Please Read The Instructions Carefully: Attempt Any 3 Out of 5 Questions. All Questions Are of

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First Semester 2021-22

CE F231 (Fluid Mechanics) Mid-term Examination (Open Book)
Date: Nov 25, 2021
Duration: 90 mins (2:00 PM to 3:30 PM) Max Marks: 60 + (10)
Please read the instructions carefully: Attempt any 3 out of 5 questions. All questions are of
20 marks each. However, Question 5 has an additional bonus of 10 marks.
On the first page of your answer script, please explicitly mention the question numbers you
would like to be evaluated. Unless explicitly mentioned, the first three questions that you
attempt will be considered for grading, and the questions you attempt after that will be ignored
even if the solutions to those problems are correct. In all, only 3 questions will be evaluated.
Question 1 [20]
A 1m x 1m x 1m uniform cube, made up of a material having specific gravity 0.4, is placed on
water such that two out of the six surfaces of the cube are parallel to the free surface of water.
Show that the cube will not be in a stable condition when subjected to a disturbing moment.
Another 1m x 1m x 1m cube, made up of a different material, is attached to the bottom surface
of the original cube (of specific gravity 0.4) to make the composite cuboid attain neutral
equilibrium while floating. Determine all possible values of specific gravities of the second
cube that will satisfy the target criteria of having the cuboid float in neutral equilibrium, when
subjected to a disturbing moment.
Question 2 [20]
(a) A buoyancy tank of 4 m diameter and 6 m height has an opening at the bottom of the
tank to allow water to move in or move out of the tank. Determine the compressed air pressure
(absolute) needed to enable the buoyancy tank to support 300 kN vertical load (including self-
weight). Ignore thickness of the metallic sheet used to fabricate the tank.

(b) A solid cylindrical metal shaft of radius R1 and height H rotates inside a hollow
cylindrical sleeve of radius R2. The annular space is filled with an oil, and the shaft rotates at
an angular velocity of ω. Assuming that a temperature gradient exists along the length of the
cylinder that results in linear variation of viscosity of the oil from μ1 to μ2 (where μ1 < μ2),
determine the expression for torque required to rotate the shaft at an angular velocity of ω.

Question 3 [20]
The velocity vector of a three-dimensional flow field is represented by 3x2 î - (6xy + y) ĵ + z k̂.
Determine if it represents a possible incompressible fluid flow case. Report the expressions for
velocity potential and stream functions. Determine the equations of the streamline passing
through (3, 4, 2).
Question 4
Find the hydrostatic force acting on one face of the equilateral triangle shaped vertical plate in
a system of liquid shown in the figure below. One edge of the plate is completely exposed to
atmosphere and is parallel to the free oil surface. The apex opposite to this edge is located in a
layer of water which is overlain by a layer of oil as shown below. Calculate the location of
center of pressure, measured vertically below the free surface of oil. [20]

Question 5 [20 + 10]
Estimate the magnitude of the hydrostatic force per unit width acting on the curved surface
ABCDEFG. Report the inclination of the resultant hydrostatic force measured with respect to
a horizontal line. Determine the location of line of action of the horizontal component of the
hydrostatic force, measured vertically above the base of the tank.

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