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Shout Out

Rules and Guidelines

o Competition Rules

a. This competition is open to all students who participate in the Language in Camp.

b. Each team comprises of a maximum of 8 participants and 2 teacher advisors.

c. Face to face interaction is prohibited as per SOP given by MOE. Thus, the production must
follow the aligned SOP closely.

d. Shout Out Montage is basically a combination of 3 elements which are state’s introduction
(cultural references, iconic buildings etc.), self introduction (participants’ introduction – may use
different dialect with the assist of subtitles) and battle cry / chants.

e. Video must be in recorded/produced in a landscape format.

f. Should not exceed 3 minutes.

g. Video presentation must be submitted to the organizer before of by 25th October 2021 (before
5 pm) (the form for submission of lyrics is provided).

 Submission link :

Judging will be based on these criteria:

Confidence 10
Technical correctness: Timing, Volume, Intonation,
Elements 10
Overall quality: Presentation of the video, talent ability
and effectiveness
Total X/40 x 100 = Total
o Guidelines

a. Language
i. Use of vulgar words, indecent gestures and gruesome scenes are strictly prohibited.
ii. Must not touch on sensitive issues.

b. Theme/Topic
i. Themes/topics reflecting positive messages and values should be predominant in the
lyrics and video presentation.

c. Costumes
i. Participants may use school uniform, co-curricular attires, cultural costumes or any
appropriate attires.

d. Props & music instruments

i. Props and music instruments are allowed. The organizer will not be held responsible for
any injuries which may be inflicted while using props and musical instruments.
ii. Use of sharp objects (for instance knives, keris, etc. ), fire, inflammable and dangerous
chemical substances is strictly prohibited.
iii. Safety should be the main concern at all time.
iv. Virtual props, Computer Generated Images (CGI) and Video Effects to display creativity
are allowed.

e. Music
i. Teams may use minus one, or produce live music.

f. Demeanor
i. Indecent actions and behaviors are strictly prohibited.
ii. Actions portray in the video presentation should not evoke discomfort to the viewers.

g. Time allocation
i. The duration of the video should not exceed 3 minutes including the end credits (if
Criteria Below Basic [1-2] Basic [3-4] Proficient [5-7] Exemplary [8-10]
 Students display  Students display
 Tension and  Students display
minimal tension,
nervousness self-confident,
Confidence mild tension., relaxed and natural.
fairly confident, confident to use the
are obvious.
not natural. language.
 Presentation or
performance is of  Presentation or
 Presentation or performance is of
acceptable  Presentation or
performance is
quality. high quality. performance is of
of low quality.
superior quality.
 Delivery has
Overall quality:  Delivery is free of
frequent  Delivery has  Delivery has few
Presentation of the technical errors.
technical errors. some
video, talent ability  The video
 The video technical errors.
and effectiveness presentation is
presentation technical errors. presented
does not show
 The video
creativity.  The video creatively.
presentation is creative
presentation lacks enough.
Required Elements

- state’s
 has all 3 and
introduction  has only one  has only 2
 has all 3 elements executed
- self introduction element elements
- battle cry /

Usually speaks loudly, Well prepared, speaks

Clear and
Technical correctness: slowly and clearly; correct clearly, precise
Not clear, not understandable, may
Timing, Volume, pronunciation, enunciation pronunciation,
understandable speak too soft or too
Intonation, Diction and intonation; voice loud enunciation, and
rapid; mumbles.
enough to hear intonation.

Shout Out Montage State:

Rubric Scoring Sheet: (Scroll down for more information)

Criteria for Student Below Basic Basic Proficient Exemplary

Learning (1-3 marks) (4- (6-8 (9-10 marks)
5marks) marks)
Overall quality:
Presentation of the
video, talent ability
and effectiveness

correctness: Timing,
Volume, Intonation,

(Total Score / 40 ) x 100 Total


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