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Stefany Mailyn Arévalo Guanipatín 3903

Sammia Lisbeth Jerez Masaquiza 3923

Jenny Elizabeth Maigua Lamiña 3929

Jennifer Gabriela Castillo Mora 4428


DATE: 22/12/2021

Stefani Arévalo: VOICE 1

Jennifer Castillo: VOICE 2
Sammia Jerez: VOICE 3
Jenny Maigua: VOICE 4

Welcome to Spotlight. I’m Stefany Arevalo.

And I am Jennifer Castillo. Today we are going to tell you about the area of pharmacognosy
which includes the study of natural resources and products as sources of new medicinal
products important in the career of biochemistry and pharmacy.
The area of pharmacognosy belongs to the Professional Cycle of the Biochemistry and
Pharmacy Career, which also includes other related undergraduate electives such as Medicinal
Plants and Phytotherapics.

In addition, pharmacognosy encompasses the study of history, cultivation, collection,
preparation, preservation, commercialization, distribution, identification and evaluation of
chemical components of natural origin, the pharmacology, their traditional use of these
compounds or their derivatives to improve human health and well-being.

Within pharmacognosy, there have been several studies and findings of plant drugs that have
been very useful for humans to treat diseases, aches and pains. In the same way, these plant
drugs have presented different metabolites in their structure depending on the type of active
principle that is being created or analyzed, since these present multiple benefits in people's
daily lives. For this reason, pharmacognosy is essential in the study of plant drugs.

To learn more about the benefits that pharmacognosy provides to our career, we will talk about
the ayahuasca plant that has a natural substance called DMT or N-dimethyltryptamine that has
been studied due to its importance in natural medicine for its beneficial effects on sleep. REM
and slow waves, as well as in Parkinson's therapy and even as a protector against neoplasms.
It is also very useful for the treatment of addictions to substances where it has accumulated
more clinical and therapeutic evidence.

Charles Grob in 1993 conducted the first study of the effects of ayahuasca on humans through
the Hoasca Project. They compared indigenous adolescents who consumed ayahuasca
sacramentally twice a month, with urban adolescents who did not take it.
Pic- Taylor in 2015 conducted studies in rats in which he observed that ayahuasca may have
antidepressant effects. Neuronal activation and the level of toxicity in the dorsal raphe nuclei,
amygdala and hippocampal formation were investigated.

Ayahuasca modulates emotional processing by acting in 3 different areas of the brain:
The neocortex: area responsible for sensory perception, motor functions, language, conscious
thought, allows reasoning and carry out decision-making processes. With the use of the drug,
this area becomes hyperactive.
The amygdala: this structure participates in memories and emotional regulation, connecting
with sensory structures, it is also associated with old learning, with new experiences that are
coming, so it is not surprising that its functioning is altered when ayahuasca is ingested.
The insula: it is responsible for connecting emotional impulses with decision making.

However, the excessive consumption of ayahuasca can cause adverse effects such as anxiety,
panic, euphoria, distortion of reality, vomiting, typical of psychedelic drugs, due to the causes
that ayahuasca produces, experts warn that people who have abused this Type of drugs can
develop schizophrenia, for this reason an adequate use of this type of drug should be made to
avoid adverse effects.

We can also talk about other medicinal plants that we have in Ecuador since it has a biodiversity
of flora, studies have been carried out such as the Badea, a native plant of the coast that is
excellent as a photo protector, and the Amazon lily, an eastern plant used in Alzheimer's. What
other medicinal plants are of greater importance according to studies carried out?

Other important medicinal plants for example we have chamomile as its effects are especially
relevant in the treatment of gastrointestinal discomfort, linden used to reduce the level of stress
and anxiety, oregano is known for its antioxidant action also this plant has antifungal properties,
anti-inflammatory, bilberry which has positive effects on eyesight, favors the separation of
retinal cells and is very good for circulation and treatment of ulcers, and eucalyptus another
plant that is known for its action against respiratory diseases. What products are made from
these plants?
how they could be used in a daily use

The products made from chamomile, linden, oregano, cranberry and eucalyptus plants are
essential oils, creams, soaps, shampoo, hair masks, skin masks, balms, ointment, waxes, since
they contain important medicinal and pharmaceutical properties. As these present anti-
inflammatory properties explained, it can be said that pharmacognosy has a wide field of study.

So we can say that pharmacognosy is an important subject in the career that is being studied
because by studying the different plants that we have in our environment, we can develop
pharmaceutical and cosmetic products that are beneficial for the health and well-being of all
people, taking into account Note that the use of each herbal drug should be moderate.

Also we as students of the Biochemistry and Pharmacy career can choose to choose a thesis
topic in the different areas that our career encompasses, the boys who have chosen the area of
pharmacognosy, natural products must choose a plant that has an active principle to be studied
and determine if it has medicinal properties that can help in the treatment of a disease.

As a student in the biochemistry and pharmacy career, I can mention that pharmacognosy is an
interesting area since it allows us to learn about the different forms and methods of studying
medicinal plants.

The subject of pharmacognosy is essential for the career of Biochemistry and pharmacy
because it allows us to carry out the elaboration of drugs and to manufacture natural medicine
through the plants that our environment provides us, for the well-being of our society.

We hope this information has been of great importance and that in the next podcast we can
continue sharing ideas and necessary information about this subject that is important in the
career we are studying.

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