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SET-1 LS Coupling and Momenta

1. Using ‘p-p’ electron configuration and ‘d-d’ electron configuration find all possible
values of the total angular momenta.

2. Determine the valves of L, the quantum number describing the ll coupling of the angular
momenta of two atomic orbitals, for two electrons. What are the corresponding letter

3. In an atom, the components of a normal triplet have separation of 19 and 38 cm -1

between adjacent levels in LS coupling. The next higher state in mutliplet has separation
22 and 33 cm-1 respectively. Determine the terms for these two states and draw the
corresponding energy level diagram showing the allowed transitions.

4. If the doublet splitting of the first excited state 2 2P3/2 -- 22P3/2 of He+ is 5.84 cm-1.
Calculate the corresponding separation of H.

5. The mean position of the first pair of lines of the principle series of sodium is 16960 cm-
1. If the convergence limit of the sharp series is at 24490 cm-1, calculate the ionization
potential of sodium.

6. Calculate the value of the electronic angular momentum J of a one-electron atom in the
state 2D5/2.

7. Find the orbital angular momentum l of ‘d’ electron

8. Calculate the atomic states for

a. L= 2, & S = 3/2 and L=4&S=½

b. L = 3 & S = 1 and L = 5 & S = 3/2

9. Determine the ground state of cadmium (Cd) atom Z = 48. Repesent it using the
spectroscopic notations

10. Find the S, L and J value that corresponds to each of the following:

S0, 3P2, 3D3/2, 2P2

11. Determine total number of quantum states of electrons in carbon atom

12. Determine the ground state of aluminum atom. Represent it using the spectral

13. Write the electronic configuration of Fluorine Z = 9 and Neon, Z = 10

SET-2 Energy States
1. Determine the possible allowed states for the principal quantum number n = 3 of
hydrogen atom. Calculate the energies of these states

2. Determine the magnitude of orbital angular momentum L and the allowed values of Lz
and ϴ for the hydrogen atom in l = 3 states.

3. Calculate frequency of revolution of an electron in first and second orbit of hydrogen

4. Calculate the linear velocity of an electron in first second and third orbit of hydrogen.

SET-3 Zeeman
1. The Zeeman components of a 650 nm spectral line are 0.014 nm apart, when magnetic
field is 1.25 Tesla. Find the ratio of e/m for the electron from this data.

2. Calcium line of wavelength λ= 4226.73 Ao (P-S) exhibits normal Zeeman splitting when
placed in in uniform magnetic field of 2.5 wb/m 2. Calculate the wavelength of three
components of normal Zeeman pattern and separation between them.

3. The magnetic field of the Sun and stars

can be determined by measuring the
Zeeman-effect splitting of spectral
lines. Suppose that the sodium D1 line
emitted in a particular region of the
solar disk is observed to be split into
the four-component Zeeman effect
(see Figure 7-30). What is the strength
of the solar magnetic field B in that
region if the wavelength difference
between the shortest and the longest
wavelengths is 0.022 nm? (The
wavelength of the D1 line is 589.8 nm.)
4. A sample of certain element is placed in 03T magnetic field and suitably excited. How
far apart the Zeeman components of the 450 nm spectral line of this element?
5. Zeeman components of the 500 nm spectral lines are 0.0116 nm apart when the
magnetic field B is applied, find B if e/m = 31.4x1010 Hz/Tesla.
6. Find the minimum magnetic field needed for Zeeman effect to be observed in a
spectral line of 400 nm wavelength, when a spectrometer whose resolution is 0.01 nm
is used.

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