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Switch words ...

english mantras
Switch Words have a direct access to our subconscious minds. Like a switch for the light, it works very fast. Just repeat the
concerned switch word constantly. That’s it. Success in results will be taken care of automatically.
Life Situations Switch Word(s)

Creative ideas On

Career opportunities – especially to get an employment Find Divine Order Count Now Done

Make money miraculously Together Find Count Divine

Speed up things, reach a place faster Halfway

To be in good health Find Divine Order Be Now

To come out of any stagnation Over Move On

When you are in a Tirupati type of crowd and is stuck Over Move On Halfway

Conflict situations Bow Concede Together Divine

To maintain your distance and space, and make the criticising person
Find Divine Order
leave you –   instead of grinding your teeth

Chanting for others

Let us say you are in a hurry but the other person (let us say his name is Robert) slows things down. Affirm, “Halfway be
active in the energy field of Robert”. Then he will be on time.
Not working ?
Even after chanting the right switch words for one or two days, if you don’t find any result, then add the switch word
“RELEASE RESISTANCE” to your switch word(s).
For example, if you had been chanting “ON” and it hasn’t worked for you, even though it was the right one, then
““RELEASE RESISTANCE ON” would work for you. The “RELEASE RESISTANCE” switch words remove the
resistance inside us that stops us from achieving our goal.

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