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ARCH 159


Civics and Citizenship / The Constitution of the Philippines

Romina Legaspi Jose


Submitted to:
Professor Maria Lisa V. Santos

Submitted on:
October 2, 2020
1. Discuss the various ways you can fully and effectively participate and exercise your civic
and citizenship rights and duties in the context of becoming/being an architect.

As a professional architect, there are many ways in which I can fully exercise my civic
and citizenship rights. Having these rights and duties may open many doors in my life both as
a citizen and as a professional. In this assessment, I will be listing down examples of both, and
I will be discussing the activities, responsibilities, and opportunities that accompany these
rights as an architect.

Freedom of Speech
Having freedom of speech enables me to responsibly voice out informed opinions and
concerns over important matters. As an architect, I am given the opportunity to speak out for
the betterment of projects, especially when I believe that there are certain methods that prove
to be more efficient than what is proposed. Coming from an educated point-of-view, I am able
to express my opinions on architectural projects, either praise them or critique them if I must.
Important in having freedom of speech is also being open-minded and properly informed,
before forming my own opinions. An example of a situation in which I can use my freedom of
speech is when the state of the profession is under attack or is being undervalued either in
public or in private. In my own means, I must be able to defend it and educate those involved
in a responsible and professional manner.

Right to Education
All citizens have a right to proper education and a right to learn. I will be able to express
this right further into the practice is by opting to take a Masters degree to further specialize my
craft and to gain knowledge. I can also do this by exposing myself to many seminars, talks, and
exhibits of different firms and of different fields. I will do this not only to gain Continuing
Professional Development points as a requirement of the Professional Regulation Committee,
but I will choose to prioritize learning. Furthermore, I can also opt to study abroad and to learn
from international professionals. Doing so can really expand my horizons as I will be able to
learn of other architectural forms derived from different cultural backgrounds.

Freedom of Assembly
I also have the right to join organizations as a citizen and as an architect. When given
the chance, I will seize every opportunity to join organizations, to meet fellow architects, and
to hold positions in these organizations. Joining these enables me the chance to serve the
profession and coordinate with different chapters or societies. Community organization also
enables the development of camaraderie among Filipino architects – for the exchange of
knowledge, wisdom, and companionship. Furthermore, the right to assembly entails social
activism, wherein I strive towards the call for a better society in general. This right can be
simply done through neighborhood efforts and through large-scale national movements.

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Right to a Safe Environment
As a citizen, I am entitled to a safe and proper environment. A safe environment entails
the minimization of harm and risk physically, mentally, and emotionally. This right can be
practiced in the architectural profession when finding work in firms or corporations. When
these work environments prove to be unsafe, I have the right to demand for improvements and
changes. However, doing so must be through professional protocols and means, and not simply
through immature and uncivil acts. Further into the practice, when I am able to manage my
own architectural design firm, I can also make sure that the office culture and work
environment is beyond the standards of mere safety. It will be an environment wherein my
employees can freely practice their rights as well.

Right of Protection from Discrimination

I have heard of many experiences wherein women tend to be objectified in the
workplace. These problems stem from patriarchal notions of men being above women, and
must be solved from its core. However, when I do find myself in a position of discrimination,
I have the right to seek protection from it. I exercise this right by speaking out when I am being
discriminated against, being abused, and/or being exploited by anyone. In the same way, I must
be able to protect those who find themselves in these situations. An example would be having
a client who is in an abusive relationship. I must do what I can even as an architect to help and
protect them.

Right to Accessible and Available Healthcare

Emphasized during this pandemic is the importance of accessible and available
healthcare. Various health protocols have been established by businesses and establishments
in order to protect their employees. Many spaces have also been converted to makeshift health
facilities to meet the demands of the lack of facilities. As an architect who would be working
in a firm, I do believe I have the right to the proper compensation when my health suffers due
to the present conditions in the work environment. I must also be entitled to sick leaves should
these situations occur.

Right to Religion
Even as a professional, I have the right to having a religion and believing certain
ideologies and theologies. There may be situations wherein my values derived from my religion
are compromised or disrespected by others. However, I must do what I can to uphold this right
to religion. I can further practice this when volunteering to design religious spaces for my

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Right to Privacy
My right to privacy must always be protected, especially as a professional. This entails
that the details of my private life, my relationships, my accounts, and more should be kept from
the public. Along with this is data privacy, wherein social media accounts of mine may only
be shared when I give permission. Though architecture is a practice that is often viewed
publicly, those who work with me must always respect my right to privacy.

Citizenship within the Family

I will always have a role in my family. Embedded in Philippine culture is the concept
of “giving back” to those who have journeyed with you through life, and of course, it would be
my family. As an architect, I can express these citizenship duties by educating my family about
architectural concepts and design, and helping them be well-versed with the architectural
vocabulary. I may be able to design their homes for free, but I must help them understand the
value of the profession properly. I will strive for architectural excellence when designing their
homes, such as educating them on sustainability practices and ensuring safe environments for

Citizenship within the Community

I can practice my citizenship duties to my immediate community by creating or joining
an architectural organization based in the community. I will let it be aware the presence of this
organization, whose goal would be spreading awareness on the value of the profession and to
offer services to the barangay and its citizens. I will push for an organization that highlights
the importance of camaraderie among the architects of the village. We shall help each other
succeed, hopefully not be competitive for clients within the vicinity, as well as consult one
another. We may host focus group discussions (FGDs) to aid one another alleviate stress,
communicate, and express oneself among colleagues.

Citizenship in School
When I am a practicing architect, I wish to be able to give back to the UP College of
Architecture community by teaching. I wish to teach the experiences I would have learned in
the field, and to teach an elective of whatever it is I have specialized in. I also wish to join the
research-education branch of UP Arki. When I am in the proper position, I may even help in
the improvement and development of the curriculum in adding subjects or topics focused on
my specialization. FGDs may also be held for camaraderie among colleagues.

Citizenship in Provincial Work

As an architect, I must continually immerse myself in the different Philippines cultures
to be able to have a deeper understanding of Philippine architecture. In the same way, I must
strive for the empowerment of local workers and craftsmen by offering education and

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opportunities for them. I would like to teach environmental and sustainable concepts to the
different provinces, and do service-oriented work by offering my architectural services.

Global Citizenship
Every citizen has a right to travel. I may choose to fulfill my citizenship duties my
traveling to other countries and learning from other international professions. I would like to
immerse in different cultures, develop cross-cultural skills, and further enrich my perspective.
I may enroll in specialized architectural courses to expand my knowledge. I will then choose
to take home whatever I’ve learned back to the Philippines, and attempt to transform these
learnings into the Philippine setting. I would like to teach my experiences, practice what I’ve
learned, and improve Philippine standards based on international standards.

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2. Explain the varying circumstances that you as an upcoming/future architect can contribute
to your community and national story in the most positive aspects.

Architects, besides striving for excellence in their designs, must learn to empathize.
Architecture can be seen as social activism, especially because architects have a role in shaping
the built environment. Architects must strive to make the world a better place for the current
and future generations. This can be done by starting with local communities, which can already
create a big impact in the lives of these people.

Disaster-Related Projects in the Community

Disasters in Metro Manila cannot be avoided. In the times when people lose their lives
and their homes, architects have a role to play. Architects have the opportunity to create safe
and secure environments for everyone, especially after natural disasters, such as typhoons and
floods, and manmade disasters such as fires. Architectural charity work can be done by offering
design services for free for those in need, as well as sharing architectural knowledge in
rebuilding communities. As an architect, I can help in the creation of evacuation spaces,
temporary housing units, and designs and templates of modular units. Important in these charity
acts is the engagement with the community in reconstructing their homes. Design workshops
can be held with them, giving them a voice in the design process. Being with them as architects
every step of the way in creating their new homes can have a huge impact in their lives.

Community Improvement
There are multiple ways I can help in community improvement as an architect besides
assisting in renovation projects. Offering architectural knowledge and insight can prove to be
beneficial in many aspects. I may direct and suggest the following: better urban planning
designs even in small roads, such as using trees as barrier between road and pedestrian, or trees
as shade; native species of plants and trees for a more healthy and biodiverse environment in
the community; more green cover to make outdoor spaces for comfortable due to the less
absorption of heat; and lastly, eco-friendly alternatives to design solutions. Furthermore, I can
engage the residents by holding design workshops that help residents in being more well-versed
with architectural vocabulary that would aid them in speaking with other architects. I can also
push for the promotion of clean and healthy environments through the establishment of proper
waste management facilities and urban gardening sites. I aim to ultimately steer communities
to being more self-sustaining and efficient.

National Housing Projects

According to the National Economic and Development Authority of the Philippines,
the country’s total housing need reached 1.034 million in 2018. the government failed to reach
half of its 251,534 needed housing provisions (National Economic and Development
Authority, 2018). As an architect, I can assist in addressing homelessness in the Philippines

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and in in alleviating backlog of housing projects. I can do so by joining organizations and
agencies that work on housing projects. I can offer my design services in order to make housing
designs that are humane, comfortable, and safe while also being cost-efficient and eco-friendly.
I may also help in site data gathering, analysis and management using my future experiences
in geodetic engineering and site analysis.

As a professional, I would like to help in raising the future generation of architects by
teaching in universities. I want to be able to spark ideas in them and help them nurture their
passion, while also being able to ground them to the Philippine context, instilling in them a
passion for service. As a teacher, I could pass on what I know and teach them to build up on it,
further creating avenues for expression and exploration. I strive to be able to foster an
environment that above all puts value on Philippine architecture.

Conservation efforts
Architects have a role in the preservation of Philippine architecture. We must help
protect significant and historical buildings of the Philippines. I can do so by joining restoration
projects as supporting architects, or by helping in in research work and obtaining the proper
documents or architectural plans for proper renovations. I may even help in the preparation of
the architectural plans that would stay true to the original character of a building. More
importantly, I must raise awareness on the cultural significance of these buildings. Not only
should these buildings be preserved, but a respectful vicinity must also be established. The
neighborhood of culturally significant buildings must not overshadow nor undermine the
importance of these buildings, such as the avoidance of condominiums to be built right beside
a specific building. I may also join protests that would protect these buildings from demolition
and the possibility of the buildings to be converted to commercial or residential buildings.

Designing with the environment in mind should always be a part of every project and
further embodied by using efficient systems and designs. As an aspiring bamboo architect, I
must help the environment by having minimal impact on it and by using up less carbon in the
process, thus minimizing contributions to global issues. Sustainable practices ultimately
provide a safe environment for Filipinos. These can also be achieved in terms of livelihood, by
providing lifelong work for different Filipinos instead of contractual work while doing
sustainable practices. I must also speak when there are negative impacts unto the environment
that the government may be causing or overlooking. I may also opt to propose alternatives to
government-endorsed designs when needed.

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Defining Philippine Architecture
Lastly, I can leave an impact on the nation in a positive aspect by helping create an
identity for the Filipinos through architectural design. I should be able to properly embody
Philippine culture and climate into designs, as well as teach clients to embrace Filipino identity
along with its values and practices. I can join other architects in the fight in strengthening
Philippine Architecture, and show that having local pride is nothing to be ashamed of. we
should be proud of our roots, even when it comes to architectural design.

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3. Is it significant that you or your fellow citizens in your community and beyond read and
have at least a nominal understanding and appreciation of the Constitution of our
country? Why or why not? What are the sections of the Constitution did you think are
significant for you as citizen? As future architect?

Having an understanding and appreciation for the Constitution is important for all
citizens of the Philippines. We need to understand the law that governs subsequent laws. The
Constitution lays down all the legal aspects that that governs the government and the people.
The goal of the Constitution is to protect the citizens, highlighting their individual freedom,
their fundamental values, and their human rights. Thus, the Constitution puts the interests of
the people at the center by expressing the identity and values of the nation. Because of these,
architects and all professionals must have at least a basic understanding of the law.

Although all articles of the Constitution have a role to play in the lives of all Filipino
citizens, the following articles and sections from the Constitution are what I believe to be
specially important to me as a citizen and as a future architect.

Article I: National Territory

As architects, we mainly deal with land ownership and territory. Having an
understanding of national territory and its significance to the Filipinos give value to the word
“territory” in general. If we Filipinos respect national territory, we learn to respect individual
territory. Along with this is respecting property and boundaries. In a way, knowing our national
territory also helps the architects in understanding the extent of where we can practice within
the Philippines.

Article II: Declaration of Principles and State Policies

Article II from the 1987 Philippine Constitution basically tackles the importance of the
citizens of the Philippines, from whom government authority emanates. The Article describes
the protection of life and property and the general welfare of the people. It also recognizes the
importance of minority groups, and it gives power to the people - valuing human rights above
all. It further dictates the role of the government to its people, putting service and love for
country as the main functions of the government. Realizing and understanding the contents of
Article II is important for all citizens, because no matter what paths of life we come form, we
are equal under the law. It helps architects practice without prejudice and judgment, holding
all clients as equal and valuing their rights. Article II puts value in all lives.

Section 4 of Article III

Section 4 of Article III: Bill of Rights tackles the importance of freedom of speech. All
citizens have the right to freely express thoughts and opinions. As a professional, architects
have the same right, however this right must be properly exercised in a professional and

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respectable manner as to not devalue the profession overall. Architects must voice out their
informed opinions when there is a threat to life and safety especially within the built

Section 5 of Article III

Section 5 of Article III highlights the freedom of religion. Citizens have a right to
choosing a deity or powerful being they believe in, and they also have the right to choose
otherwise. Architects must not have prejudice over those who have a different religion from
them. All religions and choices must be respected.

Section 6 of Article III

Section 6 of Article III talks of the right of having a place of residence. We are free to
choose the location of residence, the manner or design, and the size. This is especially important
to architects because the profession deals with residential spaces and buildings. Architects must
respect this freedom of choice of their clients. However, architects may offer suggestions and
advice in the design and construction of these residential places.

Section 8 of Article III

Section 6 of Article III tackles the right to form unions. Just like any citizen, architects
can form organizations and societies that aim to for the improvement and betterment of society.
Building camaraderie and companionship among colleagues may serve beneficial to the whole

Section 9 of Article III

Section 9 of Article III states that private property shall not be taken for public use. The
application and processing of the proper permits are deemed important by this section. Having
the correct land titles, building permits, and other documents are crucial for construction, as
fraudulent documents may be punishable by law.

Section 19 of Article III

Section 19 of Article III highlights the rights of those citizens in prisons or detainment
centers. Despite their non-accordance to the law, these citizens still have a right to a safe
environment – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Architects must then take this into
consideration when designing prisons or detainment centers. These spaces must still be within
proper architectural standards.

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