Behaviour of Pesticides in Plants

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behavior of
in plants
Logan A. Norris

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Paper presented at a symposium, "Environmental and
Physiologic Chemodynamics, '' Environmental Health Sciences
Center at Oregon State University, Corvallis, January 9, 1969.

This publication r e p r t s research involving pesticides. It does not contain

recommendations for their use, nor does it imply that the u s e s discussed
here have been registered. All u s e s of pesticides must be registered by
appropriate State and/or Federal agencies before thejr can be recommended.

CAUTION: Pesticides can be injurious to hunians, domestic animals, desirable

plants, and fish o r other wildlife -- if they a r e not handled o r applied properly.
Use all pesticides selectively and carefully. Follow recommended practices
for the disposal of surplus pesticides and pesticide containers.
A number of chemicals of diverse to the interior of the leaf.
characteristics have arbitrarily been
classed together on the basis of their use All aerial portions of the plant are
and given the descriptive name llpesticides. I f covered by cuticle ( 5 ). The cuticle is
An unfortunate aura of mystery has devel- continuous through stomates and into the
oped about these chemicals. However, stomatal chambers, and any chemical
there is nothing unique or mysterious entering the aerial portions of the plant
about the chemicals we refer to as "pesti- must pass through the cuticle. The
cides. Like other chemicals, they have cuticle is composed of plates and protu-
properties which can be accurately meas- berances of wax imbedded in various
ured; they obey all the laws of physics, layers of cutin, a mixture of polymers
chemistry, and biology. of dicarboxylic- and hydroxycarboxylic-
acid esters.
Chemical and physical properties
of a pesticide and interacting environ- The properties of the cuticle vary
mental factors determine the behavior of with environmental conditions and position
pesticides. Behavior in turn dictates the on the plant (6, 15, 1 7 ) . In general, the
ultimate fate of the pesticide (16). To polarity of the cuticle increases towards
predict behavior, we need to measure the the interior of the plant. The external
chemical and physical properties of the cuticle contains much wax and is highly
pesticide and the environment. With oxidized and polymerized. In the central
these data and the laws of physics, chem- portion of the cuticle, nearly continuous
i s t r y , and biology, we can attack the layers of wax plates may be imbedded in
problem of predicting what happens to a cutin. The interior cuticle has less wax
chemical in the environment. Our free- and more pectinaceous material, and the
dom to continue using pesticides depends epidermal cell walls a r e impregnated
on our ability to understand and predict with a mixture of cutins and pectins.
their behavior in the environment. In
this paper I will consider the bases of The cuticle inside the stomatal
chemical behavior and the behavior of chamber is more polar than the cuticle
pesticides in plants. on the leaf surface, and the under leaf
surface cuticle is more polar than the
upper surface cuticle. Plants raised
THE BASES O F CHEMICAL under mesic conditions show a thinner
BEHAVIOR and more polar cuticle than similar
The behavior of a chemical is its plants raised under xeric conditions.
characteristic movement, persistence, The cutin has some affinity for water
and fate in the environment. The behavior and under conditions which favor hydra-
of a chemical will determine its field tion may swell and force plates of wax
effectiveness as well as its residue apart ( 7 ) *
Pesticide entry into a plant requires
The absorption of pesticides by contact with the surf ace and compatibility
foliage will show how we can understand with the cuticle ( 4 , 6, 12, 1 4 ). Waxy
pesticide behavior by examining the inter- projections and hairs may prevent good
action of physical and chemical properties contact between leaf surface and spray
with the environment. Absorption is the solutions with high surface tension. Sur-
movement of chemicals from the surface factants and emulsifiers may improve
the leaf contact of aqueous spray solutions, of hydrophyllic and lipophyllic properties
and oil-soluble pesticides are frequently which helps make them effective systemic
applied in diesel oil, a carrier with good herbicides.
leaf-contact properties .
I have considered absorption in
The compatibility of pesticide and some detail, but it is only one facet of
leaf cuticle depends on the interaction of pesticide behavior in plants. In the
their respective chemical and physical following section, I will outline the
properties. The polarity of the cuticle mechanisms which determine the ultimate
and the pesticide are of primary impor- fate of chemicals in plants.
t ance
The polarity of the cuticle increases
from the waxy leaf surface toward pectins
in cell walls and to the aqueous environ- The initial point of pesticide-plant
ment of the cell. The outer portion of contact depends on the method of appli-
the cuticle favors the entry of relatively cation. Many herbicides and insecticides
nonpolar pesticides like 1, 1,l-trichloro- a r e applied a s aerial sprays, and the
2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) o r foliage and stems are primary intercept-
the long-chain alkyl esters of 2,4-dichloro- ing organs. Some chemicals a r e injected
phenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). The inner into or directed on the stems of larger
portion of the cuticle favors passage of plants. Roots a r e the principal absorbing
more polar compounds like 2,4-D acid but organs for soil- applied pesticides.
restricts the passage of lipophyllic com-
pounds like DDT. Thus, DDT residues in
plants are usually surface residues which Behavior o f Pesticides on
can be removed with solvents which re- Aerial Portions o f the Plant
move the outer cuticle.

Pesticides intercepted by aerial

The systemic action of 2,4-D re- portions of the plant may undergo several
quires a balance between absorption and processes:
translocation ( 2 ). Extensive absorption
with no translocation gives ineffective 1. Absorption, the uptake of chemical
vegetation control. The penetr.ation of into the plant, is required for sys-
surface cuticle by 2,4-D increases with temic chemical action; and the
the size of the hydrocarbon portion of degree of absorption will dictate
alkyl esters of 2,4-D, but at the same the effectiveness of treatments with
time herbicidal effectiveness reaches a systemic chemicals. The amount
maximum and then declines. The affinity of absorption which is desirable,
of long-chain hydrocarbon esters for the therefore, depends on the nature of
lipid portions of the cuticle retards their the pesticide, its target, and its
entry into the aqueous portions of the residue characteristics.
plant and their subsequent transport to
the site of action. However, long-chain 2. Surface adsorption, the physical
glycol esters of 2,4-D have good absorp- or chemical binding of the chemical
tion characteristics and are compatible to the surface of the plant, is a
with the aqueous environment of the plant. form of storage. The extent of
These latter esters have a proper balance adsorption depends on the physical

and cfiemical properties of both the 5 . Degradation-- photochemical, chemi-
chemical and the leaf surface. Sur- cal, or biological--of chemical
face adsorption may inactivate pesti- residues on the plant surface is
cides since it prevents absorption of important in determining both effi-
systemic chemicals and reduces cacy of treatment and impact on
insecticide cqntact action. It is im- environment a1 quality. Degradation
portant to realize, however, that of surface residues may reduce
surface adsorption is not final; it is effectiveness by removing chemical
an equilibrium reaction. Environ- from the site of action. On the other
mental factors define the equilibrium hand, degradation is the only mecha-
between adsorbed and free chemi- nism which can reduce the total load
cal, and a change in environmental of environmental pollutants, Absorp-
conditions will alter the point of tion, adsorption, volatilization, and
equilibrium. Any reduction in the washoff only store o r transport
amount of free chemical leads to a pesticides to other parts of the
release of adsorbed chemical until environment.
equilibrium is r e e stab1ished.
Behavior o f Pesticides
3. VoZati Zization, the vaporization of on Roots
intercepted chemicals back to the
atmosphere, is not important for Chemicals in the root zone are sub-
chemicals with a low vapor pressure jected to the same processes as chemicals
o r a high heat of vaporization. On intercepted by aerial portions of the plant.
the other hand, losses may be appre- However, the degree to which a particular
ciable for compounds like ethyl process operates may be quite different.
N, N-dipropylthiolcarbaate (EPTC)
o r the isopropyl ester of 2,4-D. Water-soluble pesticides are readily
Volatilization moves the chemical absorbed by the roots and may be trans-
from the site of action, thereby ported to other parts of the plant ( 3 ).
reducing treatment effectivene ss Surface adsorption also occurs. Pesti-
Although volatilization reduces cide volatilization is relatively unimpor-
chem.ica1 residues on the plant, it tant from root surfaces but may occur
adds to the total load of atmospheric from the soil surface. Washoff does not
pollutants. occur, but leaching of chemicals from
the root zone is an analogous process.
4. Washoff is the removal of surface Of course, photochemical degradation
residues by precipitation, The does not occur on roots, but chemical
amount of chemical not absorbed, and biological degradation in the root
adsorbed, degraded, or lost through zone is important.
volatilization may be subjected to
washoff. Washoff may carry pesti-
Behavior o f P e s t i c i d e s
cides in solution o r suspension Inside the Plant
depending on their water solubilities.
Washoff may reduce pesticide effec- The behavior of’pesticides inside
tiveness and may lead to impact on the plant is not important if absorption
nontarget species or water contam- is limited. If large amounts are absorbed,
ination. Chemicals washed to the however, internal behavior determines
soil may be leached to the root zone both effectiveness of treatment and.
and absorbed by the plant. internal residue ( I 2 ).

Pesticides inside plants may also detoxication process for the plant,
undergo several processes: but the products may be biologically
active in other systems and, there-
1. TransZoeation, the movement of fore, still important a s residues
chemicals in plants, may occur (12). The phenoxybutyric herbicides'
toward the top of the plant in both a r e an exception (10). They are
the xylem (water transport tissue) inactive as herbicides, but their
and phloem (photosynthate transport herbicidally active acetic acid deriva-
tissue); but translocation toward tives are produced through beta-
the roots occurs only in the phloem oxidation of the butyric side chain.
(9, 2). Lateral transport is limited. Insecticides are also metabolized in
Translocation is important because plants. Although insecticides and
the fate of chemicals may vary in their metabolites a r e generally not
different plant parts. Pesticides active in plants, they are frequently
absorbed by foliage but not trans- quite toxic to other organisms.
located to other plant parts may be
lost inleaf fall, while pesticides trans- 4. Exudation is the exit of pesticides
ported to the roots may be exuded from the interior of the plant. Vola-
into the soil (13). Generally, pesti- tile pesticides and metabolites may
cide mobility and water solubility leave she plant as vapors through the
a r e positively correlated. stom:l:os (pores in the leaves). Some
herbicides like 2,4-D, 2-methoxy-3,
2. Storage ., the chemical o r physical 6-dichlorobenzoic acid (dicamba) o r
binding of pesticides to plant con- 4-amino-3,5,6- trichloropicolinic
stituents, may occur in any part of acid (picloran) a r e exlided from
the plant. Largest amounts are the roots (8:. In contrast with
frequently found close to the point animals, fish, and birds, however,
of absorption, in storage cells adja- exudation of pesticides from plants
cent to the paths of translocation, is not extensive.
and in areas of intense metabolic
activity. Pesticide storage may be
active o r passive. Active storage CONCLUSIONS
is pesticide accumulation against
a concentration gradient and requires The behavicr of a pesticide deter-
expenditure of metabolic energy. mines its fate in all parts of the environ-
Pesticides may be passively adsorbed ment including plants. Pesticides in plants
to structural components of plants. may be absorbed, stored, metabolized,
Both active and passive storage a r e and/or released to the environment. These
reversible, and pesticides may be processes determ.ine both the pesticide's
released and translocated to other impact on the plant and its residue charac-
parts of the plant as conditions in teristics.
the plant change.
The behavior of a chemical results
3. MetaboZism, which alters pesticide from the interaction between the properties
structure, may result in detoxica- of the compound and the environment. The
tion o r activation and may occur environment has many components, and
anywhere in the plant. Metabolism a chemical may interact with any o r all
of herbicides is nearly always a of them. The chemical behavior we

observe in the field is an integration of It will be difficult to derive a single
many single interactions. predictive equation which includes the
important primary and secondary inter-
Scientists can accurately measure actions which produce chemical behavior,
both the chemical properties and the but such an equation is needed. I believe
environmental factors which interact to a better understanding of the behavior of
produce behavior. The results of some chemicals in organisms will lead to greater
simple interactions can be predicted. pesticide effectiveness and, in turn, to
However, the field of chemodynamics has fewer hazards connected with their use.
not yet attained the sophistication necessary Pesticides will remain available to man only
to quantify the multiple interactions which if he can learn to use them with greatest
may occur between chemicals and their effectiveness on target organisms and mini-
environment . mum impact on the remainder of the environment.


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