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Influence of Varying Hard Segments on the Properties

of Chemically Crosslinked Moisture-Cured

Organic Coatings and Polymers Division, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad 500 007, India
Inorganic & Physical Chemistry Division, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad 500 007, India

Received 22 February 2005; revised 4 June 2005; accepted 8 June 2005

DOI: 10.1002/polb.20586
Published online in Wiley InterScience (

ABSTRACT: Polyurethane prepolymers are widely used in the reactive hot melt adhe-
sives and moisture-cured coatings. The chemically crosslinked moisture-cured formu-
lation based on PEG-1000 and isophorone diisocyanate was prepared with NCO/OH
ratio of 1.6:1.0. Trimethylol propane was used as a crosslinking agent. The excess iso-
cyanate of the prepolymer was chain extended in the ratio of 2:1 (NCO/OH) with dif-
ferent aliphatic diols, and 4:1 with different aromatic diamines. The polymer network
maturation during moisture cure was followed by dynamic mechanical thermal ana-
lyzer (DMTA) instrument. The thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of the
crosslinked polymers were evaluated using thermogravimetric analysis, differential
scanning calorimetric analysis and DMTA. Surface properties were evaluated through
angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
The present article discusses the physical properties of moisture-cured polyur-
ethane-urea (MCPU) containing chemical crosslinks in the hard segment. The com-
plete moisture-cured polymers showed amorous results toward room temperature
modulus, tensile strength, hardness, thermal stability, and transparency. The surface
properties showed the enrichment of soft segments. V C 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J

Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys 44: 102–118, 2006

Keywords: coatings; crosslinking; mechanical properties; polyurethane; thermal

INTRODUCTION molecular weight of the macrodiol, whereas the

length of the hard segment depends on the kind
Segmented polyurethane ureas are block copoly- and molar ratio of the compounds used in the
mers with alternating soft and hard blocks, reaction. Hard segment plays the role of physi-
which because of structural differences, separate cal crosslinks and acts as a higher modulus filler
into two phases. The soft segments are derived in the low modulus soft matrix, whereas the soft
from a macrodiol and hard ones are the reaction phase gives extensibility to the polymer.1 In the
product of diisocyanate and a chain extender. last few decades, researchers have systemati-
The length of the soft segment results from the cally varied the chemical composition, structure,
and molecular weight of both the soft and hard
segment components of segmented polyureth-
Correspondence to: K. V. S. N. Raju (E-mail: kvsnraju@ anes to modify their properties as well as to
Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics, Vol. 44, 102–118 (2006)
gain an insight into the basic structure–property
C 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. relationships. In the case of soft segments, most

of the work has focused on polar low molecular the hard domain cohesiveness, using chemical
weight macrodiols such as polyethers or polyest- crosslinks.8,15,18–20 In all cases, however, this ap-
ers. On the other hand, hard segments are cre- proach results in significant modifications of the
ated from aromatic/aliphatic/cycloaliphatic diiso- packing and organization of the hard segment.
cyanate chain extended with low molecular weight Crosslinking has also been accomplished by uti-
diols or diamines. Although such studies provide a lizing an excess of the diisocyanate component to
good understanding of key structural features that promote biuret- and allophanate-type linkages.21
determine the mechanical behavior of polyur- In such case, in addition to variations in the hard
ethane, the incredible variety found in the mor- segment packing and organization, the presence
phologies and superstructures, which arise due to of additional hard segment material due to biuret
the change in morphology of the resultant materi- and allophanate also changes the hard segment
als, for a particular structural variation makes it volume fraction and hence the interconnectivity
extremely difficult to assess the relative impor- of the hard segment. In addition to chemical
tance of the variable factor. crosslinking, increased hard segment intermolec-
For thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers, ular interactions can also be obtained by utilizing
hard segments are usually associated with rela- hard segments with stronger nonbonded interac-
tively weak secondary bonds and hence significant tions, i.e., by improving the polarity of the hard
deterioration of the mechanical properties occur as domains. For example, significant improvements
the working temperature approaches softening or in many of these properties sensitive to weak
melting temperature of the hard domains. There- interchain forces within the hard domains were
fore, controlled crosslinking through chemical obtained by introducing more strongly associated
bonds at the hard segment not only improves the polar groups into the hard segments such as urea
working temperature range but also improves the linkages, which increase the hard domain soften-
mechanical and thermal properties of the poly- ing temperature because of the enhanced forma-
mer.2–7 It is, for instance, of great practical and tion of hydrogen bonding structure. While work-
theoretical importance to know the effect of che- ing with polyester–urethane, Chang et al.3 have
mical crosslinks on their properties. Crosslinks varied the hard segment crosslink density by
increase the structural integrity of the hard seg- varying the butane diol to trimethylol propane
ment by creating permanent crosslinks between (TMP) ratio and examined its effect on physical
the hard segments. This prevents extensive dis- and mechanical properties. Petrovic et al.4 have
ruption and reorganization of the hard domains reported the effect of chemical crosslinking on
from taking place during the stress/strain or wear the properties of the polyether–urethane. Buckley
generated while service condition.3 The chemical et al.22 and Nallicheri et al.23 reported that there
crosslinks have been introduced into the samples is no change in morphology after crosslinking of
in a variety of ways, and studies have been at- unsaturated systems by solid-state irradiation,
tempted to examine the effects of chemical cross- and increasing crosslinking in the hard segment
linking on the material properties of polyurethane increases the modulus, decreases elongation at
elastomers. Some systems contain triols or higher- break, and the ultimate strength went through
functional polyols,8–13 isocyanates with functional- a maximum. Sample morphology is affected by
ities greater than two,5,14 NCO/OH ratios greater many factors, such as the chemical nature of the
than one,2,11–13,15,16 or combinations thereof.2,11–13 components, stoichiometric ratio between the two
Many of these studies have focused on the tensile segments, molecular weight and distribution of
and mechanical properties of the polymers.2,5,8–17 the segment, synthetic method used in the pre-
In addition, the effects of crosslinking on swel- paration of the polymer, and on the thermal
ling,2,5,8,12–15,17 thermal degradation,10,14,16 ther- treatment used before the characterization.24,25
mal properties,2,5,14,17 and morphology13,14,16 have The presence of different amount of phase sepa-
been examined. ration and phase mixing characteristics within a
Researchers also have attempted to examine polyurethane sample complicated the understan-
the influence of hard segment cohesiveness on ding of its morphology and superstructure. There-
the thermomechanical properties of segmented fore, the qualitative and quantitative evaluation
polyurethane by introducing chemical crosslinks of degree of phase separation or phase mixing26–29
into the hard segment. Various crosslinking agents and factors affecting the phase separation, such
(CLAs) such as peroxides and trifunctional chain as chemical structure,30,31 molecular weight27,32 and
extenders have been utilized to chemically modify functionality of component2–4 and hydrogen bond

between segments,5,33,34 have been widely studied. is a step forward toward understanding the phase-
In crosslinked polyurethane-urea as in our study, separation/phase-mixing imbalance with the varia-
two factors are responsible for different amount of tion of chain extender structure.
hard segment cohesion. First, the phase separa-
tion process associated with different chain ex-
tender structure, and second, is the phase mixing EXPERIMENTAL
process generated from the solid-state postcure
process. Materials
The solid-state polymerization of moisture-
cured polyurethane-urea (MCPU) takes place PEG-1000, TMP, isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI)
mainly by diffusion-dominated mechanism. The (mixture of Z and E isomer in the ratio of 3:1), 4-
reaction proceeds through a carbamic acid inter- aminophenyl disulfide (DIS), 2,2-diethyl-1,3 pro-
mediate, and the latter dissociates to yield car- panediol (DIE), and 4,40 -diamino-diphenyl meth-
bon dioxide and an amine, which further reacts ane (MET) from Aldrich Chemicals (Milwaukee,
with another isocyanate to produce urea link- WI), 4,40 -diamino-diphenyl sulfone (SUL) from
ages.35–37 The solid-state polymerization results Fluka Chemicals (Buchs, Switzerland), 1,4-
in microphase mixing and crosslinking, and butanediol (BD) from Spectrochem Pvt. Ltd. (Mum-
increases the rigidity of the polymer. The rate of bai, India), propane-1,2-diol (PD), 2-ethoxyethyl
polymerization depends on factors like relative acetate, and sulfur-free toluene from S.D. Fine
humidity (RH) in the environment, chain ex- Chemicals (Mumbai, India) were used. Solvents
tender structure that influence the state of were stored over activated 3–4 Å molecular sieves.
packing and organization of the hard segment,
the type of catalyst and its concentration, pres-
ence or absence of biuret and/or allophanate
formation, temperature and so forth. Since the The resin kettle was equipped with a dropping
formation of CO2 due to the decomposition of funnel, stirrer, thermometer, reflux condenser,
carbamic acid may adversely affect film proper- and a nitrogen inlet. An excess amount of IPDI
ties, if trapped in the film, it is therefore neces- was taken so as to get NCO:OH ratio of 1.6:1.0.
sary to have an optimized humidity level.38–41 About 50 g PEG and 9 g TMP mixture was
Formation of side products like biuret and allo- added to the kettle at 60–70 8C and the reaction
phanate42 both in liquid-state polymerization was continued at 75–85 8C for 6 h in absence of
and solid-state postcuring reaction greatly influ- catalyst. The synthesized isocyanate-terminated
ence the coating properties. For example, these prepolymer was chain extended in the ratio 2:1
functions enhance the adhesion43 and thermal (NCO/OH) with different aliphatic diols, and 4:1
stability.44,45 However Dusek et al.46 reported with different aromatic diamines in the presence
that formation of biuret is much faster than that of 0.05 wt % dibutyl-tin diluarate and 0.05 wt %
of allophanate, and at low temperature (60 8C) triethylamine catalysts. The polymers were casted
formation of biuret and allophanate is very slow. on a smooth surface of tin foil by using a power-
Petrovic and Javni47 reported that synthesis in driven automatic applicator and cured at room
solution results lower molecular weight because temperature and humid condition for more than
of the lack of side reactions that cause branch- 2 months, and then the supported polymers were
ing. The formation of side products can be mini- placed in a clean mercury bath to amalgamate
mized, to obtain good mechanical properties, by the tin substrate. Mercury or amalgam adhering
careful control of moisture levels. to bottom side of the unsupported film was
The strong industrial interest in polyurethane- cleaned off. The free films were used for thermal,
urea polymers has spurred ongoing investigations angle resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
into their structure–property correlation. Despite (AR-XPS), and dynamic mechanical measure-
significant improved device performance of MCPU, ments. TAGOSTABTM BF2370 (Goldschmidt) sur-
a number of scientific challenges remain to be fully factant with concentration 0.05% was used to
understood and quantified to predict the behavior prepare uniform film for tensile test.
of MCPUs. For example, the dependence of coating For the cure study, casted films were amalga-
performance on the phase mixing and the factors mated after complete solvent evaporation or re-
affecting the development of phase-separated struc- moval of tackiness, and the free film was kept in
tures are still poorly understood. The present article a suspended position at a temperature of 25 8C

and a relative humidity (RH) of 45–50%. The thermooxidative stability of some selected samples,
samples were coded with the chain extender with O2 flow rate of 30 mL/min. For the DSC
name as given in bracket in material section, with study, about 20 mg of samples were placed in the
prefix PU, and suffix-1, for example, PUSUL-1 for aluminum pan, sealed properly, and scanned in
polyurethane with 4,40 -diamino diphenyl sulfone the temperature range 60 to 200 8C at a heating
as chain extender. The 100% moisture-cured for- rate of 10 8C/min in nitrogen atmosphere (flow rate
mulation without any chain extender was named 30 mL/min).
as PUIT-1, and PUSUL-1 HT represents the heat-
treated PUSUL-1 sample. The heat treatment
was carried out at 100 8C for 1 h under reduced Tensile Properties
pressure in an oven. Tensile properties of the polymer films were
measured by Universal Testing Machine, AGS-
FTIR Instrumentation 10k NG (Shimadzu, Japan) at 25 8C and 50%
humidity. The test specimens were in the form
The prepolymer was diluted with solvent and of dumbbells, according to ASTM standard and
the thin coatings of the polymers on dried KBr procedure D-638. The gauge length was 50 mm
(Fluka) pellets was performed and cured com- and crosshead speed of 20 mm/min. The data
pletely. Fourier transform IR spectra (FTIR) of reported are the average of five measurements.
the crosslinked PU-urea films were obtained
using a Nicolet Nexus Spectrometer. Each sam-
ple was scanned 128 times with a resolution set- XRD Studies
ting of 2 cm1 and averaged to produce each
spectrum. Using the Nicolet software, the area The X-ray diffraction (XRD) intensity was
A of the NCO band was calculated with respect recorded as a function of diffraction angle using
to a baseline drawn between the points at 2400 a Siemens/D-5000 diffractometer with Cu Ka ra-
and 2150 cm1. Curve-fitting simulations were diation and k ¼ 1.5406 Å. Film specimens were
performed using Origin software program. The cast from cellosolve acetate solution and had a
m (NH) and m (C¼ ¼O) band were deconvoluted thickness of 0.1–0.15 mm.
considering peaks as Gaussian with a number of
iteration to get the best-fit Gaussian peaks.
XPS Measurements
The surface of the samples was analyzed using
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
a KRATOS AXIS 165 X-ray photoelectron spec-
Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) trometer. The X-ray gun was operated at 15 kV
IV instrument (Rheometric Scientific, USA) in and 20 mA. Survey and high-resolution spectra
tensile mode at a frequency of 1 Hz and with a were obtained using 80 and 40 eV pass energy,
heating rate of 3 8C/min was used to determine respectively. The analyzer chamber was degasi-
the viscoelastic behavior of the polymers (15  fied and pressure in the analyzer chamber was
10  0.15 mm3) in nitrogen atmosphere, and the kept at 108 Torr. A thin film of thickness
temperature range of study was from 50 to 150 8C. 0.15 mm was used for XPS analysis. The sample
To evaluate cure behavior, a number of samples was tilted in such a way so as to change the
were run periodically at different time intervals angle h between the normal to the sample and
and in the temperature range 35–150 8C. the analyzer. At h ¼ 08, the sample was perpen-
dicular to the detector, leading to the maximum
sampling depth. The effective sampling depth, z,
Thermal Properties
was derived by z ¼ 3k cos h, where k is the effec-
The thermal properties of polymer films were tive mean free path for electrons to escape from
studied using Mettler Toledo TGA/SDTA 851e and the surface and was set to the value of 2.5 nm.
DSC 821e thermal systems (Zurich, Switzerland). Therefore, at h ¼ 08, z ¼ 7.5 nm, and at h ¼ 808,
For TGA, films were cut into small pieces and z ¼ 1.3 nm.48 All spectra are presented charge
about 20 mg of sample was taken and heated at balanced and energy referenced to C 1s at
a constant rate of 10 8C/min in nitrogen from 284.6 eV. Spectra were deconvoluted using San
30 to 600 8C with N2 flow rate of 30 mL/min. Solaris based Vision 2 curve resolver. Symmetric
Different heating rates were used to study the Gaussian shapes were used in all cases.

Scheme 1. Cure reaction in the solid state during network advancement.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION nant postcure process should be because of the

reaction of isocyanate group with atmospheric
The synthesis of high solid isocyanate-termi- moisture to form an amine, which further con-
nated polyether-urethane was carried out using denses with an additional isocyanate group from
IPDI (mixture of Z and E isomer in the ratio of the immediate vicinity to form a urea linkage.
3:1), which has two different reactive NCO ter- Again, the byproduct formation during the reac-
minals in the absence of catalyst. The solvent tion is dependent on the thickness of the film,52
used in the present investigation was 2-ethoxy- and to minimize side reactions, we used thin
ethyl acetate. Secondary isocyanate group of films of thickness 0.1–0.2 mm. The rate of CO2
IPDI was more reactive than primary isocyanate production during the network maturation may
group in the absence of catalyst because of the adversely affect the polymer properties, and can
steric and stereoelectronic factors as observed be controlled by crosslinking conditions, in par-
earlier.49 The synthesized polymer was chain ticular RH and temperature.38 Excess humidity
extended and cured in the presence of a mixture may create premature curing and produce de-
of catalyst as reported in the Experimental sec- fected films. In such case, molecules may not
tion. The chain-extended polyurethanes were orient in proper place or the system may lag the
subjected to dynamic mechanical, thermal, XRD, close-packed structure as a result of less cure
and XPS analysis. Tensile strength and % elon- time. Again, low humidity may cause the poly-
gation were also determined. The main aim of mer to take longer time for complete curing. So,
this paper was to understand with reasonable it is necessary to optimize the cure conditions to
precision how the chain extender structure gov- get the best coating properties. In the present
erns the film properties of moisture-cured poly- investigation, RH and temperature were main-
urethane. TMP was introduced as a CLA, to tained within 45–50% and 25 8C, respectively, to
increase the mechanical integrity, stiffness, and study the cure behavior.
hardness. The CLA forms highly interconnected
segment morphology, and is capable of opposing
FTIR Spectroscopy
deformation of the microstructure in the pres-
ence of stress and strain. Figure 1(a) shows the decay of NCO group
The curing of MCPU and moisture results in vibration with increasing cure time for PEG/
three-dimensional network formations by form- TMP/IPDI system. The integrated peak areas
ing urea bonds (Scheme 1), and the time of with increasing cure time suggest that more than
maturation depends on the percentage RH, tem- 30 days is needed to achieve 95% cure, with an
perature, catalyst concentration, amount of ex- estimating error of 63%. At the same time, the
cess isocyanate in the system, rate of diffusion bands due to urea linkages, namely NH stretch-
of water vapor into the sample to form the ing and deformation bands at 3395 and 1525 cm1,
amine, and the thickness of the sample. For the respectively, increase as crosslinking reactions pro-
excess NCO group consumption, many more gress. The FTIR spectra of the chain-extended
reactions were suggested, and these are sponta- MCPUs are mainly characterized by bands at
neous isocyanate group dimerization at room 3100–3700 cm1 (NH stretching vibrations), 2800–
temperature, appearance of the allophanate 3000 cm1 (CH stretching vibrations), 1600–
and/or biuret linkages, and so forth.50 However, 1800 cm1 (C¼ ¼O stretching vibrations), 1540 cm1
Duff and Macial51 reported that the predomi- (amide II, dNH þ mCN), 1240 cm1 (amide III,

Figure 1. (a) The change in spectral intensity of NCO group with cure time for
PEG/TMP/IPDI system, (b) FTIR peak deconvolution of carbonyl band in PUBD-1,
and (c) FTIR peak deconvolution of 
NH zone in PUBD-1.

dNH þ mC N), and 1110 cm (COC stretching deconvulation for all the synthesized polymers con-
vibration, ether group). As the major concern of firms that the bands assignable to the urethane
this work is to focus on the hydrogen bonding and group are centered at 1720–1730 cm1 (free
their relation to the phase separation of the hard C¼¼O) and at 1707–1711 cm1 (bonded C¼ ¼O),
and soft segments, especially two regions are of whereas those assigned to the urea group are cen-
main interest. First, the C¼¼O stretching vibration tered at 1665–1680 cm1 (free C¼ ¼O) and at
from 1600 to 1800 cm1, and second, the NH 1644–1655 cm1 (bonded C¼ ¼O). In Figure 1(b),
stretching vibration from 3100 to 3700 cm1. Peak the peak separation of the IR carbonyl bands by

Figure 2. E0 vs. temperature plot of the PU-urea film (PUIT-1) showed the change
of modulus with cure time.

peak deconvolution is shown for PUBD-1. A flat PUBD-1 suggests that the amount of phase mix-
baseline was chosen for the deconvolution of ing was higher compared with the amount of
C¼¼O and NH zone. For deconvolution study, phase separation (see the peak area at 3315 and
the second derivatives of spectra in mC¼ ¼O and 3400 cm1 in Figure 1(c)). The free NH stretching
mNH zone was used to find out the number of vibration appears as a shoulder at about 3485
Gaussian peaks. The correlation coefficients of cm1. The intensity of this shoulder increases
the fitting process were more than 0.999. The with the increase in branching in the chain
analyzed data (not shown) suggests that the peak extender structure. For the NH stretching vibra-
contribution from the hydrogen bonded carbonyls tion, the formation of the hydrogen bonds alters
from urea as well as urethane zone were the the electronic distribution associated with the
highest for PUSUL-1 and lowest for PUDIE-1. N H bonds. The exact position depends very
Among diol chain-extended MCPUs, PUBD-1 much on the strength of the hydrogen bonds
shows the more hydrogen bonding property in formed, and this bond strength strongly depends
both the urethane as well as urea zone. The NH on the local geometry, such as linearity of the
stretching vibration yields complementary struc- bonds involved and the distance between the
tural information to the C¼ ¼O stretching vibra- groups.53,54 An overtone of deformation vibration
tion. NH groups can form hydrogen bonding with of NH group increased by Fermi resonance at
C¼¼O groups of the hard segments as well as 3162 cm1 was also observed.55 The deconvoluted
with ether groups of the soft segment. Figure 1(c) data suggests that PUSUL-1 and PUBD-1 were
shows the deconvoluted FTIR spectra of NH more phase separated in comparison with other
stretching region for the PUBD-1 film. Since for diamine and diol chain-extended MCPUs. A more
stronger hydrogen bonding the frequency shift detailed investigation on the soft, hard, and chain
(Dm) toward the lower wave number region will extender structure on the hydrogen bonding
be higher, the NH hydrogen bonded stretching properties will be presented elsewhere.56
vibration at 3400 cm1 was assigned as  NH
O¼ ¼C (type 1) and a strong absorption peak cen-
Dynamic Mechanical Behavior
tered at around 3315 cm1 as NHCOC (type
2) hydrogen bonds. The peak contribution of The representative change of modulus plot with
type 1 and type 2 hydrogen bonding structure in time is shown in Figure 2, and the change in

Table 1. Change of Modulus with Maturation Time consequently less tensile strength. With time,
of PUIT-1 (Film Thickness ¼ 0.15 mm) films developed strength as a result of NCO
and moisture reaction. The increasing glass
E0 (106 Pa), E00 (106 Pa), modulus and rubbery modulus to some extent
Cure time at 40 8C at 40 8C
increases the resistance to low-temperature
10 h 2.15 0.61
deformation. When the thickness of the film was
19 h 2.34 0.69 0.1–0.2 mm, it was observed that more than
19 h þ1d 7.86 2.05 30 days is needed to accomplish the saturation
19 h þ2 d 8.5 2.58 curing for the time, temperature, and identical
19 h þ 3 da 17.2 3.09 concentration of catalyst.
19 h þ 13 d 31 7.47 The modulus versus temperature curve with
19 h þ 14 d 36.8 7.98 different chain extender is shown in Figure 3.
19 h þ 22 d 83.5 38.1 The E0 value of PUSUL-1 and PUMET-1 were
a 11.8  107 and 8.4  107 Pa, respectively, at
Cure time: 19 hours and 3 days.
25 8C, as shown in Table 2. At 25 8C, not much
difference of E0 was observed between diol and
the modulus (E0 , E00 ) at 40 8C with maturation diamine chain-extended polyurethanes, but sig-
time is tabulated in Table 1. The tensile storage nificant difference was observed in the glassy
modulus E0 is a measure of the stiffness of a modulus (Fig. 3). The change of glassy modulus
material. The glass state modulus is due to elas- with different chain extender could be due to
tic energy of crystalline and glass state amor- the structural difference of the chain extenders.
phous segment, whereas the rubbery state mod- The diol chain extenders formed urethane bonds
ulus is due to the entropy elasticity owing to the during reaction with NCO, whereas the di-
phase-separated structure of the material. The amine chain extenders formed urea bond on
change of modulus at 40 8C with time depicts reaction with NCO end groups. Urea bond
the increase in crosslink density and phase mix- presents two nitrogen atoms suitable to form
ing characteristics. The increase in modulus is hydrogen bonds, whereas urethane groups pre-
indicative of molecular weight build up of coat- sent one nitrogen in this condition. Conse-
ings because of crosslinking. Initially, the casted quently, the presence of urea groups produced
films after complete solvent evaporation were in an increase in the hard segment cohesion and
very soft condition with less storage modulus more phase-separated structure of the material,
(E0 ¼ 2.15  106 Pa after 10 h at 40 8C), and and thus, increase the rigidity. Furthermore, the

Figure 3. E0 vs. temperature plot of the PU-urea films with different chain extenders.

presence of aromatic ring in diamine chain



extenders increases the stiffness to the polymer.



Therefore, the substitution of a diamine chain
extender in place of the diol created a larger soft/
hard segment polarity difference and thereby an
enhanced physical crosslinking and/or filler

1,3 propane
2,2-Diethyl- effect. This resulted in higher glassy modulus

for PUSUL-1, PUMET-1, and PUDIS-1.57 SUL




diol selectively increases the cohesion of the hard
segments and thereby dramatically modifies
the room temperature mechanical behavior as
shown in Table 2. Therefore, the elegant balance
between phase separation and phase mixing is


the most important criterion for the determi-



nation of overall sample mechanical properties.


In the case of bulky diol chain extender PUDIE-1,

the formation of hard segment aggregation mor-
phology will be disturbed and results in lower
glassy modulus. The hard segment glass transi-
4,40 -Diamino-

Pale yellow

tion temperature (TgH) was taken from the tan d






curve, i.e. tan dmax value in the tensile mode

Table 2. Tensile and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of the Crosslinked Polyurethane-Ureas

experimentation. The higher value of TgH for

SUL among diamine chain extenders and for BD
among diol chain extenders suggests that the
phase separation of these MCPUs were more in
Pale yellow

comparison with other chain extender.58 The soft






segment glass transition was evaluated from the


first derivative of modulus versus temperature

plots, which showed a weak d(E0 )/dT transition
minima between 24 and 15 8C. These results
suggest the phase mixing characteristics.
4,40 -Diamino-

Pale yellow




Thermal Properties
To investigate the morphological features, a
number of samples were subjected to DSC scan
with different time intervals and with different

chain extenders, and the representative spectra


No chain




are shown in Figure 4. All the polyurethane


samples were subjected to identical thermal

treatment prior to recording DSC thermograms,
so that the thermal history of all materials was
identical. In case of segmented PUs, the pres-
TgH (8C)—hard segment, DMTA

ence of different crystal structures, domain

sizes, or different degree of order in the crystal-
Tensile strength (kgf/cm2)

line structure produces a number of DSC endo-

thermic peaks. But, the presence of a single
Tg (8C)—soft segment
E@ (106 Pa), at 25 8C
Chain Extender used

E0 (107 Pa), at 25 8C

broad endotherm as shown in Figure 4 indicates

that the crosslinking structure by the introduc-
Tmin (8C)—DSC
% Elongation

tion of triol reduced the accessibility of the hard


segment distributed in the soft segment, and as

DH (J/g)

a consequence, these materials showed little

order. On the basis of Clough and Schneider’s59
interpretation, we could say that the broad

Figure 4. DSC thermograms of the crosslinked PU-ureas with different chain


endotherm was associated with the dissociation look of the enthalpy associated with this transi-
of hard segment–soft segment hydrogen bonds. tion and that reported in Table 2, we could say
However, the reports of Crawford et al.60 and that the hydrogen bonding association was more
other researchers61–63 in the study on PUs sug- for PUSUL-1 and PUBD-1. This was due to the
gests that the endothermic transitions around use of polar SUL chain extender, which selec-
60–80 8C (endo I) and above 117 8C (endo II) are tively enhances hard segment cohesion and
associated with the breakdown of hydrogen bond- thereby increases type 1 hydrogen bonding inter-
ing between the polyurethane/urea–ether bonds action. In case of PUBD-1, use of straight chain
and in between the hard segments, respectively. diol could have resulted in strong interchain as-
Studies on hydrogen bonding phenomenon by sociation through hydrogen bonding interaction.
Ren et al.64 and other associated studies65–68 The minima in the enthalpy transition (Tmin) val-
could help us to interpret the broad endotherm ues are reported in Table 2.
as the disruption of NHO¼ ¼C (type 1) and The relative thermal stability of PU-urea
NHCOC (type 2) hydrogen bonds. On a close films was evaluated from the TGA data. The

Table 3. Thermal Stability Data of Polyurethane-Urea Systems

% wt Loss % wt Loss
System T1ON T2ON T1max T2max Tf at 300 8C at 450 8C

PUBD-1 310 385 366 397 424 7.25 93.2

PUPD-1 306 382 358 399 422 7.95 94.3
PUDIE-1 293 385 380 398 444 5.27 92.9
PUSUL-1 353 425 412 440 465 4.66 93.3
PUDIS-1 290 384 358 406 420.3 5.84 95.3
PUMET-1 330 401 397 423 445 8.15 90.3
PUIT-1 310 375 353 391 426 10.2 93.5

Figure 5. TGA curves of different PU-urea films in nitrogen atmosphere.

values of T1ON (initial decomposition temperature tively, are tabulated in Table 3. The correspond-
for the first step of decomposition), T2ON (initial ing thermal stability curves in N2 environment
decomposition temperature for the second step of are shown in Figure 5. Following the initial deg-
decomposition), T1max (temperature of maximum radation in the hard segments, the second stage
rate of weight loss for the first step), T2max (tem- of the degradation (T1ON) was related to the soft
perature of maximum rate of weight loss for the segments and started after 290 8C, while the Tf
second step), Tf (final decomposition tempera- were in the range of 420–465 8C, which indicates
ture), % weight loss at 300 and 450 8C, respec- their good thermal stability.

Figure 6. TGA curves of different PU-urea films in oxygen atmosphere.

The nature of the DTG curves showed the were 353, 412, 425, 440, and 465 8C, respec-
complexity of the degradation following a num- tively, which is higher than those of the other
ber of steps of which two major steps are chain-extended PU-urea samples. PUMET-1 also
involved. On a closer look on the thermal stabil- showed better stability in comparison with PU-
ity of the coating systems (Table 3), it was found urea derived from diol chain extenders, and
that PUSUL-1 was most stable. The T1ON, this could be due to the presence of aromatic
T1max, T2ON, T2max, and Tf values of PUSUL-1 ring in the chain extender and more urea bond

concentration. Though PUDIS-1 contains aro-

matic ring in the chain extender, but its lower
stability in comparison with PUSUL-1 and
PUMET-1 (Table 3) may be due to the presence
of weak sulfur–sulfur (SS) bond or divalent
sulfur (SII). The excellent stability of PUSUL-1 is
due to the presence of strong resonant aryl sul-
fone groups, and because of the hexavalent sul-
fur.35,68 The CSVI bond (PUSUL-1) is stronger
than the CSII bond, due to the more electron
affinity of SVI and more r-bonding orbital over-
lapping. PUBD-1 was more stable than PUPD-1,
which is attributed to the more phase separation
nature of PUBD-1 in comparison with PUPD-1.
Though initially PUDIE-1 degraded faster be-
cause of the two bulky ethyl group substitutions,
at high temperature it was more stable than
PUPD-1 and PUBD-1. TGA curves of different
polyurethane films in oxygen atmosphere are
shown in Figure 6. The T1ON values of PUDIS-1
were 210, 225, 232, and 253 8C at a heating rate
of 5, 10, 15, and 20 8C/min, respectively, as shown
in Figure 6(a). These results clearly suggest that
the thermooxidative stability is dependent on the
heating rate, and stability increased with increas- Figure 7. XRD patterns of PU-urea films with dif-
ing heating rate. Figure 6(b) compares thermooxi- ferent chain extenders.
dative stability of PUMET-1 with PUIT-1 with
the heating rate of 10 8C/min. The T1ON values of coatings have good tensile strength and are flexi-
PUMET-1 and PUIT-1 were 232 and 220 8C, ble enough to withstand the stress/strain or wear
respectively. The presence of rigid aromatic ring generated during the service condition. PUSUL-1
due to the use of MET chain extender could have shows better mechanical properties in terms
increased thermooxidative stability of PUMET-1 of % elongation (220.4%) and tensile strength
in comparison with PUIT-1. Figure 6(c) represents (208.5 kgf/cm2) than the other polymers. The dif-
the dependence of thermal stability in oxygen of ference in mechanical properties in comparison
PUSUL-1 with the heating rate. The T1ON values with other diamine chain-extended PU-urea is
of PUSUL-1 at 5, 10, 15, and 20 8C/min heating due to the more phase-separated nature for SUL
rate were 257, 282, 297, and 303 8C, respectively. chain-extended PU-urea. Greater polarity of SUL
These values in comparison with thermooxidative induces increased intermolecular interactions
stability of PUDIS-1 suggest the higher stability between NH and C¼ ¼O of hard segments and
of PUSUL-1 than PUDIS-1. The thermal stability hence greater phase separation.69,70 In a similar
data of the films also supports good crosslinking way, the higher % elongation of PUBD-1 (193.2%)
ability of the evaluated polymer systems. in comparison with other diol chain-extended PU-
urea suggests more phase separation behavior of
PUBD-1. The less tensile strength of the polyur-
Tensile Properties ethanes derived from diol chain extender (Table 2)
The tensile property of polyurethane-urea gener- shows less rigidity of these films. This could be
ally depends on intermolecular bonding and due to the presence of aliphatic carbons in the
interactions within hard segments. The tensile chain extender backbone and more urethane bond
and dynamic mechanical properties of polymers concentration.
are reported in Table 2, which shows the depend-
ency of mechanical properties on the nature of
X-ray Diffraction
chain extender used. A primary concern was to
ensure that all samples were tested under identi- Figure 7 represents XRD curves of the PU-urea
cal conditions for internal consistency. All the films with different chain extender. For segmented

Figure 8. Deconvoluted high-resolution C 1s spectra of (a) PUDIS-1, (b) PUMET-1,

(c) PUBD-1, and (d) PUSUL-1at takeoff angles 808 and 08.

block copolymers, the soft segments provide crys- shows that PUBD-1 was more phase separated
tallinity, unless the polymers have been an- among different diol chain extenders and PUSUL-1
nealed.71 For a chemically crosslinked system, was more phase separated in comparison with other
the CLA (TMP) disrupts the regularity of the diamine chain extenders.
hard segment and its packing into crystalline
regions in a regular fashion with the result
demolishes the regularity of the hard segment
XPS Analysis
and hence the crystallinity. Moreover, the as-
ymmetric nature of IPDI makes these materials A pass energy of 80 eV was used for survey spec-
less crystalline. Therefore, these polymers be- tra, which indicates peaks at 535, 400, 285, and
have as partially crystalline, and the most pro- 102 eV due to oxygen (1s), nitrogen (1s), carbon
nounced maxima occurs at 2h  208. Figure 7 (1s), and silicon (1s), respectively. Si is suspected

Table 4. Contribution in Percentage of Different Functions to the Integrated Peak Area in the Deconvoluted
XPS Spectra at 08 and 808 Takeoff Angles

C 1s C 1s CO C 1s C 1s
Sample Angle (8) C/C
(C H) O:ether gr.)
(C O (08)
(808)/C (from urea) (from urethane)

PUDIS-1 80 68.9 20.7 1.16 4.2 6.2

0 68.4 17.8 6.8 7.0
PUSUL-1 80 29.5 55.2 2.69 11.6 3.7
0 61.5 20.5 12.8 5.2
PUBD-1 80 42.6 42.9 2.35 9.5 5.0
0 60.3 18.2 13.5 8.0
PUMET-1 80 41.6 47.4 1.68 6.8 4.2
0 58.7 28.1 7.5 5.7

to be derived from dimethylsiloxane-based con- other diol chain-extended PU-urea. From Table 4,
taminants as reported earlier.72 we can see that the contribution from urea as
As nitrogen is associated with the urethane well as urethane functions to the total C 1s in-
and urea linkages, the XPS elemental composi- tegrated peak were increased with decreasing
tion data (not shown) suggests a significant takeoff angle for all the representative samples.
increase in nitrogen concentration from the sur- These observations suggest the surface segrega-
face to bulk, which signifies that the urethane tion nature of polyether segment toward the sur-
and urea content at the upper surface is much face and urethane/urea functions toward the bulk
less than in the bulk.73 The high-resolution C 1s and away from the surface. The enrichment of
spectra as observed from the XPS analysis were soft segments at the air–polymer interface and
resolved into four characteristic peaks. The hard segments toward the bulk and away from
observed peak at 284.6, 285.8–286.4, 287.0, and the surface is due to the lower air–polymer in-
289.0 eV are attributed to the functional groups terfacial energy of the soft segment relative to
of C C/CH, CO, NHC(¼ ¼O)NH the hard segment.37,73 The high resolution O 1s
and NHC(¼ ¼O) O, respectively, on the XPS spectra are consistent overall with the C 1s
surface of the PU-urea film. Deconvoluted high- profiles and comprised mainly of CO (531.5–
resolution C 1s spectra of (a) PUDIS-1, (b) 532.5 eV) and C¼¼O moieties (532–534.5 eV). The
PUMET-1, (c) PUBD-1, and (d) PUSUL-1 at more microphase-separated material provides a
takeoff angles 808 and 08 are shown in Figure 8. higher driving force for soft segments to localize
A significant increase in peak area in the on the surface because of increase in the mobility
binding energy peak at 286.0 eV was found for of the soft segments. These results confirms that
all the analyzed samples on the surface (takeoff the surface composition of a multicomponent
angle 808), which suggests that the ether groups PU-urea differs substantially from the bulk com-
preferentially resides toward the top surface of position and the phenomenon is associated with
the polymer. The contribution of different func- the surface energy, the surface being enriched
tions to the integrated peak area in the deconvo- with lower energy components.
luted XPS spectra of the representative systems
at 0 and 808 takeoff angles are shown in Table 4.
The CO (808)/CO (08) ratio for PUSUL-1, CONCLUSIONS
PUMET-1, and PUDIS-1 were 2.69, 1.68, and
1.16. The higher CO (808)/CO (08) ratio An experimental investigation was undertaken
for PUSUL-1 suggests more localize nature of to study the physical properties of chemically
the soft PEG segment toward the surface and crosslinked moisture-cured PU-urea with a var-
thereby more phase separation behavior among iation in chain extender structure. The cure be-
the diamine chain-extended PU-urea. Similarly, havior was monitored by evaluating change of
for PUBD-1, the CO (808)/CO (08) ratio was modulus (E0 ) at 40 8C. The replacement of diol
2.35, much higher than that of the other diol chain extenders by diamines has resulted in
chain-extended PU-urea, suggests its superior different properties. The glassy state modulus
phase separation behavior in comparison with values at low temperature showed polyurethane

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