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1. Follow the assignment given by the instructor for your group. Each group should consist of no more
than five (5) students.

2. This is the situation for your task performance in the pre-final period:
Your group is commissioned to draft a proposal that aims to create a government agency that will work
hand-in-hand with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), National Youth Commission
(NYC), and your Local Government Unit (LGU) in building programs that will help address the problems
of the youth and young professionals in your locality (e.g. barangay, town, city, or province) in one (1)
of the following aspects: skills training, psychological wellness, physical fitness, and financial literacy.
The proposal should contain the department's vision, mission, 5-point goals, and a short-term
(maximum of 1 year) plan that lists the activities, tasks, and resources that you propose to have. Use
the table below for your short-term plan.

3. The issue and/or the title chosen by the group should be submitted on or before the end of Week 12.
The vision, mission, and goals should also be submitted on Week 13 through the eLMS activity titled
"Task Performance Scaffolding Activity". The final plan will be submitted on Week 15.

4. To gain insights regarding the needs of your locality, it is highly recommended to interview individuals
that will be affected directly or indirectly by “government agency” that you propose to be established.

5. Use the table below for your short-term plan:

Name of the Department

Goals 1.
Activities & Timeframe Tasks
Planning Stage

List the things that you plan List the tasks and your List the resources needed for
to do during this stage and means to accomplish them. the task/activity and the
the time needed to person or department
accomplish it. responsible for the
accomplishment of the task.

Development Stage

Implementation Stage

Evaluation Stage

03 Task Performance 1 *Property of STI

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Rubric for grading the proposal:

• The chosen problem is evident in the 21st century youth and
young professionals.
• The proposal clearly states a sequence of steps, each with a
realistic time frame, assigned responsibilities, and specific
resources that will be needed.
Content 50
• The proposal addresses a clear and specific issue in the
community in a SMART way. The time allotment for each of
the activity depends on the urgency/importance of the issue
that needs to be dealt with and the available resources
• The elements such as mission, vision, goals, and activities
Alignment and stated in the proposal are aligned with each other.
Organization • The content is well-organized using appropriate headings or
bulleted lists to group the related information.
• Every member always listens to, shares with, and supports
Collaboration the efforts of others in the group. 20
• Everyone tries to keep each other working well together.

03 Task Performance 1 *Property of STI

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