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FO.ES. F. 01 V 1.2

MATERIA: English Beginners

DOCENTE: Mgr. Mirian Cuenca A.
Nombre del estudiante: Código:
Esta prueba se rinde sobre un total de puntos.

I .Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Past Simple, as in the example.
1. Have you ever been (you/ever/go) to the circus?
Yes, I ____________ (go) to one last year.
A. _______________ (you/have/) a good time?
B. Oh, yes! I _____________ (have) a lot of fun.

2. __________ (you/go) to the theatre last night?

Yes, I ___________ (see) and excellent play.
What ____________ (you see)?
Romeo and Juliet.
3. __________________ (you/do) the shopping yet?
Yes, I _______________ (do) it this morning.
_________________ (you/wash) the car yet?
Yes, I ______________ (already/wash) it.
4. _________________ (you/ever/eat) Chinese food?
Yes, I _____________ Chinese food last month.
_____________ (you/like) it?
No, it ____________ (taste) terrible.
5. __________ (you/ever/work in a café?
Yes, I ___________ (work) in a café last summer.
_____________ _(you/enjoy) it?
Yes, I ___________ (enjoy) it very much.
6. ___________ (they/go) to Madrid?
Yes, they __________ (be) there last May.
How ____________ (they/go) there?
By car.

2. Complete the dialogues with the Past Simple Tense.

1. (you, go) _____________ to class yesterday?

No, ___________. I (stay) _________ home because I (feel not) __________ good.
2. (Tom’s plane, arrive) ______________________ on time yesterday?
Yes, _________. It (get in) ______________ at 6:00 on the dot.
3. (you, stay) ______________ home and (study) __________last night?
No, __________. I (go) __________ to a new movie, “The Valley of the Vampires”.
(you ,like) ________________ it?
It was okay, I guess, but I don´t really like horror movies.
Topics for the Oral Exam

1. Who influence more to young adults? Family or friends? Give reasons and examples to
support your answer.
2. What are some things you can do for a good health?
3. Movies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular.
4. The college years are the best time in a person´s life. Do you agree or disagree with
this statement?
5. In our country there are many beautiful touristic places to visit. Mention three of
them you recommend to foreign visitors. Give reasons to support your answers.

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