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1. Can you identify the different types of non-state institutions?

-These are the different types of non-state institutions Banks and corporations, Cooperatives and
trade unions, Transnational and advocacy groups, Development agencies, international
organizations, International nongovernmental organizations and Intergovernmental
2. Who owned these institutions?
- Institutional ownership is the amount of a company's available stock owned by mutual or
pension funds, insurance companies, investment firms, private foundations, endowments or other
large entities that manage funds on behalf of others.
3. Does the government have power/control over these institutions?
-Power is frequently defined by political scientists as the ability to influence the behavior of
others with or without resistance. The term authority is often used for power perceived as
legitimate by the social structure.
4. Are these non-state institutions beneficial to us? Why or why not
-Non-state institutions or also called non-state actors is broadly defined as international actors
who are largely or completely autonomous from the state, emanating from civil society, market
economy or political opportunities. Non-state actors (NSA) are entities that participate or act in
international relations.
5. Explain the purpose and functions of organizing cooperatives and trade unions;
-The purposes of Worker's co-operatives and trade unionism is very simple; it is to benefit the
working class and guarantee their labour rights in the workplace. A Worker's co-operative is an
industrial or agricultural firm which is completely democratically managed and collectively
owned by the workers operating the factors of production in order to establish, guarantee, and
protect their job security and living standards because as it is run via pure consensus and
participatory or representative democracy, they are in control of their work. 
6. Acknowledge the benefits of non-state institutions in our social life.
-The role of non-state actors cannot be discussed without touching upon the question as to what
extent human rights also apply to relations between private individuals and/or enterprises.
Imagine a construction worker earning minimum wage with no additional benefits from the
employer, no security of tenure from his work, and can be terminated any time of the day.
1. What can cooperatives and trade unions do to improve his condition?
-Trade Unions and Cooperatives can help a construction worker have equity in rights with the
employer. Being a member of a Trade Union or a Cooperative can provide protection against
abuses and exploits of a worker's legal rights. Depending on the type of Cooperative, a COOP
can also provide alternatives for the worker to have income.
2. If you were the employer, how would you adjust your job policies to suit the needs of the
-If i were the employer i will adjust my policies in order to suit the needs of the employee by
meeting their standard, they're not always the one to do the adjustment but me. A great leader
will not push their member too hard but making a difference to reach a specific goal.

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