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Accelerated Rehabilitation After Arthroscopic Meniscal

Repair: A Clinical and Magnetic Resonance

Imaging Evaluation

Pier Paolo Mariani, M.D., Nicola Santori, M.D., Ezio Adriani, M.D.,
and Marco Mastantuono, M.D.

Summary: Twenty-two patients who underwent meniscal repair using the outside-
in technique combined with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction were
submitted to an accelerated rehabilitation protocol that included immediate full
range of motion and weightbearing. The patients were reviewed postoperatively
by means of clinical assessment and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) after an
average of 28 months. Clinical evaluation was performed according to the Interna-
tional Knee Documentation Committee form, and sagittal knee laxity was measured
with a KT-2000 arthrometer (MedMetric Corp, San Diego, CA). The MRI scans
were obtained using a 0.2-T high-resolution MRI unit dedicated to the study of
limbs, and the meniscal signal was graded according to a modified Crues classifica-
tion. Overall, 77.3% of patients reported clinically good results. Loss of extension
of <5 ° was detected in only 2 patients (9.1%). Three out of 22 patients showed
clinical signs of meniscal retear. One of these patients had a second operation for
a bucket-handle tear. The presence of a full-thickness rim at MRI evaluation,
present in 10 patients (45.5%), did not correlate with the presence of clinical
symptoms of retear. Instead, the 3 symptomatic patients presented a complete rim
with a gap > 1 mm between the meniscal wall and the fragment of the posterior
horn. This finding is believed to be a more reliable indicator for retear following
meniscal repair. The low failure rate in this series suggests that an aggressive
rehabilitation regimen may be prescribed without deleterious effects in subjects
undergoing ACL reconstruction and concomitant meniscus repair. Key Words:
Meniscus repair--Arthroscopy--Rehabilitation--MRI--Knee joint.

he difficulty in regaining full range of motion after meniscal healing after repair, many surgeons have
T surgical repair of the anterior cruciate ligament
(ACL) is well known. To minimize this complication,
opted for less aggressive rehabilitation. Weightbearing,
joint motion and pivot activities are often restricted,
an accelerated rehabilitation regimen has recently been even though a general consensus is lacking on how
adopted by some orthopaedic surgeons. 1 However, long these should be delayed. Some authors advocate
there are some biological restrictions to this aggressive immobilization, 2-6 partial weightbearing, or both, in the
protocol, such as a concomitant acute capsular injury first 4 to 8 weeks postoperatively. 7-11 Immobilization
or meniscal tear suitable to repair. In fact, to protect m a y be carried out at full extension 4'12a3 or at various
degrees of flexion. 2'3'5"83°'14Restricted joint motion and
From the I Clinica Ortopedica (P. P. M., N.S., E.A. ) and H Diparti- weightbearing after a concomitant meniscal repair may
mento di Radiologia (M.M. ), Universit& "La Sapienza, " Rome, Italy. increase the risks o f arthrofibrosis following A C L sur-
Address correspondence and reprints requests to Pier Paolo Ma- gery. 15-19However, some authors 2°-23have recently pro-
riani, M.D., Clinica Ortopedica Universit& "La Sapienza," Piazza
Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy. posed more aggressive rehabilitation without reporting
© 1996 by the Arthroscopy Association of North America deleterious effects. In 1988, Henning et al. 22 advocated
0749-8063/96/1206-142753.00/0 immediate knee motion and early partial weightbear-

680 Arthroscopy: The Journal o f Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 12, No 6 (December), 1996: p p 680-686

ing, whereas full weightbearing is proposed by Noyes after 3 months. Unrestricted return to training of pivot-
et al. 23 and Barber. 2° The purpose of this study was ing activities is permitted at 5 months and return to
to assess by clinical and magnetic resonance imaging agonistic sports without a functional brace is allowed
(MRI) evaluation the safety of an accelerated rehabili- at 6 months.
tation regimen following meniscal suture and concomi- Patients were evaluated both clinically and with
tant ACL reconstruction. MRI at an average of 28 months (range, 24 to 32
months). Preoperative and postoperative evaluation in-
MATERIALS AND METHODS cluded assessment of clinical status with recordings of
knee instability and meniscal pathology. The informa-
The following inclusion criteria were established for tion collected included acute or chronic status, length
this prospective study: (1) chronic ACL insufficiency of tear, and demographic and historical data. Physical
with an injury-to-surgery interval of more than 6 examination included presence of effusions, joint line
months, (2) longitudinal tear of the medial posterior tenderness, range of motion, meniscal signs, (McMur-
horn in the vascular periphery, (3) tears longer than 1 ray's and grinding tests), ligamentous signs (Lachman
to 1.5 cm, and (4) use of the same postoperative proto- test, pivot shift). Sagittal knee laxity was measured
col at the same center under the supervision of a single with a KT-2000 arthrometer (MedMetric Corp, San
member of the staff. Exclusion criteria were (1) a his- Diego, CA). All patients were evaluated using the In-
tory of meniscal lesions in the controlateral knee, (2) ternational Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC)
posterior, medial or lateral laxity, and (3) lateral menis- form that includes 8 different groups of evaluation:
cal lesions. patients subjective assessment of function and symp-
From 1989 to 1991, 22 patients met the above crite- toms, range of motion, laxity, presence of crackling,
ria. These patients were operated on by a single sur- symptoms at the site of graft harvesting, radiographic
geon for chronic ACL lesion and for medial meniscus findings and functional evaluation. Each group in-
tear. Mean age of the patients was 23 years (range, 17 cludes several questions and the answers are classed
to 38 years). The group consisted of 16 men and 6 as A (normal), B (nearly normal), C (abnormal), or D
women with 16 subjects having injury to the right (severely abnormal). The worst answer determines the
knee and 6 to the left knee. All subjects underwent final result of the group and the final overall result is
arthroscopically assisted ACL reconstruction with given by the worst score obtained in the first four
bone-tendon-bone patellar autograft using the one-inci- groups.
sion technique. The meniscal tear was repaired using The MRI scans were obtained using a high-resolu-
the outside-in technique with an 18-gauge spinal nee- tion unit utilizing a permanent ferrite magnet, designed
dle placed across the tear from the outside. A knotted- for the study of the extremities. Magnetic field intensity
end suturing technique 24'25 was performed using a 2-0 was 0.2 T; gradient intensity 10 mT/m, and field of
PDS suture. The perimeniscal synovial membrane and view 16 cm. Coronal sagittal and axial images were
the meniscal wall were thoroughly abraded with a rasp. taken in all cases. Spatial resolution of 0.6 mm was
Sutures were placed before ACL surgery and tied at achieved by using 2- to 3-ram section thickness with
the end of the ligamentous procedure. no intersection gap and 192 × 256 matrix acquisition.
Postoperatively, the patients followed the normal Sequences used were SE T1 TR 680 TE 24 m/s and
accelerated rehabilitation protocol that we apply even SE T2 TR 2000 TE 90 1-n/s. Sagittal images in flexion
in the absence of meniscal repair. This involves contin- and full extension were acquired using a special device
uous passive motion from 0 ° to 90 ° starting the second that guides the joint in standardized planes of move-
day after surgery and continues for 2 weeks with full ment. The MRI scans were independently evaluated
weightbearing as soon as tolerated. Immobilization in by an expert muscoloskeletal radiologist (M. M.) who
a knee brace locked at 0 ° flexion is prescribed during was blinded to the clinical data.
deambulation for the first month only. The use of a
brace is discontinued as the patient learns to walk with RESULTS
a straight knee. Two to 4 weeks after surgery, workouts
are supplemented with closed kinetic chain exercises, There were no significant intraoperative or postoper-
low-resistance stationary cycling, and swimming. Pro- ative complications in this group of patients. The re-
gressive resistance exercises are started 4 weeks post- sults were evaluated at follow-up by a single indepen-
operatively. Running and biking are allowed after 2 dent examiner (N. S.). Results of the IKDC evaluation
months, and after a Cybex evaluation, tennis is allowed are summarized in Table 1.

TABLE 1. Postoperative Assessment According to IKDC Knee Ligament Evaluation Form

IKDC Categories 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A 10 15 20 12 21 12 10 21
45.4% 68.2% 90.8% 54.5% 95.4% 54.5% 45.4% 95.4%
B 8 6 2 8 1 8 10 1
36.4% 27.3% 9.1% 36.4% 4.5% 36.4 45.4% 4.5%
C 2 1 0 2 0 2 2 0
9.1% 4.5% 9.1% 9.1% 9.1%
D 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NOTE. 1, subjectiveclinical outcome; 2, pain, swelling, giving-way; 3, range of motion; 4, ligament examination; 5, articular crepitism; 6,
pain at site of graft harvest; 7, radiographic alterations; 8, one-leg hop.

Subjective Clinical Outcome Ligament Examination

The subjective clinical outcome is considered in the All 22 knees appeared stable both clinically and at
first group of the IKDC form and the score is deter- the instrumented measurements. Twelve patients
mined by two questions: " H o w does your knee func- (54.5%) scored A, 8 (36.4%) scored B, and 2 scored
tion?" and " H o w does your knee affect your activity C (9.1%) in Group 4 of the IKDC form, which deals
level on a scale from 0 to 3?" On this section, 10 with knee stability. Anterior stability measured with
patients (45.4%) scored A and 8 patients (36.4%) the KT-2000 arthrometer showed that the preoperative
scored B, 2 patients (9.1%) scored C and 2 (9.1%) average side-to-side differences at 30 lbs was 7.2
scored D. The high incidence of poor results in this (+2.3) mm and at follow-up became 1.9 (+ 1.6) ram.
section is mostly due to the second question, because The side-to-side differences at manual maximum were
the patients, although satisfied with the surgical out- on average 7.0 mm preoperatively. The postoperative
come, experienced some reduction of their activity side-to-side differences were < 3 mm in 16 cases and
level. between 3 and 5 mm in the remaining 5 cases with an
average of 1.5 mm at follow-up. The pivot shift test
was negative in 20 patients (90.9%) and a glide was
Three out of the 22 patients of this series complained
detected in the other 2 patients (9.1%). In the 3 patients
of symptoms of medial meniscus disorder. One of the
with signs of medial meniscus pathology, knee stability
patients had a second operation, and a bucket-handle
was recorded as good both at clinical examination and
tear was found at arthroscopy. The other 2 patients
with the KT-2000 arthrometer. We did not find any
refused an arthroscopic second-look for their meniscal
relationship between knee stability and recurrence of
complaints. The meniscal tests were positive in these
3 patients and negative in the other 19 patients. Only
Sections 5 through 8 of the IKDC form are not
1 patient had a knee effusion, and this was the patient
mandatory for the final result, but these are nonetheless
who was operated on later for removal of a bucket-
reported in detail in Table I. In section 5, which con-
handle tear.
cerns articular crepitism, only 1 patient had moderate
In terms of pain, swelling, and giving-way, follow-
patellofemoral crepitism but without pain. In section
ing the IKDC parameters, 15 patients (68.2%) scored
6 (pain at the site of graft harvest) 12 patients (54.5%)
A, 6 patients (27.3%) scored B, and 1 patient (4.5%)
scored C. The pain was reported during sport activities had no pain, 8 had (36.4%) mild discomfort, and 2
and only in 1 during activities of daily life. Five of (9.1%) had moderate pain. None of the patients re-
these patients had pain localized at the anterior aspect ported severe pain. In section 7, radiographic alter-
of the knee or at the patellar tendon defect. ations, 10 patients (45.4%) showed no side-to-side dif-
ference; 10 patients (45.4%) showed minor alterations,
Range of Motion always in the medial compartment; and 2 patients
Full extension ( < 5 °) was restricted in only 2 sub- (9.1%) showed moderate alterations, one in the medial
jects (9.1%), and reached the anatomic zero position and the other in the lateral compartment. Section 8
in the others. Flexion deficit was not detected in this records side-to-side difference in performing the one-
series. All in all, 20 patients (90.8%) scored A in Group leg hop, and all patients but 1 were able to jump with-
3 of the IKDC, and 2 patients (9.1%) scored B. out restrictions. At the 2-year follow-up IKDC evalua-

TABLE 2. Final Evaluation According to IKDC Knee y e n , 29 5 weeks by Ryu and Dunbar, ~° and 3 weeks by
Ligament Standard Evaluation Form McLaughlin et al. 21 Other surgeons propose early par-
IKDC Final tial weightbearing. 7-11 Similar disagreement can be
Evaluation Group A Group B Group C Group D found for joint motion and return to pivoting activities,
with resumption after 4, 6, or more than 6 months.
Pazienti (%) 2 (9.1%) 15 (68.2%) 3 (13.6%) 2 (9.1%)
The various postoperative regimens have shown minor
to significant differences, and the as yet poorly under-
stood healing rates of meniscal repairs have led the
tion, 9.1% of the patients were in group A, 68.2% in surgeons to suggest various restrictions. Experimental
B, 13.6% in C, and 9.1% in D (Table 2). studies show that lesions of the vascular portion of the
meniscus heal completely after 10 weeks and that it
MRI Evaluation takes several months for the return of normal appear-
We graded the MRI of the posterior meniscal horn ance fibrocartilage. 3° Four to 5 weeks are usually re-
according to a modified Crnes classification. 26 In grade quired for early histological evidence of meniscal re-
0, the posterior meniscal horn has a homogeneous low-
signal-intensity structure; in grade 1, an incomplete
rim extends to only one of the meniscal surfaces; in
grade 2, a complete rim is present at the site of the
previous tear, which appears as a line of high signal
intensity through a full-thickness defect but without
diastasis; in grade 3, a complete rim with a gap greater
than 1 mm (Figs 1 and 2) is present. In Crues' original
classification, the grade 3 signal correlates poorly with
the existence of retears following meniscal repair, 27
and for this reason in our classification we consider
the presence of diastasis as predictive of retear. The
possibility of obtaining images in both flexion and ex-
tension may be useful to determine the stability of a
previously repaired meniscus when a full-thickness
high signal is present. In our MRI analysis we observed
that the gap increases in full extension when an unsta-
ble meniscal tear is present, probably because the pos-
terior capsule pulls the posterior horn.
In terms of MRI, we found overall satisfactory re-
sults in 86.4% of our patients. Using the modified clas-
sification, 6 patients (27.3%) fell into group 0, 3 pa- ( I
tients (13.6%) into group 1, 10 patients (45.5%) into
group 2, and 3 patients (13.6%) into group 3. We ob-
served a gap between the meniscal wall and posterior
horn fragment in all 3 symptomatic patients. Average
diastasis in group 3 was 2.2 mm (range, 1.4 to 3 ram).


The literature describes a variety of rehabilitative

protocols after meniscal suture. In an attempt to protect
the repaired meniscus, many surgeons advocate re-
stricted weightbearing and knee motion or immobiliza-
tion. Immobilization is recommended in full extension FIG 1. Classification of the appearance of the posterior meniscal
by some, 4'12'~3 or in various degrees of flexion by oth- horn on MRI following meniscal repair. (A) The meniscal horn
completely healed (grade 0); (B) an incomplete rim (grade 1); (C)
ers. 5-8'1°'28 Full weightbearing is postponed for various a complete rim at the site of a previous tear (grade 2); (D) a rim
amounts of time: 8 weeks by Scott et al. 5 and Della- with diastasis (grade 3).

FIG 2. MRI of a posterior horn after meniscal repair. (A) Grade 0; (B) grade 1 with an incomplete rim; (C) grade 2 with a complete rim
in an asymtomaticpatient; (D) grade 3 with diastasis within the scar of a previous repair.

pair. Zhongnan et al. 31 in their experimental study on seck and Noyes 33 carried out arthroscopic evaluation
rabbits reported that an acute tear may heal by simply after an aggressive rehabilitation regimen following
immobilizing the knee without the need to suture the meniscal repair in conjunction with ACL reconstruc-
lesion. On the other hand, Kawai et al. 32 conclude that tion. They found that 80% of meniscal repairs healed
postoperative immobilization may not be necessary for completely, 14% healed partially, and 6% failed.
meniscal healing. The optimum rehabilitation regimen Different methods have been used to evaluate the
has yet to be identified, and the lack of scientific data success of a meniscal repair. Clinical evaluation alone
in the literature does not allow us to endorse a specific is not reliable because of the presence of many asymp-
rehabilitation program. tomatic retears. Instead, the evaluation of previously
Recently, in an attempt to restore normal knee func- sutured meniscus tears by arthrography 34 has given re-
tion as early as possible, some authors have carried out sults of better than 90% of accuracy. Arthography has
a more aggressive rehabilitation protocol 2°~23 without thus become the gold standard in the evaluation of
deleterious consequences for meniscal healing. Mc- repaired menisci. However, there are obvious draw-
Laughlin et al. 21 reported an 80% success rate after an backs in prescribing arthrography in healthy patients
aggressive rehabilitation in patients undergoing con- after ACL surgery. The same problems are encoun-
current meniscal repair and ACL reconstruction. Bar- tered with arthroscopy, which is also poorly accepted
ber 2° did not find statistically significant differences by patients when the sole justification for its use is
between two groups of patients with restricted and simply to document healing. Moreover, although both
unrestricted postoperative regimens. In both studies, these techniques evaluate the continuity of the menis-
clinical evaluation was carried out at follow-up. Bu- cal surface, they do not allow direct evaluation of inter-

nal meniscal structure. On the other hand, MRI can no evidence exists on the meaning and evolution of
display abnormal internal signals regardless of the state these findings. More long-term studies and control
of the surface. Although the use of MRI has been less group studies would be useful to better understand the
compelling for the postoperative follow-up of meniscal real meaning of these MRI signal abnormalities.
repair, it remains a practical method of evaluation. A The overall incidence of treatment failure of the
potential pitfall of MRI is the persistence postopera- meniscal suture reported in the literature is confusing,
tively of meniscal signal abnormalities, which may be ranging from 4% to 25%. This variability depends on
confused with meniscal retear. The increase in signal different factors, such as the type of lesion (central or
intensity with T2 weighted images has been reported peripheral, acute or chronic tears, isolated or associated
as an important predictive finding; however, it has only with ACL lesion), the technique used, the suture type
60% sensitivity. Although complete healing might be and, lastly, the assessment method (clinical, arthro-
expected to restore a normal signal, corresponding to graphic, arthroscopic). According to anatomic assess-
that from a homogeneous meniscus, if the meniscus ment, our failure rate after accelerated rehabilitation
heals with fibrovascular scar tissue, signal abnormali- was similar to that reported in the literature for similar
ties will appear on images during the healing period. types of meniscal tears. Our results show a successful
Kent et al. 35 showed the persistence of signal abnor- clinical outcome in 19 out of the 22 repaired menisci at
malities in sutured menisci 6 months after surgery. 2-year follow-up. We should point out that this group
Further, Arnoczky et al. 36 in their experimental study included only cases with slight restriction of extension,
show that repaired issue yields an increased MRI signal with an average loss of 3.5 °. In the literature, the inci-
after 26 weeks, even though the tissue had modulated dence of arthrofibrosis after concomitant ACL surgery
from fibrovascular scar tissue into fibrocartilage. and meniscal repair is reported to be high, ranging from
Clues et al) 6 reported that when considering only 10% 19 to 19%. TM Moreover, the incidence of extension
grade 3 signal intensity on MRI as consistent with deficit is even higher, whereas our results from follow-
meniscal tear, the scans agreed with surgical findings ing a more aggressive postoperative regimen showed
in 91% of cases. However, several reports 27'37-39 now a very low incidence of restricted range of motion.
indicate that evaluation of menisci that have undergone
surgery is less reliable or specific when the diagnosis CONCLUSIONS
of a retear is carried out solely by the presence of a
linear signal intensity (grade 3). Moreover, LaPrade et Accelerated rehabilitation after meniscal repair ap-
al. 4° have recently shown an incidence of asymptom- pears to be safe, and the incidence of retears evaluated
atic tear (1.9%) or grade 2 signal (24.1%) in a series clinically and by MRI assessment is in line with those
of young asymptomatic patients. reported in the literature. If meniscal suture is per-
The only MRI finding accurately predictive of retear formed in conjunction with ACL reconstruction, an
in a previously sutured meniscus is the presence of accelerated rehabilitation regimen helps prevent ar-
diastasis within a linear signal intensity extending to throfibrosis, a well-known complication of major liga-
the articular meniscal surfaces. Evaluation of acquired mentous reconstructive procedures. The reliability of
sagittal images in flexion and in full extension, using MR1 in evaluating meniscal suture outcome is contro-
specialized equipment, is also important diagnosti- versial. We have found that only a complete rim with
cally. Using this method, it is possible to differentiate, a gap within the meniscal rim has a predictable chance
in a previously sutured meniscus, a high signal inten- of retear. MRI evaluation of the knee performed in
sity within the meniscal scar from a hyperintense signal flexion and extension may detect this finding. Some
due to diastasis; only the latter is a sure sign of retear. doubts still remain in a Crues grade 2 finding. We did
This last result was the only finding in our MRI exami- not find any correlation between the presence of a
nations strongly consistent with the clinical history of complete rim and patient symptomatology. In this case,
our 3 symptomatic patients. Evaluation of the cases it would be more useful to perform arthrography or
that showed linear signal intensity without diastasis is arthroscopy to evaluate the meniscal healing.
more uncertain because all these patients had neither
complaints nor symptoms. Here, however, even if we REFERENCES
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