1.put The Verbs in Brackets Into The Appropriate Tense Forms

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Past Tenses
Name ________________________________________
Group ___________________ Date _______________
1.Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate tense forms.
1. I ……… (to read) most of his novels by the end of the read
2. I ……was enjoying… (to enjoy) myself at the party Was enjoying
while Tim …was babysitting…… (to babysit) at Was babysitting
3. We got up……… (to get up) at half past six this Got up
4. They ….. (to consider/still) his proposal that evening. Were still considering
5. She ……… (to jog) five miles every day when she (to Used to jog
be) young. was
6. She ……… (to have) a shower, ……… (to get dress) Had
quickly and ……… (to leave) for the airport. Got dressed
7. Reporters ……… (to telephone) all morning. Had been telephoning
8. A crowd of tourists ……… (to wait) outside the hotel Was waiting
when the bomb exploded.
9. He ……… (to make) his last film in Poland. made
10. She ……… (to go out) with Tony for five years before Had been going out
she decided to marry him.
11. She was upset because she ……… (to have/just) the Had just had
12. The police officer changed her phone number because Had been receiving
she ……… (to receive) anonymous calls for several
13. The dancer ……… (to dream/always) of becoming Had always dreamed
14. Rain ……… (to fall) heavily and a cold wind ……… Was falling
(to blow) across the platform. Was blowing
15. ……… Ulla and her friends ……… (to play) Were playing
monopoly while we ……… (to play) Draughts? Were playing
16. Elvis ……… (to become) famous for the song Blue became
Suede Shoes.
17. I ……… (to wait) at the checkout when I ……… (to Was waiting
notice) a strange-looking man. noticed
18. She ……… (to write) several books of poetry in the wrote
last years of her life.
19. I ……… (to see) five films this month, but I ……… Had seen
(to like/not) any of them very much. Did not like
20. When Bob ……… (to invite) me to go fishing with Invited
him I ……… (to be) excited because I ……… (to Was
go/never) fishing before. Had never gone

2.Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate tense forms.

1. The president 1) ……… (to announce) the introduction to a new set of
measures to deal with unemployment The problem 2) ……… (to become) worse in
recent months, and yesterday the president 3) ……… (to state) that action must be
taken now. She actually 4) ……… (to sign) the new bill during this morning’s session
of Parliament.
1) announced 3) stated
2) became 4) signed
2. Alexander the Great 1) ……… (to be born) in 356 BC in Macedonia. He
2) ……… (to become) King when he 3) ……… (to be) 20 and 4) ……… (to continue)
the work that his father 5) ……… (begin). In 334 BC he 6) ……… (to invade) Persia
and by his thirtieth birthday he 7) ……… (to conquer) most of south-west Asia.
However, while he 8) ……… (to plan) the invasion of Arabia he 9) ……… (to catch)
a fever and 10) ……… (to die).
1) was born 6) invaded
2) became 7) conquered
3) was 8) was planning
4) continued 9) caught
5) began 10) died

3.Translate the following sentences into English, using the correct past form.

1 Я вивчила англійську до того, як приїхала в Канаду.

I had learned English before I moved to Canada.
2 Джордж Барнс десять років був баскетболістом.
George Barns had been a football player for ten years.
3 Коли я дивився фільм, то думав про своє дитинство.
I was thinking of my childhood while watching the film.
4 Пол вивчав англійську вже два роки перед тим, як приїхав до Англії.
Paul had already been learning English for two years before he came to England.
5 Поки я накривала на стіл, мій брат готував чай.
While I was laying the table, my brother was cooking tea.
6 Усю другу половину дня вони грали в Монополію.
The had been playing Monopoly the whole afternoon.
7 Коли ми прийшли, він розмовляв по телефону.
When we came home, he was talking on the phone.
8 Він вивчив японську після того, як приїхав до Японії.
He learned Japanese after he had arrived to Japan.
9 Джон не написав мені ані рядка відтоді, як поїхав.
John had not written a line to me since he left.
10 На той час він працював над доповіддю вже два дні.
At that time he had already been working on his report for two days.
11 Нарешті о восьмій вона з’явилася. Я чекав на неї з другої години.
Finally, she appeared at 8 o´clock. I had been waiting for her since 2 p.m.
12 Викладач прочитав її роботу. Вона йому дуже сподобалася.
A teacher had read her work. He liked it a lot.
13 Коли він заощадив багато грошей, він купив автомобіль.
When he had saved a lot of money, he bought a car.
14 Чому Тім був вчора такий стомлений. Він напружено працював весь день.
Why was Tim so tired yesterday? He had been working tensely the whole day.
15 Люсі покликала нас, коли ми готували обід.
Lucy called us when we were preparing lunch.

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