) - new staff worker – The Admin add new employee to the system.
 Generate Report - The Admin generate report to the system.
 Comment -The customer can write comment to the system.
 Post News - The news posts by Admin and also staff worker posts but admin approve it
to the system.
 Approve news-The Admin approves news in the system.
 Calculate Tax-The staff workers calculate the tax in the system.
 Calculate Penalty- The staff worker calculate penalty in the system.
 Pay Tax- The taxpayer paying tax in the system.
 Change password-The user (Admin, staff worker, taxpayer) can change password in the

Non-Functional Requirement Specification

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Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City

Non-functional requirements deserving to the other information needed to produce the correct
system and detailed separately.
 User interface: - The system provides pleasant user interfaces that were compatible with
window platform.
 Error handling :- our system handles error by showing a message “invalid input” .When
the user enter invalid input the system guides the user by showing the message to
properly utilize it.
 Security: - The system should have a security privilege that secures the system and
authenticates the user account. That means only authenticated user allowed for accessing
the system.
 Performance characteristics: - The end user computer should have medium processor
and the server computer should have large processor. It is measured by its speed of
 Backups: - The system administrator would be responsible for making the backups when

7. Project Schedule and Preliminary Budget

7.1 Project schedule
Table 1: project schedule

Phases 22/03/2014 E.C- 03/04/2014 E.C- 15/04/2014- 19/04/2014- 12/06/2014

24/03/2014 E.C 14/04/2011E.C 18/04/2014 E.C 30/04/2014
E.C 10/10/2014
writing and
Data gathering
and analysis
System design


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Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City

7.2 Preliminary Project Budget

Table 2: project budget

A. Infrastructure
Description Quantity Per unit cost Total cost
Computer 3 6,000.00 18,000ETB
Internet connection - non quantity 400 400 ETB
hired for testing

Total infrastructure 18400ETB

Description Quantity Per unit cost Total cost
Windows10 operating system 1 200 200 ETB
XAMPP bundle software 1 70 70 ETB
Edrawmax7.1 1 50 50 ETB
Other project costs
Description Quantity Per unit cost Total cost
Computer paper 2 packet 120 360 ETB
Pen 20 berry 5 100 ETB
USB flash8 GB 1 320 320 ETB
Photo copy 200 0.5 cents 100 ETB
Printing 600 1 600 ETB
Binding 7 10 70 ETB
Total other project costs 1,590.00 ETB

7.3 Summery of Cost

Table 3: summery of the cost

Total infrastructure cost
Software and operating system licenses cost 320 ETB

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Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City

Total other project costs 1,590.00 ETB

Total costs 34,110.00

Contingency (25%) (36,110 x 25%) 9,027.50

Total project estimated cost including contingency 43,137.50

8. Staffing Requirement
The Staffs required for this project studies are four. Each individual labor is there on task for
effectively accomplishments of the project design to solve recruitment problem face newly
graduate students and for those seeking better job positions through Mobil search.

8.1 Core Project Team Roster

Table 4: Core project Team Roster
Role Qty Required skills Name/position Name/position
of of
First choice Alternate choice

1. System requirement 2 Software Tolosa Misgana

specification developing requirement

2.Requirement analysis 2 Object oriented Kitessa Kalkidan

system analysis

3.Design developing 2 System design Tolosa Tahir

4.Implementation 4 Bootstrap(html , Tolosa and Tahir and
CSS, JavaScript)
/coding Ifa Misgana

5.Testing 2 Software project Tolosa Misgana


9. Risk Assessment
Table 5: Risk Assessment

Preventive action Contingency action

Potential problem
1. Hard disk damage Keeping hard disk safety, such Using or restoring the file from

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Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City

as USB flash and/or external storage device changing

the hard disk by purchasing the
DVD as a file backup from
newer one.
various and warms and

2. Windows failure Using purchased /licensed Repairing the window to restore

windows, partition the hard the files and soft wares.
disk. Using external disks for
protection and others

3. Virus attach Using licensed antivirus Fixing or moving

4.project theft Having the project on the USB Report this occurrence to the
coordinator and continuing to do
flash and/or DVD
the project from the flash
using file security system and
use strong password
5.deliberate computer theft Keeping the computer where it Reporting to the concerned body
cannot be stolen, taking care of and attempt to get the computer
any part of the computer again if possible or buying new

10. Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is a test of system proposal according to its workability, impacts on the
organization, ability to meet user needs and effective use of resources. Accessing feasibility
means answering question to the utility and viability of the system that was going to be

10.1 Economic Feasibility

Economic feasibility is study about the cost feasibility of our project from beginning up to the
completion. Our system was economically feasible, because it reduces the cost needed to
perform certain activities as printing papers for announcing tax pay period and tax summary for
the taxpayers.

10.2 Technical Feasibility

In technical feasibility this new system were implement with current technology and the user
have taken the training after that the end users have enough experience to use the technologies.
The proposed system was technically feasible because the required technology, software,

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Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City

hardware and resources that used to develop it were freely available. The technologies we were
used to develop the system are free and open source so the project was technically feasible.

10.3 Operational feasibility

The system in which we were developing was also compatible to all operating systems and web
browsers. Developing the system in a simple way with which every resident and system
administers can understand it easily. In addition, before the deployment the system would be
tested effectively using some of testing mechanisms. This system would be free from error
because we would did unit testing for each individual codes in the system if there is error we
would fix it and also we would perform module and system testing to assure the system would be
free from error. Because of this the proposed system would be operational feasible.

10.4. Political Feasibility

The proposed system was behaviorally feasible and cannot cause any harm in the environments.
The project would be beneficial because it satisfies the need of the organization. The system
would be developed to be user friendly, needless training and improves the working

11. Conclusion

Tax is one of the most important and backbone of getting income in the country. Tax is collected
in different methods like manually and electronically. In Woliso, city tax was collected semi-
manually. The manual tax collection system hinders the sub city to use its resources efficiently
and serve its people effectively.

The new system that we were developed, in some instance can reduce the problem that was
found in the sub city. Some of the solutions that our system brings were unlike manual system
users can get services easily, it saves the time and efforts of the staff members, it also reduce
space requirement.

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Project Proposal for Web based Tax Collection Management System for Woliso City

To develop the new system we were gather different information using different method of data
collection. There were a number of methods for collecting data among those methods; interviews
and observation were used in our data collection.

Moreover, the system would bring a fundamental change to Woliso city current working
condition of the tax collection department. The tax collection system conversion from the old
system to this new system is based on essential change, which needs a complete acceptance from
the users of the system as was hoped and agreed with stakeholders at the beginning of this

Finally, we concluded that the tax collection system would be taken as a means for the city to
deliver efficient and effective tax collection services to taxpayers.

12. Reference

 Karl Popper, in Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach.

 M. Jackson, Software Requirements & Specifications: A Lexicon of Practice, Principles and
Prejudices. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1995.
 Excise Tax Proclamation No. 307/2002

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