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Subject Helping Verb Verb Preposition Articles Object

Am In
Is On A
Are At An
Was For The
Were From My
Had During Our
Had been About His
Has Regarding Her
Has been With Regard to Its
Have To their
Have been Of
Will With
Would Without
Going to Into
Can Including
Could Until
Shall Among
Should By
Ought to Towards
Have to Despite
Must Like
May Through
Might Since
Do Between
Does After
Need Along
In spite of
Has been
Have been
Had been

Verb (3rd type)

Verb (1st type)

Subject Object Ownership

I me my
We us our
you you your
He him His
She her Her
It it Its
They them Their
Singular noun Singular Noun Singular noun (‘s)
Look + At
 He is looking at his house. (Present continuous
– NOW)
 Ahmed looks at his email every morning.
(Present simple – Routine)
 My boss looked at my project briefly. (Past)
 They will look at your presentation. (Future)

Look + Towards

 He is looking towards his house. (Present

continuous – NOW)
 Ahmed looks towards his email every morning.
(Present simple – Routine)
 My boss looked towards my project briefly.
 They will look towards your presentation.

With + Verb(ing)
With  We should help people with building houses.
 Children gave exam with reading exercises.

With = talking about combination (people or things)

 Adam went to a school with his friend.
Here, the combination of Adam and his friend
is mentioned by the use of with.
 Adam cooked potato with rice.
The combination is of potato and rice and it is
mentioned by the use of with.

By + Verb(ing)
By  He informed me by sending a letter.
 They passed the exam by studying the subject.

By + Subject
 This book is written by Adam.
Adam is the person who did the action of
writing the book.
 He was messaged by his brother.
Brother is the person who did the action of
sending the message.

By = tells us about the method used.

 He sent me an email by computer.
Computer is the method using which he sent
me an email.
 Sara called me by her cell phone.
Cell phone was the method used to make the

By = tells us about the mode of transport

 Adam came to my house by his car.
Car is the transport Adam used to come to my
 Ahmed went to the school by bus.
Bus is the transport used by Ahmed to travel to
the school.

Verbs (actions) where there is movement from one

To point to another.

 Run
 Walk
 Move
 Travel
 Fly
 Shift
 Immigrate
 Crawl
 Stroll

When one action leads to another action

- Ahmed called Muhammad to discuss

about the project. (Past)
- Ahmed is calling Muhammad to
discuss about the project. (Present)
- Ahmed will call Muhammad to
discuss about the project (Future)
 In the morning
In 

In the afternoon
In the evening
He travelled to Canada in July. (Past)
He will travel to Canada in July. (Future)
He travelled to Canada in 2019 (Past)
He will travel to Canada in 2021 (Future)
 She was studying in her house. (Past)
 He is in the restaurant. (Present)
 They will eat in their office. (Future)
 In winter
 In summer
 In spring
 In Autumn

 He stayed for 3 days in Riyadh. (Past)

 He is living in Riyadh these days. (Present)
 She will live in Jeddah for the next 10 years.
Amount of Time in the future

 She will call him in 2 hours.

She will call him after 2 hours.
 I will travel to Jeddah in 2 days.
 They will complete their class in 1 hour.
Color and Size

 This car is blue in color

 Your shirt is bigger in size
 They will send boxes in large sizes.

 Situation
In _____ situation

- In this situation, we all should help

each other.
- He guided me in that situation.
- They will send you forward in difficult

Belief / Opinion

 In my opinion,
 I believe in ….
 My belief is in ….

- In my opinion, you should not go to the party.

- I believe in you not going to the party.
- My believe is in you not going to the party.

Other Uses

 Problem
In problems
In a problem
In the problem
- Ahmed is in a problem.
- Ahmed is in problems
- Ahmed is in the problem we
discussed before.
Dates & Days
On  He came to my house on 29th May. (Date)
 They will call you on Wednesday. (Day)

Surface of something

 On the floor
 On the chair
 On the table
 On a sofa
 On my bed
 On their book

 On TV
 On the computer / On a computer
 On the phone / On a phone
 On the internet
 On the website / On a website

Other uses

 The building is on fire

 The project is on hold.
 These clothes are on sale.
 Ahmed is on a special diet.
 Adam is on drugs.
 Come on
- To start doing something / to arrive
- If someone is afraid of driving a car,
his friend will say: “Come on! You can
do this”  the meaning of this
sentence is that start driving because I
am sure you can do this.

Specific Time
At  Ahmed called me at 8 pm (Past)
 Ahmed will call me at 8 pm (Future)
 Ahmed will call me at night (Future)
 Ahmed called me at night (Past)
Location / Building

 Ahmed stayed at Four Seasons hotel (Past)

 Ahmed will stay at Four Seasons hotel. (Future)
 Adam played at the football ground (Past)
 Adam will play at the football ground (Future)
 Ahmed is at the airport. (Fact)
 He is playing at the school. (Fact)
 He is at the ground. (Fact)


At + Verb(ing)

 I am good at cooking Dinner

 Sara did her best at dancing.
 Ahmed will work hard at swimming.
When we want to talk about duration of an action.
FOR  I worked in military for 3 years. (Past)
 I have been working in military for 3 years
 I have worked in Military for 3 years (Present
 I will work in military for 3 years. (Future)

When we talk about reason for something

 I will go to the restaurant for breakfast.

The reason that I am going to the restaurant is
to have breakfast.

 I went to the restaurant for breakfast (Past)

 She bought that dress for office work. (Past)

The reason she went and purchased that dress
is because she wants to use It for her office.

 I am going to the restaurant for Breakfast

(Present – NOW)

 They are studying now for their English exam.

(Present - NOW)
The reason all these students are studying right
now is because of their English Exam. They
want to do better on their exam.
If we want to introduce a person who is receiving

 Sara bought a new car for her sister.

Sara basically bought a new car. The reason
behind buying this car is to give it to her sister.
So we can introduce the sister by using “For”

 Ali is the one who is responsible for the

We introduced the person who is Ali and the
reason is because Ali has received the
responsibility of the warehouse.

When one action leads to another action

When we use a verb after “For”, we always add “ing”

 Ahmed called his manager for discussing the

new project. (Past)
Ahmed did the 1st action of calling the manager
and only then, the 2nd action of discussing
 He will go to the coffee shop for drinking
coffee. (Future)
He will do the 1st action of going to the coffee
shop and because of that, the 2nd action of
drinking coffee will happen.
 I am staying in my house for studying English.
(Present – NOW)

When we talk about the origin of a person or a thing.

From  My friend is from England.
I am talking about the origin of my friend who
is from England.
 This carpet is from Indonesia
I am talking about the origin of the carpet
which came from Indonesia

When you talk about a journey and you mention the

starting point and the ending point.
 This train goes from Paris to London
The train starts the journey from Paris and
ends it in London.
 He will travel from Riyadh to Jeddah.

When you talk about the starting of something (in

terms of time) and then ending of something (In terms
of time)
 I will attend the workshop from Monday till
Thursday. (days)
 She will study English from 9 am until 10 pm.
(Exact time)
 Sara will be busy from Morning until night.

When you talk about the starting of something (in

terms of a date) and then ending of something (In
terms of a date)
 The university will be open from 1st June until
20th August.
 I will be in Riyadh from 15th October to 5th

Until = till

When we want to talk about the cause of something

that happened.
 My friend died from a car accident.
The reason of death of the friend was car
 He is still tired from his morning exercise.
 Sara suffers from a serious disease.

 From time to time
Sometimes when you do something
From time to time, He goes to the beach in
order to relax.
 From now on
Starting from now and into the future.
From now on, I will not call my friend anymore.

When something happens, happened, or will happen

During in a specific range of time

We can use during in the beginning of the sentence or

at the end of the sentence.

 He studies for his final exam during night time.

During night time, he studies for his final exam.

 Sara will call her family during free time at

work. (Future)
During free time, Sara will call her family.

 Children walked to their school during

morning. (Past)
During morning, children walked to their

When something happens, happened, or will happen

while another MAIN event is happening.

We can use during in the beginning of the sentence or

at the end of the sentence.

 She talked to about the new project during

dinner. (Past)
During dinner, she talked about the new
Dinner was the main activity and during the
time when that activity was taking place, she
did something else  which was discussion
about the new project.

 My friend will travel to Italy during summer.

During summer, my friends will travel to Italy.

 Employees deal with customers during office

time. (Present)
During office time, employees deal with

When something is regarding something else.

About When something is related to something else.

 I will tell my friend about my new car. (Future)

In the future when I will talk to my friend, our
discussion will be regarding my new car.

 He did not know anything about the English

exam. (Past)
This means that he does not have any
knowledge --- knowledge regarding English

 Sara always reads about new movies on her

computer. (Present)
Every time, Sara does reading regarding new
movies and she does that reading on her

When we don’t know the exact number or answer and

we make a guess.
 There were about 20 people at my house for
the party. (Past)
I do not know the exact number of people at
my house during the party and I am making a

 Sara will call you at about 9 am in the morning,

on Wednesday. (Future)
I am not sure exactly at what time Sara will call
but I am giving an approximate time of the call
in the future.

 Ahmed weighs about 90 kg. (present)

I am not sure about his exact weight but I
know that it is something around 90.

When you ask for another person’s opinion about


 How about we all go for dinner tonight?

 This is a beautiful car. What about its


 I found this project to be very interesting. How

about it?
Here, I am telling my friend that I found a
project that I see as interesting. Then I ask my
friend regarding his opinion --- if he also thinks
that this project is interesting or if he has a
different opinion.

 I feel very hungry. What about you?

Here, I tell my friend that I am feeling hungry.
Then I ask my friend regarding his opinion --- if
he also feels hungry and if he thinks that we
should eat something.

Words  Previous day / yesterday
Past Tense  Day before yesterday
 3 days ago / 4 days ago
 Last Sunday / Last Monday
Simple Past  I watched TV yesterday.
 They played football 2 days ago.
Was / Were Continuous action that happened at some
point in the past.
 Last summer, the sun was shining
every day.
 In 2017, I was working with the
During 2017, I was working with the

 Everyone was clapping for me while I

spoke on the stage.
 Children were laughing at my jokes
when I spoke.

Something that was happening continuously

when another action interrupted it.
 I was sleeping in my room when my
father came home.
 Sara was cooking dinner until her
family arrived home.

Had Had + Ownership

 I had a red car.

 We had a long meeting.
 They had 3 projects.

Had = Ate
 I had my lunch in the afternoon
I ate my lunch in the afternoon.

 They had 3 burgers and fries

They ate 3 burgers and fries.

 She had her dinner early today

She ate her dinner early today.

First action completed before the second


- When
- Before
- Because
- But

 The train had left the station when I

When I reached, the train had left the

 I had seen Ahmed before I went out.

Before I went out, I had seen Ahmed.

 I did not have any money because I

had lost my credit card.
Because I had lost my credit card, I did
not have any money.

 Ahmed knew Riyadh very well because

he had visited the city many times.
Because Ahmed had visited Riyadh
many times, he knew the city very

 She called her boss in the office but he

had left

 They had practiced for the football

game all week but the match got

Sentences with Adverbs

 Already
 Just
 Ever
 Never
 Still

 I called his office but he had already


 Ahmed went to see Sara when she had

just moved to Riyadh.

 It was the most interesting movie I had

ever seen.

 Ahmed had never met anyone from

Riyadh before.

 Ahmed still had not started

preparation for exam at the beginning
of May.

Had been 2 Actions = 1st action happened for a longer

duration and then got completed, after that
the 2nd action happened.

 Children had been talking for over an

hour before Ahmed arrived.

 Ahmed had been working at the

company when it closed.

1 Action that happened continuously for

duration of time, in the past.
 1) Adam had been waiting for his
mother since 3 hours.
2) Ahmed waited for his mother.
In the 2nd sentence, I cannot mention
that the action of waiting was done
continuously for a long time.

 They had been studying English for 1

Cause of something in the past

 Ahmed was tired because he had been

Noun= Exercising

 Ahmed gained weight because he had

been overeating.
Noun= overeating

 He failed his exam because he had not

been studying.
Noun= Studying

Simple Fact
Present - Information that is ALWAYS TRUE
Tense - Information that is true NOW

 Sun rises from the East.

 Ahmed is intelligent.
 My friend is short in height.
 Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia.

 My car is red in color.

 My brother understands English.
 I enjoy playing a guitar.
 I am 19 years old.
 She lives in London.

Routine – something we do REGULARLY.

 Sara wakes up at 8 am.

 He wakes up at 8 am.
 You wake up at 8 am.
 I wake up at 8 am.
 Children wake up at 8 am.
 You eat an apple in the morning.
 Children study English at their school.
 My dad goes to his work every day.
 She cooks food for the whole family.
Present tense + Future Tense
Something that will happen at a fixed time in
the future.

 The school starts its next semester in

 The train leaves at 8 pm tonight.
 I will fly to New York, next week.
I fly to New York, next week.

Continuous Something that is happening right NOW.

 I am eating an apple. / I am eating an

apple now.
 Sara is reading a book.
 My friends are playing on my
Has When you owned something in the past and
you still own it.
 I have a red car.
 She has a big house.
 They have an English class.
 Employees have 2 holidays.

Action that happened in the past at an

unspecified time.

 I have seen this movie before (Right)

I have seen this movie last year (X)
I saw this movie last year (Right)

 She has met him in the past.

 People have travelled to Maldives

many times.

 Ahmed has played this game once

Ahmed has played this game many
times before.
Ahmed has played this game before.
Someplace you visited in the past.

 Ahmed has been to Riyadh.

Ahmed has got the experience of
visiting Riyadh city. Maybe he went
there 1 time or maybe he went there
15 times, we do not know.

 Ahmed has been to Riyadh 3 times.

 Ahmed has never been to Riyadh.

Describe a change. It could be change in a

person, a place, in a job or in a country.

 Adam has grown since the last time I

saw him.
Change in a person’s body

 Adam’s English has improved since he

moved to United States.
Change in a person’s personality.

 Saudi Government has become more

open to tourists.
Change in a government policy.

 Rules in UK have become more

Change in a country’s policy.

 This restaurant has become more

Change in a company / place

When you complete something

 Ahmed has finished his exams.

 I have applied to different universities.
 She has finished her research.
 Doctors have prepared a medicine for
a virus.

Any action that is still not complete and we

are waiting for that action to get completed.

 Ahmed has not finished his class yet.

 She has not learned English language

but she is trying her best.

 Ahmed has still not arrived.

 The rain has not stopped.

Has been An action that started in the past and still the
action is ongoing. With Duration
Have been
 I have been reading this book since 3
I started reading the book 3 hours ago
and I am still reading this book. I have
not finished reading this book.
 She has been calling her house for 5
 They have been studying English at
the university since 3 years.

An action that started in the past and still the

action is ongoing. Without duration.

 I have been feeling weak lately.

 Ahmed has not been studying English.
 Sara has been watching too much
Will Action will occur at a particular time in the
Future future and gets completed
Tense  I will arrive at 5pm.
 She will call you tomorrow morning.
 He will finish his class after 1 hour.

Predictions (Guessing what’s going to happen

in the future)

 It will rain tomorrow.

 You will fail in your exam.
 Ahmed will get admission if he works
 With good grades, you will get a better

When you make a promise with someone

 Do not worry, I will not tell anyone.
 I will send you a message tomorrow.
 He will clean your house.

When you give warning to / threaten

 Stop bothering my sister or I will
punish you.
 If you don’t study, I will tell your
 I will fire you from your job in case you
don’t work.

Rapid Decisions – (Decisions that you make

right now, this moment)
 I think I will buy another drink for
 I am hungry. I will go and get a burger.
 I will go by a different road as this one
is closed by the police.
When you have already made the decision to
Going to do something in the future.

 I am going to become a doctor when I

grow up.
 We are going to travel to Spain during
 Ahmed is going to Riyadh tomorrow.


When you have already made a plan to do

Comparison: something in the future, you use going to
(and that means the chances of that action
Will Vs Going to happening in the future are 100%). If you
haven’t decided yet about doing something in
the future, you use will (and that means that
chances of that happening are 50% and so it is
a prediction).

Ahmed asks Ali: Are you busy this evening?

Ali: Yes, I am going to the movies. (Already

made plan and this will happen 100%)

Ali: I think I will watch TV. (prediction)

Ali: I will call my family in Australia.


Ahmed: I believe that it will rain tomorrow.

Ahmed: I have seen the news report. It is
going to rain tomorrow. (100% going to


Ahmed to Ali: Where will you eat at night?

Ali: I think I will go to the restaurant close to

my house. (Prediction)

Ali: I am going to my uncle’s house for dinner.

(100% - already planned before)
Will be Action is going to be ongoing at a particular
time in the future. (You can mention time or
not mention it. Your choice)

You can use only Action Verbs (Verbs where

subject is doing the action physically or

 I will be meeting with my manager at 5

pm. (Time mentioned)
 Sara will be travelling with her friends
to Paris. (No time mentioned)
 I will be studying at Harvard University
next year. (Time mentioned)

Action that will happened continuously for

specific duration in the future.

 I will be staying in New York for 1

 Sara will be studying at Harvard
University for 3 years.
 Adam will be playing football
throughout his high school.
 Adam will be taking classes for the
whole weekend.

 What will you be doing in New York?
 What will Sara be studying at Harvard
 What will Adam be playing throughout
his high school?

I + Am + Adjective
Am  I am angry. (Present – fact)
 I am hungry (Present – fact)
 I am intelligent (Present – fact)

I + Am + Verb(ing)

 I am eating my lunch. (Present continuous)

Right now, I am doing the action of eating my
 I am writing an email on my computer.
(Present continuous)
Right now, I am doing the action of writing an
email on my computer.
 I am sitting in my teacher’s office. (Present
Right now, I am doing the action of sitting in
the office of my teacher.

To ask questions (Am + Adjective)

 I am hungry. (Statement)
Am I hungry? (Question)
 I am angry. (Statement)
Am I angry? (Question)
 I am intelligent. (Statement)
Am I intelligent? (Statement)

To ask questions [Am + Verb(ing)]

 I am eating my lunch. (Statement)
Am I eating my lunch? (Question)
The question basically means that I am
confused whether RIGHT NOW, lunch that I
am eating is mine or is it someone else’s.

 I am writing an email on my computer.

Am I writing an email on my computer?
The question basically means that I am
confused whether RIGHT NOW, the computer
on which I am writing is mine or is it someone

 I am sitting in my teacher’s office. (Statement)

Am I sitting in my teacher’s office? (Statement)
The question basically means that I am
confused whether RIGHT NOW, the office in
which I am sitting eating is my teacher’s
office or is it someone else’s office.

Is + Adjective
Is / Are  He is hungry (Present tense – fact)
 Ahmed is angry (Present tense – fact)
 Sara is intelligent (Present tense – fact)
Are + Adjective
 They are hungry (Present tense – fact)
 Children are angry (Present tense – fact)
 Students are intelligent (Present tense – fact)

Is + Verb(ing)
 He is eating his lunch. (Present continuous)
Right now, he is doing the action of eating
 Ahmed is writing an email on his computer.
(Present continuous)
Right now, Ahmed is busy in doing an action of
writing an email on his computer.
 The girl is sitting in her teacher’s office.
(Present continuous)
Right now, the girl is doing the action of sitting
in the office of her teacher.

To ask questions (is + adjective)

 He is hungry (Statement)
Is he hungry? (Question)
 Ahmed is angry (Statement)
Is Ahmed angry? (Question)
 Sara is intelligent (Statement)
Is Sara intelligent? (Question)

To ask questions - Is + Verb(ing)

 He is eating his lunch. (Statement)
Is he eating his lunch? (Question)
 Ahmed is writing an email on his computer.
Is Ahmed writing an email on his computer?
 The girl is sitting in her teacher’s office.
Is the girl is sitting in her teacher’s office?

Are + Verb(ing)

 They are eating their lunch. (Present

Right now, they are doing the action of eating
their lunch.
 Children are studying English subject. (Present
Right now, children are doing the action of
studying of the English subject.
 Students are playing on the football ground.
(Present continuous)
Right now, Students are doing the action of
playing on the football ground.

To ask questions – are + verb(ing)

 They are eating their lunch. (Statement)
Are they eating their lunch? (Question)
 Children are studying English subject.
Are children studying English subject?
 Students are playing on the football ground.
Are students playing on the football ground?

It is a name of:
Noun - Person
o Adam (Real name)
o Man / Male / Doctor (Common
NAME Name)
Real name - Place
o New York (real name)
Common name
o City (common name)
- Thing
o iPhone (real name)
o mobile phone / phone ( common

Subject Subject Verb Object

Verb Subject = noun

- name of a person / place / thing doing the
Object Object = Noun
- name of a person / place / thing receiving
the action
Verb = Action
A ------------ > B
A = subject
B = Object

 Adam is eating an apple.

- Subject = Adam
- Object = apple (thing)
- Verb = Eating
 Car is driven by my sister.
- Subject = sister
- Object = Car (thing)
- Verb = Driven
 Sara lives in London.
- Subject = Sara
- Object = London (place)
- Verb = Lives
 He called my friend Adam yesterday.
- Subject = He
- Object = Adam (Person)
- Verb = Called

Mention your profession

A = An  I am a doctor
 The girl is an engineer
Singular common names  He is a teacher
 She is an architect
 Ahmed is a student

 They are doctors

 They are engineers.
 They are teachers.

Mention your nationality

What is your nationality?
 I am a Saudi
 He is an American
 She is a Chinese
 Ahmed is an Egyptian

Which country are you from?

 I am from Saudi Arabia
 He is from United States of America
 She is from China
 Ahmed is from Egypt
When you mention something for the first time.
2nd, 3rd , 4th time you mention the same thing =
you should not use “A” but use “The”

 John: What did you do last night?

Ahmed: I watched a movie.
John: Really!
Ahmed: Yes, it is true.
John: Did you like the movie?
Ahmed: Yes, I liked the movie very much.
John: I want to watch the movie as well.

When you mention something as 1.

You use “a/an” instead of the word “one”

 I ate an apple at lunch

I ate one apple at lunch.

 I ate a sandwich
I ate one sandwich

 I received a phone call from your family

I received one phone call from your family.

 He saw a friend last week

He saw one friend last week.

When you mention quantity of something

A little bit of
A lot of
A ton of

 I ate a little bit of the sandwich.

 She told me a lot of things.
 He read a ton of books.

When there is one of something.

The  I went to the mall in Riyadh.
There is only 1 mall in the whole city of
Riyadh and I went there. There is no need
to mention the name of the Mall. If there
were multiple malls, then the name of the
mall needs to be mentioned.

 Adam went to the airport.

There is only one airport in the city and
Adam went to that airport. There is no
need to mention the name of the airport.
If there were multiple airports, then the
name of the airport needs to be

 The president of my country talked on TV.

There is only 1 president of my country
and I am talking about that person.

When we want to talk about something specific

 I loved the movie that my friend gave me.

I am not talking about any movie but the
specific movie that my friend gave me.

I loved the movie. (WRONG)

I loved a movie. (CORRECT)

 Adam is writing with the pen that he took

from my office.
It is the specific pen that Adam took from
my office.

Ahmed is writing with the pen (WRONG)

Ahmed is writing with a pen (CORRECT)

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