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What is Report??

A report is a written presentation of factual information based on certain methodology and

conclusions drawn out based on an investigation or research. Reports follow a standardized
format. However, it may vary as per the respective institution of organizational assumption.

Depending on the type of report, a report can include having:

1. Title Page
Includes the title of the report, the student name/number, the name of the report and
whom it is for, and the completion date.
2. Table of Contents
Shows the sections of the report. A list of the different headings, subheadings, and page
numbers is included.
3. Abstract or Executive Summary
A summary of the findings of the report, includes the report's purpose, methodology,
findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Written in the past tense.
4. Introduction (Terms of Reference and Procedure)
- Terms of Reference
This section introduces the report. Should include a brief breakdown of report structure.
The purpose and scope of the report, the main issues or problems to be identified, the
reason for undertaking the report are included in this report.
- Procedure
Should include methods used to collect information e.g. interviews, questionnaires,
5. Findings and/or Discussion
- Findings
What was found during the research or investigation? Should include only the facts (no
interpretation) Tables, graphs or diagrams can be used. Must address the issues and
problems identified in the Terms of Reference.
- Discussion
Here one needs to analyze, interpret and evaluate the findings. The discussion among the
respective finding of the research in response to findings of other studies or theories
should be done.
6. Conclusions
Should include the key findings of the report directly relate to the objectives set
previously and interpret what one has found. Significance of finding and what the
findings suggest should be incorporated.
7. Recommendations
Researchers suggested a solution to the problem or what he/she thinks should happen
next should be recommended and included. One should list the actions that the
conclusions lead to believe. Resource implications should also be included.
8. References
Includes all the sources researchers have used in the report. One needs to include
information on: The title — The writer/s or editor/s — The publisher — The date of
9. Appendices
Additional relevant information is included. May include interview questions, surveys,
glossary, etc.

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