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Chapter – 7 : Structural Organisation in Animals

I. One Mark Questions :

1. Define Tissue.
2. What is organ system ?
3. Which tissue provide a covering or lining for some part of the body?
4. What is simple epithelium?
5. Define Squamous epithelium.
6. Where do you find squamous epithelium?
7. Define Cuboidal epithelium.
8. Where do you find Cuboidal epithelium?
9. What is the function of Cuboidal epithelium ?
10. Define columnar epithelium.
11. Where do you find columnar epithelium ?
12. What is the function of columnar epithelium?
13. What is Ciliated epithelium?
14. Where do you find Ciliated epithelium?
15. What is function of ciliated epithelium ?
16. What is Glandular epithelium ?
17. How many types of cell junctions are present in epithelium and other tissues?
18. Which is the tissue which is most abundant and widely distributed in our body?
19. What is function of fibres in connective tissue ?
20. What is areolar tissue ?
21. What are Chondrocytes ?
22. What are Osteocytes?
23. What are lacunae ?
24. Name the fluid connective tissue.
25. Name the blood cells of Blood.
26. What is the main function of muscle Tissue?
27. What is skeletal muscle tissue.
28. What is smooth Muscle tissue?
29. What are Neuron ?
30. What is Neuroglial cells?
31. Which tissue is involved in making inner wlls of blood vessels ?
32. Name the scientific name of Earthworm ?
33. What are setae ?
34. What is the function of Setae?
35. In which segment of earth worm female genital pores are present?
36. In which segment of earth worm, Male genital pores are present?
37. What is hermaphrodite ?
38. What is Vasa deferentia ?
39. On which segments of earth worm two pairs of testes occur ?
40. On which segments of earthworm a pair of ovaries occur?
41. What is the food of earthworm?
42. What is the function of stomach in earthworm?
43. On which segment of earthworm intestinal caecae are present?
44. What do the blood glands in earthworm produce?
45. Which takes part in respiration in earthworm ?
46. What are Nephridia ?
47. What is the function of cocoon in earthworm?
48. How many types of nephridia are present in earthworm based on their location ?
49. Give the scientific name for frog which is commonly found in India?
50. What are cold blooded animals ?
51. What is Aestivation ?
52. What is Hibernation ?
53. Name the membrane present in frog which covers and protect eyes while in water ?
54. Name the membrane in frog, which receive sound signals?
55. What is the function of webbed Digits in frog?
56. Why is alimentary Canal short in frogs?
57. What do liver and Pancreas secrets in frog
58. What is Chyme ?
59. Name the part of alimentary canal where both bile juice and Pancreatic juice enter ?
60. Which juice emulsifies fat ?
61. What are villi ?
62. How many chambers are present in heart of frog?
63. Name the covering membrane to the heart.
64. What is sinus Venosus ?
65. Name the red coloured Pigment present in RBC ?
66. What are Nephrons ?
67. What is meant by Ureotelic animal ?
68. By which, chemical co-ordination of various organs in frog’s body is achieved?
69. How many pairs of Cranial nerves arise from brain in frog ?
70. What is cranium ?
71. What is mesorchium?
72. What is cloaca ?
73. Name the larval stage of frog?
74. Name the process, where tadpole has to undergo to become adult?

II. Two Marks Questions :

1. Name the four broadly classified tissues in Animals?

2. Differentiate simple epithelium from Compound epithelium?
3. Name two types of Glandular epithelium and where do they occur?
4. Differentiate exocrine from endocrine glands ?
5. Give functions of compound epithelium.
6. Draw a neat labelled diagram of Adipose tissue
7. Draw a neat labeled sketch of squamous epithelium
8. Draw a labeled sketch of Cardiac muscle tissue
9. Draw labeled sketch of smooth muscle
10. Draw labeled sketch of skeletal tissue
11. Name the types of fibres of connective tissue and what is the function of fibres in
connective tissue.
12. What is the difference between loose connective tissue and dense connective tissue ?
13. Differentiate Dense regular connective tissue from Dense irregular connective tissue.
14. Differentiate Tendon from Ligament.
15. Give two differences between bone and cartilage.
16. Give the locality of cartilage.
17. Give four functions of Bone.
18. Where do you find smooth muscle tissue?
19. Differentiate smooth muscle from skeletal muscle.
20. How is dorsal and ventral surfaces distinguished in earthworm.
21. What is Prostomium? Give it’s function ?
22. Comment on the structure of clitellum.
23. Where are female genital pore and male genital pores present in earth worm?
24. What is typhlosole ? Give its function.
25. Where are blood glands present in earthworm? Give its function.
26. How do nephridia occur in earthworm? Mention three types.
27. Comment on the structure of Nervous system in earthworm.
28. How are the, sensitive organs in earthworm ?
29. How many pairs of spermathecae are present in earthworm and what is their function ?
30. How do exchange of sperms occur between two earthworms during mating ?
31. Why are earthworms called “friend of farmers”?
32. What is the difference between Prostomium and Peristomium.
33. Draw a neat labeled sketch of Ventral view of earthworm.
34. Name any four parts of closed circulatory system in earth worm.
35. How are the colours of dorsal and ventral sides of skin in frog?
36. How are the male frogs distinguished ?
37. What is the difference between cutaneous respiration and Pulmonary respiration ?
38. What do the blood vascular system and lymphatic system consist in frog ? .
39. Differentiate Hepatic portal system from renal Portal system.
40. Name any four endocrine glands of frog.
41. How are frogs beneficial to mankind ?

III. Four Marks Questions :

1. Describe loose connective tissue and dense connective tissue.

2. Give one place of occurrence of the following
a) Squamous epithelium b) cuboidal epithelium c) columnar epithelium
d) ciliated epithelium e) cardiac muscle f) smoth muscle
g) skeletal mucle h) cartilage
3. Give an account on morphology of frog.
4. Describe vascular system of frog.
5. Describe excretory system in frog.
6. Mentioning different endocrine glands, give the structure of Nervous system of frog.
7. Write a note on sense organs in frog.

IV. Five Marks Questions :

1. Describe briefly Epithelial tissue.

2. Define connective tissue and draw a neat labelled diagram of Areolar tissue.
3. Describe smooth muscle and cardiac muscle tissues.
4. What are Neurons and Neuroglea ? Draw labelled diagram of Neural tissue.
5. Draw a neat lebelled diagram of Alimentary canal of earthworm
6. Draw a neat labeled sketch of Reproductive system of earthworm.
7. Give a diagrammatic representation of internal organs of frog showing complete
digestive system.
8. Describe Male reproductive system in frog.
9. Describe female reproductive system in Frog.


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