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Aparicio, John Carl B.

BSED- English 2

1. What is the most important lesson you have gained from the speech that you can apply?

• Believe in yourself. This phrase was the first to come up in my mind as I watch the video. Believing
in yourself, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, means having faith in my capabilities. It means believing
that I can do something, that it is within my ability. According to Christian, 2021, when you believe
in yourself, you can overcome self-doubt and have the confidence to take action and get things

2. What are the valuable traits of a person that would greatly make him successful?

• Set a goal and always think positive. These two are the basic aspect of being successful in life.
Goals also help align your focus and promote a sense of self-mastery. In the end, you can’t manage
what you don’t measure and you can’t improve upon something that you don’t properly manage.
Setting goals can help you do all of that and more (Riopel, 2021). As you have the goal, then think
positive about it, makes up everything easy. Setting your mind that I can do this will be a great
help. As Arnold says in the video, “Don’t listen to negative feedbacks that you cannot to this. Think
positive that you can do impossible to possible.” Lastly, don’t forget to trust in God and offer
everything to Him. In our success, God makes everything hard to easy. So don’t lose hope and
everything will be found. Just fight for life and everything will be a success.

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