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Nom____________________________________ French 10

Intro. Unit
Date____________________________________ Regular Verbs

Révision: Verbes Réguliers (-er, -ir, -re) au présent

Vous êtes responsables pour la signification (meaning) et les conjugaisons des verbes
réguliers suivants / You are responsible for both the meanings and the conjugations of the following verbs.

Study Suggestions: 1. Review the following pages of your workbook: pg. 3-4, 13-14, 16-17
2. Highlight all verbs in the list that are new to you (focus on these as you study definitions)
3. Star all verbs that are cognates
4. Practice reading the verbs/definitions aloud, have a friend/parent quiz you, make flashcards
5. Use the U Texas practice links on our French 10 Moodle page

Verbes en –er

1. adorer to love; to adore

2. aider to help
3. aimer to like
4. apporter to bring (used only with things, NOT with people)
5. arriver to arrive
6. chercher to look for
7. comparer to compare
8. compter to count
9. continuer to continue
10. coûter to cost
11. cuisiner to cook
12. déjeuner to eat lunch
13. demander to ask
14. désirer to desire
15. dîner to dine; to eat dinner
16. donner to give
17. écouter to listen (to)
18. emprunter to borrow (ex. J’emprunte le jeans de ma soeur.)
19. entrer to enter
20. étudier to study
21. expliquer to explain
22. gagner to win
23. garder to keep; to look after / babysit (ex. Je garde les enfants de Mme Blanc.)
24. habiter to live
25. inviter to invite
26. jouer to play
27. laver to wash
28. monter to go up; to get in (a car, bus, plane – ex. Je monte dans l’avion.)
Nom____________________________________ French 10
Intro. Unit
Date____________________________________ Regular Verbs

29. montrer to show (something to someone)

30. oublier to forget
31. parler (de, à) to speak (about, to); to talk (about, to)
32. passer to pass (walk in front of); to spend time (ex. Je passe l’hiver en Floride)
33. penser to think
34. porter to wear
35. préparer to prepare
36. présenter to introduce
37. prêter to lend (ex. Je prête ma voiture à Martin.)
38. raconter to tell; to narrate
39. regarder to look at; to watch
40. rentrer to return (home) (ex. Je rentre à 17h00 tous les soirs.)
41. rester to stay
42. retourner to return (to go back to a place)
43. travailler to work
44. trouver to find
45. assister à to attend (ex. J’assiste à un concert des Green Day samedi.)
46. éviter to avoid
47. laisser to leave (something somewhere); to let (ex. Mes parents ne me laisse pas
regarder les films d’horreur.)
48. mériter to deserve
49. pardoner to forgive
50. pleurer to cry
51. regretter to regret; to be sorry
52. remarquer to notice; to remark
53. remercier to thank
54. rencontrer to meet
55. terminer to finish; to end
56. tomber to fall
57. visiter to visit (a place) (NOTE: Use “rendre visite à” for visiting people: Je rends
(vs. rendre visite à) visite à ma grand-mère.)

Verbes en –ir

58. accomplir to accomplish

59. choisir to choose
60. finir to finish
61. grandir to grow
Nom____________________________________ French 10
Intro. Unit
Date____________________________________ Regular Verbs

62. réfléchir to reflect, to think

63. réussir to succeed; to pass a test (ex. Je réussis tojours mes examens de maths.)

Verbes en –re

64. attendre to wait (for)

65. descendre to go (come) down; to get off (a bus, plane, car) (ex. Je descends du bus.)
66. entendre to hear
67. perdre to lose
68. rendre to give back; to return (ex. Je rends ce dvd à Blockbuster.)
69. répondre (à) to answer
70. vendre to sell

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