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Sampling Theorem

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 1



EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 3
Components of PCM

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 4
Conversion of continuous-time signal into a discrete-time signal
by taking samples of continuous-time signal at discrete time

Base band signal

Samplin Rate  fs 
Discrete signal

Train of impulses
separated by Ts second

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
• Pulse modulation systems transmit only periodic
samples of the information signal rather than the
whole waveform, at a sampling rate “fs”. Usually the
samples time is quite short compared to the time
between the samples, “Ts = 1/ fs“ . So the pulse
modulation wave is OFF most of the time. Because of
this property, pulse modulation offers two potential
advantages over the analog modulation.
1. The transmitted power can be concentrated into short
burst rather than being delivered continuously(more
power efficient)
2. The time interval between the samples can be filled
with sample values from other messages. There by
permitting the transmission of many messages on one
communication system, this known as “Time Division
Multiplexing TDM”.
EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 6
Guard time needed
to avoid
g interference
3 messages



4 messages
EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 8
Bandlimited signal

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 9
Properties of band-limited functions
• Band-limited functions have infinite
duration in the spatial domain.

• Functions with finite duration in the spatial

domain have infinite duration in the
frequency domain.

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 10
Sampling Theorem (Nyquist theorem)

The bandlimited signal with highest frequency

component fmax can reconstructed without
distortion from signal sampled only if
the sampling rate fs must be
at least 2 times the highest frequency
contained in the signal.

fs  Nyquist frequency  2 f max

if  fs  2 f max Is called Nyquist rate or

minimum sampling rate
Ts 
fs Sampling time

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 11
Nyquist sampling rate for low-pass and bandpass signals

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
LPF for Signal

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 13
EE316 _K.Elgdamsi

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
fs – fm≥ fm
fs ≥ 2fm

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 16
Recovery of a sampled sine wave with frequency f HZ for different sampling rates

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 17
EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
Example: for continues time signal find
m(t )  5 cos 50t  20 sin 300t  10 cos100t
• Nyquist rate
• Number of samples per 1 minute
• Sketch Spectrum after sampling up to 2fs
• Dose LPF with 260 Hz reconstruct the original signal
• Repeat above calculation if sampling 25% above
Nyquist rate
• Propose LPF cutoff frequency value can
reconstruct the m(t)
fs  2 f max  2  150  300 HZ  300 Pulse / sec

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 19
fs = 2fm=300 HZ

LPF Each amplitude X


The original signal can

not reconstructed due
EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 20
25% above Nq →→ fs = 2fm + 25%( 2fm ) = 375 HZ

Each amplitude X

150 ≤ fc ≤ 225

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 21
Impulse ideal Sampling with Neqiust rate
fs = 2fm

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 22
Sampling below the Nyquist rate
(Aliasing problem )
If the sampling interval Ts is chosen too large relative to the bandwidth W, aliasing
will occur. In the bottom plot, the sampling interval is chosen sufficiently small to
avoid aliasing. Note that if the signal were not bandlimited, the component spectra
would always overlap.

fs > 2fm

fs < 2fm

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
Under sampling will result in
aliasing that will create spectral overlap

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
Nq rate = 120 Hz Signal can be

Nq rate = 680 Hz Signal can't be


Nq rate = 920 Hz Signal can't be

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
Nyquist sampling rate
• Voice signal : 4000HZ
fs= 2x4000=8000 sample/second

 Program channel : 15000HZ

fs= 2x15000=30000 sample/second

• Video signal : 4 MHZ

fs= 2x4x106=8 x106 sample/second

What Ts for each case ? EE316 _K.Elgdamsi

• Analog signal is sampled every TS secs.
• Ts is referred to as the sampling interval.
• fs = 1/Ts is called the sampling rate or sampling
• Pulse width τ << Ts
• τ g is guard time between sampling pulses
• There are 3 sampling methods:
A. Ideal - an impulse at each sampling instant
B. Natural - a pulse of short width with varying
C. Flattop - sample and hold, like natural but with
single amplitude value
• The process is referred to as pulse amplitude
modulation PAM and the outcome is a signal with
analog (non integer) values
4.27 24
EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
sampling methods

samples have exactly the same shape of the original signal

amplitude of the each pulse is constant during the pulse time duration
The time of the instantaneous sample is chosen to
4.28 occur at either the pulse centre, beginning, or end 25
EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
Ideal sampling

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 29
First zero crossing

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
Natural sampling

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 31
First zero crossing

Minimum transmission bandwidth “BWTR “  32
EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 2

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 33
Distortion “aperture effect”
Can be reduced by decrease τ


Minimum transmission bandwidth “BWTR “  34
EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
Spectrum of flat top sampling

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 35
Comparison between sampling types

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 36
Time-Division Multiplexing
• Time-division multiplexing (TDM) is a method
of putting multiple data streams in a single
signal over a single channel by separating the
signal into many segments, each having a
very short duration.
• Each individual data stream is reassembled at
the receiving end based on the timing

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 37
Commutator arrangement transmitter of 4 signal decommutator arrangement receiver of 4 signal

Guard time

Guard time
needed to avoid
Fram1 Fram2 Fram3
………. interference
Ts Ts Ts
pulse rate = N X fs
Where N is Number of messages
EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
Guard time needed to avoid interference
“ inter symbol interference ISI”

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 39
EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 40
Exampel:TDM-PAM natural sampling system given
below for 3 information message sampled with Nyquist
rate using guard time and pulse width equal to
0.55ms,guard time start after first sample

- Sketch sampled signals for first frame

- Number of samples in 10 sec

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi 41
Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample 3
5 7.7

4.9 6.5

Ts Ts
Fram1 Fram2 Fram3

t msec 0 0.55 1.1 1.65 2.2 2.75

m1(t) 5 4.9
m2(t) 17.2 19.99
m3(t) 7.7 6.5

pulse rate in 10 sec = 10X N X fs = 10 x 3 x 300 = 9000 pulse or sample

EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
 g

1. Sketch natural sampled signals for second and fifth frame

2. Repeat same sketch for flat top sampling
EE316 _K.Elgdamsi
Digital Modulation : TDM PCM

•a Time interleaving of samples from different sources to be transmitted over

single communication channel using Pulse Code Modulation



EE316 _K.Elgdamsi

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